I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Yesterday was my first weigh in..only 0.5lbs :smile: but I'm back on top of my exercise! Plus it's TOM :grumble:
    Can't 'weight' to weigh myself next week :wink: Sorry for the pun hahaha!

    I've been busy revising for my Januray Modular Exams in Biology, Psychology, Chemistry and Maths...phew! My head is starting to hurt :sick: hope everyone is having a good start to the new year..:heart:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Good morning everyone : ) its time to do my homework but I wanted to stop in and say that everyone seems to be starting the year off with a bang so great job on that!!!

    my weigh in is on sunday and Im having a really good feeling about it. My weight has been 158.2 the past two days. I didn't exercise yesterday due to school madness but I went to bed early at 9:45!! wow and of course I thought it was my alarm going off when hubby's did at 11 which is one of the reasons I never make it to bed before 11 but I have decided im just going to have to get used to it if I'm going to be waking up at 7 every morning.

    Thismorning I got up at 7 and got my son breakfast and worked out on my wii for an hour (low intensity) and burned 115 calories not to bad since i was about to just say oh well for the work out and barely get fifty done
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    If any of you are in the Minneapolis area check this out for June.

    I plan to sign my husband and myself up today!


    It looks like a blast!

  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning, well almost afternoon all.....came down with the achy sore throat thing last evening....just feel kinda drained today.....Dropped my son off at school did about 15 min shopping in Walmart and I am wore out......hope to atleast get my jumping jacks, sittups, etc done this evening......feeling tooo drained right now for anything more...but going to push the water and hot tea.....hope all is well with everyone else...happy HUMP day!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I changed my loss goal from 1 lb a week to 1/2 a pound a week today. I figure that I am not taking in enough food and I might be making my body hold on to all calories because of this. I had just changed it a few weeks ago to include more calories but added more again because I realized that my BMR is 1431 and my daily calorie goal was only 1300 and I do more than just breathing all day. I think eating more (healthy food) will help me drop weight in the long run. I have also not started exercising as much as I should be after the holiday. I hope to get back into the groove of exercising this week. This morning the scale still says 160.3 so I think my holiday gain is more than just water, but we shall see. I sometimes stay the same weight for several days then drop 3 lbs overnight. I will hope that is the case.

    Happy Wednesday!
  • katf42
    katf42 Posts: 5 Member
    Just coming in to say hi. I joined the other day. i did really good last year and lost 26 pounds, it took 10 months but I did loose it. Then the end of Oct it just stopped and I ran out of steam. I lose weight VERY slowly and it's extremely frustrating. I've gained 12 pounds back. Most of that has actually been in the last month so it should come off pretty quickly. DH gave me the Biggest Loser Challenge for the Wii so I've done that twice this week and I've done a Firm workout once. By coming back in here and logging again the last few days has helped and I'm back on track this week. I've lost but won't record it or hold my breath until my weigh in on Sunday.

    Look forward to this month.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Jan 1st: 181
    Jan 3rd: 180
    Jan 10th
    Jan 17th
    Jan 24th
    Jan 31st [Goal of 175]
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I love when the daycare kids all sleep at the same time. I got an hour run done on the treadmill and burned 500 calories.

    Yesterday was so full of stress I ate potato chips. I need to learn to deal with stress in a better way. Today is the total opposite. These first weeks after the holidays are crazy with the daycare kids. They are tired out of their routines. Depending on who they saw over the holidays. some have forgotten how to follow rules or listen. Thus we have lots of arguments that lead to pushing and hitting and not using our words. i was ready to run away from home by the end of the day yesterday. Still have 3 hours left, hopefully it does not get bad in any way.

    Have a great rest of the day!

  • hdmama
    hdmama Posts: 4
    Count me in! My goal is to lose at least 20 pounds by my 10th anniversary on June 29!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    WOW! so many posts...... I am in again!!!

    12/31/10............................122 pounds
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Signed up for my first 5k....going to run the whole thing.....my first goal of the year on its way......
  • Melrimba54
    I am so in!

    Weigh in this morning: 264.0!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Well, Terri, I logged all my food today. It wasn't all pretty (I shouldn't have had the two slices of bacon on my chicken quesadilla), but I promised to log my foods this week. The good news is that even though I had a yummy high calorie dinner, I only ate 2/3 of it, which made it work out to be a bit more reasonable. I'll be sure to drink some extra water before bed. Unfortunately, my throat was still bothering me today, and I decided against exercise. Maybe not the best decision, but I also don't want to run myself down and get more sick. So, rest today, and exercise again tomorrow.

    And I don't know how you do it with the daycare kids - I am ready to run away from my own 2, never mind dealing with other people's! You're right - it's very hard getting them back into their routine after the holidays! And I too am a total stress-eater! Whenever bedtime goes badly, I find myself stuffing my face with snacks. A cup of tea would probably be more soothing and certainly healthier... I'll try that next time.

    Beky, congrats on your loss!! Good luck on your exams.

    55, I think you're already ahead of me on the race to 155... but the turtle still has hope... :laugh:

    Timbotina, I think I have the same throat thing as you. Hot tea sounds good right about now. Hope you feel better. When is your 5k?

    Jenn, good idea updating your goals. I should do the same - I find 1200 cal very restrictive, and end up rebelling, which is totally counter productive. I think I could handle 1500 better mentally. I pretty much ate what I wanted today with reasonable portion control and ended up at 1459, which isn't terrible but I feel like a failure with those big RED negative numbers looking at me!! Of course, I realize exercise would really help, but I'm not consistent enough to be able to count on those calories. Thanks for giving me something to think about...

    Katf42, wow, you've done really well over the last year!! Don't worry about the last few months - consider them a bit of a 'vacation' and now it's time to get back to regular life. Great job with the workouts!

    Sugar_Apple, way to go on your loss! Welcome Carrie and PitChick! Welcome back, barty!
  • AmandaB4588
    Hello ladies! Happy 2011!!

    I am back after a LONG (and very naughty) break. I have put on a few pounds. After reaching a NEW all time low of 149 lbs, I threw everything out the window and am now weighing in at 157. :cry:

    I have done this to myself SO many times. This is by far my biggest slip up, but I always put on a good 3 lbs after reaching a new low. Every. single. time. What's up with that?

    I am currently taking a winter mini session which is a complete course in only 2 weeks. I am REALLY busy but it is helping me jumpstart my healthy lifestyle back up. I am too busy to worry about cravings right now! When the regular semester starts, I am going to get back to heavy lifting. Until then, I will be running/walking on the treadmill.

    It's good to see everyone back for 2011! Let's get bathing suit ready!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    I also want to ask all of you for some advice. Throughout this entire process, I have NEVER set mini-goals for myself. I don't know how. I am not sure what a realistic goal is. Does anybody have some tips? I think writing down specifically what I want to accomplish will really help me.
  • AmandaB4588
    Ok... sorry for my 3rd post in a row but I wanted to comment on the Shape-Ups discussion from awhile back....

    My brother is in his 3rd year of medical school. He said that all of his professors HATE those shoes because they will do your body more harm than good. Not only will they cause problems with your knees and legs, but messing with your walk also messes with your back and spine.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    amanda, as far as mini goals are concerned what I did is counted five pounds a month untill the end of april and I got 140 so I set that as my first mini goal to be 140 by my birthday.. I did have a mini goal to be under 150 by the end of the year but couldnt' seem to lose the five pounds per month I needed for that.

    Another good way to set mini goals is to look at your bmi on a bmi calculator just google it some good ones pop right up.. and figure out what catagory you are in based on your height and weight. for example when I started I was 172.8 at 5'2 and my bmi was 31.2 which is obese. then you can figure out what weight you had to surpass inorder to get into the next level which for me was about 163 when I hit a bmi of 29.8 and put me into the overweight catagory so my second mini goal is 135 by july because it fits in with the 5 pounds a month and also it puts me into the healthy catagory at a bmi of 24.7

    you could just chop it up into fourths or thirds and have a middle weight and end weight goal too. there are tons of good ways to set mini goals but my favorite is using bmi.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    dm haha I know you can do it! keep up girl lol no really your doing a great job I hope your sore throat heals soon : (

    speaking of calories I also have promised to enter my food every day and some days I find it hard to eat 1200 calories (well after burning 150) so really I find it hard eating 1350 calories. If it werent for the darn chocolate that I seem to insist that I have I probably would not make it to my calorie goal. If I went through my diary the past few days I have made it right around my calorie goal and every time if you subtract the chocolate it would be like starvation mode. I get soooo darn busy and my hubby wont eat healthy foods like fruits and vegies cause its too expensive to buy food for me and food for him so i just don't buy them at all. not to mention that if things go the way I want them to go by the end of the month we won't even be having dinner together unless its on the weekend and i don't have to work a swing. so ya Im having trouble eating enough which Im wondering if thats the problem I was having with not loosing the whole five pounds per month when I started in july through december my average loss was like 3 pounds a month. soo idk opposite end of the discussion im sure but eating more seems to help
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    dmgaloha....hope you feel better, tea is good to soothe that throat.....also salt gargle if you can stand it (BLA!!:noway: )...and my 5k is in March...really excited!!!!!

    Morning all.....off for a day of shopping, just me and my dear old mom....we will be run ragged by the end of the day...hoping to get some good bargins and looking for a bathing suit for our upcoming winer waterpark trip next weekend (I know, where to find a suit besides online??)

    Have a GREAT day all!!:flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all! I confess I am totally lousy at logging my food. I keep a running tally in my head but only log that once in awhile. I have been getting my exercise an doing my lunges but need to train myself to log my calories.

    Today's myth YOU HAVE TO BAN "BAD' FOODS
    The truth...Runner's (or anyone else) trying to slim down often try cut out all indulgent foods-but eventually, this approach usually backfires. "If you are following an overly restrictive diet, you're more likely to go overboard on your vices." says Lisa Dorfman, R.D., director of sports nutrition and performance for UHealth at the University of Miami. In fact, a 2009 National Academy of Sciences paper found flip-flopping between a diet that includes sweet treats and one that banishes them (in other word yo-yo dieting) activates the brain's stress system, making you want to gorge even even more.

    So before you say sayonara to your favorite foods ask yourself: "Can I live without cheesecake (or potato chips) forever?" The answer is probably no. "Losing pounds and keeping them off" says Dorfman "depends on learning to balance your diet without depriving yourself, and eating in a way you can maintain." She Suggests runners follow an 80-20 rule. "Eat great 80% of the time, and allow room for small treats the other 20%." As long as you're reducing your overall intake, you don't need to nix any on food from your diet.

    Have a great day!
