Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!!



  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Thanks ladies for the congratulations and the encouragement. Not sure where I am at this point in terms of new running goal for the end of January... do you think being able to run the two miles by the end of January is a stretch? I dont want to overdo it and set myself up for failure either.

    At this point I am definitely going to just keep trying to ad more time to what I am doing now.

    Aly I liked your suggestion about how to do the intervals. Thats how I got to this point was doing weird intervals that felt good for my body. Just got to the point where I needed to push myself further and see where it would take me. Definitely want to keep extending that time. 2 mile run for sure in March and then after that 5k run here I come!!!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Seripha- Is that your name? Just curious. I definitely let my dumbbell drop loudly on the floor but I was worried it would wake up my bf who apparently could sleep through the whole thing. I guess my body was ready to get up and workout since I woke up and stayed up. This has happened before, my neighbor (who is also my friend) lives above me and her bedroom is right on top of ours. Her bf works at a bar so I guess they stay up pretty late. It was so bad one week they woke me up 3 nights in one week from 3:30-4:30 am, and I just had to tell her to cut it out. She always feels bad but dude seriously!!! Once I saw your height I feel a little better. you are 1 inch shorter than me so I can feel better about being heavier haha.
  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Finn - I would go for time spent running / jogging without a break, rather than distance. It's easy to see progression that way than by distance.

    Aly - No, my name is Natalie. But Seripha has been my online moniker for at least 10 years now.

    Taking a look at your photos it seems like you and I have very similar body types - broad shoulders and powerful legs. Good ol' viking woman bodies meant for holding a baby on one hip and brandishing a claymore in the other. We're meant for brute strength and survival, not idle sitting and being "delicate". Just so you know I have NEVER been under 150lbs except for when I was a teen and still going through puberty. Well I have once, but that was when I had mono and that wasn't healthy weight. So if I manage to go under 150 lbs I'll be AMAZED. I haven't lost any weight over the last week, but I've seen changes in my phyisque.

    If our bodies are the same type, which I feel that they are, your blitzkreig of a work out schedule may not be the best thing if you're looking to drop a lot of weight. When I swam and was working out that much cardio I was 160 lbs with NO FAT. My pant size was an 11/12 from the muscles I built. Then I stopped swimming and dropped to a size 7/8 within a few months just from muscle atrophy. After doing the requisite "put on weight post swimming" like all the other athletes who continue to eat like they were still competing, I am now regularly between a 6 - 8 depending on the cut and brand. I have a good mix of cardio 4 x a week with 2x a week of stretching work outs (pilates and yoga) with 1 more light cardio (no more than 30 minutes) tacked on to the pilates or yoga. This works for me, it may not for you - but I would recommend giving it a go and see how it suits you :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Seripha/Natalie- I am not sure which you prefer- I know what you are saying. I was looking in the mirror yesterday and I know I look stronger and more muscular than I did at 163, and that is 10 pounds less than what I am now. Shirts are fitting better at my waist and pants are just rough because I am so muscular in my thighs from cycling, and I love cycling. I am going to tough it out and see if I can get back to 165 and stay muscular and lose some the excess fat. With training I know I am going to be heavier. I just love training and I really love races. We will see what I end up doing but thanks for your perspective.

    New Blog Post!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Cait - Increase your distance by NO MORE than 10% every week. That's my advice. Might seem small but throwing yourself head first into a crazy running schedule is a recipe for disaster/injury. You'll get there - just takes time. Just keep at it - 3 times a week or so - and you'll see progress in other ways. How you feel after your run, how tired you get, how heavy your breathing is, how relaxed you feel. Work on making sure your form and posture are good and you are not tensing up. Aim for 1.5 miles by the end of Jan, at most. Then 2 miles by the end of Feb. I'd say that's a reasonable goal :happy: Just my $0.02. I know how much this thread loves all my unsolicited advice... :laugh:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I fail again with keeping up. I'll be non-selfish next week I promise. Turbo Fire 45EZ + HIIT 15 + Stretch 10 last night. B*tch of a workout after Wednesday's killer workout. My right ankle and knee were given out with all the plyo going on, but I stuck with it (stupidly). Was up packing until after midnight last night and stressing about life/interviews/blahness so I went over my calories mindlessly snacking. FAIL. It's something I rarely do and I have 20-25 miles on the books for this 3(!!!!!) day weekend so I'm trying to brush it off! Going to bed after midnight did not work well with my plan to get up and do Core 20 + Stretch 40 this morning at 4:30. Going out of town to my parents' house this weekend so after I head home, pick up the cat (he doesn't stay by himself ever...spoiled!), pack up the car and drive there I won't arrive until around 9. Probably just going to read a bit and go to bed so I can rest up for my run tomorrow, but I might surprise myself and get in the workout. It's been 2 weeks since I had a rest day (only because I was in NYC) so it's fine if I take one. Or so I'm trying to convince myself.

    Long run + outlet shopping with my mom and sister tomorrow, then a bit of nephew time in the late afternoon/early evening. He left me a voicemail at work this morning and he said clear as day "HI JILL!". Makes me proud. I think "j" is hard, because he can say/learn everything else but not my name. His favourite is of course "kitty" which he screams, then points at my cat. Poor cat. 4ish mile run Sunday, more nephew/family time, then late lunch (sushi) with my best friend who I never get to see, then heading to a bar to drink some beer (eek!) and watch the Patriots demolish the Jets! And Monday is 7ish mile tempo run before my interview. Lots of good things going on this weekend in my world:heart:

    I think I should win daughter of the year award, btw. I was going to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday with her tomorrow and take her on an overnight trip to the mansions in Newport. But then my sister decided we should buy a David Yurman bracelet for her. And because it's a $600+ bracelet, we decided to get it shipped to my house since NH has no tax and we save $40. So that means I have to drive back down to MA in 2 weeks...holy gas money. It's a much better idea as mom and I are heading to DC together, but holy OMG just dropped a hunk of cash on that gorgeous bracelet. It's only money, right? And you only get one mother in your lifetime?! I do love my mother, just have to tighten up my budget (stop buying running gear and fitness stuff) and I'll be golden. (Oh and getting ahead of myself here, but maybe perhaps in 2 weeks I'll have a new job to start and be scouting out apartments in MA?! I NEED for that to happen!)
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Cait - Increase your distance by NO MORE than 10% every week. That's my advice. Might seem small but throwing yourself head first into a crazy running schedule is a recipe for disaster/injury. You'll get there - just takes time. Just keep at it - 3 times a week or so - and you'll see progress in other ways. How you feel after your run, how tired you get, how heavy your breathing is, how relaxed you feel. Work on making sure your form and posture are good and you are not tensing up. Aim for 1.5 miles by the end of Jan, at most. Then 2 miles by the end of Feb. I'd say that's a reasonable goal :happy: Just my $0.02. I know how much this thread loves all my unsolicited advice... :laugh:

    Meag- I LOVE your advice always- it always makes me think and thats what I like about advice. I like to be able to think and process and then make a decision for myself. Anyway- I think that this was perfect advice! Now that I have a better idea of what my body can really do (before it was definitely all mental) I will keep at it. Thanks again!!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    A coworker just said that I am disappearing, and that I am looking slimmer. It feels good to hear that when I have been feeling discouraged lately. When I was thinking about it, would I rather be muscular and fit looking or skinny, I think I will take muscular!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Definitely, Aly!! Someone said I looked "muscular" the other day and I took it as such a wonderful compliment - I was over the moon! Glad you're feeling less discouraged today - Hope it stays that way!

    Cait - Glad you don't find me pushy and obnoxious... Yet! haha I think it's easy to get ahead of yourself once you realize how hard you can push yourself. I try to hit a new goal every week to keep me motivated, but it's not always a distance goal. Sometimes It's to run with an incline, or to run a few small hills outside. If one week I couldn't make it to the top of a hill without walking, I'd commit myself to making it no matter what the next week. Small little goals but they add up and you feel so accomplished once you're done. Recognizing your progress by measuring things OTHER than distance and pace is a great way to stay motivated!

    Off to work now, everyone. Struggled to keep my cals under 1500 today but so far I've succeeded :bigsmile: Hope you all have a GREAT Friday night and a wonderful start to your weekend! I'll be spending my night/Sat with the boy but I'll be back tomorrow evening to catch up :heart:
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    kls1628-welcome to the group and great goals!!

    Kandace-1 lb is still a loss and that is whats important!! just keep up the great work and you will keep having a great loss :)

    Megan-just wanted to say great workout and that you have a great attitude :)

    Cait-CONGRATS on meeting your Jan goal of running 1 mile straight! you got that one accomplished way early! wtg!

    Guam-that is such a great workout that i threw in an extra workout today!! good luck on your cruise, and wtg on not giving into temptation this week!!

    Seripha-i only asked because we weigh around the same and you look WAY smaller that i do...I am only 5'3"! must go back to body types and of course the height difference :)

    QOTD-True Blood and Biggest Loser are my 2 fave shows right now...and when I get time I might add in ghost unters, vampire diaries, fringe, and amazing race :)

    AFM-i did NOT get in all of my water yesterday so I am adding it to todays total which will bring me up to 16 cups!! yikes! i will for sure be peeing all night! LOL I did add in an extra workout though so 4/3 on that for the week and of course WI isnt until Wed so not stressin yet :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey all! hope everyone is having a good day and planning great weekends! i'm off so i know I'm finally looking forward to it. just gotta get thru the next 8 hours of work first lol. I spent last night reading through the thread. Thanks for all the support for my spontaneous 1/2 marathon sign up lol. I'm really excited now b/c 2 of my girl friends want to do it with me! i have yet to get back into any running, since here in NJ we've been having on and off again snow storms, followed by cold temps, non-condusive to ice melting. Once of my biggest fears is slipping on ice, so i've been hesitant to go to the park. Got back into Turbo this week, and did Core 20, and 30 min of cardio today.
    I ordered some things from Victoria's Secret and they sent me the swimsuit catalog, which I thought about plastering all over the fridge when I feel like binging lol. One of my non-scale victories this year is to get my first ever bikini and not look like a total whale in it!

    Cait- big congrats on the running goal!! When I first started I was huffing and puffing and struggling to get thru a 1/4 mile. Just stick with it, and you'll be running that 2 miles no sweat!!

    Meag- thanks for answering my sock question lol. I guess I'll stick with the cotton for now, and see if i can get a good deal at costco, which someone had mentioned, and go from there!

    QOTD- I watch entirely too much tv lol.. Shows that I cannot live without: Dexter and True Blood.. High on my list of faves is Boardwalk Empire, The Office, and some trashy reality shows which I hate to admit I love watching haha..

    have a great weekend everyone!!
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Yay! I weighed in this am at 165.5! So, I have ten pounds to lose until my goal weight!! It is so mental because the closer you are to your goal weight the more you want to change it to 5 pounds less!!! My mind is saying....come on you could go for 150! So, my strategy is going for my goal weight of 155 and whatever I lose beyond that is a thinking for today. :) Happy weekend!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Been doing a lot of thinking the past few days and I am frustrated as heck! Dont read this post the wrong way as in I am frustrated and want to give up because that is SOOO far from the truth.

    I am just feeling overwhelmed like maybe I am not doing the right things and everywhere I read and research there are just so many different conflicting opinions out there.

    I have been doing really well with the working out every week and improving on that so I am really proud of myself, but now I really want to buckle down on the eating. Not even like I am eating too much (I mean I have my bad days) but if anything I am wondering if I am eating not enough with the extra workouts I am doing.

    I have been researching eating cleaner and less processed foods and for the most part do a fairly good job with it. So I dont know. Im not asking you guys for the answers just needed to vent and be frustrated.

    Im a planner and when I feel like I dont have a gameplan or my gameplan isnt as accurate as it should be I feel out of control. So blegh... thats where my mental state has been the past day or so. Feeling overwhelmed and out of control with my plan.

    Just needed to rant
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days...the "stomach bug" has hit both my girls and my hubby so I have been quite busy cleaning and disinfecting :frown: hoping that it will pass right by me...I should know by tonight-seems to be a 2 day window! Although I haven't felt the best the last few days and haven't eaten a whole lot (think I was just anxious about getting sick and dealing with all the effects of the bug). Just drained and all I wanted to do is sleep! Thank goodness yesterday was my rest day. I actually had a cup of coffee and some breakfast and feel MUCH better! The girls must feel better too since they are arguing and yelling at each other :laugh:

    I did weigh myself this morning just because I was curious to see where I was due to the insignificant eating the past few days and I weighed 120 lbs. This is where I wanted to be...but didn't want to do it this way. I know once I am feeling 100% it will porbably go back up a little and that's fine. I have adjusted my calories to here we go! I truly am ecstatic with my weight being around 125 and don't really need nor want to lose much more...the goal now is to tighten and tone!!!:tongue:

    I was also super excited because the 1/2 marathon that I signed up for and thought I would be running alone I have had 2 teachers I work with and 2 of my students' parents say that they want to run too! Not all of them are going to do the 1/2 but I still think it is great that they are making the committment to do the race! I thought it would be really cool if we had a whole team together of teachers, parents, and even students and had shirts made!!!!

    QOTD: Favorite tv shows-I :heart: Biggest Loser (it is very motivating to see what they can accomplish-marathons!!) If they can do it so can I!!! Dexter, CSI, and any of the Law and Orders-but SVU is my fave!

    It looks like we have all had our ups and downs this week! Keep working hard and making strides to our goals!!! I have a 3 mile run and possibly NMTZ (depending on how I feel) on tap for today!

    Have a great Saturday everyone :drinker:
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member

    Well I realise I had just joined and then dropped off the face of this thread for an entire week. Sorry all, it was NOT BY CHOICE!
    But I am back, and committed! And holy THIS THREAD MOVES FAST! I've been trying to back read, but it took me nearly an hour to get halfway back to where I'd left off and I can't remember everything I wanted to reply to. Can I borrow someones memory for awhile? mine sucks :( I think my only safe course is to start fresh.

    So AFM - this past week I got suckered into helping a friend with a contract she didn't have time for. What was meant to just be Sunday spilled over into working after my reg hours all week long. Ugh! I managed to fit in workouts wednesday (legs) and thursday (back + abs), and yesterday I finally put my foot down and said I couldn't help anymore. Freedom Yay!!

    I had my longest training run ever yesterday - 25km. It took me forever (2hr40min) and it was absolutely POURING BUCKETS. I got halfway and wanted to cry; I was so cold, so sore (2nd day soreness from my leg workout wednesday - lesson learned), and so thirsty - I'd forgotten my water bottle holder. I had chosen pretty much an out and back route so there was no short cutting it. I had to run back or else miss my bus home. Needless to say I am spending today on the couch.

    Ps apparently its not a good idea to combine painkillers and Gu before running. Causes gas. Oops.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Happy Sat everyone :happy:

    Nadine- Welcome back! We're all still here :wink: This thread runs a mile a min (it's actually somewhat quiet today haha) so don't worry about always staying on top of things. Most people don't stalk the thread as much as I do so it's standard that you'll miss a few posts here and there. Make this thread work for you and try to be encouraging and supportive when you can. Give and take :smile: It's great hearing about your workouts and incredible runs! You are definitely motivating me to get out there - anything more than 3 miles right now is seeming impossible! 25k - What an accomplishment!

    Melissa - Great job getting your run in. I know what you mean about the weight-loss and not having done it the way you wanted. Just listen to your body and see what happens to your weight once you are back to 100%. Who knows - Maybe 120lbs is just too low for your body. Im working on being toned and fit for the summer, as well. Weight-loss is on the back burner, maintenance has begun, and I am just trying to keep up with my fitness and strength to be as happy with my shape as I can be. The numbers are totally secondary right now!

    Cait - I too am working really hard at eating clean - less processed foods, more produce, lean meats, dairy and whole grains/legumes. It can be really difficult to adjust but I definitely find that I am feeling healthier and I know that all my calories are quality calories. I find that it's way harder to get the "most" bang for my buck, calorie-wise, but I just have to adjust. Let me know if you are struggling with anything in particular and maybe we can work through it together. Any tips or advice, I'd love to hear it! It's definitely a change for the better, IMO :wink: It's very possible you are not eating enough with your workouts though. Try to make sure you HIT your calorie goal every day instead of being under it. Get as close as you can and eat those exercise cals. If you aren't losing weight it's very possible that you need to increase your intake, watch your sodium, and drink more. Try it and see. I'll keep an eye on your diary this week and see if I notice anything else that might be hindering your progress :happy:

    I have to admit, I am feeling very discouraged today. I think I may just be in an "off" mood due to hormones or something else, but yea... It's a bummer. I'm struggling constantly with food. Not that I'm eating poorly but that I have a non-stop inner monologue about food. I never stop thinking about it. I am constantly counting - trying to figure out how to get the most protein out of my meals, or to maximize my cals, or how to space out my meals. Because I keep such an odd work and sleep schedule, meal times are all over the place and since I usually eat 5-6 small meals a day, it's really hard to actually eat meals with anyone else. At this point, I'm so aggravated/disappointed with my work/living situation that I really just wish I never had to eat with anyone else. It's a never-ending battle to meal-plan with people that don't share my same compulsion to eat clean, healthy stuff that *sort of* fits into my 40-30-30 diet. I know that I can't expect others to want to live my lifestyle or follow my food plan, but I almost wish I could just eat in solitude every day and stop feeling like I am always battling with the preferences of others and feeling guilt for wanting to just tell them I'd rather eat what I want to eat, and not bother preparing food together. This is particularly difficult with Tyler, because as much as I know he tries to accommodate my eating (and exercise) he just doesn't get it at all and he doesn't know what is and what isn't healthy/clean etc. He makes meal suggestions in an effort to pick things that might appeal to both our needs, and I feel like a complete jerk always saying "I'm not really sure I feel like having that" or I suggest things and they typically just revolt him... Considering moving in together in the next year, perhaps we'll just have to get used to eating differently but together. Who knows :ohwell:

    Between battling with myself and my never-ending foodie brain and then dealing with everyone elses' food choices (my whole family is going out for Indian buffet tonight while I'm at the gym :noway: ) I'm just feeling a bit alone and overwhelmed, I guess. It doesn't help that I feel like a major FAIL trying to stick with my 40-30-30 diet but always blowing it on the carbs for the day. By 3pm I had already eaten through all but 24grams of carbohydrate (goddamn raisins, oatmeal and dal!) -- I knew I would end up being in the red a lot, especially at first, since it's a lofty goal for someone that doesn't eat THAT much meat to begin with, but it's still difficult seeing all that red and feeling like I am letting myself down. And since when does eating more protein make you feel fuller, longer? Yea, not so much. I feel like my hunger pangs have been ridiculous lately - deadly cravings for carbohydrates in all their forms! I'm really hoping it's just TOM cravings and I'll be able to get back to feeling good about food again soon... It's so love-hate right now, which makes me incredibly sad :sad: Because I love to cook and I love food and feeling this way is extremely disappointing.

    Enough about that. Work last night was absurd - truly ridiculous. It was a "teen dance party" at the bar where they shut it down to folks over 19 y/o and have a night-club-esque affair for teens-only. This results in teenagers getting hammered and showing up and then being tossed out for over-intox (we threw out so many girls last night) and a whole lot of mouthy b*tches getting into cat fights on the dance floor. I had to break up two fights, and one of them ended up turning on me and trying to fight me in the middle of a giant crowd :laugh: Poor girl picked the wrong woman to mouth-off to, that's for sure. I may be tiny but I hold my own. I ended up just wrapping my arms around her and carrying her sorry *kitten* out of the club. She's just lucky she didn't take a swing at me :glasses:

    And despite my food-issues with Tyler, I must say I sometimes feel like the luckiest girl ever for having him in my life. He actually drove out to my place (35 mins from his house) at 1:30am last night after having worked all day to be here when I got back from work and warm up my bed for me :heart: I am in a constant state of near-hypothermia and having worked all night and then commuting home I was desperate for a warm, cozy bed. He climbed in on my side while I was showering to warm it up - what a sweetheart! And then I got a cuddle-buddy for the rest of the night. Even on the worst of nights, having his arms wrapped around me to sleep seems to make things feel alright :smile: At least for a little while.

    OK enough of that. I'm heading out to the gym to get some of those carbs back. Running and who knows what else. We'll see how strong I feel once I get there. I still owe about a million push-ups to the challenge and I may do some Arc Training if I am up for it. Long run tomorrow, though, so nothing too hard.

    Keep at it ladies! You can do it :happy: One day at a time
    Meag :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Its a slow Saturday I see, which I hopes means people are out having tons of fun! The hubby and I went to the animal shelter today to see about adopting a dog, but they only had two dogs there both of which were listed as not good with kids- and while we don't have children now, we would like to have them in the next couple of years, so that just wouldn't work. He wasn't completely convinced on getting a dog right now any ways, so at least I didn't get attached.

    I had a delicious breakfast before all of this, and then we decided to have a late lunch/early dinner out at carrabba's. Not the best choice, but one treat meal is ok I think. Plus I avoided the bread, and got green beans instead of mashed potatoes or pasta as a side so I was pleased with my will power. They don't have their nutritional information available online so I had to make some guesses. There was some info listed on MFP so I went with that as my calories and added a note that I am actually probably much higher since they didn't have everything that I ate available.

    I have not exercised today, and seeing the time, probably won't be. I normally take Sunday's off but looks like I will be taking Saturday off instead. This is totally fine with me, I just have to push myself to go to the gym tomorrow. Since we don't have anything else planned for the weekend I think that this should not be a problem. Also seeing that I have Monday off as well I am going to try and use Sunday and Monday as major calorie burning workouts. I am thinking some interval training on the treadmill followed by some weight lifting and then maybe some cycling. I will simply see where the workout takes me!!

    Now that I am done rambling about my day, let me say-

    Nadine- I read the thread every day and I can't keep up with everything everyone is saying!! I just read it and use it for some motivation and when something peeks my interest I try and remember to respond back. I am hoping that eventually I will get the hang of keeping up with what everyone says!

    Meag- I totally understand why you would be feeling the way you do about your food situation. It is extremely difficult to stay motivated and true to yourself when everyone around you seems to be moving in the opposite direction, especially when it comes to being healthy. My only advice is, stick to your guns. When your boy suggests something for dinner maybe come back with a suggestion of sharing a side dish but going different routes with your main dishes- or using similar ingredients, but making slightly different things. This way you are still eating the way you want to, but he feels like he is indulging in the things he wants to.

    When I was living with 3 other ladies a couple of years ago, they were lucky enough to be able to eat whatever they liked and their metabolisms kept up with them. It was very difficult to eat what I knew would be good for me. I just let them know that I was trying to move down a healthier path and so I probably wouldn't be eating the same meals as them and that I wasn't trying to be rude I was just trying to be healthier. They understood and even offered to start trying new things. I mostly cooked for just myself, but once a week they would try a healthier meal that I made. It may not always be that easy or stress free, but you have to remember that you are number one. Stick with it and don't let one crappy day of emotions get you down!

    I hope everyone continues to have an amazing weekend!!

  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    I ran my 1st 30 minutes today :drinker: Distance covered was 2.5 miles @5mph. Now I'm thinking of not repeating C25K weeks as I've been doing since I'm feeling more confident. I plan on proceeding per the C25K schedule. This way I'll be able to run my 1st 5k this month!!

    Foodwise I'm still not doing good :grumble: Hopefully will eat healthy rest of the month! Good night & hope you all are having a good weekend.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Laura-great job on the WI!

    Cait-you are doing great!!! keep doing what you are doing...and as I said before (and Meag too) try watching your sodium and make sure that you are getting your water!!! little steps at a time...if you try following everything you read all at once you may have a very difficult time following through with steps!!

    Melissa-i hope you and your family are feeling better! and even though you didnt get to your goal weight by the way you meant still great job getting there!!

    Nadine-welcome back! and great job on the run!

    Megan-you def seem to have a great plan! wtg!

    Spellbinder-you are doing fab with your running and I cant wait to hear about your 5K!! you will get there with your eating...just try to stay focused!

    AFM-my water intake is getting harder and harder!! someone slap me and tell me to just drink it!! LOL other than that is was my rest day today, WI isnt until Wednesday! AND...i just bought myself an elliptical today!! i havent set it up yet but I cannot wait to get on it and get going!! i have been wanting one forever and a really good one dropped $100 so i had to get it!! it has electric resistance and the HR monitor and calories burned calc, and to top it off even a water bottle holder! WOOHOO!!! so excited :)