!No Excuses! Janurary Challenge



  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    Week Two:
    Monday: No fast food!!! YAY!!! I'm gonna make a tricker on my siggy that counts the day I go without fast food! Starting today fresh as day one!
    Tuesday: No fast food!!! So proud of myself!
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Where is everyone at??

    You deserve to enjoy yourself on your ann. Mandee!

    Alyssa...glad you joined!
  • s027cjs
    s027cjs Posts: 14
    So far no fast food this entire challenge. I need to work on my snacking and working out. We can do this!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    Had today off. This would usually be my day to get a grinder. Not super bad but bad just the same. I like either turkey/bacon or roast beef. I made a panini instead. I did 14 minutes on stepper for wii then another 20 minutes. Ate well then went to zumba and burned another 600. just got home and ate dinner. had 6oz of home made roast beef and 80 cal mashed potato and home made gravy. No veggies today. Still way under my calories for the day. My bones are aching. Hoping its from the extra work outs I've been doing. I'm not stopping. I just feel good emotionaly. Physically there is some bone aches, doesnt feel like muscle. Any way no fast food for me. I am getting subway tomorrow for lunch cause i am just to tired to go pack food. maybe get up early but probably wont.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    no fast food for me today :)
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    Week Two:
    Monday: No fast food!!! YAY!!! I'm gonna make a tricker on my siggy that counts the day I go without fast food! Starting today fresh as day one!
    Tuesday: No fast food!!! So proud of myself!
    Wednesday: No fast food! This is easier than I thought!
  • s027cjs
    s027cjs Posts: 14
    Today I had a foot long turkey sub from Subway. But according to the rules this is not considered fast food, so I'm still good. I still went over my calories for the day. I'm curious if I'm going to lose weight this week. My fingers are crossed.
  • Name: Chelsi
    Starting Weight: 143.2
    Goal weight for Janurary: 135
    Ulitmate goal weight: 119 (i haven't seen that number for more than 5 years!)

    Monday- Worked out on p90x thought I could eat more since I worked out but I am not even hungry!! (plus no fast food!!!!!)
    Tuesday- Ate really good today!!! No fast food...grilled some talapia on my new george forman and put some salsa on top!!!! Very good and not many calories at all!!! Also worked the muscles with p90x plus abs...that was a killer but I made it through!!!
    Wednesday-No fast food!!!!
    Thursdays-No fast food!!!
    Friday- Yet again not fast food!!! Still have to exercise tonight!!
    Saturday- No Fast food....rest day no exercise...well needed break!
    Sunday -No Fast Food...Started week 2 of p90x!!!

    Week 2
    Monday- No Fast Food
    Tuesday- Did go eat at taco bell but I couldn't wait any longer for lunch..I was with someone else and they were driving so I let them pick and I ate also...didn't eat much for supper cause I felt so bad, but I did stay within my calories! That is a plus!
    Wednesday- No Fast Food...Worked out and feel good..Lots of water today!
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    Week Two:
    Monday: No fast food!!! YAY!!! I'm gonna make a tricker on my siggy that counts the day I go without fast food! Starting today fresh as day one!
    Tuesday: No fast food!!! So proud of myself!
    Wednesday: No fast food! This is easier than I thought!
    Thursday: No fast food! I didn't think it would be this easy if I put my mind to it!

    It looks like some people are dropping out!!! Where did everyone go!!!! Proud of you Chelsi! S027 you too!
  • Name: Chelsi
    Starting Weight: 143.2
    Goal weight for Janurary: 135
    Ulitmate goal weight: 119 (i haven't seen that number for more than 5 years!)

    Monday- Worked out on p90x thought I could eat more since I worked out but I am not even hungry!! (plus no fast food!!!!!)
    Tuesday- Ate really good today!!! No fast food...grilled some talapia on my new george forman and put some salsa on top!!!! Very good and not many calories at all!!! Also worked the muscles with p90x plus abs...that was a killer but I made it through!!!
    Wednesday-No fast food!!!!
    Thursdays-No fast food!!!
    Friday- Yet again not fast food!!! Still have to exercise tonight!!
    Saturday- No Fast food....rest day no exercise...well needed break!
    Sunday -No Fast Food...Started week 2 of p90x!!!

    Week 2
    Monday- No Fast Food
    Tuesday- Did go eat at taco bell but I couldn't wait any longer for lunch..I was with someone else and they were driving so I let them pick and I ate also...didn't eat much for supper cause I felt so bad, but I did stay within my calories! That is a plus!
    Wednesday- No Fast Food...Worked out and feel good..Lots of water today!
    Thursday- NoFast Food!! I love the crock pot!! It makes it easier to forget about getting anything out cause you already have a meal at home waiting for you!!! Thanks for the encouragement!!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    today I stopped at quiznos. if subway doesnt count then i'm hoping quiznos doesn't either. It was good and I have worked out everyday for the past two weeks except for yestarday. I haven't been sleeping well and my body is feeling a little weird.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    Week Two:
    Monday: No fast food!!! YAY!!! I'm gonna make a tricker on my siggy that counts the day I go without fast food! Starting today fresh as day one!
    Tuesday: No fast food!!! So proud of myself!
    Wednesday: No fast food! This is easier than I thought!
    Thursday: No fast food! I didn't think it would be this easy if I put my mind to it!
    Friday: No fast food!!!

    WOW I can't believe I never done this before...next month gottas be harder challenge!
  • Name: Chelsi
    Starting Weight: 143.2
    Goal weight for Janurary: 135
    Ulitmate goal weight: 119 (i haven't seen that number for more than 5 years!)

    Monday- Worked out on p90x thought I could eat more since I worked out but I am not even hungry!! (plus no fast food!!!!!)
    Tuesday- Ate really good today!!! No fast food...grilled some talapia on my new george forman and put some salsa on top!!!! Very good and not many calories at all!!! Also worked the muscles with p90x plus abs...that was a killer but I made it through!!!
    Wednesday-No fast food!!!!
    Thursdays-No fast food!!!
    Friday- Yet again not fast food!!! Still have to exercise tonight!!
    Saturday- No Fast food....rest day no exercise...well needed break!
    Sunday -No Fast Food...Started week 2 of p90x!!!

    Week 2
    Monday- No Fast Food
    Tuesday- Did go eat at taco bell but I couldn't wait any longer for lunch..I was with someone else and they were driving so I let them pick and I ate also...didn't eat much for supper cause I felt so bad, but I did stay within my calories! That is a plus!
    Wednesday- No Fast Food...Worked out and feel good..Lots of water today!
    Thursday- NoFast Food!! I love the crock pot!! It makes it easier to forget about getting anything out cause you already have a meal at home waiting for you!!! Thanks for the encouragement!!
    Friday- Ate at Dairy Queen----No excuses just did it and regret it...This week will be better! Weigh in day 138.9..gained .8 of a pound hopfully it is from working out so much!!! My muscles retaining water... we will see next week!
  • I gave in once Thursday night and had a 5 layer burrito without beans from taco bell. I usually would have got nachos and cheese and soda to go with it, but I didn't this time. That got my fast food fix out of the way and I plan on finishing up January without fast food!
  • s027cjs
    s027cjs Posts: 14
    No fast food since the challenge started. The closest to fast food that I've had was Subway. I had a foot long turkey sub on Wednesday. I weigh in tomorrow to see if I lost any weight this week.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Janurary Challenge: NO FAST FOOD
    Monday: No Fast Food
    Tuesday: Kinda no fast food. Had Pizza Hut. Don't really know if that counts as fast food!
    Wednesday: I had a jr.frosty from wendy's today....does that count?
    Thursday: Woke up not feeling good with a headach and barely made it to work...so on my way I swung into Mcdonalds....grrr @ me!!!
    Friday: Had a Jr. Frosty at wendys....damn those freee frosty!!!!
    Saturday: :( Had fast food grrr.
    Sunday: No fast food

    Week Two:
    Monday: No fast food!!! YAY!!! I'm gonna make a tricker on my siggy that counts the day I go without fast food! Starting today fresh as day one!
    Tuesday: No fast food!!! So proud of myself!
    Wednesday: No fast food! This is easier than I thought!
    Thursday: No fast food! I didn't think it would be this easy if I put my mind to it!
    Friday: No fast food!!!
    Saturday: No fast food!!! Today my boyfriend wanted me to eat lunch with him and he wanted Long John Silvers...so I made my chicken sandwich and took it with me and got him Long John Silvers...I was so proud of myself!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    friday had 1 slice of pizza and then half a grinder. also didnt workout, I had food from a nice place but got it to go. sat i did tons of exercise and no fast food, sunday will b the same
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    Week One: Spicy Chicken biscuit on Tuesday morning, but otherwise NO FAST FOOD!

    This week, I only had fast food on Sunday afternoon after church. It was cheap and I ate with my mom and sister. Other than that, NO FAST FOOD! In fact, I really didn't even think about it this week! I almost even forgot the challenge! :D

    Maybe this week will be a complete NO FAST FOOD! (I didn't have any today and Sunday is usually the day when it happens!!)
  • Name: Chelsi
    Starting Weight: 143.2
    Goal weight for Janurary: 135
    Ulitmate goal weight: 119 (i haven't seen that number for more than 5 years!)

    Monday- Worked out on p90x thought I could eat more since I worked out but I am not even hungry!! (plus no fast food!!!!!)
    Tuesday- Ate really good today!!! No fast food...grilled some talapia on my new george forman and put some salsa on top!!!! Very good and not many calories at all!!! Also worked the muscles with p90x plus abs...that was a killer but I made it through!!!
    Wednesday-No fast food!!!!
    Thursdays-No fast food!!!
    Friday- Yet again not fast food!!! Still have to exercise tonight!!
    Saturday- No Fast food....rest day no exercise...well needed break!
    Sunday -No Fast Food...Started week 2 of p90x!!!

    Week 2
    Monday- No Fast Food
    Tuesday- Did go eat at taco bell but I couldn't wait any longer for lunch..I was with someone else and they were driving so I let them pick and I ate also...didn't eat much for supper cause I felt so bad, but I did stay within my calories! That is a plus!
    Wednesday- No Fast Food...Worked out and feel good..Lots of water today!
    Thursday- NoFast Food!! I love the crock pot!! It makes it easier to forget about getting anything out cause you already have a meal at home waiting for you!!! Thanks for the encouragement!!
    Friday- Ate at Dairy Queen----No excuses just did it and regret it...This week will be better! Weigh in day 138.9..gained .8 of a pound hopfully it is from working out so much!!! My muscles retaining water... we will see next week!
    Saturday- Ate out at a nice restuarant and had a salad that was delicious!!!!! I was really proud of myself!
    Sunday- Ate one slice of pizza for lunch but no fast food the day!!! Ready to start a new week and here we go!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 132 Member
    Hi all, a little late in the month to join but I'm still keen. Have been on holiday so only just back into things and determined to make some progress on my weight loss goals!

    Name: Becky
    Starting Weight: (today) 164
    Goal weight for Janurary: 162
    Ulitmate goal weight: 145

    Progress so far this month: Pretty good for not knowing I was going to join this challenge! I'm not a big fast food eater but can indulge when I'm in holiday mode. So far have eaten pizza once.
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