!No Excuses! Janurary Challenge



  • Name: Chelsi
    Starting Weight: 143.2
    Goal weight for Janurary: 135
    Ulitmate goal weight: 119 (i haven't seen that number for more than 5 years!)

    Monday- Worked out on p90x thought I could eat more since I worked out but I am not even hungry!! (plus no fast food!!!!!)
    Tuesday- Ate really good today!!! No fast food...grilled some talapia on my new george forman and put some salsa on top!!!! Very good and not many calories at all!!! Also worked the muscles with p90x plus abs...that was a killer but I made it through!!!
    Wednesday-No fast food!!!!
    Thursdays-No fast food!!!
    Friday- Yet again not fast food!!! Still have to exercise tonight!!
    Saturday- I am too busy to eat out today so I know I am not having fast food!!! I weighed in today and I am 139.0!!!! This no fast food is working!! Stretch day today so I can relax!!! A nap does sound good!
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    I also have avoided fast food ! :) Sorry I haven't made it back every day to post, I'll try harder from here on out. Great job everyone.
  • mikki3
    mikki3 Posts: 63
    I stayed away from fast food for the week, but still managed to have pizza and a veggie burger at sit down restaurants so I don't think it was a total victory ;)
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    Exhausting day today. Forgot lunch but was super busy. Had big dinner but stayed under calories. Packed lunch for tomorrow, so hoping for better day. Did super house cleaning today, burned lots of calories. No fast food
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    Monday: No fast food!
    Tuesday: Had the freebie reservation for the spicy chicken biscuit @ chick-fil-a...i had made it before the new year. wish i hadn't had it really, but...
    Wednesday: NO fast food!!
    Thursday: NO FAST food!!!
    Friday: NO FAST FOOD!!
    Saturday: NO FAST FOOOOOD!!

    Woohoo!! I hope I can keep it up!

    Also, does Starbucks count as "fast food" if I'm just stopping by for a coffee??
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Hey all! I hope everyone had a great week. I did well most of the week. No fast food, except I did have 2 slices of plain pizza for dinner on Friday night. Other than that, I did pretty well. Exercised every day, even though I wasn't feeling that good (annoying cold, both me and my daughter suffering from it!)
    It's the weekends that are tough for me. I was under my calorie goals all week, except Fri. late night, I went over. I was helping my best friend stuff invitations for her wedding and she made all these yummy dips and wine! Fortunately I stayed away from the wine (which is a MAJOR victory for me b/c I LOVE my wine!) But I did have a couple scoops of the different dips she was offering. Sat. was also tough, and I forgot to log in. But I will log in today and try to stick to it.
    Here's my weight updates:

    SW: 167
    CW (as of Fri. morning, before my weekend slip-ups!): 164.5
    GW for Jan: 159
    Ultimate goal weight 140 by summer!!

    Maybe for this week's challenge, it could be something about working out? Like trying to get in exercise 5 days next week? Just a suggestion, I'm open for any and all challenges!

    Thanks so much for ALL the support everyone! Whenever I feel like giving up or not logging in, I"ll check my email and have "1 new message from myfitnesspal" and it gets me right back on track!!

    Have a great week!
  • s027cjs
    s027cjs Posts: 14
    I haven't had any fast food all week. I went grocery shopping on Friday and have went over my calories. I need to get back to working out and keeping track of what I eat. I weighed in today and I've lost 6 pounds, so I'm happy about that.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    I have such better plans for next week!
  • Name: Chelsi
    Starting Weight: 143.2
    Goal weight for Janurary: 135
    Ulitmate goal weight: 119 (i haven't seen that number for more than 5 years!)

    Monday- Worked out on p90x thought I could eat more since I worked out but I am not even hungry!! (plus no fast food!!!!!)
    Tuesday- Ate really good today!!! No fast food...grilled some talapia on my new george forman and put some salsa on top!!!! Very good and not many calories at all!!! Also worked the muscles with p90x plus abs...that was a killer but I made it through!!!
    Wednesday-No fast food!!!!
    Thursdays-No fast food!!!
    Friday- Yet again not fast food!!! Still have to exercise tonight!!
    Saturday- I am too busy to eat out today so I know I am not having fast food!!! I weighed in today and I am 139.0!!!! This no fast food is working!! Stretch day today so I can relax!!! A nap does sound good!
    Sunday- No Fast Food, started on week 2 of p90x!!!!
  • Casaski
    Casaski Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting this challenge today!
    SW: 273
    I just joined yesterday.
    no ff today. :happy:
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    had a really tuff day at work today, really wanted to stop at price chopper for a fresh roast beef panini but i didnt. went home and got bread and turkey to make paninis at home, was gonna have 2 cause had tons of calories left. Was super cranky, did 20 minutes zumba for wii then bike for hour. felt better only had 1 panini and some baked doritos. Packed a great lunch for tomorrow. No fast food. Son has ortho apt tomorrow out of town around dinner time. mite get the boys fast food and i will eat here.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    another day no fast food...did have starbucks skinny lattes the last two days on my way to the evening shift at work but counted the calories and fit well within my budget. Did manage to avoid the other junk that tends to make it's way to work on the weekends. AND today was day 14 in a row with at least 30 min of exercise...now if the scale would just move a little more quickly! :)

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • s027cjs
    s027cjs Posts: 14
    No fast food. So far so good. I was really proud of myself yesterday. My mother ordered a veggie pizza, but I didn't have one slice. I just wish I could stop all of this snacking I'm doing. One day at a time. So far I haven't had any fast food since the challenge started.
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    Day 6 for me. Had to take my son to ortho apt. I decided to jog up and down the stairs. There are 4 floors, I made it up and down 2 whole times but couldnt catch my breath after so went up and down a single flight 2 more times. Decided I could breathe better outside in the freezing cold(nope) but power walked for 20 minutes. Then had to take boys to Burger King for take out dinner. I got the apple fries, no caramel sauce and drove home. I'm making a sandwich right now to eat. I am so determined to do this.
  • No fast food since I started the challenge--drove by Burgerville's, Pizza Huts, Burger Kings and Taco Times.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Had catered lunch at work honey baked ham sandwhich, brownie and chips...but worked out and kept in my calorie goal...i didn't go order it so it's a sorta I guess.
  • My rule is--if there is no drive-in physically attached to the restaurant, it isn't fastfood--so you are okay in my book. The only exception is Pizza Hut. If it isn't fast food, it should be considered.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    Week Two:
    Monday: No fast food!!! YAY!!! I'm gonna make a tricker on my siggy that counts the day I go without fast food! Starting today fresh as day one!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • I still haven't had any fast food! I'm SO glad I joined this challenge because now I don't even let myself consider having fast food whenever I'm out!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • Mandee87
    Mandee87 Posts: 35 Member
    I have had no fast food at all! My husband and I did go out for our anniversary, we went to Applebee's. We don't get out that often never mind without the kids, so we indulged a little. No appetizers, a meal and a mudslide each. The mudslide made me go over my calories by 300. I just had our 2nd child 3 weeks ago and obviously haven't had a drink in a while, so it was worth every calorie to me!! Other than that I've been eating better than I have in years! =]
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