Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Aly - Naturopath is a pretty broad term for health practioners who specialize in holistic and natural medicines. You can often find doctors who have specialities in naturopathic medicines. Often they recommend changing you diet or taking natural organic suppliments to help things like migraines, chronic pain etc. If you're interested in finding out more you should ask around at work or your friends and see if they could recommend any or check out the professional association in your area for recommendations.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Nadine - we are big fans of online dating here. Well I know Aly, Meag, and I all are. I met my SO on eHarmony and I couldn't be happier!! I wish you the best of luck and hope it goes well!!

    QOTD - put on some music that will change my mood around. Music always sets my mood!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    That's right, Nadine - Online dating FTW! haha Actually I had a few of terrible "dates" before I met Tyler - folks were just weird, or socially inept, or just completely NOT what they said they'd be. And yes - pictures can be deceiving. I always made a point of meeting people very early on so as to avoid the whole "work-up" and not to waste my time with someone I would gel with in person. That being said, I'm about the least shy girl you'll ever meet, so strangers and new situations are kind of my forte. In this regard, online dating was perfect for me. Never an awkward moment. At least not on my end. I also always did the initiating and rarely responded to messages from others. I wanted to "hand pick" my dates (this I discovered after several awful ones) - and that's when I met Ty. Couldn't be happier :bigsmile: Truly!

    Seripha - I WISH! I'd love to move out there. GAH. I'm so jealous of your mild winters, although our summers tend to kick *kitten* since I love the heat and despise the rain. I'm a total beach bunny in the summers now. But yea - You're right. Healthy, active living should ALWAYS be fun. I am a firm believer in that as well, and up to now I've been practicing it. Don't know what's gotten into me, really... Just getting a bit crazy I think :noway: Please feel free to cyber-smack me next time I get all miserable and obsessive. I just need a good reality check sometimes!

    QOTD - Uhmm Oatmeal? haha Jk. Although a good hour or two in the kitchen trying something new does tend to make me feel better. Otherwise, a wicked work out lifts my mood pretty substantially, especially if I set a new target/goal and push myself to reach it or go further. A nice hot cup of coffee goes a long way, too. And of course, skimming this group and reading about all of your successes tends to lift my spirits a lot. This place is such a wonderful motivator!

    AFM - Just wanted to post another food comment... Actually two!
    I had the BEST rice-less jumbalaya tonight for dinner. Holy. Shnickey. SO GOOD! My mom made it the other day for dinner while I was out and we had leftovers in the fridge, but I've got the recipe and I will definitely post it. It's high protein awesomeness, and packed with veggies and good stuff. I'd probably switch up the seasonings a bit just to lower sodium but yea - super kick *kitten*. Can't wait to share it with you guys. I had a serving with a huge spinach salad w/ avocado and man am I packed. Great dinner :happy:

    Also, I'm trying a new twist on my morning oats tomorrow. I want to use up some fruit I have and so I popped 1/2 banana, 3 strawberries and 1 chopped kiwi into the freezer. In the AM, I'm going to blend it with 1/4cup of oats, 2 handfuls of baby spinach and 1cup of soy or almond milk (might go soy for the protein, but I'm going to enter it all into MFP first to see what the stats are). I know this is a totally unbalanced carb-loaded breakfast but I think it will be yummy and filling. Any suggestions on how to make it more balanced or yummy? I know that oats work great to thicken breakfast smoothies - can't wait to try it. Oh and don't worry - I'll shake in some cinnamon too! :wink: hahahaha

    Have a great night everyone! :heart:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Aly--I hope you can get your migraines under control. That's no fun to deal with... Good for you with signing up for WW! I hope that it helps you get where you want to go!

    Nadine--I LOVE nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! So true! Your goal app sounds fun! I love VS too, especially bathing suits! I noticed that your tracker is VS! I used to tear out pics from the bathing suit catalog and hang them in the pantry as a not so subtle reminder of how I want to look in a bathing suit! I hope your meeting with the new boy goes well!

    Meag--Thanks for the bday wish! Don't worry, I pretty much am celebrating all of January so you're not really late! :wink: Great workout today! Sounds like you are feeling much better!

    Insky--Glad you busted your plateau! It's definitely a great feeling and I am patiently waiting busting through my current plateau! Good job passing by the spinach dip!

    QOTD---hmm I don't really have a go to pick me up. Maybe I can adopt one from one of you guys!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Aly-migranes are NO fun!!! One of my good friends used to get them all the time...she ended up being allergic to aspartame and other sweeteners. Once she took it out of her diet she didn't get the migranes.

    Jill-GIRL you are a RUNNING icon!!!! I would love to someday say...yeah I got in 17 biggie :glasses:

    Nadine-way to take a change and get back out there...just be careful!!!! The right guy is out there!:heart:

    Meag-I need you to come prepare oatmeal for me!!! Haven't made the steel cut oats lately-just doesn't taste the same a day or two you use the qucik oats? Way to get your run in today too!! My legs were pretty tired tonight!

    Insky-way to pass on the spinach dip! I know it's hard but pretty soon you won't even think twice about it :tongue:

    Skip-happy, happy "belated" birthday to you :flowerforyou:

    QOTD: When I'm down or need a pick me up my favorite thing to do is to snuggle with my girls...I :heart: them more than life itself!!!

    AFM: Got my strength and stretching in yesterday thanks to No More Trouble Zones and some quick yoga stretches. My 2 yr old came in and yelled at me for using her weights (3 lb ones I just bought cause my 8 lbs were too much for NMTZ). I told her to find something else to use...she goes to the basket of dog toys and picks up 2 dog bones and proceeds to do forward lunges with bicep curls. FUNNIEST THING EVER :laugh:

    Today I had to opt to running on the treadmill tonight because I wanted to hang with my girls before bed...but I got in my 3.5 miles while watching The Biggest Loser.

    Thanks for all the well-wishes for my family and the horrible stomach bug that attacked them! I think tomorrow will be the last day at home for my girls...just want to make sure they-and everyone in their rooms are somewhat healthy!

    Have a great night everyone and I'll check in with you all tomorrow!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag-I need you to come prepare oatmeal for me!!! Haven't made the steel cut oats lately-just doesn't taste the same a day or two you use the qucik oats? Way to get your run in today too!! My legs were pretty tired tonight!
    I use old fashioned rolled oats. Not quick or steel cut. I cook them in the microwave for 1min45sec and I find them perfect! Toss some fruit and cinnamon in, cook it on high, and top it with yogurt. Yumm! :bigsmile:

    Great job getting your run done around your important family stuff :happy: I love how you make it work!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-we all have those days!! just get back on board! as for the vinegar...i have heard the apple cider vinegar helps boost your metabolism but i tried it for a while and felt that it made no diff!

    Melissa-Great job on your loss and your WOs! you are rocking it! and cute story about your kiddo!

    Gonks-you did AWESOME on the sodium challenge wtg!! and awesome loss too btw!

    Rai-thanks...i still dont have it set up!! tomorrow though! and way to get back to the gym and sign up for that class!

    Aliis-congrats on getting your 2nd interview :)

    Diamonds-glad to see that your new scale finally has caught up withy ou! great job :)

    QOTD1-fave breakfast is jimmy deans dlights breakfast sandwichs! not as healthy as everyone's oatmeal but also not too bad!

    QOTD2-to turn my day around i would blast the music and sing my heart out :) LOL love it!

    AFM-WI's tomorrow so of course I am stressed APU (as per usual) but i did well this week so we shall see how it has worked for me!! wish me luck :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey all! ok so i've been catching up on the posts and will try my best to get shoutouts in this one!!

    Meag- I agree with the past posts about your diet. You've come so far to be dragged down into depression about eating. I'm pretty lax as well, and have no ratios at all going as to my daily intakes, so i as well am not the best person to be listening to.. however I think you know by now what's good and not good for you, and should actually be enjoying your meals instead of worrying about being a bit short on protein for the day.

    Skip- happy belated birthday!! i like to enjoy a whole month's worth of celebrating as well haha! mine is July 3rd, which is practically our nation's holiday, so i'm just happy to get fireworks every year!

    Nadine- Online dating has become so mainstream now, and def doesn't seem weird! several people i know have met their SO's online. One of my friends is now married to her man, who she met when we were in 10th grade, in a chat room, even before these dating sites existed! good luck, and just remember to take caution when meeting people! public places!

    Diamonds- great job with the loss, and passing on the dip! both hard things to accomplish lol.

    tara- good luck with the WI!! i'm sure you'll have good results!!

    AFM, I had my official WI on monday and was surprisingly down 3.5 lbs, putting me at 154.5, which means I met my goal for the month woo! now hopefully this wasn't a momentary low. work has been a bit more stressful since i took on the role of lead tech at night. things in the lab are functioning fine, though it's more the annoying way that people are behaving towards me now which has caused me to lose sleep since the new year began. as my manager told me, people are going to push my buttons and test me and see how well i can keep my cool, and i work with several older ladies, who i totally feel are doing that, partially b/c i'm so much younger than them, along with the fact that i'm new to the leadership part of the job... rather annoying, and this week has had me running on about 8 hours of sleep since monday. after i get out of work today i'm going home, taking a sleeping pill and not getting out of bed until 5pm.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    allie- wtg on your loss!!! that is so awesome to have reached your goal with 12 days to go!! and sleep well deserve it!!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    thanks tara!! oh i forgot to mention, my non-scale victory for the month... i had a pair of size 8 jeans sitting in my closet that i'd try on from time to time, and today they finally fit!!! granted they were slightly tight in the legs, but i figured that's not too bad, and they'll stretch out.. they fit well enough to wear to a meeting today, and it felt fantastic!! i know some of you other ladies do the same thing as far as keeping small clothes around.. such a great feeling when you can finally fit into that piece!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone-

    Allie- Congrats on the size 8 Jeans!! that is so awesome and I'm glad you felt fantastic in them- and to put the cherry on top you lost 3.5 pounds- AMAZING!!!

    Nadine- I say good for you for putting yourself out there and looking for Mr. Right not Mr. Right Now. I am sure that it is extremely difficult and nerve racking to meet this new boy, but I think you have the right attitude about it!

    Diamonds- Great job on using your will power to pass up the spinach dip. It can be so hard sometimes to walk by the things you really like, especially if your stressed about something.

    Meag- I am interested in all of the food concotions you come up with. I will have to wait and see how this smoothie comes out. I use to eat fruit smoothies with whey protein in the them in the morning, but with working out in the morning sometimes I don't have time to eat that much food, not to mention I might just bard after my work out if I eat to much prior.

    I know there are a bunch of other posts.. ITS SO HARD!!! So sorry to everyone I missed.

    AFM- no ice this morning- YIPPEE!!! So I got in to the gym and did my workout. I was feeling pretty tired and all around worn out for some reason (the flu seems to be making its way around my office) so I just walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes. I watched a little Australian Open and just kept walking. It felt good by the time I was done and now I don't feel tired or worn out, so maybe I just need a little exercise pick me up!

    Lunch today will be interesting because we didn't have enough left overs last night, so I will be heading down to the cafeteria at work. We have a really nice salad bar, but without measuring cups sometimes I underestimate what I am putting on my salad. It is all veggies and lettuce so I guess as long as I am super careful with the dressing all should be fine and they will be quality calories but it still makes me anxious! Any who- wish me luck and have a fantastic Hump day!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies. Just a breakfast update :wink:

    Megan - I usually have a whey protein shake after my runs. I am typically craving something cold and refreshing, so frozen fruit, protein and almond milk with some spinach and nut butter is a great pick-me-up. Yum!

    But this morning I wanted to re-vamp my oats! Here's what made the final cut:

    8 oz almond milk
    1/4 cup old fashioned oats
    1 Tbsp flax seed
    1/4 cup Naturegg Simply Egg Whites
    2 handfuls baby spinach
    1 kiwi, peeled and frozen
    3 strawberries, frozen

    Power blended that bad boy for about 45 seconds and bam, thick breakfast smoothie. The texture is definitely that of blended oats with fruit and milk, exactly what you would expect, but it's not bad. I don't know that I'm crazy about the kiwi - 1/2 banana would have probably made a smoother drink - but otherwise it's good. I was trying to play around with adding protein and I think the egg whites did the trick. Can't taste them but I guess they add a frothy texture. We'll see how well this sustains me for the morning :smile: Still not as yummy, warm and goo-ey as my morning oats but maybe a good substitute in the summer? Hmmm Still - love to experiment!

    Well, my legs and entire body are feeling like AWFUL from my workout yesterday so I am thinking some serious stretching is in order. I'm going hit up a YogaFit class today (which I've never done before) to hopefully stretch it out and limber up. Then, speed intervals. I used to do them at 6.5mph but I think I'm going to slow it down to 6.2mph today so that I don't burn out. 6X400m with 1 min walking/jogging breaks in between. Should be a quick run - thankfully! With the class it'll be a good workout day for me, though.

    Have a great day everyone. Work hard and enjoy yourselves.
    Meag :heart:

    PS. GONKS! I hope everything's OK on your end. I know things have been stressful and lame, so come back to us when you have had time to get *kitten* together. Just know that you are missed! At least by your cross-border doppleganger.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Oh - and almost forgot - WICKED LOSS ALLIE!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
    Great job and amazing NSV too - Size 8? Heck yea! Amazing! Keep it up, girl!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey All,

    This thread always seems to be super fast on days when I am off and dont have access to a computer. I still get on and log and read through the posts through the fiances phone but its just too hard to write long posts back to everyone.

    For now just a quick update on me. Got my run/walk intervals in on Monday night as planned- head just wasn't in it though but I still got it in and got a good workout. Yesterday I was off and it was a good thing because the ice was awful stayed at home and had a nice relaxing day with the fiance (thank goodness he was off also). Normally would go to the gym to do my strength on Tuesday but didn't want to chance the roads so I popped in Jillian's 30 Day Shred. Still a great workout- although I felt good afterward because it wasn't nearly as hard as it was for me last year when I first got it. I was able to do pretty much all of the exercises at the advanced level. Foot was bothering me last night though so I think instead of a run today I am going to get in a good cycling workout. Will see how it feels after work. I am just 7 months out of a broken bone in my foot so I have to baby it sometimes. Will just make sure that either tomorrow or Friday is a good run day.

    Other than that not too much- but really focusing on the food. Trying to find healthy ways to eat and fuel my body rather than just because it looks good or I want it. Also trying to focus on staying up closer to my calories. I think I was not getting enough the past few weeks. We shall see we shall see! Hope everyone has a great day!!!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning peeps!

    Selfish Post this morning

    Today I am feeling better so far there is only a slight trace of a headache,and feeling kind of spacey, which is better than yesterday. I made it all day yesterday without having any ibuprofen. I am hoping to ween myself off of it if I can, per the dr orders. I am drinking my water and today I am working my way to less and less caffinee at all to see what that does for my body. I actually had a glass of orange juice this morning, I have heard sometimes the extra sugar can help. Breakfast was some leftover steel cut oats from yesterday( I am totally loving the texture of these oats), with a banana, flax seeds and almond milk. It was delish! Last night I made a stirfry and I have leftovers today. My weight is already lower than it was on Friday( I peeked hehe) It is putting me in such a good mood. I really feel that I can do this with the help of WW. Tonight I have run training with the team. So I am happy about that....I am nervous about taking a season off.... Thinking I might take summer off, but I love the team so much and the feeling of community...but I want to do lots of camping and stuff this summer....hmmm.

    QOTD- What is one thing you can do now that you couldn't do before?
    I can compete a Olympic distance triathlon :) so proud of myself.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I meant to say I can complete and compete in a triathlon hehe. Just one of my new fitness accomplishments.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Melissa - too cute with your daughter. And great that she is "working out" at a young age. My daughter goes with me to the gym and kind of understands. As she was picking her snack for school today, she told me that she wanted an apple cause it was good for her. Apparently she does listen cause I was just telling her a couple of days ago that she needs to start taking fruit, vegetables, or string cheese for her snack.

    Tara - I don't know why you stress before every WI. You always manage to kick *kitten*!!! Can't wait to see your results!!

    Allie - good job on the loss!! And way to fit into those size 8s!! Many many years ago, I used to keep a pair of shorts around that I would do the same thing with. I eventually was able to fit into them and then grew out of them again.

    Megan - I :heart: that you have a gym and cafeteria at work!! I would love to be able to work out during the day!!

    AFM...I got my 120 minutes of working out in last night. I did an hour of kickboxing and then an hour of hula. It felt great and I couldn't wait to get home and have my protein shake. I finished W2D1 of the push-up challenge on Monday. I hope I can squeeze in D2 tonight but I promised my daughter I would paint her nails tonight, I need to start packing for this weekend, and I finally get to see my boy after a week!! I have been doing really good food-wise over the last couple of days..except for the bagels on Monday. I tried a new combo with my oatmeal this morning....not my fave but I will still eat it and try again tomorrow. I am kinda worried about being on the cruise this weekend though. I keep looking forward to all of the gourmet food, the pizza bar after the club, and ice cream available all day long. There will also be tons of alcohol between the 20+ girls that are going in our group. However, I am going to take my gym stuff and one of the other girls wants to hit up the gym on the boat too so hopefully we can make it happen!!

    Happy Hump Day ladies!! Hope its a great one for all of you!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick post for me right my intervals in of 3 miles. I had to run 6 x 400. I ran 3 @ 7 mph and the last 3 @ 7.5 mph. In between I ran at 6 mph. 3 miles in 27:45...not too bad!!

    OK Meag...I made some oatmeal this morning....1/4 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, 1/8 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 a red pear, and 1/4 cup yogurt-I have to admit pretty darn tasty!!!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Melissa - Did you use steel-cut oats? The oat-to-liquid ratio is really low, so they must be. Anyway, sounds yummy! I always make mine with water but whatever works for ya! Love the fruit + cinnamon combo. And the yogurt on top - mmmm! You should try tossing in 1 Tbsp of flax or chia or some other seed for the healthy fats. It also adds a great crunch. Ideally I think you're supposed to use meal (because it digests easier) but I love the crunch, so screw it! haha

    Got my intervals in today as well. Ran the last 0.25mi at 7.0mph which is always a fun one. Otherwise my speed intervals were either 6.2mph or 6.5mph. Not too speedy but I got it done.

    Had another Green Monster drink post-workout. Water, plain yogurt, protein powder, spinach and 1 frozen banana. Pretty yummy but still nothing compares to my standard post-workout smoothie. I'll be back to it tomorrow!

    Guam - Keep experimenting with the oatmeal - Takes a while to find a combination that you really like, and to perfect the ratios. It's all trial and error :wink: But so yummy and healthy!

    Aly - Great job as always and love the attitude :smile: You are going to have a great week. I can feel it! Your oatmeal this morning sounds great! Keep it up!

    Cait - I love your focus - Eating healthy, including getting enough cals to fuel your body, is paramount but I know you can do it. I'm going to be on your case like you're a pint of candy cane chocolate fudge ice cream :laugh: So watch out! I'll be checking in on your diary regularly. You better be eating, woman! Take it easy on the foot, though. Don't want to injure yourself.

    Alright off to walk the dog and then get ready for an evening with the boy, again. Bring the dog out for another kitten-date experiment tonight. Going to apply for some jobs while I have time, as well. Take care everyone!
    Meag :heart:
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    GuamGrly – I love all these positive online dating stories! Some of my friends get it, some think I’m crazy and desperate. We’ll see who has the last laugh when I meet someone awesome. Hopefully the critics will be creating accounts of their own as I sit their smugly “I told you so.” PS about the cruise dilemma… how bout I go in your place??? 

    lostalykat – What is the Olympic distance for a triathlon? Sounds very impressive!! And don’t worry, I’ll be very safe.

    finncmh – I am all for eating more! If I eat too little my metabolism stops dead. Oh darn!

    Megan – Where do you work and are they hiring? Kidding, but it would be really nice to have the convenience of a gym and cafeteria at work. The only place I can get lunch if I forget is Tim Horton’s and my gym is always over crowded.

    allie7383 – Way to go on the weight loss and fitting into the jeans!! I hate the fear of the momentary low, but nothing wrong with patting yourself on the back and doing a little victory dance  As for the pushy ladies at work I can understand it would be easy for someone older to feel a bit put out having someone younger as their superior, and for them to be hypercritical because of it. Ultimately I think most people just want to know that they are good hands, and chances are any button pushing is not with intention to see you fail, but in hopes that you’ll rise up to the challenge and prove you’re someone capable of leading them.

    wardiemelissa – don’t worry I won’t be sneaking around to meet this guy! My friends know what’s going on with instructions to check on me, the meeting place will be very public, and of course if there is any abductions thank god for a phone with GPS capabilities  If the police can find people lost in the bush with iphones that have dead batteries, they can certainly find me in a trunk in Vancouver.

    SkipToMyLou32 – I had pictures on my bedroom walls but felt a little embarrassed when friends would comment on my interesting wall décor. “Umm… so you’re swinging both ways these days??” It is hard to explain I am just an exercise and weight loss fanatic to wing eating, beer drinking ski bums. Especially when you aren’t overweight, they just don’t get it.

    meagalayne – I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes! I can be really really shy with people at first, but once I’ve breached the comfort gap I am loud and outgoing. I am all about having fun and acting silly, to the point of being considered immature, so I often feel like I need to sus out whether someone is going to be accepting of my comical nature or critical of it. I tend to not get along with people who take themselves and life to seriously, and they don’t get along with me because I am always laughing at everything. It would be okay if I didn’t care what people thought of me, but I can’t help but take it to heart if someone doesn’t like me or says something negative. Anyways Tyler sounds amazing, a rare gem! Thanks for sharing him with us, as it cements the fact that the right kind of guy is out there, as long as I am willing to be patient in my search for him.

    seripha – gotta love it when your calves feel like bricks!

    QOTD – If the bad day is a result of being upset about something, going for a hard run or workout always helps me feel better. If it’s a bad day because I am feeling tired and rundown I let myself off the hook of going to the gym and just go home and go to sleep so I can wake up feeling better the next day.

    AFM – Did an upper body strength training workout last night and some yoga. Today I am going to do a lower body workout, circuit style to burn extra cals. Since running is still out I’ll prob follow it up with some more yoga. Might as well get my body realigned while I am forced to rest!