What Did You Weigh In High School?



  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    When I graduated from high school I weighed between 150 and 155. Currently I weigh about 165. My goal is simply to be fit and toned. So if I have to get down to 150 to have a six pack then I will.

    I've ALWAYS been soft, though. Even when I weighed the least I'd ever weighed my stomach was soft and doughy. I've always kept about 10 to 15 pounds ahead of where I really should have been. Currently I'm the healthiest and most fit I've ever been and, with my current regimen, I think that I'll have my solid stomach ... within a few months, heh.
  • alyssa83202
    My freshman and sophomore years I was around 125lbs and about 5'6". Junior year I went up about 10 lbs and then another 10 senior year and graduated at around 147. I'm now in my freshman year of college and I've unfortunately gained close to another 20 lbs putting me at 165. My goal is to get back down to 125 lbs by May (10 lbs a month)!
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    I weighed around 115-120 at 5'3. My height hasn't changed, amazingly! ha ha
    I don't think it would be realistic to get down to that weight at this age and activity level, but I would be stunningly happy to achieve 130 lbs. 150 is my short term goal right now.