They forgot my birthday



  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Did you remember all their birthdays?
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    This is me every birthday! ^^^ My birthday is on Thanksgiving week so guess what I get for my birthday?!
    Turkey or leftover turkey:huh: yes and true story! Sometimes people just suck but like people already said
    celebrate with your friends and family. They are the ones that MATTER! Big hugs and Happy Birthday!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    i feel like women care about birthdays so much more than men.

    I don't care about my birthday although for the past few years we have been away on my birthday (not on purpose) so I kind of like celebrating it with my husband, old friends, and friends I haven't met yet.

    And actually one year I forgot it was my birthday so yeah. That's how unimportant it is to me.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    F - it.
    Life is too short for self pity. :)

    I totally agree! Infant to also add something here also, you are on MFP to lose weight not to go eat ice cream cakes with your toddler. Those people at work did you a favor by not bringing up your birthday. This way a big lunch and the obligatory cake are not in the picture. Find the positives in life and you will win all you set out to do!

    I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with this. Not everyone is on MFP to lose weight. Even if you are, birthday cake is not something that must be avoided. It is a joy, not an obligation... Unless it has whipped frosting. Then I'm like, "don't waste my time". That thing better have butter cream or cream cheese frosting. Or else.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I worked at a couple of places where it was traditional for the birthday person to bring in the treats on their own birthday. That way everyone gets treats and takes a turn "paying" for it. Usually it was donuts. Cost you $10-15 on your birthday but no cards or fake parties to suffer though. You put them in the lunch room, send out a message for everyone to grab one, and those that like you will wish you a happy birthday.

    So. If you dont get an office party and want one- throw it yourself?

    Honestly, my birthdate is part of my legal identity. I don't care to tell people when it is or what my middle name is.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Bump!! Ya'll are funny and I can't wait to keep reading the rest of these posts!! LMAO!! Thanks for the laugh!! Oh I'm sorry, at your misfortune!! :o( I'm used to this crap from my own family, so I feel your pain!!!
  • mustlovecakes
    Today, of all days on this Earth, is my day of birth. The day that many celebrate with dancing and fountains of wine. Yet, upon arriving to my office today, there was no cake, no cards, not one streamer, and exactly zero "Felix Cumpleanos" renditions. Imagine my surprise, since it is quite customary for a certain amount of hullabaloo to occur when other employee's dates of birth come to be. I jokingly asked my boss if he had hidden my cake somewhere, to only realize with horror that he had no idea that it was my birthday. In fact, no one did. And when I gently asked for a long lunch because a friend wanted to take me out for my birthday, he waved me away like a passing fly.

    And here we are, folks. Me, with all the butthurt in the world. Contemplating leaving work early and buying myself an icecream cake from Dairy Queen, and splitting it with my toddler in a mountain of self pitying tears. Do I tell myself to buck up, or do I ask why every one else gets at least some sort of recognition for their birthday? Please tell me how many levels of spoiled brat I am being.


    Cake is bad for toddlers. I will have their share.
  • Lisa0Anne
    Lisa0Anne Posts: 154 Member
    omg your lucky, I would love for people to not know my birthday at work. and its work the only people who really matter are at home.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Haters be gone ..


    Mine is Thursday, and I will be happy if my little boy remembers =)
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    My parents told me Happy Birthday on Facebook... they live 15 minutes away.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    As my grandpa used to say..."If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between *kitten* and Syphilis in the dictionary."

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Not sure, what is more upsetting...
    your post or your gif/jpg.

    What are you 5.. Big Deal.. so what they forgot your birthday.. The sun still comes up and the moon comes down.
    There are people who are dying and people who are starving.. and then there are people who are worried about their last paycheck..

    But not you..... Your worried about a birthday......

    Why don't you cook your self a cake.. put something special init and share it with your co-workers.

    Now Violent Femmes' "Special" is running through my head.

    "Special special, what do you get
    Another day older and deeper in debt."
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    As my grandpa used to say..."If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between *kitten* and Syphilis in the dictionary."


    She sounds like a lovely flower. :smile:
  • Sharonmdenham
    Sharonmdenham Posts: 163 Member
    F - it.
    Life is too short for self pity. :)

    I totally agree! Infant to also add something here also, you are on MFP to lose weight not to go eat ice cream cakes with your toddler. Those people at work did you a favor by not bringing up your birthday. This way a big lunch and the obligatory cake are not in the picture. Find the positives in life and you will win all you set out to do!

    I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with this. Not everyone is on MFP to lose weight. Even if you are, birthday cake is not something that must be avoided. It is a joy, not an obligation... Unless it has whipped frosting. Then I'm like, "don't waste my time". That thing better have butter cream or cream cheese frosting. Or else.

    So you are saying, its okay to whine that your birthday did not get recognized and to eat out of self pity? That is what is called emotional eating and it is good for no one whether they be on maintenance, gaining weight or losing weight! So disagree all you like he asked what we thought, my thoughts are not up for agreement or disagreement. Only facts and actions are or should be up for agreement or disagreement.

    Before you go off that I quoted someone...The only reason I quoted the poster I did was to show I was not the only one who felt the F***it way so as not to get my post deleted.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    Find a way to celebrate your birthday that doesn't involve food. Come up with a new tradition, like buying yourself a piece of jewelry, or going to a movie. I can understand how you feel as the same thing happens to me at work. And with my family. My sister and my two brothers don't ever call or send a card. I buy myself a piece of jewelry for my birthday. :-)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Nobody remembered mine today either.....

    I remembered, even without your attention-whoring avatar. :wink: :smooched:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    My birthday was last Monday. My own mother still hasn't called me.


    My mother hasn't called me in about 5-6 years, for birthdays or anything else. I win!

    Sorry but that was a short win for you. Not spoken to mine since 1988. I win. ????

    I was adopted, my mother hasn't called me... ever. Win?

    My mother is dead. True story.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    F - it.
    Life is too short for self pity. :)

    I totally agree! Infant to also add something here also, you are on MFP to lose weight not to go eat ice cream cakes with your toddler. Those people at work did you a favor by not bringing up your birthday. This way a big lunch and the obligatory cake are not in the picture. Find the positives in life and you will win all you set out to do!

    I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with this. Not everyone is on MFP to lose weight. Even if you are, birthday cake is not something that must be avoided. It is a joy, not an obligation... Unless it has whipped frosting. Then I'm like, "don't waste my time". That thing better have butter cream or cream cheese frosting. Or else.

    So you are saying, its okay to whine that your birthday did not get recognized and to eat out of self pity? That is what is called emotional eating and it is good for no one whether they be on maintenance, gaining weight or losing weight! So disagree all you like he asked what we thought, my thoughts are not up for agreement or disagreement. Only facts and actions are or should be up for agreement or disagreement.

    Before you go off that I quoted someone...The only reason I quoted the poster I did was to show I was not the only one who felt the F***it way so as not to get my post deleted.

    I think she was commenting on the "you're on MFP to lose weight, not get ice cream cake with your toddler." We're not all here to lose weight, and even those of us who are can do so while eating cake/ice cream.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    F - it.
    Life is too short for self pity. :)

    I totally agree! Infant to also add something here also, you are on MFP to lose weight not to go eat ice cream cakes with your toddler. Those people at work did you a favor by not bringing up your birthday. This way a big lunch and the obligatory cake are not in the picture. Find the positives in life and you will win all you set out to do!

    I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with this. Not everyone is on MFP to lose weight. Even if you are, birthday cake is not something that must be avoided. It is a joy, not an obligation... Unless it has whipped frosting. Then I'm like, "don't waste my time". That thing better have butter cream or cream cheese frosting. Or else.

    So you are saying, its okay to whine that your birthday did not get recognized and to eat out of self pity? That is what is called emotional eating and it is good for no one whether they be on maintenance, gaining weight or losing weight! So disagree all you like he asked what we thought, my thoughts are not up for agreement or disagreement. Only facts and actions are or should be up for agreement or disagreement.

    Before you go off that I quoted someone...The only reason I quoted the poster I did was to show I was not the only one who felt the F***it way so as not to get my post deleted.

    Who said she was eating out of self pity? She wants cake for her birthday. There isn't anything wrong with that. She's feeling badly that she has to provide it for herself, but I'm pretty sure OP planned to eat cake today, whether or not that was provided by herself, her co-workers, or her friends.

    Also, people can't agree or disagree with other people's thoughts? Since when?