Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Hey Nadine - It's tough when you get sidelined by an injury from your usual workouts. When I'm giving my body a rest day I usually make sure most of my calories are coming from protein, fruit, and veg. I feel way fuller than when I try to fill up on carbs. Personally, I also feel way awesomer when I have eaten a lot of fruit and veg... it makes me feel healthy and skinny! Hopefully that will work for you?

    Gonks - DO IT! DO the 10K. An all girl one would be amazing too!!!

    Meag - I seriously think you should adjust your cals. It's putting you in a bad mood and making you feel deprived. Gonks is right - if you're in the maintenance stage you shouldn't feel like you're doing highly explosive chemistry or something with your food intake. If there isn't a HUGE outcome expected for changing your percentages, you probably want to modify them. I know how much you enjoy your food - and you were doing it healthily! It seems like the change is making you do the opposite now and not enjoy your food. :(

    Cheralica - Welcome to the thread :) I'm glad you were able to get rid (or get to a position where you can manage) of all of those problems with your body. I had a similar situation with cysts but then I found out if I eliminated or greatly reduced my caffeine / chocolate intake they would go away. So I did. No surgery required. It's amazing what changing your diet can do for your body!

    QOTD - I'm either an oatmeal, pumpkin puree, and peanut butter girl or a soft boiled egg and soliders girl. (aka piece of bread cut into long rectangles for dipping into the soft boiled egg center. It's a brit thing :) )

    AFM - Step class was BRUTALLY GOOD. It's been a month since the last class because of the break and the instructor really let us have it to "make up for the last month". Going to use my extra calories for a work event I have to go to tonight. Don't know what kind of food will be there but I'll focus on the veggie and fruit platters and maybe top up with some protein at home when I get back.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD - I'm either an oatmeal, pumpkin puree, and peanut butter girl or a soft boiled egg and soliders girl. (aka piece of bread cut into long rectangles for dipping into the soft boiled egg center. It's a brit thing :) )

    Uuuuum *yoink* Stolen. I <3 Soft boiled eggs.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    QOTD - during the week, I count on my oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins. But I need to re-vamp that cause the raisins have more calories than I would like to spend and a lot of sugar. May do some experimenting with the pumpkin again. On the weekends, its usually egg beaters with zucchini and squash.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD - during the week, I count on my oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins. But I need to re-vamp that cause the raisins have more calories than I would like to spend and a lot of sugar. May do some experimenting with the pumpkin again. On the weekends, its usually egg beaters with zucchini and squash.

    I like a banana sliced really thin in my oatmeal- doesn't really solve your sugar problem completely but its quite tasty (and you don't need the brown sugar)
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    You could try adding unsweetened applesauce? That's delicious warm :D
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Hi ladies! I am back from my weekend. I am terrible about logging my calories and checking the thread on the weekends for some reason. I am so behind, so just a quick selfish post. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a good weekend and didn't over indulge too much! School starts back tomorrow...blah... But I'll be done for good in May and finally get to go back to work! I'm so excited about my schedule because I'll be able to get my workout in first thing in the morning every day. Not really anything else to report here. Hope you guys have a great evening and a good day tomorrow!

    QOTD--my breakfast EVERY day that I LOVE is half a cup of fiber one cereal with blueberries and strawberries in it with almond milk and two cups of coffee!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    This post is going to be looooong. I’ve not been keeping up like a good girl should.

    Laurn - Congrats on the weight loss! Keep going! You will absolutely meet that 155!
    Finn – I hear you girl. Just surfing the internet or reading a magazine can get my head in a twist about that TO do what NOT TO do. I decided in the new year to re-simplify. I was taking on so much that I was just setting myself up for frustration (I feel mostly in the exercise department). I’m also a planner and go pretty bonkers and allow myself to eat really crappy if I don’t. I’m not 2 strict, but I need to know there is something healthy for dinner or I’ll get so hungry and just grab something fast food. I’m glad you got your rage out!! And I know you won’t let that stop you!
    Wardie- I’m glad your ½ marathon group is growing. It seems you are a real motivator to the people around you. Great job!! And great attitude about weight loss a la sick. Lol.
    Meag – Sounds like you are really having a tough time with your carb, protein, fat split. This is probably something you wouldn’t agree with, but maybe you should just let it go… maybe not permanently, but for a little while? Or try to ease into it? I feel like just counting calories can be a stress-fest by itself if I don’t plan. I can’t yet conceive of trying to do averages and percentages etc etc (…and honestly if I had to cut down carbs I think I would need some kind of therapy. Whether that is healthy or not is another story. Haha). But to be real we have to eat healthy, but we still have lives to live and people to see. It makes me sad to hear you don’t want to eat with anyone else. Still stick to your guns, but also please be happy =D. We all love you and want you not to stress too bad. Besides – Stress makes you fat. Lol.
    TJ – Congrats on the elliptical! Water drinking is tough. Some days I feel like I could drink the ocean and other days I loathe the thought…I wonder why that is…I recently “borrowed” my husband’s water bottle from college that carries 4 cups at a time. I carry it around all day and take sips so I don’t feel like I have to chug chug chug. I know I have to drink it twice, so it is kind of a game which is motivating to me.
    Kat – really? No to turkey bacon?… I LOVE IT!! But I also do not really like regular bacon.. different strokes I guess. My husband eats it, but he says “This is good, but you have to know it is no where near regular bacon right?!” haha…not for me!
    Seripha – Lunch break exercise classes?! Sweet!! Good job on the run and have fun with those beads! Etsy has some super cute stuff.
    Cheralicia- Welcome!
    Gonks – Sounds like that 10K is going to a fun challenge. It is always easier to do something like that with a friend. Congrats on the loss.
    Nadine- Me sitting at home unable to exercise is a recipe for disastrous snacking. I normally try to pick things that are more nutrition dense AND I make some kind of rule. For example, if I eat I cannot eat for 3-4 hours after or until I drink 4 glasses of water or whatever. That stops me from just snacking because I’m bored. Also have a non-food project at hand that excites you. Need to catch up on scrap booking? Read that book that you’ve not had time to? Now is the time.
    Lou – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like you had a great time and are ready to get right back into eating healthy and tracking. Great!

    AFM: Been having a really really strange weight loss journey these past two weeks. I lost over 4 lbs in a week which had nothing to do with eating right and exercising because I did neither (extra Christmas weight coming off?). Gained back 0.4 lb this wi which is good since my weight has stayed about the same after that crazy loss. Have not been tracking consistently last week or the week before, but I feel like I’m getting my groove back finally. In the end I’ve already met my weight goal for January, but I would like to see another two lbs come off by 1/31/11. Went to the gym for the first time in ages today and signed up for a lower body/ab/back class on Wednesday to set up a routine. Will sign up for the upper body one for Friday. Will do some meal planning tonight and shopping in the morning on the way back home. Also planning on getting a 3 mi run in with the puppy tomorrow. I’m re-tackling this thing!!

    B-Fast: Meal One: Oatmeal, 2 tsp sugar, 10 chopped almonds (easy morning)
    Meal Two: Two eggs, salsa, whole wheat toast with low fat cream cheese (gearing up for a long day)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Unsolicited advice - Opt out of sugar in your oatmeal, folks, and try adding fruit and cinnamon! You'll love the extra cals and the refined sugar is so hard for your body to process. I know it seems like a tough switch but you'll stop craving the sugar in the morning - promise! I haven't sweetened my oatmeal in a long time, but I used to ALWAYS use sweetener. You just get used to it and then find that having sugar is just wayyy too much of a good thing. Oats, serving of fruit, cinnamon and 1/2 serving of yogurt = such a filling, yummy, balanced breakfast! The sugar just makes you crash mid-morning, I find, and if you cook the fruit in a little (cut up apples in with my oats + water, for ex) it releases its natural sugars into the oats and you don't even notice that the sugar is left out. Just give it a try! :happy:

    Short post. The boy is waiting in bed for me already. We've got an early morning for him to commute to work, so I better get going. Just wanted to update with y'all first. Changed my %s to 50-25-25 today and I'm feeling 100% better already. I know it's ALL mental, but whatever. I need to just get it out of my head and get back to being healthy - physically and mentally - and not so obsessive.

    Have a great night everyone - I'll catch back up in the AM!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Back from my lovely long weekend. Wanted to get in 20-25 running miles over the weekend, but I was busy and the conditions were nearly unbearable to run in. My winter running gear (although nice and costly) is just no match for the conditions I faced over the weekend. I did manage to run 17ish miles though, so not too shabby! I also managed to do all of NMTZ Sunday before my nearly 6 mile run. Legs are on FIIIIIRE today. Plan is Core 20 + Stretch 40 + HIIT 25 possibly. Getting about 6-8 inches of snow right now, so my plan will probably change as I have to shovel a bit.

    Interview went really well yesterday. Interview ended at 2ish, and at 9:30 this morning I had a call requesting that I come back for a second interview. Trying to finagle that (it's about a 3.5 hour drive from where I am now) and possibly see if it can be a phone interview with the big boss. My boss will KILL me if I take off more time:grumble:

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good morning, almost afternoon, everyone.

    So this morning I woke up at my usual 5:30, got dressed and was all ready to head to spin. Then I took a step outside. There was 1.5 inches of ICE on the ground. I tettered my way to my car, and the doors were frozen shut=awesome. Needless to say I did not make it to spin. I sprinkled some salt on our sidewalk, let it sit for about 15 minutes, then I grabbed the shovle. I spent a solid 45 minutes scrapping ice off the sidewalk not only in front of our house but our neighbors as well. (I live in a townhouse so it would be rude not to). I managed to make it from my house to my 3rd neighbor to the left then had to come inside to warm up. After about a 10 minute rest to get all toasty I started working my way to the right. I scrapped all the way to in front of my two neighbors to the right so that I could make it to my car without busting my butt. That took me until about 8 am. Then I was able to actually open my husbands car doors so I started working on defrosting his car.

    I finally got his car completely defrosted and drivable around 8:45. I quickly changed and made it into work by 9:40. Considering I would normally be at work around 6:15, work out, and then up to my desk around 8 this was a really late start.

    I am interested in seeing how sore my arms are going to be later today after doing all that pushing and scopping of thick sheets of ice. I did however get to weigh-in. Down 2 lbs! Making it a total of 8.5 lbs so far in Jan and 13 lbs so far. The great news is that it keeps coming off my fat mass which is key!

    Any ways- I just wanted to get in a post about my crazy morning and I will catch up with you all later this afternoon. Hope your days are fantastic!!

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Skip - glad you had a great birthday weekend!! Even better that you didn't overindulge! Makes your time spent worth it cause you aren't coming back thinking about all of the work you have to put in to undo your indulgences.

    Rachel - welcome back girly!!! I do the same thing with my water. I have a bottle that holds 4 cups of water and I know that I need to drink 2 of them. And I have to do it before I leave work because once I get home, the odds are very slim that I will actually consume any.

    Jill - your running still amazes me!! Good luck with the job!!

    Megan - sounds like you still managed to get in a great workout even though it wasn't planned that way. But I imagine thats also not a great way to start your day.

    Thank you to everyone that suggested ideas for my oatmeal. I am gonna continue trying new and different combinations until I find one that works for me.
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Rai--Your January sounds exactly like mine! I lost all my holiday weight in like a week and reached my January goal. I, too, have decided to go for 2 more pounds. Glad you're back on track!

    Meag--Glad you are feeling better! What a sweet boy you have!

    Jill--Sounds like you got some awesome runs in despite the weather. Way to be tough! Good luck on your interviews!

    Megan--Yeah with all that shoveling you probably burned just as much as you would have in spin! That is crazy!

    AFM--Stairmaster this morning. That thing makes me sweat more than running! Other than that, headed to class at 2 this afternoon! BOO! Shouldn't complain, at least it isn't 8am!

    I hope you gals have a great Thursday!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meag- Glad to see that you are doing better, what do you change on your settings for that? I have tried messing with mine but haven't really figured it out yet.

    Jill- Great job on running in the cold, you did better than I would have for sure. I get bummed out when it is 40 degrees out and I try to run, I couldn't imagine running on the east coast.

    Guam- I agree with fruit in oatmeal, I add unsweetened almond milk to mine with a little fruit and it gives it a nice flavor.

    mkingraham- Great job on the loss! I wish I could see numbers like that! Be proud and happy today you have worked hard for this.

    AFM- I signed up for WW online just now. I know a few girls on my team who are doing it and the 3 month pass was not bad. I am hopeful that this will make a difference. I did some big workouts this weekend and the scale at least dropped .2 over the weekend. I am going to see how tracking on there goes, and maybe continue to track here if I feel necessary. I am confident that I can do this!

    I went to the DR yesterday She said it is migranes, she told me to eat some more carbs in my diet, and just be aware. She also gave me a medication but I am hoping I won't need it.

    I am fighting a morning headache right now, drank some water feeling pretty good. I got my workouts in this weekend and feel like a rockstar with drinking and food! I am finally figuring this out! WW please help me lose the last 15 pounds!!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Megan – Wow! Congrats on the great weight loss, very inspiring!!

    allislefttogain – Wowee 17 miles is a lot of miles (I operate in k’s, that’s gotta be over 30??)!!! What are you training for?

    rai8759 – Thanks for the tips. Last night I wrote the Christmas thank you cards I’d been putting off. I did allow myself a glass of wine (after a glass of water) but I figured the trade off was 150cals I’d savor versus a 250cal chocolate bar I’d consume in 5 minutes and be left wanting more.

    SkipToMyLou32 – Happy belated birthday! I’m just as bad on weekends, always too much going on. I kind of think of them as my free days, long as I have been good during the week. I noticed the quote on the bottom of your signature and thought you might appreciate this one “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” It was in a readers digest.

    seripha – I love unsweetened applesauce! I like to pair it with low fat plain yogurt and a bit of cinnamon on oatmeal of coyote flax seed pancakes. I try to forgo sugar on it, but if I am really craving something sweet I’ll sprinkle on a bit of raw brown sugar. And thanks for the time off tips. I have a salad that’s a mix of lettuces and herbs with protein for lunch today and pineapple for a snack. I am never home to cook dinner so my plan is a turkey veggie sandwhich from subway on wheat before hitting the gym for an upper body workout. Contemplating getting on the rowing machine for cardio, since I can’t see how that would stress my foot any more than walking?

    AFM – I downloaded a tasks/rewards app on my iphone. I think it will help me focus! You can set goals and assign a number of “stars” to each one, and as you check them off you accumulate stars. In the rewards section you can list items and say how many stars each item is worth. As you earn stars you can cash them in for your rewards. Little cheesy but figured it’s worth a try! It’s actually for parents to assign tasks to their kids and reward them but the set-up is there and I couldn’t find anything like it for just goal setting and having rewards. I decided this after creating a rather long wish list on the Victoria Secret website. My rewards are going to be items from my wish list, and as soon as I've earned enough to make the order worth it I'll place it (and hopefully be able to order a smaller size!!)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone! Wow - What a busy past few days. Can you believe it's already 2pm and I haven't even posted here yet? :tongue: What is the world coming to! hahah

    Nadine - Sounds like a great motivator! Whatever keeps you on track works for me. Great idea!

    Aly - Same deal - If WW works for you, then do it! I am glad you signed up and really hope you see the results you are looking for. To change my %s, I went into "goals" and "customize" and changed them that way. I have done the same with my calories so that they are steady at 1500. Glad to hear you saw a Dr. wrt your migraines and that she recommended more carbs - probably a good idea. I find it hard to believe that oatmeal could make you fill ill! haha Oatmeal is the food of gods, I swear! Just stay aware of how your feeling, and maybe keep a journal every day about how you feel throughout the day, when you get headaches/migraines, when they taper or go away, what action you've taken, etc. Might give you some more insight into how you're feeling. I know that when I am feeling sh*tty for more than a day, it's always hard to remember when symptoms arose, how I felt 6 hours ago, or 24 hours ago, etc. Keeping track will help with that and you might start noticing some patterns.

    Jill - What can I say other than you are amazing and you inspire me every day? :wink: Amazing runs, per usual, and best of luck on your interviews and job hunt. Wishing you the best, darling! :bigsmile:

    Skip - Happy belated!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: What a jerk - I totally forgot to wish you a happy birthday! Epic fail. Happy to hear you had a great time and you feel good about your intake over the weekend. Sounds like you're kickin' *kitten*! And yes - super, super sweet boy. Ahhhh :love: So lucky!

    Guam - Do it! For months I've been switching up my oatmeal every morning and I still do - I love trying new combinations with it. Cocoa, coconut and almond milk, blueberries, banana and flax, pumpkin puree, chia and spices, apple, chia and cinnamon, date and walnut, homemade oven roasted applesauce; the combinations are ENDLESS! Oatmeals, it has been confirmed, is the best vehicle for your favourite taste combinations in a goo-ey, creamy, filling morning meal. I cannot rave enough. Anything you like in a cookie/muffin can be made into a healthy breakfast in minutes. Adding some dairy, either yogurt or cottage cheese or some kind of milk tends to help with the sweetness, keep you feeling fuller longer, and makes the oats suuuper creamy and delicious. Definitely try it! I like to add my yogurt cold because I love the contrast but do whatever sounds best to you :happy: Can you tell I'm passionate about my oatmeal? hahaha

    Megan - BUMMER morning. The ice/cold/snow here is ridiculous as well. Today seems to be our only break from the bitter cold - It's actually above 0 for once! But it won't last long. I still have to do some things outside so hopefully I can get to it before the cold sets in again. At least you got in a good workout before heading off to work, right? :huh:

    Rai - Back on the wagon, woman! I love it :happy: Planning and signing yourself up for classes is a great way to commit yourself. Keep it up and KEEP LOGGING! We're all here for you :bigsmile:

    Seripha - I really appreciate your advice, and you are right - I did adjust my carbs and settings because being happy is worth SO much more than eating low-carb. I know that I wasn't going to see huge results from it but I did want to prove to myself that I could take full control over my eating and do it *right* (or what I thought was right) but that is really besides the point when it's making me feel as miserable as it was. So I have re-vamped to 50-25-25 and I'm already feeling a million times better! So much weight lifted already. Really stoked for the next week and to see my progress. I'm sooo jealous of your step class, BTW. It's such a good workout and so much fun! I wish we had better step classes at my gyms - from what I've seen they are all really boring and really easy. Lameness!

    Gonks - Love your advice as always. Thanks :happy: Great loss and awesome races planned - especially for a "race-ophobe" like yourself! :laugh: That sounds way worse than it's meant to... Anyway running a 10K with your friend sounds like a brilliant plan. I know I'd love to have someone to challenge me with my running. I say - DO IT! Woot! Also, hope you're keeping up with your 1/2 training plans but I assume you are since you kick all kinds of *kitten*.

    Cheralicia - Thanks for the message! Makes sense now :wink: Sounds like an extremely hard diet to maintain though, despite your claims. haha Are you still living in Toronto? I'm right around the corner in Hamilton. Small world. Good luck with your food plan. I am sure you can do it! Just takes some serious will-power.

    AFM - Today was a huge day at the gym for me. I was going to run outside but I wanted to squeeze in a class as well, so I just lumped it all into one big trip. I did a 1h long Body Flex class which was ALL strength and weights. Kicked my *kitten*, for sure. Pretty enjoyable. Then I did my 3.5miles required for the HH intermediate 1/2 training plan. Ran it slow since my legs were already toast from Body Flex and got it done in 40 mins and felt amazing afterward.

    Came home, walked the dog for a bit, and then made some Flax, Oat & Protein Power Muffins that I tweaked from this recipe: -- They turned out well, except I tweaked a TON and they ended up more like a bread than a muffin. Loaded 'em up with protein powder, wheat bran, oats, flax, baking soda, yogurt, banana, and an egg and baked them for 17mins. Dense and packed with protein and healthy fats. Really filling. And they smell awesome. But definitely not a muffin, so I'll call it a 1/2 success.

    For today I've still got job apps to put in, some more household chores, and possibly going to surprise Tyler with some baked bread tomorrow so I better get that rising. He was such a sweetheart last night -- My folks left for their 2 week vacation and so he came over to keep me company, bought me dinner (which was fast/cheap but our favourite and super healthy), and stayed the night even though it meant commuting back to work early in the AM. He was in rough shape this morning but he still managed to send me a text from work letting me know how much he still enjoys waking up next to me in the mornings :blushing: I really did get lucky with him, eh?

    Hope everyone's having a wonderful Tues. Stay fresh, y'all! :glasses:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I finally got through my few weeks of stalling. I mean, I don't know how much I was stalling versus the fact that I got a new scale that was weighing me in heavier than the old scale did or what, but I'm finally below what I was at the end of 2010. I weighed 182.6 this morning which is a pound down from last week. I was thinking that I was going to stop logging exercise calories because I may have been overestimating them or something and thinking I had more calories than I did, but after today's weigh I'm feeling confident that I busted down whatever it was that was keeping me from losing like I was (and I didn't buy spinach dip at the grocery store which helps a lot).

    It was weird actually with the spinach dip, because so long as I've been on MFP I haven't had cravings for anything. I've been really able to restrain myself from eating the things that I shouldn't eat and if I did eat them, I could control the quantity. But that spinach dip got me. I couldn't stop. I threw up a few times from eating it - not because I felt guilty or anything about it, but because I literally filled my stomach to its capacity and when I moved the food would not stay in.

    But we're past that now! According to this scale I am 1 pound over being half way to my goal!

    Nadine - that's an awesome app! Do you know what it's called?

    mkingraham - These are the reasons I am so glad I don't live somewhere where it snows!

    allislefttogain - That's so exciting about the second interview! I hope you get the job and I hope it all works out!

    Meag - You inspire me so much. And your post about oatmeal is convincing me to have some oatmeal for breakfast this week.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    meagalayne - Hehe I'll let you know how it goes! I have 4 stars.... first item up for purchase is 150, lol. Giving myself points anywhere from 1 star for a glass of water to 50 stars for losing a lb. As my goal is 1lb a week hopefully I'll be getting something cute every 2 - 3 weeks. Plan is by June to have a full summer wardrobe of nice going out clothes! (and maybe somethings sexy for the boy... that is once I've found a good one like yours!)

    So since this seems to be the confide all thread, I have a little boy stuff to spill....

    My last relationship wasn't so great. I was with him for all the wrong reasons, and he literally made me a worse person. He was a party animal, rude and disrespectful of everyone (even his own mother!) and very lazy. Of course I didn't know this in the beginning, it revealed itself over a course of two years, but I turned a blind eye as he could be very convincing when he apologized and at the time I was insecure and it felt good to be wanted. In the end though it got worse and I realized I had turned into this tired, glutinous, sloth like ***** who was being just as rude and disrespectful of others as he was. So I got out, just put my foot down and said that's it, its over.

    I changed my life around and friends are always telling me how happy I seem now. Now that I've got myself back I feel very ready to meet the right kind of guy for me! I've been on a few dates, and they were guys I may have "settled" for in the past, but not now. I really want the RIGHT one. So I've done something you may all think is crazy; I've followed in my sisters footsteps and signed up for a dating site. My sister met her boyfriend through this particular one three years ago and they are AMAZING together!! I've talked to a lot of people (and there is definitly some psycho's out there) and have finally found one I want to meet. Meeting = SCARY!!!! But we've been chatting for about a month and I've seen 100's of pics - including a peace sign in the mirror to make sure its him :) I'm meeting him saturday. Don't worry it will be somewhere very public and safe, but I am really not worried, it's pretty clear at this point he is who he says he is. Plus my best friend knows and will be checking in on me. I am more worried that either I won't like him (how do I let him down?) or he won't like me (crushing). Anyways, thats my spill all moment and its nice to get it off my chest as 2nd to my post xmas chubby waistline that I'll be trying to hide sat, it's all I can think about.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Question of the day: What is one thing you do to make a bad day turn good?
    For me it would have to be sit down take a breath and really think about why this day feels like it is bad. Also a bath usually works heh.
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Aly - Have you thought of maybe seeing what a naturopath would say about your migraines? I know that not everyone is comfortable seeing one but from the people I know who have gone have said that it has made big differences for them.

    Meag - Your totes welcome. I'm a firm believer in that healthy habits and activites should be fun. If it's not fun, you need to change it up :) BTW, just move to BC. I think you'd like the mild weather for all the running and we have great step classes here :P

    Nadine - The rower should be fine on your feet as it's not an impact exercise. Alternatively spinning on a stationary bike should be good too. I hope you still get a good work out from it, I know it's not the same as running.

    There doesn't seem to be a question of the day so I'm going to make one!

    AFM - My calves are killing me from step class. In a good way, but dang! Was going to go for a run but I think a trip to the elliptical and a good stretch is in order. I'll go for a run tomorrow.

    Edit: Ah poop aly you beat me to making a QOTD!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Nadine- I don't think it is weird at all. I met my current BF on Myspace 5 years ago and could not be happier. Good to take the extra precautions and be safe for sure. Nowadays, you throw a rock and hit someone who met there SO online hehe.

    Seripha- I am not sure what a naturopath is, but I have heard acupuncture and healing massage can help. I am going to get a massage this weekend with hopes it helps.