Marching Toward's St. Patty's Day challenge



  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Starting weight 1/1/11 - 167.2
    Jan 8: 165.2
    Jan 15: 165.4 TOM not an excuse marking to see if I notice a pattern
    Jan 22: 164.4
    Jan 29: 164
    Feb 5: 166
    Feb 12: 164.8
    Feb 19:
    Feb 26: If I am not in the 150's by here things will change!!!
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 17
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    just waiting on juliec0619 for her weigh in....

    i have moved the following people "off" the list for now, they are still on the spreadsheet but just not factoring into our totals....
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    well since i didnt hear from juliec i'm gonna finish the chart for this week....

    this week's biggest loser was....

    the overall biggest loser to date is.....

    we have lost a combined total of 77.4lbs since jan 1st...we have lost a few along the way but i hope the remaining losers stay strong and push thru towards our goal of great losses by 3/17/11

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i know we are all busy in our lives but i'm really getting dissappointed every time i come on here and i check to see if anyone has posted to our thread and the last person that posted was me still....guess we are just not an active thread, just here for reporting weigh ins.....suggestions to get the chatter up???
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Congrats Vkpmusic!!

    Yeah this is one of my quiet threads that I post too!!

    We can have daily challenges and see who was able to complete the challenge and report it daily simple things that boost your weight loss journey!! EX. Drink 8 cups water today, Eat 3 servings of veggies, walk 1mile small hings that don't take away from your normal day!

    We can discuss our weekly plans each week and report back frequently how things are going.

    We can discuss what we got going on new in our lives and if it's a hinderence or a support to our journey.

    Or we can remain boring and report our weight each week and hope for the best just a few ideas I thought I would throw out there!!!
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I agree that this board is too quiet. I joined the Y a week ago, now we have a gym to go to yay!!! Its been kicking my butt, also been a little hard, we have to get up there during child care time, and that messes with our dinner time. I'm hoping it just takes some time to get use to it, I don't want to give up the Y. Also great news last night my husband told me that I motivated him to start eating better, I so happy, it will be nice to have someone to go through it with. Also it nice to motivate someone. Hope everyone has a good day!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Congrats Vkpmusic!!!

    I have not been working out like I used to and my weight has been going up and down. my eating has not been that good. On a positive note, I just joined a biggest loser challenge at work and I have ordered 'Insanity' dvd hoping to start on Monday. Please, wish me luck, I relly need this.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Congrats Vkpmusic!!

    Yeah this is one of my quiet threads that I post too!!

    We can have daily challenges and see who was able to complete the challenge and report it daily simple things that boost your weight loss journey!! EX. Drink 8 cups water today, Eat 3 servings of veggies, walk 1mile small hings that don't take away from your normal day!

    We can discuss our weekly plans each week and report back frequently how things are going.

    We can discuss what we got going on new in our lives and if it's a hinderence or a support to our journey.

    Or we can remain boring and report our weight each week and hope for the best just a few ideas I thought I would throw out there!!!

    i'm all for all of those suggestions.....i literally have to "hunt" for this thread when i want to post to it because it drops to the middle/bottom of my top 25 topics and i'm not really on that many other threads anymore....i would love to have chatter and challenges and daily updates with this's more about support for me than just giving our weights for a chart each week.....i dont talk about my exercise or my food here for some stupid reason....but i will start...i will give updates here every day when i post to my move your @ss challenge thread...maybe knowing that i am doing something will keep someone or get someone motivated......

    soooooooooooo, what's going on with you girls today???
    i have a lunch time walk, spin class and some cardio & weights tonight at the ymca....gonna pick up the kids from my mom's around 830 and then go home and enjoy my chinese take out with my hubby while we watch survivor from last is my "biggest" calorie burn day typically as i have a 900 calorie dinner already entered into my food diary.....

    i did jump on the scale last saturday but didnt record a weight because i had 3 meals out and knew i had water weight gain....hoping it is back off this week plus goal is still 189 by 3/17 and i was 190.4 on 2/4....would really like to kick the @ss out of my goal and rock on towards the next one of 173 by 7/4......

    i'm part of a move your @ss challenge and set a goal of 75 miles, 28 hours (1hr/day) and 14,000 (500/day) calories for the month of stats are in my signature and i am proud to say that i am knocking my goals right out of the park...i am completely on track to reach my goals and actually surpass them by a significant amount....

    the only thing i am not doing yet this month that i set out to do is swim one day a week at the ymca pool....i just havent gotten that squeezed in yet....i have added the strength training i wanted to each week just not the swimming....

    okay that is my book update....i will promise to chatter more if you guys offer to contribute too....i hate talking to myself LOL
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I just did week one of C25K outside in this beautiful weather! Nice soft wind keeping me cool. It was nice. So glad to not have snow on the ground!!!
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    Today was so beatiful we actually got outside, it was so nice. I jumped on the trampoline with the kids. I would be interested in doing a challange that had something to do with drinking more water. I am horrible about getting in all my water any takers?
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    I'm so not very good at chatter...but here goes.
    Yesterday was a fantastic day...I put in a very hilly mile at lunch, then ran\walked 2.12 miles at the gym, gave the stationary bike a run for it's money at 7.75 miles.
    I made a roast chicken for dinner when I got home from they gym but it took WAAY longer to cook than it should've so we ended up have leftover grilled chicken with the beautiful rosemary lemon gravy, mashed potatoes, and brussell sprouts (I had a ton of calories built up on accident). So now we have a gorgeous lemon rosemary roasted chicken hanging out in the fridge. My elderly neighbor who just lost his wife right before Christmas and his son last week might be the recipient of said chicken. It's probably because I grew up around Mormons but when something bad happens my first reaction is to start feeding people...probably also why my butt is so big.

    So this week, I lost 2.2 lbs bringing me down to 211.1 !!
    I have a mini goal that is to lose 50 lbs by Feb 25th. I fear I may be pushing it. One of my big goals was to be in Onderland by my birthday. That means 11 pounds by March 13th. Unless I hop on the scale and have one of those double take weigh-ins, I'm afraid that those November and December plateaus may have thrown me just enough off track that I won't hit them on time. I'm certainly not freaked out by this and I should be grateful that I've had pretty steady loss for the past seven weeks...but competitive me wants those goals and sensible me doesn't want to freak my system to get them.
    Now I'm rambling....but's chatter.
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    Starting weight 1/1/11 - 134
    Jan 8: 132
    Jan 15: 129
    Jan 22: 129
    Jan 29: 129
    Feb 5: 125.5
    Feb 12: 124
    Feb 19: 122.8
    Feb 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 17: Goal 120
    I'm so close to 120 its so amazing, I haven't weighed this much since before having kids, almost 6 years ago. I'm also smaller because yesterday I went to buy shorts to workout in, I bought a size extra small, they are a little tight across my hips but fit everywhere else, I have never wore a small let alone a extra small, my thighs have always caused me to wear a med. to large.
    My goal this week is to get to the Y four times this week, and to drink 8 glasses of water a day. The water will be the hard one.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    hey brandi....i just noticed your ticker....not a criticism just curious??? how come you are showing how much you have left to lose instead of what you have lost???? i feel like when i DISPLAY my awesomeness of what i have lost it motivates me to keep moving to make that number BIGGER each week as i get SMALLER....just a thought....
    i think that is a very nice gesture towards your neighbor, you could share it with him and save some for sandwiches over the weekend for your family too....
    congrats on your 2.2 this will be in onderland in no time...i know we have goals and we do our damnedest to reach them and we are here to push you to do your best to get to 199.9 by 3/13 but in the meantime focus on how awesome you are doing...keep up the workouts, watching your calories and drinking your water and i promise you will be there soon enough....we are cheering you on...
    thanks for the sharing...

    i sneaked a peak at the scale last night after my workout before i had chinese takeout..i was back down to 190-190.2 depending on which scale reading i took.....i hope i can keep it there for saturday's weigh in....i have bunco tonight so i have to eat well and stay within my calories plus get my @ss out for my lunchtime walk today as i wont be able to workout tonight....i think i can do it...i'm still on target for 189 by 3/17 for sure.....

    look forward to seeing more updates/chatter in the coming days...i'll update the chart as they come in...
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    1/29....198.6 .

    I have total been slacking the last couple of weeks. I lost some motivation and also TOM showed up. Now I have a new 4 week plan. Workout hard for 3 weeks and then when TOM shows up I am on a light week. I work night shift so sometimes it is hard to figure out when to work out and when to eat. I am hoping my new plan will help me out
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    good losses so far girls...keep it up...
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    hey brandi....i just noticed your ticker....not a criticism just curious??? how come you are showing how much you have left to lose instead of what you have lost???? i feel like when i DISPLAY my awesomeness of what i have lost it motivates me to keep moving to make that number BIGGER each week as i get SMALLER....just a thought....
    i think that is a very nice gesture towards your neighbor, you could share it with him and save some for sandwiches over the weekend for your family too....
    congrats on your 2.2 this will be in onderland in no time...i know we have goals and we do our damnedest to reach them and we are here to push you to do your best to get to 199.9 by 3/13 but in the meantime focus on how awesome you are doing...keep up the workouts, watching your calories and drinking your water and i promise you will be there soon enough....we are cheering you on...
    thanks for the sharing...

    i sneaked a peak at the scale last night after my workout before i had chinese takeout..i was back down to 190-190.2 depending on which scale reading i took.....i hope i can keep it there for saturday's weigh in....i have bunco tonight so i have to eat well and stay within my calories plus get my @ss out for my lunchtime walk today as i wont be able to workout tonight....i think i can do it...i'm still on target for 189 by 3/17 for sure.....

    look forward to seeing more updates/chatter in the coming days...i'll update the chart as they come in...

    Denise - you know I never gave it much thought...about the ticker...I think it is just my competitiveness. I have a tendency to look ahead...the goal...rarely do I look at what I've done...because it's done. I switched it...let's see if it helps my attitude ;)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    hey brandi....i just noticed your ticker....not a criticism just curious??? how come you are showing how much you have left to lose instead of what you have lost???? i feel like when i DISPLAY my awesomeness of what i have lost it motivates me to keep moving to make that number BIGGER each week as i get SMALLER....just a thought....
    i think that is a very nice gesture towards your neighbor, you could share it with him and save some for sandwiches over the weekend for your family too....
    congrats on your 2.2 this will be in onderland in no time...i know we have goals and we do our damnedest to reach them and we are here to push you to do your best to get to 199.9 by 3/13 but in the meantime focus on how awesome you are doing...keep up the workouts, watching your calories and drinking your water and i promise you will be there soon enough....we are cheering you on...
    thanks for the sharing...

    i sneaked a peak at the scale last night after my workout before i had chinese takeout..i was back down to 190-190.2 depending on which scale reading i took.....i hope i can keep it there for saturday's weigh in....i have bunco tonight so i have to eat well and stay within my calories plus get my @ss out for my lunchtime walk today as i wont be able to workout tonight....i think i can do it...i'm still on target for 189 by 3/17 for sure.....

    look forward to seeing more updates/chatter in the coming days...i'll update the chart as they come in...

    Denise - you know I never gave it much thought...about the ticker...I think it is just my competitiveness. I have a tendency to look ahead...the goal...rarely do I look at what I've done...because it's done. I switched it...let's see if it helps my attitude ;)

    you didnt have to do that...i was just curious that is all....hope the change helps ;)
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    Yesterday I went to the Y and workouted for a hour, I usually do 30 to 45 minutes. I'm feeling it today but it feels good to have been able to do a hour, two months ago I could barely do 15. I didn't drink enough water yesterday I only got half in and that was mostly after my workout. Any ideas on how to get more water in?
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    My weight is the same as last week. :( 224.0 Idk if I'm ever going to get out of the 220s. We are driving up to Natural Bridge for a hike up and back down today. We love it there. The sky lift is not open so we have to hike it all!! LOL Great exercise though. :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    AAAAArrrrgggggh I am back up to 158. So I have planned out all my meals for Monday thru Friday like I used to do. I am going to workout every night and I am going to lose the 14 pounds I have gained back since mid August. If I only eat what I have on the plan I will do great. I know I can do this.