Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    And my wife will definitely get a kick out of that idea!
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    LWW: 395.2
    CW: 387.6

    7.6 lbs down this week! Got the big week I was looking for, it helps that for once I didn't have a family reunion or wedding to go to this weekend. Should hit my first mini goal of losing 50 lbs by my wife's bday which is Saturday, good job guys, keep up the good work!

    Congrats!!!! This is exactly why I work so hard. I know you all are killing it and a 7lb weight loss and it's only good enough for 2nd place. Way to keep me motivated...
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    I have an end of week overnight trip with my school this week. I'll miss probably 2 days of working out, so I'm lowering my goal for this week. This week I feel short, because I was actually going for 10lbs, but I'll take 7lbs. This week, I'm going for 4lbs. That will take me out of the 250's, and put me ahead of the game.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Okay, first of all, last week's (week 12) results:


  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks Swilson, great job on the 7 lbs this week yourself. It's great to have a group of guys to compete with and keep me motivated. I know I have to stay on point so I stay competitive and don't let myself or anyone else down when I step on the scale on Sunday. Have a great week everyone.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Next, this week (week 13)!

    Hello Men! I've been out of touch for the last several days due to several things going on. I managed to get our spreadsheet results from my dead laptop onto my desktop machine, so was able to salvage the history of our hard labors!

    This week, I thought I had a pretty good week... I even went backpacking, with a 45lb pack, over 12 miles on Thursday and Friday. I'm still incredibly sore and I weighed in 2 lbs heavier this week at 231.8lbs. I didn't eat very light on this trip, as I have been, because I didn't want to pass out! Even so, the only thing I can think is that I must have gained some muscle in my legs and back. Perhaps this next week will be a kick-butt week! We'll see. Although, when I got back Friday, I came down with a bad cold, so that might slow me down this week....sigh...

    As for the rest of you men, you did great! Weigh-to-go (pun) swilson and pancho! Nice numbers! Pancho is our champ this week with a 7.6lb loss, with swilson right behind him at a 7lb loss.


    Welcome staps065 and RaistlinDL. Please post your weekly weigh-in on Saturday or Sunday (be consistent each week), so that we can compare weekly difference.

    This week's topic - each of you give everyone else 2 key pieces of advice to how you are losing weight. Mine are (1) you have to count food calories and you have to also work out; unless you know the complete picture, you may not be successful at your goals; and (2) Set yourself up to succeed! If you have a crazy schedule, then fit in several short walks through the day OR if you are not a morning person, don't set yourself up to work out in the morning, do it at night!

    I will look forward to hear your advice!


  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Ok, things are looking up. I'm no longer in lasst place. Actually I'm 3 places above last, so while I still have work to do, I'm satisfied.

    1) I have to make sure I am under calorie. That is a must for me. I have to be under calorie for at leats 5 of the 7 days, but I'll indulge every now and then so I don't binge....

    2) I wakeup at 4am and start my workout starts at about 4:20. I do things this early, becasue nothing gets in the way. My calories are burned before anything has opportunity to interfere...

    Another challenge for me is to be in 1st place more times than the rest of you guys. I'm all for competition, hopefully this lites a fire. Don't make this easy on me.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Ok, my 2 key pieces of advise on my losing weight.

    #1 - Watch my calories. I am always under at the end of the day. If I am going out to dinner or something, I will put in extra time on the treadmill to compensate. I don't do that very often. Maybe 2 or 3 times in the last couple of months. I refuse to go over.

    #2 - Exercise. I set a goal that I will burn a minimum of 300 cals per day in exercise. I have only missed 2 days since starting this journey and both were unavoidable. I exercise after work. If I know something is going on that evening, I will get up extra early (4am) and put in 30 or 45 minutes then. I am only doing treadmill and playing racquetball for my exercise but I do both pretty hard. Now starting to count mowing the lawn etc... Will be starting weight training here before too long. Last week I burned 4965 cals, this week 5226. I want to maintain about 4500 cals per week. I use an HRM to monitor my exercise also.

    This site, you guys spurring me to compete and an obsessive personality help more than anything else I have ever tried.

    Tllstaco - can you and I be any closer? It looks like we are just doing everything nearly at the same pace.
    Swilson - I'm going to try and not make it too easy for you but you are making it damn hard to stay ahead. Not sure how much longer it will be.
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    tdonlin, I'm working hard, but I still feel like you guys are almost impossible to catch. I think I'll need at least 2-3 weeks to make any serios noise...
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Ok gentlemen, I admitting a little cheating this week. Not on the diet, but on the scale. I've been sick all week, and closed it out with an out of state trip with my school. I will be unable to workout until at the latest Monday, hopefully. This cold has gotten the best of me. For these reasons I'm reporting a 0lbs loss/gain. I don't want to know how well, or badly I've done so I'm not getting on the scale. I did get a few workouts in earlier in the week, but I SUFFERED through them.

    I hope you guys blew this week out of the water and loss tons of weight, because I'll be returning to the #1 spot next

    SW: 275
    LWW: 253
    CW: 253
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Today April 9th I am 229.6 lbs. I FINALLY made it to the 220's!!!!! Hope you guys are doing well.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Today April 9th I am 229.6 lbs. I FINALLY made it to the 220's!!!!!

    Congratulations & well done!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Made up for last weeks 0 lb loss. New weight 258, lost 5 pounds!
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    It's not going as spectacular as some other guys, but it is still working for me. Getting more and more used to this and even managed to sneak in a Corona and a Caipharina this week. So CW = 111.8 (LW 112.8), exactly 1 kilo. Not bad, with 3 consecutive days of Champions League football and a night out. Now I'm off with my family with a bike ride and promised my sun that we'll play a game of midgetgolf (probably not listed under cardiovascular activities ;-)
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Ok, so I could not hold out. I got on the scale, and low and behold I didn't lose or gain. I consider it a success, because my last few days were totally out of my control. So back at it, and still motivated.
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Today April 9th I am 229.6 lbs. I FINALLY made it to the 220's!!!!!

    Congratulations & well done!

    Thanks man! Good job to you guys as well!
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I missed last week's weigh-in. Yesterday's weigh-in was 226.0.

    Hope you're all doing well. :D
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Did not have the big week I was hoping for. My knee has really been hurting so I've kind of backed off on pushing too hard the last few days. Lost 1 pound this week. I so want to get out of the 260's.

    Today's weigh in, 262
  • mackoy809
    mackoy809 Posts: 36
    This weeks weight 245.4 lbs
    Last weeks weight 246.5 lbs

    Not a spectacular but still happy with the progress. Went to a theme park on wednesday and gain about 1.5 lbs on thursday. but able to salvage the week.

    Another good week guys collectively
  • pgp_protector
    LW 260.5
    TW 257

    Down 3.5 better this week