Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I'm here....sorta. Figured out that my feeling ill is directly related to my office. I took a snow day yesterday as I tried to drive in the snow, only went 12 miles in an hour (my commute is 36 miles/way) and decided it was too treacherous to keep going. Headache was barely there yesterday and after 6 hours at the office it's back. Not quite as bad as before, but still here. Old building + old heater = really bad environment My heater is a oil heater that clangs away all day and it's either on or off. It gets really dry in my office plus having contacts and looking at a computer screen 90-95% of the day is just bad news. I shut the heater off for about 2 hours this morning to get a break from the noise and intense heat, and am trying to down water. Ridiculousssss.

    I got in Turbo Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 Tuesday night.

    And well yesterday, as I am a crazy person...I went running in the blizzard. Snow was past my knees, sustained winds of 30-40mph and it was just me and the plow drivers. Did have to leap into a few snowbanks to avoid getting hit, but I wore my awesomely bright Brooks Equilibrium Nightlife shirt so despite the whiteout conditions, they could see me! Ran 5.09 miles at just under a 10 minute mile pace...which I'm pretty pleased with considering the conditions and that I finished with icicles on my eyebrows. I LOVE that I got in an extra unplanned run and an 5 mile buffer on my goal mileage for this month! After the snow stopped coming down at 2 inches/hour, I shoveled out the end of the driveway (stupid state plow trucks), in front of the garage and the front walkway/door. Nice little 453 calorie burn there. And then topped it off with 6 Week 6 Pack Level 2... I upped my weight from 5 to 7.5 pounds for it! I was planning on doing some Turbo Fire but I had other things to do (plus my body was exhausted)...made a delicious Ginger Chicken with Cilantro and Lime for dinner. Also for lunch and dinner today and for lunch tomorrow. Heading out of town tomorrow night and didn't think about the whole leftover issue:noway:

    Oh and I booked my flight to DC for April for my 10 Mile Race! My mom and I are going down for 3 1/2 days. I lived in DC for 3 years until June 2009, so I hope to see some old friends/co-workers. I spend a lot of time with my mom as she is a superstar and has voluntarily gone to my races when it has been snowing/pouring rain/windy as hell...she went to 11/12 last year. Even more impressive is that she had a major car accident/major stroke about 3 1/2 years ago and almost didn't live, probably a major factor in why I enjoy spending time with her. She's done remarkably well and sort of the secret to my determination. I think of her standing on the sideline wanting to be able to do so much that she can't and I push through for her:heart:

    (Holy man, my grammar is so bad today)...12 edits later:laugh:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Jill - you are a freakin machine!! :noway: As I was reading your post, I had to stop and re-read it to the girls in my office!! And then we commented how we struggle to run when the sun isn't shining. We are spoiled little Californians!! Great job Jill!!!!:bigsmile:
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Aly - I dropped about 20 lbs in 2009 from two things - eating more veg and fruit and less carbs and then getting mono. I wouldn't suggest the mono. Over the course of 2010 I gained 10 lbs back, putting me up to 162 just before I started here. Then just through MFP calorie counting, a mix of cardio activities and stretching (I do pilates 1 x a week and will be doing yoga 1x a week starting in two weeks) I was able to get down to what I am at now - 152lbs. Nothing earth shattering really, but it's been good so far. You might want to have one of your cardio days be a yoga / pilates day to stretch out your muscles if you don't have it already. I find it helps me prevent injuries and sooth my sore muscles. It also reduces stress and helps me be focused.

    Here's a picture so you can tell the difference between me Oct 2010 (at 162 lbs) and me now at 152 lbs. Yes, I'm in dirndls for both of them. :P I love Germany ok??? First one is at a local Oktoberfest event and the second one is at the German Christmas market in Leavenworth, WA.


    Jill - You're crazy. I get wimpy when it's just rain. Good for you!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey all- just letting you know i've been reading, but can't get to an update. **** from everywhere is hitting every fan imaginable. I'm not blowing y'all off and im sticking to my stuff. but posting may be limited over the weekend. We'll see.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    mkingraham – I hear ya…I too have a love hate relationship with working out. Love it after I’m done with it or the day I have to miss it due to any reason apart from laziness. But hate going to the gym :)

    Aly – WTG on you 2 mile marker!!

    Melissa – Hope your daughter’s ok now.

    Cait – I do that too – type up everything in Word & then paste in MFP. Can’t imagine typing everything in MFP directly.

    I loved reading all your stories about how you met your guys :D

    Haven’t yet read today’s post sbut will come back & read them later.

    AFM – Thanks to the storm yesterday I was at home & ended up having a very lazy day. Was irritated by the end of the day & didn’t even go to the gym. The only good thing was that I made Pork & Rice stuffed Peppers & they turned out well. Thursday is my rest day but since I skipped gym yesterday, I’ll go tonight. Had a horrible eating day too yesterday but oh well!!

    QOTD (Wed): The first time I met my hubby was during the vacation between 7th & 8th grade. We were at a get-together but didn’t know each & did not even speak. In fact, we only found out this fact after we started dating and I do remember seeing him there but he doesn’t remember me :(
    Anyway, after that we met in coaching classes for medical entrance test, which I joined just because my friends were joining & I had nothing better to do. We never spoke even though we hung around with the same set of friends, but that’s where he got interested in me. After about 6 months, we met with a common set of friends & I think that was the first time we spoke. About a year passed by & no contact whatsoever. Then we happened to start chatting on MSN & within 2 months we were together :) Dated for 6 & ½ years before tying the knot, 6 years of which were long distance (partly in 2 different continents). Our second Wedding anniversary is on V-day & we will complete 9yrs of togetherness on Aug 13, the day some of us will be at Warrior Dash!!

    QOTD (today): My trousers are all loose now, so that’ll definitely be the next thing I buy. But I’m going to wait for a few more weeks to make that purchase.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Sorry some of you all are having such rough days. Hopefully tomorrow brings something better!

    So earlier today I admitted to my addiction to reading blogs. Well here is one I have been following thanks to Meag (actually I am following another one thanks to here now that I think about it) Anyway a while back Meag recommended Nerdfittness to me for some at home workouts when I couldnt get to the gym. I liked his nerdy outlook on life and fitness and the changes he has made in the past year to his whole life so I subscribed to his blog. Here is one he wrote today titled: "Tools of the Empire-"Healthy" Foods that Actually Suck" hahaha love it. Anyway check it out he makes some really interesting points and whatnot.

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Love the blogs, Cait! Thanks for the article :happy: I can proudly say that I rarely indulge in any of these items. Score one for me! :glasses:

    Seripha - LOVE the pics! You look so much healthier in the second shot :happy: And the outfits are fabulous!

    Feeling a bit better. Hoping a call to the boy after he gets out of work will cheer me up. MFP has done a fairly good job as well...

    WI tomorrow morning and wondering what the stress and sadness will have done to my body :ohwell:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Bella--Your new goals sound great! Can't wait to hear how you're doing!

    Tara--Great job with your loss so far this month! And cute new pic. :)

    Mary--I would totally thrive in the CrossFit environment too! Eventually I'll join!

    Aly--Great job on your run!

    Cait--I totally do almost the same thing when I respond, except I open two tabs of our forum and read one and type in the other. Word is probably safer though because I can't save what I type! So glad you found a run!!

    Guam--I'm glad your boy is going to join a weight loss challenge because now you can both influence each other in a positive way instead of the opposite. I think my hubby and I can have a negative influence on each other sometimes! If he's craving an ice cream I have a hard time not joining in on the fun and vice versa! Trouble loves company!

    Seripha--Aww I hope your day has gotten better!! Tomorrow will be better!

    Meag--So sorry you didn't get the job. I do think everything happens for a reason and there must be something even better up ahead!!

    Jill--Yeah I'm never complaining (out loud on this thread anyway) about running in the cold again! You are amazing!!! Your mom sounds amazing! That is definitely great motivation!

    AFM--I did my "step class" in my basement again today which was awesome! Last night I went out with a girlfriend for my birthday's eve and drinks. Then my hubby met me at the restaurant and we had dinner. I was overall proud of myself. I had one margarita, a half order of the blackened salmon salad that I asked for with 1/2 the cheese and 1/2 the dressing, and then my hubby and I split a brownie sundae! I count that as a success for a birthday's eve night out! I don't have any big plans for my bday today so I'm not foreseeing any diet disasters. I did treat myself to some yogurt covered raisins from Whole Foods earlier today though! Those are the best!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Skip - Happy Birthday girly!! Sounds like the festivities so far have already been great!! Hope that the rest of the day continues that way for you as well!! :flowerforyou:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    18 days to go!!!

    Meag-i love my bootcamp dvd, sorry you didnt make it to the class but great job getting in a workout anyways!! you'll have to let me know how the class goes after you do get to it :)

    Mellissa-Thanks! and you never seem to miss your WO's so I wouldnt be too worried about it...I hope everyone stays feeling better there!

    Cait-you are so not a dork! i write it down but will switch to your way to try and save a tree or 2!! keep up the great work on the running and wtg on making a day of fun activity for you, your boy, and your pup!! that is called lifestyle change!! :)

    Guam-thanks! and glad you had fun with your boy, and that you guys should be able to be better support for each other since he will be focusing on his challenge now too!!

    Seripha-take a breather and I hope all goes well and turns around for you soon!!! it can only get better right?! and you look great in your pic...may i ask how tall you are??

    Jill-all i can say is that I agree with the girls...CRAZY!!! but good job!

    Gonks-I hope all is well...we will all be here when you get back :)

    Spell-we all have those days? did you get in that great workout tonight??

    Lou-thanks and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! sounds you are focused with your working out and watching yourself even during the celebrations!! wtg!

    QOTD-well i went through my pants/jeans yesterday and had to "retire" like 6 pairs cuz they were way too big!!! so that most definately will have to be my next purchase!!

    AFM-still great on water!! got 3/3 done on workouts for the week!! tried a new workout booty ballet burlesque style!!! it was super super fun!! i cant believe that i have had that dvd for over 3 years and this was the first time i did it!! i think that it is my new favorite in fact!!
  • kls1628
    kls1628 Posts: 23 Member
    Can I join? I know I'm a little late coming.

    Goals: stick to calorie allowance, continue going to the gym 4 times a week but add 20 minutes of cardio to my lifting sessions, drink 8 glasses of water per day.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Ahhh..... I have tried soo hard this week.. well I thought.

    I only lost one pound! uhhh.... Well im weighing in sadly at 167 :(

    I guess I need to spend more time at the gym
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Can I join? I know I'm a little late coming.

    Goals: stick to calorie allowance, continue going to the gym 4 times a week but add 20 minutes of cardio to my lifting sessions, drink 8 glasses of water per day.
    Absolutely!!! Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou: Introduce yourself in your next post. We love having new members to contribute to our growing thread :happy:

    Kan - 1lb is an awesome loss for one week! Don`t discredit all your hard work -- Losing more than 1-2lbs per week is a tell-tale sign that you are not treating your body with the respect that it`s due. Slow and steady wins the race, my friends!

    Updated list:
    skiptomylou32--scale goal: 125, non-scale goal: stop waiting till tomorrow, making excuses, and being complacent with my fitness goals
    Lauratx22-to lose 7 pounds! Weighing 163!
    Roobean33 - cardio 5X/week, lifting 3X/week, try out CrossFit, lose 2lbs, H20 guzzle, take measurements.
    kvr414- 1 hr cardio 3x a week, try 3 new recipes, 12 cups water/day, lose 6 lbs.
    meagalayne- curb late-night snacking and emotional eating, limit carbohydrate consumption after 4pm and experiment with new Low-GI recipes once a week, maintain under 130lbs, and complete first 4 weeks of Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training (Novice)
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, 4x a week workout, use wii fitness games a ton, MORE WATER!
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125lbs; plan healthy family meals at least 5 nights a week; begin training for half marathon (just need to find one in May or June)
    tjradd73-lose 8lbs, 80oz H20 per day, and cardio 3x per week.
    Mike (CaptainJim) lose 5-8 lbs, 3x (30-60 min) cardio per week, fit into size 32 jeans (I'm 34's right now)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue strength training 2x's a week and update the routine at the end of Jan, continue running training- increase to 5 min running intervals, 1 new healthy recipe a week, and get back in to yoga/stretching routine in the am and/or pm
    briar_rose: lose 5 pounds, exercise 3x/week, no potato chips
    mkingraham: lose 15 pounds by Feb 1., exercise 5/6 x a week with 3/4 days of strength training, eat breakfast everyday (a healthy one), two servings of fruit a day.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - DO NOT focus on the scale. Focus on changing my lifestyle by incorporating fruits and vegetables in my diet more, drinking my water everyday, planning my meals, working out 120 minutes per week, and getting back to C25k traning.
    LostAlyKat (Aly) : Be under 170lbs for the end of the month. Do weight lifting or strength 3 times a week, be active in some way every day. Get back into doing Yoga do a class at least 1 time this month. Write down my feelings more often.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 156. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Restart and keep up with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    seripha - exercise 5x a week for at least 30 minutes each. Try to eat at least 1 cup of dark green food every day and only 1 sweet thing per day. :)
    miss_amy: to lose 8lbs (38 total lbs), work out 5x a week for an hour & log EVERYTHING!
    Ngoat (nancy): Lose 5lbs, Drink more water, and eat healthier dinners!
    rai8759: lose at least 4 lbs (164 by 1/31/11); work out 3x a week idevelop a consistent weight training regiment and work my way up to 2x a week weight training; drink 8-10 cups of water per day; eat more veggies; track everything in my food diary!!
    Dteg: Scale to lose 5 LBs making under 140 for the first time in 5 years!!!! non scale: to eat more fresh food, eat in more often not going out as much anymore, excerise three times a week
    Allie7383- be at or under 155, eat more fruits/veggies, and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
    katecampbell03- Lose 5lbs this month and make time to fit in a work-out before/during/after work
    pags221 - weigh 1.31.11 @ 123lbs / make it to the gym 21 days this month
    Allislefttogain - Stay below 120; run 70 miles; 64 ounces of (straight!) water daily; complete weeks 2-4 of Turbo Fire; try kale & brussel sprouts; strength train 3x a week
    tai_88 - drink at least 8 cups of water a day. I must drink at least 4 cups before i can have tea or my sprite zero; stop mindless/emotional eating; work out at least 4 times a week; log every day; continue the push up challenge; lose 4 lbs.
    spellbinder25 - (1) Continue with C25K, (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do strength training thrice a week, (5) Reach 142lbs by the end of Jan.
    KanCrav - I want to loose 5lbs by the end of January
    Silver180 - Stay smoke/fast food free, gym 3x/wk, stay under 2,000 cal/day, drink more water, lose 5 lbs.
    angels and wolves-scale goal: 169 by feb 1st; non-scale goals: continue 30DS everyday, drop a pnt size by feb 1st, give up soda and caffeine, and be able to run a mile.
    Nadine - Scale goals: 125lbs by my next half marathon in March. Non scale goals - successfully check off every scheduled run on my 1/2 marathon training program, thats 4 runs a week. Committ to practicing yoga at least twice a week (running injury preventer!!) Weight train twice a week. Cut fast food, make my own lunches and eating smartly - feeding my body what it needs to perform and feel its best, not foods that taste good but make me tired. My running time goals are in my signature :)
    Nita_Bita - Scale goal: to get between 130-135 by May. Non Scale goals - follow through with TurboFire and eat clean the entire time; document everything that i eat
    bellatiamarie lose 15 pounds; exercise at least 15 times this month (haven't exercised one day yet)
    kls1628- stick to calorie allowance, continue going to the gym 4 times a week but add 20 minutes of cardio to my lifting sessions, drink 8 glasses of water per day.

    Work was fine tonight. Spent 30 mins after my shift in a staff meeting at 3am - Just what I wanted! :grumble: Thankfully tomorrow should be an easy day. My boy is going to come over once I`m home from work at night to warm up my bed for me. What a guy! Sat he was supposed to be driving out of town for work stuff (his secondary job, of course) but that fell through so it looks like we`re going to have a quiet day together, including a 3mile run. Couldn`t be any happier about it. Despite the lameness of today, I am feeling better and ready to attack tomorrow with a positive attitude.

    Hope everyone else is feeling similarly motivated :drinker: Rock it ladies. Make your Friday count!
    Meag :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Looks like everyone had a crappy Thursday :(. Here is to a much better Friday! I mean, it is Friday so it can't be that bad right?

    I only have a few minutes before my meeting so a selfish post now and catch up with you all later-

    Made it to the gym this morning with the snow flurries. I need spring/summer to hurry up and get here so I can see more daylight!! Did my spin class and I really pushed myself hard. I uped my resistance and pushed myself faster on all of the sprint/bursts of speed and just overall in general. When I was about half way into the workout I said to myself, "See you can do it!" Which helped to make me go even faster!! With the long weekend (MLK Day Monday=No Work!) our instructor threw in a bonus sprint at the very end of class which was awesome!! I didn't think I would ever say that, but woohoo!!

    I have been doing really good at staying under my cals all week, and I just peeked at the scale this morning and there wasn't a drop but it is TOM so I am going to say that there probably is a loss and I just can't see it do to the usual bloating and such. We will see on Monday/Tuesday when I do my regular weigh-in to see what happens. At the end of the day I am keeping in mind that maintaining the weight I lost last week is really awesome too!

    I hope everyone has a rockin' Friday and I will catch up with you all later!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning ladies, a little selfish post!

    Woke up at 4:30 due to my neighbors doing it, haha. I decided to use that as an excuse to get in Jillian Michaels NMTZ. I didn't lose this week but I didn't gain, so I am going to fight hard for this weekend to be good so I can see a loss for next weekend. We are halfway through the month and I really want to see some weight drop! I was contemplating swimming tonight but we have an early swim in the sf bay tomorrow morning which is going to be freezing and I have done really well this week so I am going to brush it off. I hope everyone is doing good! Happy Friday!

    Question of the Day: What TV shows are you watching right now? Is there a show you can't live without?

    For us it ranges from day to day, we don't have cable so we watch them on the computer or netflix. Lately we have been watching person's unknown, deadwood, and ,modern family. I also watch Biggest loser for motivation hehe.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Morning All- you guys were quiet last night!

    Jill- I bow down you and your ability/willingness to run in crazy weather! You are incredible! I am definitely not there yet… yes wimpy new runner right here… haha

    Skip- Happy Birthday!!! great job making healthy choices for your birthday! Its all about finding the balance and celebrating life! I think you did DARN good

    Tara- great job on needing to go out and get new pants even though its expensive it is definitely an AWESOME accomplishment!!!

    Kls1628- welcome welcome welcome! Great group- don’t be afraid to jump right in! Nice goals!!!

    KanCrav- ditto to what Meag said. DO NOT beat yourself up about losing 1lb that is a great and healthy loss. I know its hard (I haven’t lost anything in at least 5 weeks so I know how frustrating it can feel) BUT I have gone down severely in inches so I am just going to be patient and determined. I know that I have made healthy choices and changes to my life and that is the most important part. I hope that you can find the balance between losing weight and getting healthy. Sometimes it is a tough line to walk

    Meag- glad to hear that the boy is taking good care of you. We wouldn’t want to have to send an MFP possy up there to take care of him now would we? Hehehehe! Focus on the good stuff chicky!!!! You are amazing!

    Megan- I am so impressed with your dedication and hard work. Try not to stress about the scale. Easier said than done (I know) but with all of the hard work you are putting in your body will change. Rock on!

    Aly- AHAHAHAHA I love that you got up and worked out when your neighbors woke you up. I can honestly say that I would grumble a lot and the just go back to sleep!!!

    QOTD yesterday- trying to not give in to shopping just yet. Luckily I had a lot of clothes tucked away that I hadn’t been able to fit in to in quite some time… the next round of loss is going to be tougher though. Going to have to give in and spend money

    QOTD today- im with you aly. We don’t have tv either so we watch them on Hulu or Netflix. Nothing I cant really live with out but I do enjoy me some biggest loser!

    AFM- I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure some of you saw my status yesterday. Anyway backround story Monday night I accomplished my goal of running 5 minutes straight by the end of January and ran 6 minutes straight at 12min mile pace or 5.0 and ran a half a mile… well last night I said to myself lets see how much longer I can do and I RAN A FULL MILE and kept that same pace the whole time! So that means 12 full minutes of running. And Meag you were so right it was totally mental. I stopped at a mile and walked for a ¼ mile then ran another ¼ mile then walked a ¼ mile then ran the last ¼ mile. So now I kind of have in idea of how long it would take me to run the 2 miles… granted this was all done at a forced steady pace on a treadmill BUT I will get there!!! WOOOOO soo stoked and still have my runners high!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!! (Since the boys have apparently disappeared...once again!!)

    Tara - gonna have to check out that DVD!! It sounds like a lot of fun!!

    Kandace - take the loss and run with it!! A loss is a loss and means you are still working toward your goal. Look back on the previous week and see if there are changes that you can make to your daily life to make it work for you. Even if they are small changes. I have basically gone up and back down to where I started. I haven't had a significant loss in weeks but I am living and learning as I go. You can do it girly!!

    Megan - great workout!! I have thought numerous times about checking out a spin class but I don't know that I could survive 60 minutes of it.

    Aly - well thats not necessarily the ideal way to wake up but I am soooo glad that you decided to use it to your advantage. I am sure that I would have rolled back over and gone to sleep.

    Cait - great job conquering your run!! Your 2-mile race is gonna be a piece of cake!!

    AFM...I had every intention of doing W1D2 of the push-challenge last night but after only getting 3 1/2 hours of sleep the night before, I was cuddled up in bed before I knew it. However, today I am rested and ready to conquer the world!! I think I still managed to stay within my calories though. And this weekend is the one and only weekend this month that I don't have big plans. So, I am hoping to make it count!! Next weekend I will be on my cruise and between the food and alcohol, it is likely to be an epic fail. But I still plan on packing my workout clothes and hope to hit the gym while I am on the boat!!

    Oh and....I had some great victories yesterday! #1 - my stomach was feeling as though I had drank tons the night before. Usually when that happens, all I want is unhealthy food. And as I was leaving for lunch yesterday, I had every intention of getting some sort of burrito smothered in cheese and some sort of caloric filled sauce. But once I got to the place, I realized that it wasn't worth it and got a much better choice. #2 - we do cake once a month for all of the birthdays in the month. I am always the one to pick up the cakes, cut them, and distribute them. While I was picking them up, I had already made the decision that I wasn't going to have a piece. I could have made it work calorie wise but my sugar for the day was already really high. But once I opened them up and started cutting them, it smelled amazing. But I realized that working toward my goal meant more to me than even the taste of a single bite of cake in my mouth.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!! I know some of you ladies were having a rough day yesterday. I hope things turn around for you ladies today!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick little something. My comp is acting up right now... No idea what`s going on but I`ll figure it out. Sorry about any weird characters that may or may not appear in my post :ohwell:

    Cait - WOOT!! :drinker: I posted on your status but I think it deserves another mention here. YOU KICK SO MUCH *kitten*!! :bigsmile: Realizing that running was 90% mental was probably the biggest kick-start Ive had along this whole journey. Knowing that I have the mental fortitude to push myself beyond my own limits has changed me so much as a person - In all facets of my life. I was a habitual excuse-maker until this year. I could always talk myself out of finishing anything - Id get to 90% and then quit because I was afraid of failing. But now that I know I can push myself well past my comfort zone and that it won`t kill me, I have become so much more confident. I feel capable of doing anything I set my mind to and persevering through any hardship that I am faced with, and that is a feeling I have never had before. I guess its just a huge boost in self-worth and kicking all that self-doubt to the curb - knowing that you can do it if you allow yourself to try. Keep it up Cait. I love seeing you succeed :bigsmile:

    Aly - A swim? In the bay? In January? :noway: I have no idea how cold it is down there, but our bay is frozen over and folks are ice skating on it so I am going to venture a guess that you SHOULDNT be swimming in yours! Gah! Crazy lady :tongue: Have a good time... I guess? :huh:

    Megan - Sounds like a great spin class! I always try to push myself for one last sprint, or one extra rep, or 2 more mins at the very end when I feel like I have NOTHING left. More than anything its a way of proving to myself that there is no real `nothing left`-- If I want something, I have to just dig in and finish it! And after 45 mins or whatever, I know that my body isn`t so exhausted I can`t do one last sprint. I am capable of more than that. And once I finish I always have that `yea, that`s right. you show that treadmill who`s boss`moment and feel awesome for pushing myself one more step. Keep it up!

    QOTD - I dont watch television at all, tbh, but a friend of mine got me into Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia a few years ago when I used to hang out at his place a lot. We watched the old seasons on DVD and then I got hooked. I ended up watching the whole series with him but then when I started dating Tyler he hadnt seen it, and so I got him hooked as well and now we`re just finishing up the 6th season together. It`s honestly the funniest show Ive ever seen - and so incredibly ridiculous and offensive. Totally wonderful. Other than that, the only thing I was religiously is Survivor - Im a total superfan and Ive seen every episode, ever. I know, I know... Horrible show! :blushing: I am well aware. But its an addiction... That`s a valid excuse here, right? hahaha

    AFM - Work last night was alright, except the heat at our bar is not working presently and so I froze my *kitten* off all night. Weighed-in in today at 127.9lbs, which is still well within my maintenance range so I am not worried. I think last week`s loss was a total fluke so I am going to stay the course and just watch how much I eat. I feel like I am eating a LOT of food lately, so I`m going to just be diligent and aware. No major changes though.

    Hoping that my weight gain this week is due to TOM - I haven`t had a regular cycle in a few months now, likely due to running, and so fingers crossed that is coming to an end. Not that I want my TOM to arrive, but its a nice safe-guard against pregnancy, that`s for sure! hahah

    Today is my rest day and I`m not doing ANYTHING. Maybe some shoveling, out of necessity, but otherwise I`m just being lazy until work tonight. Eating and being merry. Have a great day everyone!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Finn- That is so awesome! If you are interested in running longer try doing time intervals. You can work your way from 7 minutes running 2 walking, to 6 minute run then 1 minute walk, and move up to 9 minute run 1 minute walk. I felt that when I started doing that I was able to go much farther. Just an idea :)
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    tjradd - I'm 5'6" and a bit in change. Why do you ask?

    kls - New comers are always welcome :) Please post and keep us updated on your progress. You'll find lots of support here.

    Kancrav - What? 1 lb? That's still very good! A loss is a loss :) I did notice though that you are using a lot of pre-pared stuff in your meals. I find that when I eat a lot of that stuff I tend to retain more weight. I don't know if your schedule allows it but if you can, try to make as much as possible from scratch. Then you know exactly what's in it and how much.

    Meagan - TOM always gets me. I retain lots of water, no matter how much I drink. So I just pretty make it a rule that I don't weigh myself because the # will be misleading. Good job on keeping under your cals though. You'll probably see a big difference next week.

    Aly - They were doing it at 4:30 am on a Friday morning? Not my first choice for doing that, but obviously they were having a good time if they work you up lol! Way to use it to your benefit though! I'd totally be making loud grunting noises as I did squats just to get back at them.

    Finn - VERY GOOD JOB! Doesn't it feel amazing to accomplish something you set out to do? Now that you've gotten that milestone, what's your new goal? We want to keep supporting you :)

    Guam - Good job on the cake thing. That took a lot of will power I bet.

    Meg - I hope your TOM works out for you. It seems like a lot of people on here are TOM-ing. I wonder if you can sync cycles via the internet lol.

    AFM - Had a BIG breakfast this morning with the boy, but did so with the plan that I'll be having light meals for the rest of the day and a good work out. I don't mind splurging on a good morning meal since it's much better than splurging on an evening meal.

    BTW cleansing thing is already helping my IBS and I've noticed good things about my regular-ness. So far, it's doing what I want it to - help me digest my food and stay regular ^-^ Plus it's a good way of getting 2 cups of water in the morning.