Rudeness of a total stranger!



  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Creeping a food court to build business for fitness? That's what it sounds like and yes it's rude and in bad form. Sorry this happened to you.
  • NatJ522
    NatJ522 Posts: 16 Member
    wow, what a jerk! I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm sure he meant well but that was SO wrong. Keep strong and keep going! 8 kg is awesome ;) keep it up!
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    if it helps... a very similar thing happened to my 'slim' friend, she was out walking and he just approached from nowhere offering support... she was also quite upset.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think he was pedaling gym membership or some weight loss product or his personal training services for a fee. This has happened to me twice before.. each time it turned out that the person was selling something.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    How is this any different than Hare Krishnas or Jehovah's Witnesses approaching you? Just blow it off. Weirdos abound.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Ugh trust me I understand, once I was with my 2 (much skinnier) friends at the mall after getting ice cream. The other 2 finished their cups and we went into a shoe store (while I still had my ice cream) and the attendant came up to us and asked if we needed any help.

    After we all said no, she looked me up and down and said, "You shouldn't eat so much ice cream, your friends probably don't eat ice cream, that's why they're so skinny while you're..." and at this point she blew her cheeks out and spread her arms around herself (to show I was bigger than them.

    :| Thanks b*tch.

    Anyone who tried that *kitten* with me would be picking their teeth up off the floor lol.

    I like to pretend I'm a badass but at that moment all I could think to do was laugh awkwardly while my friends were angry enough on my behalf to berate her and drag me out of there.

    Well yeah maybe i wouldn't have actually hit him. Was more a turn of phrase. I'm not so barmy to risk getting rung up on assault charges just because I meet someone rude. But I would have at least managed an insult right back. XD

    Hahahaha I've definitely developed a sharper tongue since then. There have actually been days where I wander around that shoe store seeing if she still works there so I can think of a comeback 1 year in the making (but so far, nothing).

    Someone else beat you to it .
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    How often do evangelical Christians do this to complete strangers? Just straight up tell someone they need their help to avoid going to hell.

    Think of it that way. He is just an evangelical gym rat. :) Don't take it personally. Imagine how you'd feel if it were a plastic surgeon instead :)

    Great analogy!
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    [ I don't need to be in his gym - I have found my way and it involves a personal consultant, calorie counting and exercise in my own space - I've lost 18lb in 5 weeks and not looking back! Yes, I have my issues but this guy was rude.

    ironic posting on a public forum full of perfect strangers when you dont get 100% agreement.
    good luck with your journey and issues.
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    probably a recruiting drive going on at his gym. (just a joke)...
    definitely inappropriate - especially since you were with others.
  • amazingamanda12
    that is so slack, know the feeling like being asked when your baby is due! or have you had your baby yet! I've had that one. so mean.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm not sure if the stranger was "rude." Definitely weird, lacking in tact, and creepy. I would have assumed that he was trying to sell me some kind of supplement.

    The OP is a much nicer person than me.
  • mellylq
    mellylq Posts: 50 Member
    How often do evangelical Christians do this to complete strangers? Just straight up tell someone they need their help to avoid going to hell.

    Think of it that way. He is just an evangelical gym rat. :) Don't take it personally. Imagine how you'd feel if it were a plastic surgeon instead :)

    Please take your time and reread the original post.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I'm sure that was humiliating especially since he singled you out in front of your work colleges . Just keep doing what your doing. I remember a woman at the mall came up and handed me a coupon for one of those seaweed wraps one time. I accepted thinking it was a coupon off the pocketbook I was buying. I was kind of peeved. I rarely went to the mall and was treating myself while with a friend.
    Maybe you should have asked if he was willing to pay for your gym membership? Put up or shut up.
  • shopes2468
    shopes2468 Posts: 3 Member
    His rudeness came in when he assumed you were not on a program already and not already helping yourself.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    Forget the haircut statement, How about a complete stranger breaking into your lunch to offer these wonderful bits of free help? (Hi, I'm a fashion consultant and I'd like to "help" you learn how to dress more appropriately). or,( Hello, I work at a plastic surgeons office and I'd really love to "help" you with your face problem), or maybe,(I know a great psychiatrist and I'd like to "help" you with what I consider your mental problem). Why do people know most things are off limits but not weight? He was so rude. No question about it.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I've made such great progress and I can't let this ignorant person discourage me - but I just wish people thought before they 'helped'!
    Kudos on keeping your composure. A lot of people would have launched on him. He has a far worse problem than you do, and it's harder to correct. I've met people like him. They generally humble-brag about being "too honest" when actually they are ruthless practioners of cruel-frankness.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I'd punch him in the throat.

    It's got nothing to do with the weight issue, and everything to do with the rudeness issue. I can't abide rude people.
  • pammyd76
    pammyd76 Posts: 42 Member
    [ I don't need to be in his gym - I have found my way and it involves a personal consultant, calorie counting and exercise in my own space - I've lost 18lb in 5 weeks and not looking back! Yes, I have my issues but this guy was rude.

    ironic posting on a public forum full of perfect strangers when you dont get 100% agreement.
    good luck with your journey and issues.

    Yes, but this is a public forum of people who are supportive - I'm amazed at the way strangers can gather around eachother and give encouragement and allow the occasional vent. I hope I can be an encourager to others - I've got a long journey and will be around for a while : ) The banter is healthy - helps keep things in perspective.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    sounds like a new personal trainer looking for clients. FAIL.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My gym gives you some sort of prize or reduction in membership fee if you refer someone...maybe his gym has something similar! Maybe I need to start approaching randoms when I'm out.....

    Seriously, I think he was rude. There's just no need.

    Would you go up to someone and say they were ugly, or needed a hair cut, or needed to go back to school because they're not very intelligent?

    I'm a teacher and I wouldn't dream of telling a child they weren't very clever for example.