Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!

Heyyy everyone!!

2011 is upon us, finally, and so is our FIRST monthly challenge of the year! Time to be accountable for our missteps in December, get back on track, and kick some serious *kitten*! :happy: Set your goals, push yourself harder than you thought possible, and motivate those around you to do the same. The support and inspiration that I have benefited from while being an active member of this group is truly remarkable, and I hope that we can maintain that spirit through 2011 and to see each and every one of us succeed in our personal lives and weight-loss/fitness journeys.

Please post your December results in this thread along with your goals for January 2011 (scale and non-scale preferably). New members are always welcome - Just introduce yourself, set some reasonable goals you hope to meet by the end of the month, and add them to our growing list (to come)! Then all you have to do is check in regularly and let us know how things are going - Pretty easy!

***Please Read*** If you are going to join the challenge, copy the NEW JANUARY GOAL LIST (to come) into your reply and add your screen name and goal to the bottom of the list. This will help to keep all the goals in one place! With dozens of people signing into this thread over the month, it can be hard to keep track. Thanks!

Here's the most recent iteration of the December goal list that I can find.

km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs! -update (12/11): 30.8lbs lost, 1.2lbs until goal (4.2lbs until ultimate december goal!)
TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
allie7383- lose at least 3 lbs, work out at least 5 times a week, and drink over 8 glasses of water per day.
megteg-lose 5lbs, log in everyday and stay at or under 1500 calories.
Ngoat - Eat less processed foods, excercise an average of 3 hours a week and lose 3lbs.
ckehoe89: Lose 5lbs, maintain exercise routine of at least 5 times a week. Work on getting more fruits and veggies into my diet instead of the carbs I love so much!
Shaunie0613- 175lb by Dec 31st
burningstar28- Lose 5lbs by Dec 31st

So - How did everyone manage? Let us know!! And best of luck to all my MFPals on their goals for January. Stay on track, stay accountable, and most importantly, stay motivated to make this a healthier and happier life for you and your loved ones.

Make it count, folks!
Meag :heart:


  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Alright guess I'll get this list started! I am eager to start because I totally crashed and burned in December. My goal for December was 123. I was at 124 before Christmas, but then got totally out of control and weighed 130 this morning. I know at least a few pounds of that are sodium/water weight, but still I'm extremely disappointed in myself. I would like to be at 125 by the end of January, 120, at the end of February, and then my ultimate goal of 117 sometime in March. I think that is pretty reasonable, right?? I have my 10 year class reunion this year so that's definitely motivation to look good and feel good about myself!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    I weighed in at 171 this am. I lost 9 pounds in Dec so I aim to lose 6 (just a random number) pounds this month! No more treats at the office so that'll help greatly!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats

    Short and sweet: I gained 0.4lbs hitting 130 (again!). I definitely drank more water, but I think I could still increase my intake. I didn't really try too many new recipes, and the few I did, weren't always healthy. As for avoiding most of the holiday treats: I did better than any other year, so I'm happy with that, but portions were still an issue. Forward progress!

    This year I plan to do cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week. Trying a CrossFit gym with my brother when I visit next weekend, and if I like it I want to continue at home. I want to lose 2lbs. H20 guzzle. Take measurements.

    Good Luck Everyone & Happy New Year!!!!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Bumping cuz I borrowed my bro's comp to get online and he's giving me the stink eye.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    December wasn't too bad for me! I hit my goal weight this morning (159 lb). The other non-scale goals I didn't do great on however. I lost count of my calisthenics, and I averaged maybe 8 cups of water a day instead of 10. I still consider this a victory though!

    On to January....I will have more time to work out this month, so my non-scale goals are to drink 12 cups of water daily, work out for an hour at least 3x a week, and to try 3 new recipes this month. On the scale I'd like to see me lose another 6 lbs. the weight isn't falling off anymore, so I'm trying to be realistic!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning beauties! And a wonderful New Year to you all :bigsmile: Great to see so many of you already that managed to make major progress in Dec, in spite of the holidays. For those goals that you didn't reach, renewed dedication this month will definitely pay dividends. I am expecting January to be our most successful month yet! :happy:
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    I reached my scale goal a little late (12/17/10) and managed to maintain under 130lbs for the month (128.1lbs as of 12/31/10), I have fallen out of the push-ups bigtime and can only really do about 12 consecutively now, although I could do 15 at the end of Nov. I just need to get back into it. I think my muscles generally feel fatigued from weight-lifting regularly and so it's hard to do a proper exhaustion test. I'll try again Mon morning and see where I'm at. Didn't reach my weight-lifting goal either, but I made some major progress so I am happy with it. And I ran my first ever double digit mile race (10miles!) last weekend - so huge NSV for me for 2010! Overall I am really pleased with myself.

    This month, I want to focus on general health and wellness - Eating foods that are good fuel for my body and will help to keep my heart healthy. I also want to ween myself off artificial sweeteners (no idea what sort of goal to set for this that is reasonable?), if possible, and work toward my Half Marathon goals.

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete 2 weeks X 2 of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)

    Great goals everyone. Looking forward to seeing the list grow once again!

    Skip - 5lbs/month when you are nearing your maintenance goal is really a challenge - I struggled to hit my 5lbs in Oct and Nov and just barely made it each month, even with incredible dedication and a lot of time and effort devoted to weight-loss and fitness goals. Make sure your goals are attainable so that you don't get discouraged -- If you think it's manageable and that your body will be able to drop 5lbs in one month (have you been able to do this in the past?), then go for it, but don't set yourself up for disappointment. Everyone's body is different :smile: Good luck!!

    -Meag :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    happy new year....bumping until i can get on comp tomorrow...wool post goals in a great workout today...starting the year off right!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Sorry, upon further consideration I need to alter my goals for the month. 24 weeks of Half Training is too long to be prepared for end of April/early May, so I am going to do the first 6 weeks straight and then start repeating weeks... Since the first few weeks are actually shorter long runs than I am used to, this seems like a decent plan to me.

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Happy New Year, everyone! 2011 is going to be a great year!
    As far as my December goals, I aimed to lose 4 pounds but only lost about 3.2. I'm actually not too disappointed with that considering that means for the first time in a LONG time I lost weight over the crazy holidays. Not quite 4 pounds but I'm getting there! I did a decent job of staying active over the holidays too. I'm still at home, and it's always harder to get off the couch when I'm not in my normal surroundings and schedule but I've done a better job this year than any year before. My last goal was water intake, which I still definitely need improvement on.
    School starts back in about a week and I'm pretty happy with my schedule next semester. I only have 2 semesters left so this semester my class load isn't too heavy.. I think I'm going to have lots more time to work out and have time for myself.
    This month I'm going to set my scale goal again at losing 4 pounds. Work out 4 times a week--make use of all my awesome fitness games for the wii, and keep working on increasing my water intake.
    I'm really excited for everything the year 2011 will bring--including my wedding in a few short months! It's going to be a good year!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    December goals-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.(fluctuated between 122-126lbs); continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles)-completed most weeks, strength training (30 day Shred)-did not do as much as hoped, and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week (did and loved it!!); and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones) haven't started hoping to get as a late Christmas present!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!

    December goals met...lost 8.2lbs, and 2.25", push-up challenge done 3 days per week, and did 3 days of abs per week!

    As for my January goals....shooting high again at 8lbs, at least 80oz of water per day, and at least 3 days of cardio per week!

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    tjradd73-lose 8lbs, 80oz H20 per day, and cardio 3x per week.

    Congrats to everyone that reached their Dec goals (or came so close)! Everyone is doing so awesome!
  • CaptainJim157
    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    tjradd73-lose 8lbs, 80oz H20 per day, and cardio 3x per week.
    Mike (CaptainJim) lose 5-8 lbs, 3x (30-60 min) cardio per week, fit into size 32 jeans (I'm 34's right now)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Great goals everyone!! :bigsmile: Keep 'em coming!!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    Let me know what you find Melissa... I'm still searching for a Half to run and I'm basically willing to go anywhere in the North-East or Ontario to run it. It would be nice to take a weekend to drive out somewhere and run in a new area for once, so I am feeling flexible. Shopping around right now for a Half in May - there are a few in Toronto and one in Waterloo that I know about. The Ottawa Half is late May and it's somewhere that I've lived for a few years, so not really worth the expense. I'd love to travel somewhere new! Let me know if you see anything good! :glasses:

    Working AGAIN tonight. Last night was horrendous (for reals) with all the drunken morons and New Years garbage, so hopefully tonight will be tame. Ate far too many carbs today because I didn't plan, and ma mère made dinner for us (yummy French Canadian split pea soup... MMMMM super comfort food, and very low-fat, but carb-loaded, unfortunately). I'll be back on track tomorrow. Planning a homemade chicken souvlaki w/ homemade tzaziki and greek salad dinner with the boy tomorrow! Should be much, much better carb-wise.

    Have a great Sat night everyone!
    Meag :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!

    Back on a regular computer! Yippee- I dont actually use the app on my fiance's phone I just go to the website itself. It just take forever to log everything on the fone that way so its a pain in the tush!

    I am having really mixed feelings about my goals for December. Mostly related to the stupid scale- I am trying to so hard not to be frustrated, but the scale has not budged in weeks just keeps fluctuating up and down up and down. Friday morning when I weighed in I had gained 2+ pounds from 2 days before. Now I KNOW that is not a real gain (TOM came that morning and I have been lifting again) its just frustrating. In the past I would have let that deter me and throw me off track. But I DIDNT this time. I just have to keep thinking positive (the size 12 pants I got a few weeks ago area already getting loose YAY). I took Friday off from lifting and switched it to Saturday instead. So I got in an amazing workout the first day of the year and was able to laze around on Friday while my insides were being torn out- sorry TMI!

    Anyway- as for all of my other goals I really feel like I rocked them! I got in my lifting twice a week for every week except Christmas and I'm ok with that. I came up with a solid running/walking routine and schedule that I have stuck to for the whole month AND I am seeing improvements in that. I started with 30 minutes (not including warm-up and cool-down) alternating between 1 min jogging at 4.5 speed on the treadmill and 1:30 walking. I am now 2 min jogging (5 speed/12 min mile) and 1 min recovery walking. That is HUGE for me- and even bigger is that I actually feel like I am becoming a runner again! I've missed it so much and getting slightly addicted again :happy:
    The one new healthy recipe a week went really well! And thanks to Meag I am now addicted to a great blog (oh she glows) that has some recipes I cant wait to try out this year.

    So that is where I am at- overall in a pretty good place. I am really proud of how I ended and started the new year. The fiance and I did a quite at home NYE. We did appetizers for dinner, but really tried to keep it healthy (veggies, hummus, and made my favorite spinache veggie dip but used greek yogurt instead of sour cream and mayo) did indulge in a little bit of champagne and the woke up and worked out! Cant wait for everything to come this year!!! Running again, Warrior Dash in August with some amazing MFPers, my wedding, and much more to come!!!!

    So I think my new goals are not going to center around the scale at all. I would just like to see a loss there BUT I dont want to discourage myself because I know I am doing everything right- still struggle some days with the food but that is a work in progress. 1. I would like to see a loss on the scale no matter what that is. 2. Continue strength training- at the end of the month meet back up with the training examine my progress and make some changes to the routine 3. Continue running training- up running intervals to 5 min in a row at whatever speed is comfortable. 4. One new healthy recipe a week 5. Get back in to yoga/stretching at least once a day (I have a great am and pm yoga dvd)

    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 6 pounds! Weighing 165!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    tjradd73-lose 8lbs, 80oz H20 per day, and cardio 3x per week.
    Mike (CaptainJim) lose 5-8 lbs, 3x (30-60 min) cardio per week, fit into size 32 jeans (I'm 34's right now)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue strength training 2x's a week and update the routine at the end of Jan, continue running training- increase to 5 min running intervals, 1 new healthy recipe a week, and get back in to yoga/stretching routine in the am and/or pm
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Mike - Wonderful goals! I have every confidence that you will meet them this month - You are doing great!

    Cait - From the sounds of it, you made a TON of progress in Dec!! :bigsmile: What huge NSVs! Your running improvement is so impressive to me... When I started running I absolutely hated it and I had very little motivation to keep up with it apart from weight-loss. The fact that you are actually enjoying it is astounding to me! haha But I am so happy for you :happy: And sounds like you are progressing really quickly! Keep pushing yourself and you'll be really surprised at how much progress you'll see. Also - glad you liked ohsheglows -- that recipe section makes my stomach growl! Sooo many good healthy recipes!

    AFM - Seriously feeling under the weather today and glad I had decided to take another Rest Day. I either have a terrible case of the flu, or morning sickness. FML. I guess we'll see what the rest of the day holds in store. I am feeling really, really discouraged and uneasy right now about the whole thing. It's also my half-versary with Tyler (our anniversary is July 2nd and we're dorks like that) and so we were supposed to spend the whole day together doing lame, coupley things. But since I am feeling like hell that might fall through. Very sad indeed :frown: I also only got about 4.5 hours of sleep last night on account of a really late night at work (the bar turned into a CSI crime scene at about 2:20am after someone was beaten near to death about 10 feet from where I work), complete with police statements and crime scene tape, and then an early morning wake up courtesy of the dog. What a wonderful Sunday. Really baking that tomorrow will be better! :ohwell:

    Hope everyone else is having better luck than I am today! Keep up the hard work, guys :heart:
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Bump! Posting goals later today
  • CaptainJim157
    Thanks Meag :)
    I lost 0.8 lbs already, & it's just the start of the month :P
  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    Hey all,
    Finn - You did great in December! Try not to get discouraged! Sounds like 2011 is your year! Yay for wedding and running!
    Mike - Congrats on your loss already!
    Meag- Do you lift everyday? I have been lifting as well as doing some cardio everyday, and I'm exhausted. I am rotating muscle groups, but it's brutal. I'm hoping this exhaustion is because I am just starting and not how you always feel?? I am seeing the scale approve though, I lost weight and I can actually see my bicep lol I hope you are feeling better...
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Mary- thanks! The emotional battles can definitely be tougher than the physical!

    I am going to be nosy and chime in on your lifting question to Meag... hehe. I used to lift almost every day rotating muscle groups like you do. I loved it, but I found that I got burnt out on it. More mentally than physically. This year because of my schedule at work being a little weird with the gym schedule I worked out a lifting program with my training for only lifting 2 days a week. BUT I do a solid hour of lifting hitting every major muscle group along the way with at least 2 exercises (Chest, Lats/Back, Legs, Shoulders, Hamstrings, Triceps, Biceps). Then I try to get a walk/run in 3 days a week. That gives me a set 5 days a week that I am wroking out. The other two days I cant get to the gym so I am going to implements some DVDs/WII/Kinect games as I find ones I like and motivate me.

    On my running days I also started doing some extra exercises to target muscles I am not hitting on my lifting days (innner and outer hips, calves, shins, lower back, upper and lower abs). That takes me a quick 15 minutes so it works out and I dont feel like I am burning out on lifting. I lift Tuesdays and Fridays usually and by the time those 2-3 days in between have passed I find that I am craving my lifting routine so its nice!

    Just some thoughts on what has worked for me:bigsmile: Hope it helps!!!