Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    QOTD-Not much time to read everything thats going on now. But I wanted to answer the QOTD. The craziest thing Ive ever eat was kokoretsi. Its Lamb entrail wrapped in the lambs intestines, skewerd and roasted over a fire. Acutually, pretty awesome!~!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Megan- so glad that you are enjoying this thread! You are definitely bringing some wonderful insights and additions already keep up the great work. This big day is October 1st. We are doing a fun weekend long kind of thing. Nothing too elaborate. I found a place that has cabins on the property and they overlook a big river near us. There is about 400 acres of woods and mountains. So we are going to do a big bonfire Friday night for anyone who is there already. Then Saturday people can go kayaking, hiking, or just relax and Saturday afternoon/evening is the big day. Ceremony outside and then reception at their restaurant. I like it because it has a real laid back feel to it but still really nice for a special occasion. Looks like I may have some cousins from Ireland traveling to the states for the first time ever for my wedding. Going to have to show them a good time!!!!

    Aly- Im with you- posting to everyone has been tough this past week! Sounds like you had an AWESOME weekend of workouts.

    Seripha- I was born in Arizona. Great place but don’t know that I could relocate back there permanently love the east coast too much! Enjoy that vaca! LOVE balsamic vinegars reduced also YUM!!!

    Tai- so glad you have found something that works for you!!!! Great job on your goals. I probably would look just as ridic as you say you do doing zumba… haha

    Jill- hope you are feeling better today! Like Meag said get some rest (HA!) but in all seriousness take care of you girlie!

    Laura- nice loss!!! And congrats on planning for another baby. I think that you are definitely doing the right thing by getting healthy now.

    Guam- I am SOOOO excited for the wedding now. I needed that crazy girlie day with my ladies it was so much fun and it was awesome to see how excited they are for my wedding! And of course WD is going to be rocking! Nice that you and the boy are getting to know each others families! WOOT!

    Angels- I almost fell off my chair when I read your experience at the grocery store. Mostly because I could see myself doing that with French fries or something and my fiancé laughing hysterically!!! Hahaha

    Skip- it is definitely fun trying on dresses when you feel a lot better about yourself and your body! Nice working on increasing your speed! I am TOTALLY with you on being wimpy and running in the cold. And I am so ok with it (sorry Meag!) at this point I just want to focus on running again… once I am as hardcore as some of these ladies I will starting tackling getting outside in bad weather and in the early mornings!!!

    Nita- welcome!

    Meag- you itty bitty sexy running machine test failure!!! Haha does that sum up most of your status? Hahahaha For real though congrats on those accomplishments. I think my favorite part is the lady that asked you if you were a runner! That must feel sooooo good!!! Keep it up lady! And yes your boy is absolutely a doll!!!

    Melissa- great job on week one done!!!! You are workin it!

    Allie- good job maintaining!

    TJ- way to make healthy choices even when the options weren’t the best!

    QOTD- sorry ladies pretty boring with weird stuff. For me it was venison (I know not very adventurous) BUT that was after being a vegetarian for 10 years and deciding that I was craving meat again one of the first things I had was venison… haha my friends husband almost fell over!

    AFM- OY OY OY!!!! Some of you may have seen my quick status posting yesterday. I totally hit one of my January goals yesterday. My goal was to run for 5 minutes straight by the end of January. AND I DID IT!!!!!! Not only that but I ran for 6 minutes straight a half mile EXACTLY!!! And not only that but I did it TWO times during my interval training… EEEKKK! Can you all tell how insanely excited I am about this! It was just so awesome. I was on the treadmill and when 5 minutes hit I almost started crying! Haha and then I just kept going. So anyway Im working it. I think I would like to push my January goal to run a mile straight by the end of the month. I know I can do it- its just a matter of finding the right speed for me to do it at this point! GAHHH! I am starting to feel like a runner again. Just have to work on my gate and stride (the knee throws if off sometimes if I don’t concentrate on it) but anyway Im getting my runner legs back! WOOOOO hahahaha

    Alright all have a FABULOUS day!!!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm finally showing my face this month. For some reason the last few weeks really were hard for me. For as well I made it through it Thanksgiving and Christmas, the end of my winter break really make it hard to lose weight. I think it was due to a lot of traveling between my apartment, my parents' house, friends' homes, etc. So my eating was just super inconsistent. School started yesterday thought and for as stressed out as school makes me, it forces met o stay on a schedule. So in the last two weeks I lost 1.6 pounds. Not bad. That brings me to 34.4 pounds lost total, weighing 183.6. Now that I'm losing again I'm feeling better. So sorry I've been invisible, I've mainly been trying to get myself on track.

    Meag & wardiemelissa- That's so awesome you're in a size 2! I'm sure when you started this you couldn't even fathom that. Congratulations!

    finncmh - That's so exciting you hit your goal! Congrats!

    (sorry - don't have time for more. I have to get breakfast and get going)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Cait - HOLY MOLEY!! You must be thrilled :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I remember the first time I realized how mental running is, and how much of it is pushing past what you THINK your physical limits are, to exceed your goals. That feeling of accomplishment is worth every bead of sweet, every sore muscle, and every second at the gym. I am so proud of you! Before you know it you'll be running for 30mins non-stop and in no time, you'll be unstoppable! :tongue: You really have no idea what you're capable of lady. I certainly didn't. Keep it up!

    Tara - Great job staying "in check" with so much delicious food around! It can be hard when people inadvertently sabotage our eating plans (obv not intentional) but you did great! Grats!

    Allie - Sorry I didn't respond to your Q re: running socks. TBH I really don't have a decent answer. I run in 100% cotton all year round - thinner Champion socks in the summer/at the gym and thicker/warmer socks in the winter. I've never put much thought into it, but since I'm allergic to wool, these work great for me.

    Liz - Absolutely right - I could have NEVER imagined myself in a size 2 :noway: When I started, I couldn't even imagine myself in a size 10!!

    AFM - Interview today at 1pm and I'm trying not to think too much about it. Making some protein brownies courtesy of a recipe I found on MFP ( ) - Hope they turn out! And then running and then off to see my boy's Championship soccer game tonight. Have a great day ladies! I'll be back to update on my interview later :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Protein brownies... NOM NOM NOM NOM.. I'll let you know how they taste once they cool and I top 'em with natural PB!


    Meag :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    So much going on and I only missed half a day. Haha you ladies are rocking it!

    Meag- Congrats on the size 2! That is so awesome! Also those compliments are always nice to hear! I have been hearing from people that I look like I am still losing weight or that I have lost weight recently when I actually gained... and my pants are a little tight. I am trying to take it as a good thing but still not so easy. I hope the interview went well/is going well! Can't wait to hear how it went. BTW- those brownies look awesome!

    Melissa- NMTZ is nuts! I still have not made it through the whole video, It is hard since I always have to do it when I just finished swimming or a run or something. Maybe one day I can get through it. But yes lower weights are necessary. I had to buy 3lbs because I could not even do the 5 hehe.

    Insky- Glad to see your back and on track! Getting back on this horse is one of the hardest things to do.

    Finn- Those dresses are so pretty, glad to hear it was not as stressful as it could have been. So exciting!!

    Sorry if I am forgetting anyone, But this is a very active thread :flowerforyou:

    AFM- Well last night went pretty well for dinner at my house with my friend. We roasted a chicken and did some kobucha squash and asparagus. My boyfriend also made this apple dessert that was really good and I had 2 servings :embarassed:

    I am trying to not let it get me down. I mean I needed the rest day from training, I just felt that I could have been better about food the last 3 days. This morning I was trying to psych myself out and say, I worked out hard this weekend but I ate lots of food for 3 days. Now I have to make these next 3 days count. I am not weighing myself every day this week, I felt that stressed me out last week and I know stress only makes you hold on to weight more. I guess I am having a hard time since it seems I am just going in circles. I need better will power. I really want to lose 15 pounds for Hawaii in April, I just have to fight for it. I have been debating about going back to WW because I know it worked for me. But I really want this to work too and I know it has for so many people. Thanks for listening to my vent session. I am swimming tonight and picking up push-up challenge since I missed it last night. I am repeating week 1 so I feel really good before week 2. I might do Shred it with weights when I get back from the gym, or I might just try to do a little weight before swimming, I wish I had more time for all this :sad:

    QOTD- what time do you wake up?
    Lately I have had a hard time getting out of bed before 7, this sucks because I have to leave by 7:55 to make it to the bus. I wish I could wake up every day at 5 do my workout and get ready for the day. So far I have only been able to do that once or twice a week.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Tara - yay!!! I am excited to meet up with you. I am hoping to leave here sometime in the afternoon so that we can get out there at a decent hour.

    Meag - sounds like you had an amazing day yesterday!! Filled with fun sizes, tons of compliments, and your boy being a completely sweetheart!! And yay for gym buddies!! After attending kickboxing for months, some of the girls that are regulars finally introduced themselves to me!! I am soooo looking forward to class tonight!!

    Melissa - great job with the size 2 girly!! Looks like the size 0 will not be too far away. I wouldn't even be able to get a size 2 over my thighs and hips!! I :heart: being pregnant too!! I am hoping to do it right the next time around (married and all) and pop out 2 more. We shall see what the future holds.

    Cait - I :heart: the whole weekend thing for your wedding. I hate going to a wedding and you barely get to spend time with the bride and groom at the reception cause they are busy with wedding festivities and socializing with everyone in the room. But the whole weekend gives everyone the opportunity to hang and enjoy each other's company. I am getting excited for you!!

    Insky - great loss!! And I'm sure it feels great to be back on a schedule!! It seems like everytime I get back on my schedule, something gets thrown in there and I get off balance.

    AFM...Made a yummy, delicious dinner last night, baked cookies, and was still under calories for yesterday! Started W1D1 of the push-challenge again last night since I didn't finish it last week. I have kickboxing tonight and I am soooo looking forward to it!!

    QOTD - well my alarm goes off at 6:15 and then again at 7. I usually don't crawl out of bed until 7:15 and 7:30 which gives me enough time to brush my teeth and wash my face before I have to walk my daughter to the bus stop for school. I wish I was a morning person so that I could get more done. I know I could get my workouts in at home in the morning cause everyone is still fast asleep in the house and I could take full advantage of the living room. On the weekends, I usually try to stay in bed until at least 8 but my kids are up far earlier than I want them to be and want to eat immediately.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

    PS...what happened to Rachel and Emmy??
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I still feel really weird/bad today. I forgot to mention before, but I've had a headache since Friday night. I used up all my Advil at my office last week and didn't bring anymore in...gah. I'm definitely in survival mode and not doing much at work. I did feel better last night for a while, so I did ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 1 and Turbo Fire Tone 30...but then I started to feel like crap again shortly thereafter. Tonight, I should probably rest...which means I'll probably do a HIIT workout and Stretch 40 but I do intend on soaking in the bath for a little while. I really wish I hadn't taken that sick day a while back...this is karma biting me in the *kitten*.

    Time to eat my homemade shrimp and sausage jambalaya, guzzle down some water and read a book on my lunch break.

    Hope you all are having a great day!
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    QOTD - It depends whether I'm at home or the bf's. At my place I usually wake up between 7:30 and 8:00 am, although I'm trying to get in the habit of waking up at 7:30. At the bf's it's 7:00am because I walk to work from his place.

    Allislefttogain - I hope you feel better soon. It sucks having a headache for that long. I usually just try to sleep them off but it doesn't always work / we don't always have the luxury of napping all the time :)

    Guam - Good job on starting the pushup challenge! But where is this mysterious thing that everyone is doing but me?

    Aly - I hope you feel less stressed this week. I feel like sometimes you put waaaay too much pressure on yourself and don't give yourself enough credit for the amazing progress you've already made :)

    Meag - Protein brownies! Wow! They look super yummy. I'm afraid though if I was to make them I'd eat a lot more than what was healthy :)

    AFM - I bought these awesome little seaweed snacks called Kimmy. They're kimchi flavoured and delicous! Only 15 cals a snack. :) On a boo note, my shoulder rotator cuffs / pecs on both sides are KILLING me. I haven't done any push ups or anything like that so I think I'm sleeping on them badly again and my old swimming injury is flaring up again. I'm going to really have to work on stretching them out otherwise I'll start losing feeling in my hands again. I also managed to really hurt my knee on my run yesterday - don't know how but I had to ice it for like an hour. Going to do elliptical today and some abs instead of another run to give it time to heal.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Seripha- Thanks so much, I know I put a lot of pressure on myself. It doesn't help that I tend to put it on the boy too. I am slowly learning how to make this life change it is rough. I am sorry about your shoulder pain that sucks. I hate injuries, they tend to happen when you are pretty active tho.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Meag – Good to know your test came out negative!! Hope your interview went well. I know you’ll do well, like with everything else :)
    Yay for the compliments & fitting into size 2. I want to be there soon!! Also, you are definitely very lucky…you have an amazing bf. Touchwood!

    Allie – Yes, I’m sure I slept the wrong way. I’m much better now, thanks! Good way to keep yourself motivated by signing up for the race. Am sure you’ll do amazingly!!

    Angels – lol…I’ve thought about hanging the dress I’ve been wanting to wear too, so I never lose focus but haven’t actually done it. You’ll fit into the dress soon enough.

    Cait – the dress is very pretty & glad you had a good time :) I did already comment on your status update but again…yayy for the run!! Great work & great goals for the month! Are you running at 5mph? I am pretty sure you are actually since I run at 5mph & complete a ½ mile in 6 mins too. There are still 20 days left this month & you’ll be able to 1 mile at that speed in no time.

    Mkingraham – awesome workout at the bootcamp & an amazing loss. Keep up the good work!!

    Aly – Amazing burn! 2200 cals in 2 days is really good. I struggle to do that much in a week. It’s ok that you ate lots this weekend. A few days here and there don’t make difference. Don’t get stressed and you’ll be able to lose 15lbs in no time.

    Tai – congrats on the loss! WTG with the goals!

    Jill – take care of your health…that is the most important thing. Great run! Recently realized how important running goals are. If I don’t set running goals, I’ll never be able to accomplish them. WTG girl!!

    Lauratx22 – Congrats on your loss! From what I know, it is important to be healthy in order to have a healthy child. So you are on the right track. And, it is also important to exercise during pregnancy. So, if you are already used to exercising prior to that, you won’t have a problem then :)

    Guam – I’m much better now, thanks. Though I do need another massage to get it completely ok ;) I do C25K flowed by 20 - 30 min on the elliptical 3 days a week, and strength training on the other 3days. 1 day of rest. Glad you had a nice weekend :)

    Skip – great job on the run! I run at 5mph & the max I’ve run is 2.25 miles, so 6.5 is a really good speed. Keep it up!!

    Nita – welcome!!

    Melissa – Wow! Another one fits in size 2 pants!! Great work! You’ll are my inspiration :)

    Tara – you are amazing as always :)

    Inskydiamonds – good to know that are back on track & congrats on the loss!

    Seripha – sorry to hear about aches & injuries. Take care of yourself and take rest if need be.

    AFM – I’ve lost the weight I gained over the holidays & some more. Got a compliment from the trainer at my gym yesterday :) He looked at me & knew exactly how much I lost!! He mad emy workout fun last night :D So, basically I’m happy & feel like I’m out of the feeling low & hungry phase.

    I was having my lunch while replying to all of you & I think I’ve eaten more than I needed to :( Didn’t pay attention to my tummy!!

    QOTD: My alarm goes off at 6:30am & then I keep putting it on snooze. Finally manage to get up by 7:15 – 7:30.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I'm jealous because my alarm goes off at 5:15 and if I don't get out of bed I don't have enough time to make breakfast before I head to work to work out and get to my desk by 8. But I do typically find myself in bed by 8:30 and asleep by 9:15 on most nights so I guess I can't complain too much!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    mkingraham - I can understand what a pain it is getting up in the morning, specially in winters. I don't want to accept it's morning till I don't see light outside. Not that it makes getting up any easier in summer :)

    Forgot to mention that I resisted cake today. We had a baby shower for a colleague and there was a huge cake. I am surprised at how easy it is sometimes to avoid these things & how we cannot control at other times. Though maybe it wasn't as tempting because it wasn't chocolate. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't have it :)
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Cait--You rock! Way to go on passing your goal!! You little runner, you!

    Insky--Glad you're back on track!

    Jill--I hope your headache goes away and you start feeling better.

    Seripha--Man you are really beat up! I hope all your soreness/injuries go away! Great job getting on the elliptical despite it though!

    Spellbinder--Glad your holiday weight is off and then some! It's such great motivation to see the scale go down! It is a mystery why sometimes we can resist and sometimes we can't. One thing that never changes I think, is that you will never regret NOT indulging!

    QOTD--I get up at 6:00 even though I have nothing to do. I can't stand sleeping late, plus I like to get to the gym before it gets crowded!

    AFM--Today was a cardio day and I decided to break out one of my step aerobic DVDs! It was so much fun! I bought a step bench awhile back and it was definitely a great investment! I am so SORE from yesterday's weights which I LOVE!!! I get upset if I'm not sore enough because that means I didn't work out hard enough. I'm still hanging out at 125. I think I need to cut back a little on my carbs--I am addicted to Fiber One Oats and Chocolate chewy granola bars. Seriously, those things are awesome and taste like a cookie! Plus they have tons of fiber and whole grains. Other than that, nothing new.
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Thanks for the well wishes everyone :)

    I signed up for the Vancouver Sun Run 10K today. Work is having a corporate team and they're paying 50% of the registration fee so I only have to pay $20 instead of $40 which is ok by me! Here's hoping my body will be in good shape to run it. I put myself in the 49:00 - 60:00 min group with the intention of running it under 1 hour. Fingers crossed!!!

    Skip - Good job on the step. I'm really excited that my work is having their free lunch hour step class on monday again. I hope you keep at it - it's a good all over burn :)

    spellbinder - YAY! No cake :) It's hard!

    Aly - No probs. I used to be super tough on myself when I swam and I ended up hating it and not being a nice person to be around. It's hard to find that nice balance between being motivated and really going for the best you can do, and accepting that the path there isn't going to unfold exactly as you expect it to. I hope that as you become more relaxed and less stressed you'll enjoy your journey more and enjoy time with your boy too :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Where is everyone today?? I keep checking but no one is around :(
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm here Aly :happy:

    Ran 2.25 miles again today, thus, completing week 6 of C25K twice. However, when I went on to the elliptical, I couldn't do more than 10 min :frown: My stomach's upset & I'm getting bugged because I couldn't complete my workout. Couldn't it wait for 20 more min?? :mad: I was also supposed to cook & now am making my hubby cook :grumble:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Protein brownies... NOM NOM NOM NOM.. I'll let you know how they taste once they cool and I top 'em with natural PB!


    Meag :heart:

    What did you do different than the other guys? Yours looks much tastier!!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    QOTD: I have to get up at 5:30 during the week and try to get up around 7 during the weekend.

    I finished WK2D2 of 1/2 training: 3 more miles DONE!!!! Had a hard time raising my arms to write on the board today at school-Jillian really did kick my BOOTY!!! Need to get those smaller weights!

    Hoping for a snow day tomorrow...fingers crossed and pj's on backwards! Good night everyone :o)

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    I'm here Aly :happy:

    Ran 2.25 miles again today, thus, completing week 6 of C25K twice. However, when I went on to the elliptical, I couldn't do more than 10 min :frown: My stomach's upset & I'm getting bugged because I couldn't complete my workout. Couldn't it wait for 20 more min?? :mad: I was also supposed to cook & now am making my hubby cook :grumble:

    great job on the run spellbinder!