What Did You Weigh In High School?



  • Skinnyme87
    I wasn't thin in high school but I was lighter than I am now. In high school: 145 Now 163.5 (Im 5'4 btw) My heaviest was 183...my lowest during college was 118. I would like to get to 130 but I will see how it goes along my journey.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I weighed 140 when I graduated from high school, but I stored it differently than I'm storing it now.... I felt HUGE in high school and feel much better now, even though, at 136, I couldn't button the high waisted jeans that were the rage in the late 1980s... and if I could just store my girls where I did at 18 wouldn't that be amazing?
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Im just like you, i weighed just over 200 when i graduated, now im 190, and want to loose much more.
  • ictherose
    ictherose Posts: 5 Member
    If I had finished high school, I would have graduated in 1969. I weighed about 135-140 back then. I was a pretty rebellious little thing, and enjoyed running around and having fun with friends, didn't really see the importance of school. The teachers were all pretty lame and didn't really know much :)) hahahaha! I got married in 1979, had three beautiful daughters, with which each pregancy I added 10lbs to me. After my third daughter was born in 1987 I was starting to hit the 175 lb mark. My weight just kind of just kept creeping up until I was 192 lbs, in June 2009, and then I broke my leg. So after sitting around for 4 months, and when I could actually start walking and enjoying the outdoors again, and I promised myself, if and when I was completely healed I was not going to around anymore, and I was going to get as active as I could. I've always had a pretty good diet, drank a little too much wine at times, but I was on a mission. I'm feeling pretty good about the way my weight/inches are going right now, so today I'm happy :heart:
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    i was a chubby teen...
  • VialOfDreams
    So I am wondering what everyone weighed in high school. Is your weightloss goal now to be where you were at in high school? Or are you like me and never in a million years want to weigh what you did in high school. I was always overweight, I now weigh less than I did when I graduated, and I want to be even smaller when my 10 year reunion rolls around. How about all you?

    I always weighed more than what I do now. High school weight was 136.4 at the lowest, but I was at 158.4 for most of the time. I am now at 123.8
  • CarolHudson11
    I graduated high school at 5'3" and 151. I was raised in a family where a cookie, brownie, or piece of cake solved all your problems. LOL! I joined the Air Force and when I graduated from Basic Training 6 weeks later I weight 108. Now, I'm 135 and aiming for 115. I feel really good there, and I want to put the muscle back on when I lose the fat.
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I just graduated two years ago, so I weigh pretty much the same. I hated being fat throughout high school.
  • meaghanls
    I was 120, but I never had boobs! =) I'd like to weigh 125!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I'm only 22, probably shouldn't be posting here, but I was a pretty sad sight when I was High School aged. I had a severe eating disorder for awhile, got down to 87 pounds and was a size 0 petite in pants. Now I'm a much healthier 115-125 since I got help and got healthy!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I weighed 85 pounds at the beginning of senior year...by the end I weighed 105 (I was 4 months prego). I'm back down to 85 right now...trying to gain to 90 like I was at a few months ago....the lovely divorce diet (aka not eating) got to me pretty hard so I lost a lot of hard work.

    *edit...just realized how bad my weight looks...should clerify...I'm tiny. 5 feet tall and thin framed.
  • larousse_37
    I was a very muscular (and skinny) 108 (5'2") as I did gymnastics and swimming. Nicknamed pocket rocket.. Wouldn't want to be that muscular again, but would love to be that carefree with how I looked.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I was only 5'2" tall in high school (didn't hit my growth spurt until I was in college! I am now 5'5") and back then I weighed 191 at the most. I should have worn a size 20, but I squeezed into size 18's because I didn't want to wear the bigger number.

    I've been up and down a lot since then but I am currently around 145 pounds. I want to get down to around 120 or so. Right now I have my goal set at 129 because that is what my weight was when I was the lightest back in 2008. I want to get to that point again and then re-evaluate how I look and feel to see if I can (or even should) lose more.
  • fluiditee
    In grade 9, I was about 115lbs. Then when I stopped doing sports/being active whatsoever in grade 10, my weight went up to 140. Then, in grade 13 (yes, grade 13... Ontario had it), I stopped snacking between after-school and dinner, and my weight dropped to 127. In university, I dropped a few more pounds to 120-122, and I hovered around there up until last year when I went off birth control. Since then I've gained about 5 pounds and that's what I'm looking to drop!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    5' 7.5"- 173 lbs when I graduated. I was average build. 175 after basic training, but ripped..... currently 265ish looking to get back to 175-180. Highest was 310lbs last year.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    In high school, I was probably 98 lbs and 5'3-4' and I was very self-conscious about being too thin. I thought I was too thin at 107, too but when I see pictures I think I looked great. I am trying to maintain at 110 now, but I would like to be more fit and toned.
  • mckennamom
    mckennamom Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5'6" and weighed about 110 in high school. My goal weight now is 120ish, but I will be happy when my muscles are toned and my clothes start to fit correctly, so I may stop sooner.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I always was fat in high school. In grade 12 I was 185 and was able to diet down to 155 and felt like a Million bucks (I am 5' 10"). Unfortunately I gained the weight back in College.... and the story goes. I have ballooned up and down over the last 25 years between 180 ( saw that weight about 10 years ago for a couple months!!!) and mostly bounced around 215- 235. So I am back at it. My goal is 170, if I can, but I will be happy and toned at 180. Bring it baby! :bigsmile:
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    I was 5' 8" and 118 pounds when I graduated! That was over 25 years ago and I have balooned up to almost 300 pounds! I am happy to say that I am now down to 196 pounds and still going. I would love to reach 140 to 150 pounds but I know I will never reach 120! Those days are LOOONNNGGGGG gone! I just want to be healthy, feel great and look good.:bigsmile:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'm 5 foot 2, I weighed 170 pounds, maybe 160 when I started High School. I was at my skinniest but actually got there because of my depression, since I had stopped eating more than a slice of toast for a meal. (I still felt like I was the fattest person in the world even though now i WISH i was that thin.) Some meals were 100 calories back then. I weighed 200 towards the end of High School , partly because I started eating again and partly because of emotional eating due to abuse i was going through. I'm not sure exactly what I weighed my graduating year, because I dropped out a lot and ended up going to college without a diploma. My current weight is 290 pounds, gained because of depression and relying on fast food because I was too depressed to cook. I'm now cooking all the time and eating much healthier. Hopefully I'll get down to 180 pounds if I work hard enough.