Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    2 things:

    1. I am going to Arizona for a week in Feb to visit my parents! Yay for hot desert weather and leaving lame Canadian (albeit Vancouver) winter behind! I plan to do a lot of sleeping, eating of fruits, and exercising while I'm there.

    2. I love reduced balsamic vinegars. They are tasty, sweet, and you don't even need olive oil for a dressing.

    That is all.
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Well Ladies, I have lost 3.6lbs since last week and honestly I couldn’t be more thrilled. Though I was on TOM last week so I could attribute some loss to water… but who cares. I‘m so happy!

    Last week went really well. I managed to stay honest with my food. Counting points on WW is so much easier than counting calories, though I think my brain is still hardwired to think about calories.

    Let’s do a GOAL STATUS CHECK (in my head that’s said in an deep announcers voice with firework effects and flashing lights): 1) I managed to drink my water during the week, but over the weekend I feel short of my goal - That will be new focus this week. 2) I don’t think I snack or mindlessly ate. 3) I worked out 4 times last week (see below). 4) I did log every day (on WW site). 5) I didn’t start the push up challenge yet. I will do that tonight. 6) I am 0.4lbs away from my monthly goal. I guess I will see how I do this week and maybe reevaluate.
    I can deal with 5/6.

    So I did Zumba on Tuesday, a ½ hr upper body sculpt class and an hour guts and butts class on Thursday, 25 minute interval run (3.8/6.5) and Zumba on Sunday. I feel so good. I’m not used to doing weights so that class was really hard. My arms are STILL sore. I’m sure I looked like an idiot doing Zumba last night (well more than I usually do) because I couldn’t move my arms. So basically I looked like a convulsing crazy person with dead arms.

    I have accepted I will never look good doing zumba. Sad but true. This white girl can’t shake it properly, but I’ve decided it’s a great workout and I have fun doing it.

    @gonk/Meag – must you bore us all with your baseball chatter? (J/K) My roommate is the biggest Yankees fan and when they are playing he completely hogs the TV. I get how exciting it is when… something exciting happens but the majority of the 100+ games per team are largely predictable. But to each his own… Excuse me… her own.
    @Spellbinder – sorry about your shoulder and neck. Hopefully it will ease up soon. If you watch your food you can still be just as successful.
    @Meag – good job on the 5.34mi. That’s great that you actually sped up towards the end. Boo for pregnancy scares, yay for negative results.
    @Allie – congrats on signing up for the race. I’m so excited for you. I tried Just Dance at best buy and I felt very foolish. I can understand how doing it in the privacy of my own house might be more fun… and appropriate.
    @Angels – Congrats your loss. You sound like you have some great inspiration for your journey. Have fun with your friend!
    @Cait – the dress is so pretty! Congrats on such a great experience and having so many thoughtful and easygoing friends. Glad you wedding experience is still lovely!
    @Megan – Wow what’s a great loss! That’s great that you are working out with people from work.

    So everyone seems to be doing a great job. One week done! I will tyr to update more frequently than next Monday.

    QOTD: I don’t really eat strange things. I’ve eaten blood sausage. That’s strange sounding. Other than that…. IDK.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I'm here. Going to be really selfish as I am way MFP Light on the weekends and I've been having issues all morning with nausea/dizziness/headaches. I think it's tied to low blood sugar and my heart issue, but I need to get it checked out...sigh.

    Took my Garmin for its first 2 runs over the weekends. 7.61 mile run (5.07 of which was tempo, the rest was warm-up/cool-down) on Saturday. Love that I get my split readings after each mile, my second best split was the GIGANTIC hill I hate and I ran it in 8:44. Yesterday was an "easy" 9.31 miles, and it was horrid - cold/windy/no sun/snowing and my mind/legs were telling me to quit but I did it. You know why I did it? I need to average 7 miles/run a run in order to hit my January goal. I needed 16.5 miles this weekend and I got 16.92. If I didn't have that goal, I wouldn't have run more than 2 miles. Also did a kettlebell workout yesterday after my run. Was exhausted this morning and didn't work out, not sure I can do much tonight as I just feel like overall crap right now. I was going to do one of TF's HIITs or Fire 45 EZ, but there is no way I can do any sort of plyometrics tonight. Might switch out the Core 20/Stretch 40 I had planned for Friday...buttttt I did core work yesterday and my abs are still recovering from back to back core workouts last week. Probably will do Core 20/Stretch 40 or some yoga. Nothing that involves much standing/moving otherwise it won't be pretty.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Update! I have lost two pounds...weighing in at 167 this am! Happy and heading for my monthly goal at 163! I did drop my overall goal weight to 155. I think when I do reach 155....I will start working out 5 days a week (instead of 6), incorporating weights into my fitness program and increasing my calories. Problem is....I really want to try for another child in April so trying to lose weight to gain weight??? I don't know..... all I know is that I want to have one more kid and be done with being preggo forever!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I know I will miss someone so I am apologizing first.

    Tara - I will be there March 17th-19th. Hopefully between your work schedule and my "whatever" schedule, we will be able to work something out so we can at least grab a drink.

    spellbinder - Hope you are feeling better!! That was super sweet of the hubby to give you a massage. I should play it up like my shoulders are sore and see if the boy will give me a massage...haha...jk! I know you've mentioned it before but whats your workout schedule?

    Kandace - I think the same thing when I see all of these runners too!! But I have made the decision to participate in a 5k this year. A friend from high school mentioned that she is doing the same thing so as soon as we can find one, we will sign up!!

    Meag - you never mentioned how the get-together was (or if you did, I missed that part). Did you get loads of double takes? Thats one thing that I truly look forward to. I keep a picture of myself from high school (I think) when I was quite a bit bigger and when I show people, they hardly believe its me. I should probably upload the pic and share with you guys too. And congrats on the negative pregnancy test. I have been there before but mine came out surprise just turned 6 last month.

    Gonks & Meag - I :heart: baseball too!! I have never played and just recently became a fan. I got both of my kids into it as well. One of my goals is to see how many stadiums I can visit also. The stadium in San Francisco looks so nice!! And the boy has said that he will take me to spring training in Arizona this year. Woohoo!! I also volunteered for the All-Star Fan Fest last year since it was right here in Anaheim. Such a great experience!! Also got to go to the celebrity all-star game and the actual all-star game. If you ever get a chance to go, I would highly recommend it. The atmosphere in the stadium is crazy cause its fans from all over cheering for the same team!! Might go to the all-star game again this year since its in Arizona.

    Angels - great visuals!! I am sure you will fit into that dress long before you need to. You many even have to buy a new dress if that one becomes to big for you.

    Cait - glad to hear that it was such a great experience!! And the dress looks beautiful!! Glad you are getting excited about the wedding. 2 big events for you this year...WD and the wedding.

    AFM...had a great weekend with the boy. Got to meet his parents and pretty much his entire family at his cousin's wedding. We have only been dating for a little more than 4 months. But we both had a great time!! Forgot to finish up day 3 of the push-up challenge so I will start week one again this week. I think I did pretty good with my calories on Saturday. Had a healthy breakfast with the family. Dinner at the wedding wasn't that great but I didn't have options. I think I danced off the calories though. Yesterday we went to bbq at his aunt's house and again, no options but I think I still did pretty good. Back on the horse this morning and looking forward to a great week.

    Happy Monday all!!!
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    @GuamGrly: Glad to hear you had a great weekend! And very happy to hear you are back on the wagon this week! And thanks, I sure hope I can fit into it soon!! :)

    @Lauratx22: Congrats on your loss!! I have heard that if you are fit going into pregnancy, and are already working out, you won't gain as much weight! Also, some exercise is ok as long as it doesn't jostle the baby too much!!

    @allislefttogain: Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well!! Hope all goes well when you get it checked out!! I'll be praying for you! And congrats on doing well with your running!!

    I went grocery shopping today and managed not to get ANYTHING SWEET!!! I was extremely proud of myself for this because I love, love, love chocolate icing...and normally buy at least one jar of it when I get groceries! But I walked right by them saying(out fiance was laughing) "I can't have you anymore are no longer my are now my ENEMY!!!" lol he was rolling and then I realized I had said it out loud!! But I didn't buy it doesn't matter how silly I looked. Finished up Day 6 Level 1 of the 30 Day shred...thinking of taking a day off for some much needed rest tomorrow. Really just depends on how the night plays out tonight. I decided once the snow is gone and it warms up a bit, I am gonna take little man out in his stroller and go for a little jog...actually thought about doing the c25k to add with the shred. Not sure I will be able to stick with it as I don't always have a babysitter for little man. But I'm thinking bout it!! Hope you all have a great night!!
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Hi ladies and gents! Hope you all had fabulous weekends! Again I learn my lesson for not checking in over the weekend! So much to catch up on!

    Cait--Aww I'm so glad the dress shopping was fun for you! And I'm with Spellbinder, I wish I could do my whole wedding over again too! Sometimes I think it would be fun to just go try on wedding dresses again!

    TJ--You are doing so well on your goals! Drinking enough water is tough!

    Allie--That is so awesome that you are getting into running! When I run I just wear moisture wicking socks, nothing fancy. I got a big pack at Costco for a good price! But I have decided to hibernate and not run much outside in the winter so maybe the bada$$ winter runners can help you more.

    KanCrav--Don't worry, when I first joined this thread I was so confused. You will catch up and get the hang of it soon. Then you'll be addicted. :smile: So glad you're getting into running! You'll get addicted to that too!

    mkingraham--I am from GA too! I grew up in north GA though so now quite as hot as south GA, but still didn't get too much snow. I moved to MO 3 years ago and our 2nd day here we had 10" of snow!! Where are you living now? Having a kindle at the gym sounds awesome. I've tried taking books before but it's so hard to hold them open.

    Stuartme--That's so great that you planned your meal ahead of time when you went out to eat. Smart lady! You gotta give yourself a day every now and then not to count your calories, and I think your school championship game would be one of those! And just think how much better you did starting out counting than if you didn't plan out your meal ahead of time!

    Nadine--I love your story of how you started running! That is so awesome!

    Gonks--But I wanted to hear your slim shady jokes! :smile: 8 miles is awesome! Way to go!

    Meag--How'd the shopping go?? I so miss having a job and getting to shop! It's always fun to shop when you've dropped some lbs! I love that you did your push ups at 4am! Now that is dedication! I have the same issue with protein. I also have my diary set to 40/30/30 and I can never eat enough. Greek yogurt is great, but you already know about that. I've never considered making protein shakes but maybe I should try it. I guess I always wanted to get it naturally from normal foods, but maybe that is just as natural and normal! What do you think? Oh and I chew a TON of gum to curb snacking--sugar free of course! Or just go ahead and brush your teeth. That helps me b/c I am too lazy to brush them again and eating more just isn't worth it. Glad you failed your test! :wink:

    angels--I totally weigh myself every day. For me, it's nice to see the scale drop little by little because it encourages me to keep pushing. Also, it helps if you gain a little because you catch it immediately and it puts you in check.

    Seripha--Have fun in AZ!

    Aly--Great job on your awesome burn this weekend! That is crazy!

    Tai--Congrats on your loss! That's awesome! That guts and butts class sound so cool. I wish my gym had better classes. And don't worry, very few people look good doing zumba--myself included of course!

    Jill--Wow you runs are so impressive! I don't see how you can do that 2 days in a row! Great job!

    Laura--Nice loss!

    Guam--Glad you had fun with the boy! Dancing off calories is the best!

    AFM--I managed to not gain weight over the weekend so still holding strong at 125! I did have a PR this weekend on the treadmill. I ran 3 miles at 6.5 mph pace which is the fastest I have gone. (The last PR was 6.2) Of course that's not really that fast but it is for me! I think I am just going to be a treadmill/elliptical queen this winter. I had all intentions of training for a 1/2 in April, but I just don't enjoy running when it's this cold. Yes I am lame and complaining about St. Louis weather when some of you guys run outside in Canada! It's probably good anyway that I have a season of indoor cardio and a season of outdoor cardio, that way I don't get burnt out on anything. Maybe I can find an October 1/2 to train for. Hmm...I guess that's about it! Hope you guys have a great week!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-whew!!! i'm happy that you got the results that you wanted...good job!

    Allie-thanks! sometimes my posts seem "uneventful" compared to everyone elses! LOL WTG on signing up for the 1/2!!

    angels-i weigh myself everyday also...for me it is more of a "keep me on track" type of thing! great job on the may have something to do with you uping your calories actually!

    CaIt-great job on being watchful on the weekends!! awesome as always! congrats on finding your bridesmaids dress!

    Megan-awesome loss!

    Aly-great workouts!

    Tai-awesome loss! glad the WW is working out for you :)

    Laura-congrats on the loss :)

    Guam-I have off the days you are we for sure will have to get togethor!! :) and sounds like ytou are on the right path again so GREAT JOB!

    Lou-way to maitain!! and great run!

    AFM-no update for me today...stilll doing well though :)
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    Yay! Gonna finish lose the extra me!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 7 pounds! Weighing 163!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    tjradd73-lose 8lbs, 80oz H20 per day, and cardio 3x per week.
    Mike (CaptainJim) lose 5-8 lbs, 3x (30-60 min) cardio per week, fit into size 32 jeans (I'm 34's right now)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue strength training 2x's a week and update the routine at the end of Jan, continue running training- increase to 5 min running intervals, 1 new healthy recipe a week, and get back in to yoga/stretching routine in the am and/or pm
    briar_rose: lose 5 pounds, exercise 3x/week, no potato chips
    mkingraham: lose 15 pounds by Feb 1., exercise 5/6 x a week with 3/4 days of strength training, eat breakfast everyday (a healthy one), two servings of fruit a day.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - DO NOT focus on the scale. Focus on changing my lifestyle by incorporating fruits and vegetables in my diet more, drinking my water everyday, planning my meals, working out 120 minutes per week, and getting back to C25k traning.
    LostAlyKat (Aly) : Be under 170lbs for the end of the month. Do weight lifting or strength 3 times a week, be active in some way every day. Get back into doing Yoga do a class at least 1 time this month. Write down my feelings more often.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 156. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Restart and keep up with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    seripha - exercise 5x a week for at least 30 minutes each. Try to eat at least 1 cup of dark green food every day and only 1 sweet thing per day. :)
    miss_amy: to lose 8lbs (38 total lbs), work out 5x a week for an hour & log EVERYTHING!
    Ngoat (nancy): Lose 5lbs, Drink more water, and eat healthier dinners!
    rai8759: lose at least 4 lbs (164 by 1/31/11); work out 3x a week idevelop a consistent weight training regiment and work my way up to 2x a week weight training; drink 8-10 cups of water per day; eat more veggies; track everything in my food diary!!
    Dteg: Scale to lose 5 LBs making under 140 for the first time in 5 years!!!! non scale: to eat more fresh food, eat in more often not going out as much anymore, excerise three times a week
    Allie7383- be at or under 155, eat more fruits/veggies, and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    katecampbell03- Lose 5lbs this month and make time to fit in a work-out before/during/after work
    pags221 - weigh 1.31.11 @ 123lbs / make it to the gym 21 days this month
    Allislefttogain - Stay below 120; run 70 miles; 64 ounces of (straight!) water daily; complete weeks 2-4 of Turbo Fire; try kale & brussel sprouts; strength train 3x a week
    tai_88 - drink at least 8 cups of water a day. I must drink at least 4 cups before i can have tea or my sprite zero; stop mindless/emotional eating; work out at least 4 times a week; log every day; continue the push up challenge; lose 4 lbs.
    spellbinder25 - (1) Continue with C25K, (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do strength training thrice a week, (5) Reach 142lbs by the end of Jan.
    KanCrav - I want to loose 5lbs by the end of January
    angels and wolves-scale goal: 169 by feb 1st; non-scale goals: continue 30DS everyday, drop a pnt size by feb 1st, give up soda and caffeine, and be able to run a mile.
    Nadine - Scale goals: 125lbs by my next half marathon in March. Non scale goals - successfully check off every scheduled run on my 1/2 marathon training program, thats 4 runs a week. Committ to practicing yoga at least twice a week (running injury preventer!!) Weight train twice a week. Cut fast food, make my own lunches and eating smartly - feeding my body what it needs to perform and feel its best, not foods that taste good but make me tired. My running time goals are in my signature :)
    Nita_Bita - Scale goal: to get between 130-135 by May. Non Scale goals - follow through with TurboFire and eat clean the entire time; document everything that i eat
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK I have a tonnn of updating to do! The last few days have been very eventful/meaningful for me and I have lots I want to share with my favourite ladies... So prepare yourself.

    I'll start with responding to everyone I can remember, since I will get carried away with all my selfish updates otherwise :laugh:

    Nita - Great goals - What's your SW? And did you want to set a monthly goal for Jan? I find it easier to have mini goals every month that I can check off instead of long-term ones, where progress is slow going. It's easier for me to stay on track that way. Either way - Welcome to the group :flowerforyou:

    Tara - Thanks! It's the only test in recent memory that I was happy to fail :tongue: Sounds like you're doing awesome. Keep it up!

    Skip - Shopping went awesome - thanks for asking (see selfish AFM section). The protein is HARD to get in and it's so difficult to curb my carb-snacking. Greek yogurt is really hard to come by up here and all I can find is the plain stuff - I don't mind it but for $6 for 500g, I can't really justify buying it when plain yogurt is $2.99 for 750g and 60cal per 1/2 cup serving. Sure it's not packed with protein but it's way more affordable. I love protein shakes, TBH. I never thought I would but it's SUCH a nice chocolate fix and if you use whey isolate it's nearly all protein - only 1-2grams of carbs/sugar per serving. Not too shabby. I have one after every workout as a reward (it's really that tasty). May not be the most natural but it's SO good, I'm worth it! :blushing: As for the cold - SUCK IT UP! :tongue: hahah Get out there and run! If not, I guess just hold off til the warm weather picks up again and try for a 1/2 in the fall. Do whatever works for you!

    Guam - Baseball LOVE! Sounds like you have had a lot of awesome experiences. Wish I could say the same! I've only ever see games at the Rogers Centre but I really enjoy it. The boy doesn't like baseball and I doubt he'd want to visit any stadiums with me... I guess that's what girlfriends are for :laugh: My get together was good - but no one mentioned a thing! I guess maybe they didn't think it was their place since we aren't all good friends or anything but yea, no one said a word. It's alright though because I KNOW I looked damn good! :bigsmile: Thanks for asking! And glad to see you back on track. Love that you and your new boy are getting to know each other's families and all that - it's so exciting! Have fun with it!

    Laura - Great job with you loss! From what I've heard, going into a pregnancy at a healthy weight makes it MUCH easier to lose your pregnancy weight once your child is born. It also means you'll have healthy eating habits established for gestation and you'll be making better lifestyle choices for you and your little one. Not too shabby! Whatever you do, there's no harm in getting healthy! :bigsmile:

    Jilly - Ack! Hate that you are feeling under the weather :frown: Definitely hit the Dr's office and get it checked out if you think it could be something serious. I cannot believe you had the audacity to kettlebell after your long run yesterday... You put us all to shame :grumble: Damn you! hahah Seriously though - VERY impressive. You are such an all-star. If you're feeling crummy today take a rest (I know, I know... Jill? Rest? :noway:), curl up with a book, and just max and relax for a night. You definitely need to recover sometime. Yoga is a decent middle ground if you insist. But it's boring, so I would nix it and just call it even hahaha Sorry!

    Tai - How dare you :tongue: Baseball is nearly as fascinating as darts or nascar! haha jk You were right on the money "Boo for pregnancy scares, yay for negative results" - That about sums it up! Thanks girl :wink: Don't worry about being white and dancing. Many of us have that felt that same pain regularly. I work at a bar and dance by myself all the time. I am CERTAIN I look like a complete idiot. Take comfort in knowing that at least you're getting a good burn! Great job on the goals BTW - 5/6 ain't bad! :bigsmile:

    Seripha - Mmmm Balsamic reduction and warm weather. So jealous. That is all :smile:

    Aly - Your workouts were INTENSE this weekend - Fab job! Good luck getting the boy on track with you. Sounds like it could be fun. I am doing the same with mine and he appears to be game for anything. Very exciting :happy: Hope it works out! My go-to healthy side dish is always roasted squash or spinach salad. I'm a sucker for it!

    QOTD- I feel like this came about as a result of all my weird eating... haha No idea what the weirdest thing I've had could be. I'll try anything! Love eel, and alligator was good when I had it... Asian cuisine is full of neat stuff you'd never try anywhere else, and I have tried most of it. Nothing is coming to mind though. Pig's feet is one thing I've never had, but pickled they sound quite gross. No thank you :tongue:

    Cait - Love the dresses and so glad you had such a positive experience! Sounds awesome and like you had a really wonderful time with your friends. Very very happy for you :bigsmile: Really seems like you have this healthy lifestyle bit down pat. Way to go! I can tell that you are going to see this through - So proud of you!


    OK AFM - Lots of great things to report on but I'll keep them quick by listing them off.

    NSVs today - Bought a pair of size 2 dress pants at RW&Co -- They are high-waisted, three button dress pants and they look wicked on me. And they are long enough! Success! I was also fitting into size 2 pants at Jacob and the Gap. Other stores that run on European sizing I was more like a 6, which brought me back to reality haha. Another NSV - was called "tiny" by a woman who looked like she could be a runway model. Although "tiny" isn't what I am going for, I appreciated the spirit of her comment as she was getting me another shirt two sizes smaller than the one I had originally picked out :bigsmile:

    Another NSV - At Body Flex tonight (circuit training class), a 40-something woman asked me outright if I was a runner! I was stunned. She said that I looked like one - I am tall, muscular and lean - apparently! :huh: Freaking AWESOME compliment! I guess I appeared insulted instead of shocked when she told me and she apologized if it offended me :laugh: I told her that I had been obese in the past and just recently lost 65lbs or so, and that I was just still adjusting to this new body and perspective. She said I looked great and we chatted for the rest of the class. Yay gym buddies! :bigsmile:

    Still struggling with food today and had some chocolate in the afternoon... :grumble: It happens. Made it fit, thankfully. Hoping I can avoid all treats tonight and finish the day strong and close to my 40-30-30 targets.

    Another update - My boy did the SWEETEST thing ever today. I mentioned that I had wanted to run a couples race on Feb 6th with him, but he had already planned to go skiing with his brother that weekend so I said not to worry and that we'd race together another time. Today he sent me an email saying that he'd thought about it and called his brother to reschedule skiing and that he'd signed up BOTH up for the couples race and was really excited to run with me. Then he said he just need to decide what to wear :laugh: What a guy! I think I might be the luckiest girl sometimes :bigsmile:

    Interview tomorrow -- I'm going to look good, feel good, and kick *kitten*. That job is MINE!

    Thanks for reading all my ramblings. Love you girls :heart:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    As for the cold - SUCK IT UP! :tongue: hahah Get out there and run! If not, I guess just hold off til the warm weather picks up again and try for a 1/2 in the fall. Do whatever works for you!
    :laugh: Laughing my fanny off! I knew I would hear something for that! I am lame. I will have to look into some protein shakes. You have probably told us before, but what all do you put in yours? Congrats on your size 2s and all your nice compliments! Sounds like you had an amazing day! Can't wait to hear about your interview. Good luck!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I went grocery shopping today and managed not to get ANYTHING SWEET!!! I was extremely proud of myself for this because I love, love, love chocolate icing...and normally buy at least one jar of it when I get groceries! But I walked right by them saying(out fiance was laughing) "I can't have you anymore are no longer my are now my ENEMY!!!" lol he was rolling and then I realized I had said it out loud!! But I didn't buy it doesn't matter how silly I looked. Finished up Day 6 Level 1 of the 30 Day shred...thinking of taking a day off for some much needed rest tomorrow. Really just depends on how the night plays out tonight. I decided once the snow is gone and it warms up a bit, I am gonna take little man out in his stroller and go for a little jog...actually thought about doing the c25k to add with the shred. Not sure I will be able to stick with it as I don't always have a babysitter for little man. But I'm thinking bout it!! Hope you all have a great night!!

    Congrats on going to the grocery store and not giving into temptation!!!

    I love 30 day shred!! Just bought No More Trouble Zones with Jillian and did it for the first time today...I thought shred was tough this KICKED MY BOOTY!!!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    As for the cold - SUCK IT UP! :tongue: hahah Get out there and run! If not, I guess just hold off til the warm weather picks up again and try for a 1/2 in the fall. Do whatever works for you!
    :laugh: Laughing my fanny off! I knew I would hear something for that! I am lame. I will have to look into some protein shakes. You have probably told us before, but what all do you put in yours? Congrats on your size 2s and all your nice compliments! Sounds like you had an amazing day! Can't wait to hear about your interview. Good luck!
    I use Allmax Chocolate Whey Protein Isolate and use the following:

    1 cup almond milk
    1 scoop whey isolate
    140g (about 6) frozen strawberries
    1 Tbsp natural PB
    2 large handfuls baby spinach

    Blend it up and it's DELICIOUS! Serious. The spinach gets totally lost but provides lots of great nutrients and vitamins and bumps up the full-factor after a big workout for minimal calories. Makes your smoothie green, but who cares! Tastes like a PB&J&Choc sammich! Yummmm

    Yea the cold up here is heinous but wtv - I TRY to treat every run like a race day. If it were a race, I'd suck it up. So I train like I'm racing because I want to make sure I'm prepared. Can't control the weather but I can control my attitude towards it. Yes - I grumble and moan about my hands and feet going numb and my face burning in the wind/snow, but I get it done because come race day there are no excuses! :bigsmile:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick post for me tonight....I'm excited that I finished my first week of my 1/2 marathon training. Started week 2 today: strength and stretching. I bought No More Trouble Zones yesterday and tried it for the first time today. I knew she was tough but OMG-she killed me today!!! I need to get some 5 lb weights because the 8 lbs are just too much for all the repetitions and my arms are TOAST!!! But in the morning when I can't lift my arms it will be worth it!!!

    I lost another 0.5 pounds this past week. I still haven't adjusted my calories for maintainance...I do go over on my calories almost everyday but with only 1200 calories and the amount that I workout I'm not worried! I guess I just need to sit down and adjust it!

    Went shopping yesterday and was SUPER excited!!! I bought a pair of jeans and khakis both of which were a size 2! Tried on a 0 but couldn't quite get them zipped! Oh well still very GEEKED about the size 2! Bought a few shirts and sweaters and they were either S or XS. YEEHAW!!! It's so nice to see that all this hard work is paying off!

    Oh...and while I was doing my weights tonight my hubby walked in and said, "Dang...look at your guns!" Yep I've officially got guns :laugh:

    Skip-I don't like running in the cold either but I despise :grumble: the treadmill even more!

    Meag-glad that things turned out in the right direction with your test...good luck with your interview you will rock it in those size 2 pants!!!

    Laura-great job! Nothing wrong with getting healthy before getting preggers!!! I listened to people and ate basically whatever I wanted and ended up gaining over 55lbs. with my first and had a HARD time losing it...5 years later it is finally gone!!! When it happens ENJOY your last pregnancy!!! I must say I :heart: being pregnant with both my girls!! Alas, no more preggers for me :sad:

    Jill-you are a MACHINE!!! Wow 2 long runs (well long in my book :tongue: ) and then a kettlebell workout!

    Sorry if I missed anyone....have a great night everyone!!!

  • SkipToMyLou32

    I use Allmax Chocolate Whey Protein Isolate and use the following:

    1 cup almond milk
    1 scoop whey isolate
    140g (about 6) frozen strawberries
    1 Tbsp natural PB
    2 large handfuls baby spinach

    Yep that sounds good and super duper healthy! Thanks! Only thing that worries me about that shake is having PB in the house! Portion control issues right here!!! I'll let you know if I make one!

    Melissa--Congrats on your loss, your size 2s, and most importantly, your guns!! I'm with you on the treadmill--3 miles is my max on that and I am bored out of my mind!

    Perhaps I will venture back outside... But not tomorrow because it is snowing. :grumble:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Yep that sounds good and super duper healthy! Thanks! Only thing that worries me about that shake is having PB in the house! Portion control issues right here!!! I'll let you know if I make one!
    I bought some today at the whole foods store - It's sold by the pound, so you can just buy as much as you need and use it accordingly. But yea... portion control with PB is tough. I find that if I keep my tucked away in the fridge I am less likely to nosh on it. Especially because with natural stuff, once it's in the fridge the texture isn't nearly as yummy as the warm gooey sugar-laden kind. Just my thoughts!
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Great idea to keep it in the fridge! I had never thought of that.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Great idea to keep it in the fridge! I had never thought of that.
    :bigsmile: I'm brilliant! hahahahhaa....
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! quick update since work is busy tonight.. Nothing really exciting for me.. Still maintaining under 160 fortunately..
    Thanks for the answers on my running socks question! I'll have to shop around. Congrats to the losses so far, everyone seems to be having victories everywhere, both on and off the scale!!

    I really wanted to answer the QOTD haha.. Let's see: When I studied abroad in Australia I tried kangaroo, which was interesting.. Very tough, so you can't go past medium, and from what I remember it had a weird after taste. One time on a date I tried ox tongue, which was actually good, and it was sliced up thin so it looked like salami. I also never thought I'd be eating eel but I tend to do so on a regular basis when I get sushi... I think that's about it lol.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Nita-welcome to the group! great goals for the remainder of your journey! would you like to share a monthly goal with the group, we tend to do a new goal monthly...just sayin! you are gonna do great :)

    Meag-what a sweet boy you must have!! super suprise :) congrats on your size 2 and good luck on your interview tomorrow...what type of job are you applying for? just curious!

    Melissa-Congrats on the size 2's and on those GUNS!! woot woot!

    AFM-had a healthy day planned and when i got to work i forgot it was soup day...normally not a prob cept that the person brought in baked ziti and french bread instead of soup and to top it off someone made a bundt cake to share also!! i did fairly well...i had 1 cup of the ziti, 1 piece of the bread, and 1-1"slice of cake which brought me over my calories by 159...I am ok with that though...i will just add in an extra workout tomorrow and hope for a good WI on Wed!!