Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • necki696
    Sure I would love to join the challenge
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Olympic Distance Triathlon- 1.5 km swim, 40 km ride, 10 km run

    I am thinking about doing a Half Ironman this summer- 1.9 km swim, 90 km ride, 21.1 km run
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Nadine - the right guy is definitely out there for you! And when you find him, you will know! I am 29 and just found someone that I believe is the one for me. He has proven to me that chivalry is, in fact, not dead. He spoils me and treats me like a queen. Going through all of the drama and bullsh!t with all of the other guys makes me appreciate my boy that much more. I can't wait to see where this journey takes you!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Sure I would love to join the challenge
    Just find the most recent list of goals for the month, (may be a few pages back now) and add yourself + your goals to the bottom! Then just introduce yourself and post whenever and whatever you feel like. Welcome to the "challenge" - Ultimately, the aim is to support you in challenging yourself to meet your own goals. We're here just to support one another and provide advice/suggestions on nutrition, fitness, and health and well-being. So welcome! :flowerforyou: Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    lostalykat - I've always wanted to do a triathlon, just to say I've done it, but I get so bored swimming laps and plus the pool is two buses away, very annoying to get to! The half iron man looks intense, but what an accomplishment, I say go for it!!

    GuamGrly - They say chivalry is dead and women killed it, but that's just a lazy mans excuse! I'm not falling for it (anymore)!! If you can judge a guy through text msgs he's so far been really sweet so we'll see how it plays out in person.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I just said no to chocolate cake at work! Granted it was partially because I know that chocolate can aggravate migraines(and I have been dealing with one for the last two days), but I ate a whole wheat fig bar instead and I feel satisfied and ready to go run with the team tonight.

    Meag- that sounds pretty good, I am always nervous about using too many calories in the beginning of the day... but they say its the best time to load up. I am interested in trying oats in a breakfast smoothie, but I do love my warm oatmeal. hehe

    Doing great ladies! Happy to see some losses!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey all:

    Quick selfish post: This week is my "shorter" training week in terms of my long run- it's recommended to run a 10k race. So rather than sign up for a race, I just decided to race the distance myself. I ran my *kitten* off chicas- 67:43 minutes (which is just under 11 min mile for each mile). WOOT. My goal going out was just to be under 75 min and i thought that was a stretch, honestly.

    It's just so encouraging because I'm planning on running the Mini 10k in central park in June...with my friend who finished the ING marathon this year averaging 9:45. Today I was looking at my estimated times and just couldnt imagine getting my time down to around 10 min. (which for some reason is the barrier to "respectable" time") but now it seems totally possible! I'm just soooo excited. and now, I shall nap. well sleep. same thing.

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-you are doing awesome as always! i sure hope the scale shows some changes this week for you!

    Aly-a triatholon is so cool!! WTG! and great job on the cake also!

    Guam-i guess i stress about my WI every week because I always have a general idea of how I am going to do...I weigh myself everyday! so if i get to Tuesday and its not lookin good I already know it! and YES i do know that I shouldnt weigh everyday but it is the only way to ensure that I will stay on track so it is worth the stress of it during the week! BTW i wanted to say you are extremely focused right now on your eating and WOs so CONGRATS!

    Necki-welcome to the group!

    Gonks-all I can say is way to rock it!!! you are kickin it this month!

    QOTD-my biggest accomplishment up to this point, that i wouldnt have been able to do before (or have wanted to), is the 10K mud run in Cali! it is 6.2miles of obstacles on the military base there and very exhausting and challenging! and I have done it twice with a 15 minute improvement from the 1st to the 2nd time!

    AFM-i have been doing great on my WO's...havent missed one yet and am on 2/3 for this week so far (have until Sat), i have been great on my water and the 2 days that I fell short have been made up on other days (160oz in one day to do it!), and I lost 1lb today which puts me at a total of 4/8 of my goal for January. so not as high as I had hoped but I still have 12 days to go!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey all:

    Quick selfish post: This week is my "shorter" training week in terms of my long run- it's recommended to run a 10k race. So rather than sign up for a race, I just decided to race the distance myself. I ran my *kitten* off chicas- 67:43 minutes (which is just under 11 min mile for each mile). WOOT. My goal going out was just to be under 75 min and i thought that was a stretch, honestly.

    It's just so encouraging because I'm planning on running the Mini 10k in central park in June...with my friend who finished the ING marathon this year averaging 9:45. Today I was looking at my estimated times and just couldnt imagine getting my time down to around 10 min. (which for some reason is the barrier to "respectable" time") but now it seems totally possible! I'm just soooo excited. and now, I shall nap. well sleep. same thing.

    INCREDIBLE! :bigsmile: Don't you just LOVE when hard work pays off!?! Great job, Gonks. You're such an all-star!

    I have a recipe to post and some updating to be done, but the dog is barking and I want to be up super early to hit a bootcamp class in the AM (the one I missed last time around). Have a great night everyone!
    Meag :heart:
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    I am BAAAAAACK!!!!
    Please let me join in again girls!!!
    Kicking *kitten* with you lot was the only reason I was doing so well before!!!

    If there is anyone new in here..... I'm Emmy and I'm 21 from Wales, Britain. Got a lot of weight to lose and I'm hoping to get about 25lbs off by March for my Birthday and another 25lbs off by July for my gradation. Hopefully the rest will follow steadily!!!

    To all the oldies..... I have missed the hell out of you lot!!! I don't know how I survived without the internet, but somehow I've managed to gain only 4lbs. That's a complete shocker to me!!! I was putting off the scales bacause I was really worried that I had gained all the weight I had lost back. But I'm not feeling so bad about +4lbs. And I know it'll be gone soon enough!!!

    So my goal for the end of Jan (which I know is only a week and a bit away) is to lose those 4lbs I gained and 1more so that I get down to 200lbs for Feb!!!

    Incredibly sorry for the selfish, me,me,me style of this post but there is a lot to catch up on!!!!

    :heart: Emmy
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    EMMMYYYY!!!!!!! :bigsmile: Yay! We had been asking around about you like nobody's business, woman! We were JUST about to issue an amber alert! Seriously though, I am so glad you are back and that you are ready to commit 100%. You are definitely an integral part of the group and I know that we all benefit from having your smiley face around! So welcome back to Kickin' *kitten*! :flowerforyou: Oh and don't worry about catching up - You missed a LOT! hahaha

    Well, I didn't get up this AM for bootcamp because I couldn't sleep - at all - last night. I tossed and turned but my muscles were screaming from the amped up workouts this week and just wouldn't rest. Bad news is that I was up all night and have to be up at work until 4am tonight... :ohwell: Supreme lameness. I am going to be wrecked after work. Hoping I can sneak in a nap sometime this afternoon but there's a lot I want to get done before the weekend hits. My weekends are always so hectic with work, Tyler and running, fitting chores and errands in can be a real challenge. Laundry, job apps, and a trip to the whole foods and running store are on tap today. Plus a 3 mile run if my legs don't protest too much. Might have to take it easy again.

    Recipe time - Last night I tried out 2 news recipes from my Low-GI cookbook. Tofu Avocado Spread and Cumin Crusted Chicken Salad. The former turned out awesome and I wanted to share it with you. The chicken was good, but pretty simple and not really worth sharing. Basically just rub ground cumin + some ground pepper onto chicken breast, sear them, finish in the oven, and serve over a salad with balsamic reduction. Tasty. I added avocado to bump up the healthy fats.

    Here's the Dip/Spread recipe I made:
    Throw the following into a food processor:
    6oz (170g, roughly 2 servings) tofu (I used silken, but soft or medium would make for a thicker spread which could be nice)
    1/2 hass avocado (approx 75g)
    2 cloves garlic
    2 tsp minced ginger
    2 Tbsp lime juice
    1/2 cup fresh cilantro
    1 Tbsp Natural PB
    1 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce

    Makes about 1.5cups, or 6 1/4cup servings. Per serving: Cals 55, Carbs 4, Fat 4(healthy fats!), Protein 3, Fiber 1, Sodium 2mg!!

    Super fresh and very "clean". If I were going to make it again, I'd leave out the applesauce (which did nothing, tbh) and the ginger and add in roasted garlic instead of raw and an oven roasted jalapeno for some kick. It is REALLY tasty and a great vegan/veg sandwich spread or dip. Very balanced. I'm going to have it with my leftover cumin crusted chicken today, shredded up on a corn tortilla, for some Mexican flare. The initial recipe called for lemon juice and parsley instead of lime/cilantro but wtvs. Details! haha

    MAKE THIS DIP AND LOVE IT! Insky - I'm sure you could try using frozen cooked spinach instead of avocado for a yummy spinach dip instead! Although, you may be sick and tired of it by now... But the cals would be SUPER low.

    Aly - It was good, but I think I'd prob try adding only 2Tbsp of oats next time. It was a bit toooo oat-y for my tastes. Just sayin' - I have to experiment some more!

    Tara - Great job! You're WI on Sat is going to be wonderful - Don't sweat it! You always manage to bust out a great weight loss every week. Just make sure you are keeping healthy + wellness at the forefront of your journey, and not the number on the scale :happy:

    That's it for me this morning! Another Green Monster on tap for post-run. Almond milk, whey protein, spinach, PB, and frozen blueberries. I am tempted to add in some silken tofu since I've been searching for recipes that use it... But it may have to wait for Fri morning's breakfast. Oatmeal is on the agenda for dinner tonight since I had veggies + egg whites for breakfast today. I am craving my oats! hahah

    Have a great day, y'all!
  • Roobean33
    Roobean33 Posts: 104
    Emmy! Hey girl, and welcome back! +4lbs is nothing, especially when you're not logging! I think I would do way more damage than that!

    Gonks - Congratulations!!!! You are doing so well and I'm speechless! I feel like I would NEVER be able to do that. Multiple miles at under 11min a piece seems fantastic to me, but if you want to get down to 10min, I have no doubt you'll do that too & soon!

    TJ - YAY for your loss and keeping up with your workout schedule! You are doing great!

    Meag - I think listening to those screaming muscles and taking it easy was a good choice, especially since you are working so late tonight. You are really pushing yourself and your body is trying to build back up. I'm sure you're about to see some big results!

    AFM - Rest day from XFit, and hitting up my old fave: elliptical! Is it sad that I'm excited? Then some stretching and chugging the H20. Feeling strong's hoping my WI is awesome tomorrow. Have a great day ladies!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Hey all:

    Quick selfish post: This week is my "shorter" training week in terms of my long run- it's recommended to run a 10k race. So rather than sign up for a race, I just decided to race the distance myself. I ran my *kitten* off chicas- 67:43 minutes (which is just under 11 min mile for each mile). WOOT. My goal going out was just to be under 75 min and i thought that was a stretch, honestly.


    In the HH training it says to run a few races too...I plan on doing the same thing-running it on my own at a race pace. Great job!!!
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Emmy - Welcome back. I am glad to see your smiling avatar face again on this thread :) 4 lbs is easy to deal with and we're here to support you to get to your goals :D

    Roo - High five for ellipticals! That has been my go to this week while my calves have been screaming in pain from my good step class on Monday.

    Meag - I'm always way impressed with your healthy lifestyle, especially because you work the bar scene. I've heard the bar / restaurant scene makes it really easy to get into some not so nice habits so it's really awesome that you're able to maintain what you have.

    Gonks - You can totally do the 10K in under 60 minutes. You have a good number of months to train and get used to the pacing you need to really give'r and you also have what's most important - determination and commitment!

    AFM - Was going to go for a run outside today, thinking maybe not now that it's snowing outside. Yea I know that people like Jill and Meag run in the snow all the time, but I'm a west coast girl (always have been) and snow only happens maybe like 4 times a year here. We freak out when it happens.

    Update on the cayenne cleanse thing - I'm actually really liking it, especially on cold mornings. It warms me up and it has a really nice flavour. It's especially good because there's no way you can add milk or sugar to it like with tea or coffee, so I know my cals are always the same. I haven't seen any weight loss (didn't expect any) but it has lived up to its promise so far about helping me be regular - which is #1 for me with my IBS. I call that a win. I would recommend people who have digestive troubles to give it a try for a week and see if it helps you. It may just be good for me but considering it's a whopping 1 calorie per large glass, it's totally worth it.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    First and Foremost, Welcome back Emmy!!! So glad to see that you are back! We all missed you and can't wait to hear your encouraging words back on the thread! Yay!!

    Meag- That sucks about the no sleeping, maybe an ibprofen was in order to help your tired muscles. I have ibprofen PM for nights when I know my body is going to be in pain and have a hard time sleeping.

    Seripha- Glad your cleanse is doing well and you are seeing a benefit from it.

    AFM- I was battling a migrane for the last two days, I woke up having a throbbing feeling in my head the last two mornings, it totally sucks. I have been trying all I can to deal with these and I think the stress is not helping. I might see if I can find a yoga class tonight instead of more cardio. My body wants me to change something, and these headaches are more frequent the more I exercise. It is rough because I am healthier than I have ever been and having headaches constantly is not what I expected from all this health! Sorry for the rant.

    Last night I made it to training with the team, I did the beginner workout because I had been fighting a headache all day. Here it what it looked like.

    10 minute warm up-1 mile :) yay
    3 miles with a 2 minute break in between
    Each mile alternate your exertion, even laps do level 2 odd do a level 3.

    I felt pretty good afterwards but I was exhausted from everything and I almost started crying at work because of the headaches. I am going to grab some magnesium at the drug store when I fill my migraine prescription. I really hope I can figure out what it triggering these.

    WI is tomorrow and I am hoping the scale will go back down, I really need to go back to only weighing myself once a week, it is just intense otherwise.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Question of the Day: What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh?
    I think I was laying in bed with my boyfriend and he was telling me a story about a cat that was going into space, and asking me how much money I would pay for a space cat. OMG it is still funny.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Nadine - indeed, chivalry is not dead!! :flowerforyou: My boy proves that to me each and every time that I see him...opening doors, helping me into the truck, pulling out the chair for me. Hopefully this boy is the same way. I am so excited to hear how it goes.

    Aly - great job with avoiding the cake!! Even if it was to avoid a bigger migraine. You still did it and need to chalk that one up as a win!! :drinker:

    Gonk - your run sounds amazing!! :noway: I can't wait to become a runner like you girls!! And that run in Central Park sounds so beautiful! I would probably end up running it slower so that I could take in the scenery..haha!

    Tara - I was weighing myself everday too so that I could look back at previous days and see what I did good or not so good. But my addiction to the number on the scale was becoming my only focus. So I kinda banned myself from the scale for this month so that I could focus on my water and eating. Seems to be working so far cause I am down 2 pounds...yaya!! :bigsmile: And when is the mud run at Camp Pendleton? If you decide to do it again this year, I just might have to do it with you. And great job that you are half way to your goal so take it and run with it!!

    Emmy - soooooo glad to have you back!!! :happy: We have missed you!! And I'm with Mary, 4 pounds is nothing after not logging. I probably would have gained a good 15 pounds. But glad to have you back on the wagon. We can do this!!

    Meag - I hope you are able to get a nap in today but I know you are not a big fan of them. And you have quite a big on the agenda today.

    Mary - I miss the elliptical too!! I haven't been on it since I have been doing kickboxing but I might re-kindle that relationship on the cruise this weekend cause I am determined to hit up the gym while I am at sea. :noway:

    seripha - glad to see that the cleanse is working for you!! What did it consist of again?

    AFM...I am in a fantabulous mood today!! Didn't get my W2D2 push-up challenge in last night. We will see if I can fit it in tonight but its skate night for my daughter's school so I will still be getting some sort of calorie burn in. And I get to see my boy again tonight...woohoo!! :love: Tried a new combo of oatmeal this morning with peanut butter and almond milk. I kinda liked it. And I am enjoying the experimenting. I wish I had the time Meag has to spend in the kitchen.

    Well ladies, I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!! :bigsmile:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Aly - I swear we post at the same time just about every morning!! I hope you are able to figure out what is causing the migraines. I couldn't even imagine. Glad that you still felt better after your workout though.

    QOTD - I am sure it was with my boy and it was some outlandish story that he was telling. We visit a bar in a hotel on a regular basis and he has decided that sometime we will crash a party. Even if its a meeting, he has come up with some speech on reports and numbers. It cracks me up everytime!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Ahh the thread has been so busy today and I have just not had the time to read and reply to everyone. I only have about 20 minutes to scarf down my lunch and prepare for my next meeting.

    Nadine- I work at a financial institution (credit union) with about 7500+ employees. I work at the headquarters just outside of Washington, DC. It is definitely a benefit because we get the great things like the cafeteria and a gym. They really encourage overall healthiness and say that if an employee is healthy it will lead to a healthy business since we can actually be here to work.

    AFM- i did bootcamp this morning which was good because i dont see how I am going to get in a workout after this crazy day. Had a solid 668 cal burn so that was AWESOME! Just trying to survive this crazy work day- so far so good! I will attempt to catch up on the thread later this afternoon! Have a great day!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Emmy-welcome back!!! glad to see that your time away didnt effect you too much...and way to get right back on board!

    Meag-well thanks for the compliments but my ACTUAL WI day is on Wednesdays so that 1lb was my total for the week...that gives me 12 days from yesterday to lose the last 4lbs!! so my fingers are crossed!

    Mary-that is DEF not sad that you are excited about your elliptical!! i LOVE the elliptical!! and i wish you the best of luck on your WI...I know you will kick it!

    Seripha-glad to hear the cleanse is working for you...i WAS having a prob with this but I started taking flaxseed everyday and that has seemed to do the trick for me but if it happens again I will def keep this in mind!

    Guam-OH! i wish I would have known!! the mud run is in June usually, but the spots go for sale Jan 1st and are sold out by Jan 3rd at the latest!! LOL so no luck this year but we could always shoot for next year!

    QOTD- the last good laugh that I had was actually on a first date and i dont even remember what it was about because i was slightly intoxicated but i do remember playing pool and being hunched over laughing with tears in my eyes!!

    AFM-i was a little disappointed about my 1lb lost this week but I didnt let it get me down! i did a pretty good WO (for me at least) for the day...turbo jam for 42 minutes, and Zumba for 23 minutes for a total calorie burn of 540!! woohoo!! hope it helps me next Wednesday!!