"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day Week 1

"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day

-I would like to invite anyone who would like to join this Challenge. We are a bunch of ladies, few gents that are here to lose weight. We make small weekly challenges to keep us going. Anyone is welcomed.. No matter who far we get into the challenge.. You ARE welcomed!

Week 1 of 6


Valentine’s Day is revolved around love, and the materialistic things that come along with it. Although I know a lot of people don’t particularly love celebrating Valentines day. Mainly because something bad happened around Valentines day, or they don’t have anyone to share it with. This year for Valentine’s day, we are working towards a mini goal to better ourselves; mentally, physically, and spiritually. Along with losing, maintaining, or possibly gaining the seven pounds. I want to make the next size weeks about loving our selves. There are a lot of ladies out there who have a hard time accepting life, self esteem issues, and most of all have a hard time loving themselves. You don’t have to have someone to enjoy valentine’s day, although it helps.

Over the next six weeks, I want you to find THREE faults that you have that makes you not love yourself as much as you should. And I want you to work on three of those faults. Make those three faults, be part of your daily/weekly challenges. I know we all have at least THREE things wed like to change. Along with the three things, I want you to take five to ten minutes out of your week, to pamper yourself. Whether its to take a nice hot bath, give yourself a mini make over, work on much needed body maintance, read, or maybe even a time out for yourself. Take just a little time out for you. In preparation of learning to love yourself.

I want you to take the time to cut ONE bad thing out of your life. Eating too much sweets, drinking too much pop, smoking too many cigarettes.. And so forth.. If you get out of habit over the next six weeks you will no longer need it.. List one things you are going to cut out..

Challenge 1 - Week 1
(01/03) - Make time for Breakfast - Eat breakfast everyday. (I know a lot of us struggle with this)

Challenge 2 - Week 1
(01/03) - Start some sort of exercise program/dvd.. 30 Day Shred.. Ect… Start out slow and work your way up. List your Program you started.. We’ll look back on this in the future… ;)

Challenge 3 - Week 1
(01/03) - Meditate for a total of 60 minutes this week.

“Success is something you attract, by the person you become.” - Jim Rohn

Sorry its taken me a little extra time to get this group together. I needed sometime to think about what I wanted to do. Ive been feeling a little under the weather. Not gonna let this stop me from doing what I want to do. Looking forward to this challenge with you ladies..

Need a new H20 Graphic yet..

Support Team H20 Contest-
Since we are “Team H20” Id like to do a small fun contest.. Between now and the next 5 weeks, I want you to come up with a unique design, on our water bottles of course.. And I want us to take a picture of our design, and post the picture. We will post our pictures on week 5.. So start thinking of a design.. The winner of the little Contest will get a little something in the mail.. =) Provided you’re willing to give put your address.. Haha.. Just something a little fun this time around.

Have a great week.. I hope you enjoy the Challenges once again..
<3 Your Team H20 Leader April Val


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I love this! I think it's great that this challenge incorporates both physical and spiritual aspects of improving ourselves. Count me in!

    I already know what I'm going to do each day for me - dry brushing. I read about its benefits online. It's all in an effort to take care of my skin and keep it pretty :) It's also very healthy. I've been too lazy to do it, even though it takes a whole 5 minutes.....big deal.

    As for cutting something negative out, hmmm, this is going to take some thought. I naturally want to cut out junky food. I'll think about this one and come back.

  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Yay! Here is to a better, more successful challenge! The Hubby and I don't celebrate V-day, mostly because of the cost involved with everything surrounding it.

    The one thing I'm going to cut out of my life is eating the sweets at work. That is seriously my downfall, and I was doing so well until the holidays..then...slippery slope! No more!

    SW: 195.8
    GW for this challenge: 188.8 (but secretly 185...)

    If you ladies are up for a traveling companion for the group to pass around and take photos with, PM me. We can do a stuffed animal that travels with a journal, or something that we can all sign...if I'm left ot choose the mascot it will be something Disney, but I'm up for suggestions.

    Also, if you want to do a buddy system, PM me. If there is enough interest, I'll set it up. Send me your SW, total GW, sex, and location. I'll try and pair like with like. :)
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    I like the challenges, great ideas April!

    Week one challenges are great. As for the one thing bad habit I am going to kick it has to be smoking. I have set a date to do this Jan 7. I chose this date because I will be moving my work location. I will then have no association with "stepping" out to smoke, as the new location is pretty open. I think with the change of work location, it is time for some much needed changes with me.

    The workout program I am going to try is going to the gym 5/7 times a week. I have a gym membership but have been slacking lately grr. I know I can do better and get back on track.

    Anyways I look forward to the next 7 weeks with all you wonderfully beautiful people.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I am so ready for this one April. I have totally been slacking. I haven’t weighed in…I know the scale will not be nice. I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning…I am measuring too. My bad habit to kick is mindless snacking. I have to pack healthy snacks…eat better at meals…and avoid the goodies that are around me. I do eat breakfast everyday. I plan on getting back on the treadmill everyday! I also have Zumba for Playstation Move so I hope to check that out as well. Plus….my hubby bought me a beautiful new bike for Christmas…just have to wait for nice weather to ride it. The way I feel…I would ride it with a hat, scarf, gloves, and winter coat…I am that excited! Haven’t had a new bike in 20 years!

    So…here I go. I really am going to get back in gear. I am tired of my excuses and laziness. I lost 35 lbs last year…so I know it can be done!

    My son loves to create things, so maybe he can help me with a design for the group.

    Have a great week everyone…will check in tomorrow with my SW.
    Good luck to all! Let’s do this!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Helllllllloooooooooo Ladies!

    Since September I already have cut my sugar, salt, diet pop, chips, chocolate, dessert, junk food in general and I don't smoke. I rarely eat any of these anymore. I sure did a few time during the Holidays but not much. I am going back to my healthy eating starting tomorrow. I only wish I would eat more veggies. I won't cut anything but I will add more veggies to the menu and one other thing that I lack of is SLEEP. I'm a night owl and get up early in the morning.

    I eat breakfast everyday now. I used to skip breakfast and lunch. :huh: I don't eat much but I eat something...

    We received from santa a XBox 360 Kinect for Xmas so I will exercise using Adventure that comes with it until I receive my new game Dance Central. Can't wait to try this one!:happy:

    I don't know it I can do medidation...:frown: I've never done it before... Any advice how to?:blushing:

    I don't want to sound stupid, but I'm not really sure what you mean by fault? Is it like I don't have enough motivitation to exercice and this is something I want to change? Or is it more like when I get mad easily and I don't think this is right and I want to change it?

    Anyway those challenges are great! I'll have fun doing them again!

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yaaay so happy to have us up and running again!

    Something I'm going to cut out...laziness. It has really creeped back into my life since the end of December and I need it to not become my norm.

    A fault I need to work on is self confidence. I've never been one to think highly of myself and while I take pride in my victories of seeing the scale go down, when I don't get confirmation from others of my hard work, my happy goes right down the pooper. Like at a Christmas party I hadn't seen a person in a year and she said she didn't recognize me, I'd lost so much weight. That was a big time :bigsmile: moment. But then I see my family for Christmas, and nobody says a damn word. Only thing mentioned was my uncle..."you darkened your hair". Yup. That's all that's different. And when my hubby complimented my figure in front of my sister, she half-heartedly congratulated me, and then went on to say how she's been a size 10 for years and is OK as long as she doesn't get any bigger. This comment after I'd just said how happy I was to be wearing a 12. :grumble:

    Looks like I need to do a little meditation and papering time right now, I'm all kinds of pissy! :laugh:

    Summer, you know I'd love to be a part of the traveling companion. And it BETTER be Disney related! :tongue: I'll PM you.

    I'm so excited to work on the water bottle design! I haven't gotten to work with my paint pens in what feels like forever. Yay, doodling time!

    I'm going to use my ending weight for the last challenge as my starting weight for this one for now, as my battery scale conveniently died on NYE. :huh:

    SW: 173.4
    GW: 166.4
  • kattungen
    Yay, I'm so glad this thread is up! Don't worry about not having it up earlier April, I <3 your for doing this. Thank you so much! :D

    I lost 4.8 lbs in the Xmas-challenge, and then another 2.2 lbs since December 24th 'til today, so my starting weight for this challenge is 184.3 lbs :) By the way, is it possible to list my entries in this challenge as metric values instead? If so, my SW is 83.6 kg :)

    SW (03.01.11) - 184.3 lbs/86.3 kg

    GW (14.02.11) - 176.1 lbs/79.9 kg <-- I'm not really sure if this will work, I only lost >5 lbs during our Xmas-challenge, but I'll try! So yeah, 8.2 lbs loss = goal! :D

    The breakfast challenge is genious, I've had way too little structure on my meals during the holidays. I'm also getting back on track with my exercise routines this week, I'm actually going to the gym in an hour! :p
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I'm in! Current weight (adjusted due to Holiday gain *sigh*) is 177.0 lbs.
    Goal weight for this challenge is 170 lbs HOWEVER I want to make my goal 169.9 (not much of a difference but I wanna see those 160's!!!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I forgot to post my starting weight.

    Starting weight 313.5 lbs
    H20-SSSPofVD weight 299.9 lbs I WANT TO BE UNDER THE THREE HUNDREDS before Valentine's day!

  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Monday morning is here....

    SW 204
    GW 197

    I was at 197 not too long ago. As long as I get back to eating the way I used to and exercising...I know that number is possible.
    I missed putting a fault I want to work on...improving my opinion of myself. Although I have been told many wonderful things about myself...I have trouble believing them. My husband will tell me how good I look after losing some weight, and I find the bad things rather than see the good. I am doing better but I still want to work on it. Also, I used to really feed into the negativity around me. I have been working on not letting myself fall into that. There is ALWAYS a positive side to things...that's where I want my focus to be. My last fault that I am working on is finishing what I started...and not procrastinating. I want to start a project and follow through on it.
    Ok...a tall order, but doable!

    Have a great week!
  • kattungen
    First "real" day of 2011, and I manage to eat 150 cals worth of chocolate for a snack. Luckily I burned 518 cals at the gym earlier today, so I can still have dinner and a small meal before bedtime with a good conscience :)
  • SkierElle
    SkierElle Posts: 335
    Yay! I've been excited for this group!!
    SW: 174 GW for challenge: 167

    I am going to cut out sugar. Again. Also I am going Paleo (80/20 this month) so that involves cutting out a lot of crap!

    I am starting the second month of Insanity today so that will be a perfect fit for this challenge!
  • aprildauer
    Week 1-
    I'm in on this challenge. I love your challenge and love the group. I kinda missed out of the end of the Christmas challenge because off all that was going on but that's ok. I love that you incorporated spiritual things along with physical things. @AprilVal you do a great job with these and its ok if it takes you a little longer to get the post up. People understand.

    My major fault I want to work on is to think better about myself. I am horrible about only seeing negative. I need to change that. I'm only going to work on 1 at a time for now. If I get to much on my plate I get overwhelmed. So I want to take it slow.

    The one bad thing to cut by the six weeks is drinking too much pop. I drink pop almost all day long and I need to get more water in.

    Challenge 1 breakfast will be a hard one for me but I will try very hard to get this in.

    Challenge 2 start new program will be Insanity. I'm starting a full round of Insanity since I tried right before Christmas and it didn't work with all the festivities going on.

    Challenge 3 meditation....well I will try to get this in but no promises since I have 2 young children, stay at home mom to them so they are around me 24/7. And the hubby is gone for 2 weeks for work so he couldn't take them for just a few to help. But Ill try.

    GW for Challenge:189.7
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Helllllllloooooooooo Ladies!

    Since September I already have cut my sugar, salt, diet pop, chips, chocolate, dessert, junk food in general and I don't smoke. I rarely eat any of these anymore. I sure did a few time during the Holidays but not much. I am going back to my healthy eating starting tomorrow. I only wish I would eat more veggies. I won't cut anything but I will add more veggies to the menu and one other thing that I lack of is SLEEP. I'm a night owl and get up early in the morning.

    I eat breakfast everyday now. I used to skip breakfast and lunch. :huh: I don't eat much but I eat something...

    We received from santa a XBox 360 Kinect for Xmas so I will exercise using Adventure that comes with it until I receive my new game Dance Central. Can't wait to try this one!:happy:

    I don't know it I can do medidation...:frown: I've never done it before... Any advice how to?:blushing:

    I don't want to sound stupid, but I'm not really sure what you mean by fault? Is it like I don't have enough motivitation to exercice and this is something I want to change? Or is it more like when I get mad easily and I don't think this is right and I want to change it?

    Anyway those challenges are great! I'll have fun doing them again!


    Im meaning.. anything you want or need to change about yourself.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm here :)

    Okay - so my starting weight, I'll use Saturday's weigh in, since I'm guessing Weigh Ins will stay on Saturdays: 241.8

    My major fault that I'd like to work on is that I'm way too critical (of myself and of others). I would like to work on being more patient, less critical and focusing on at least 1 positive of every situation and then communicating it.

    My bad habit will be cutting out added sugar (fruits, dairy, etc. can stay), but it's really about the tsp of sugar in my coffee/tea or the bar of chocolate at lunch. That's my goal and I'm not sure how well I'm going to do, but if I can even cut it in half, my chances for having a healthy pregnancy go up exponentially. My hubbie and I have our follow up with the fertility specialist in Feb. My weight loss has stalled since our last appointment in Nov so I'd like to be able to tell her that although it wasn't as much weight lost at that appointment, that I'm still committed to the cause.... LOL

    As for the challenges, breakfast is already a must for me, unless I sleep in until 11:30 (which isn't happening this week). My exercise routine for 2011 is the biggest loser Wii game (which is 3x a week for about 20 minutes) plus helping my hubby walk the dogs at least 3x a week and I like the meditation piece......I'm going to do 30 min 2x a week!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Just an idea...

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh and if you're looking for challenges, in the future weeks, check out liverightnow.ca. It's the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) doing a blitz on healthy living and there are about 120 different challenges posted on the boards in about 8 different categories :) I just saw it last night (it was in an banner on here). I'm also interested in their new show: Village on a Diet. They want the entire village to drop a certain amount of weight....these kinds of shows keep me motivated!!! Woo hoo!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I just spent the past 30min typing for MFP to clear it all :/ But here's the basics of what I had:

    I have my 2nd 5k this coming Saturday, in 30-20degree weather, but I'll be warm, trust me, now I just gotta work on a little more running in the cold..gonna do that after I post this!

    My bad habit to kick is sweets, bringing back my fruits instead. I love breakfast, so that's not an issue for me, thank goodness! Bringing Leslie Sansone back into my life and a little iffy on meditation as hubby plays Black Ops and Left 4 Dead A LOT, not much time alone, but I'll do what I can to find time.

    Love the water bottle idea, gonna start working on something. Glad to see you all here and see many new faces, let's rock this challenge!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    *waves* Hello, everyone! I am new to the site and would love to partake in this challenge. I love the goals listed for the first week. I'm a huge breakfast person - I fully subscribe to the "it's the most important meal of the day" mantra. The goal I'll probably have a bit of trouble with is meditation as I've tried it in the past and couldn't "get into it." I will try again though. Does anyone have any sites/books/techniques for getting started?
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Ah ha...I've figured out what I want to get rid of. Things that just aren't working for me. That takes on such a broad spectrum, LOL. It encompasses poor eating, procrastination, inhibitions, etc etc. Time to clean house :)
