"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day Week 1



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I love that everyone is feeling really ositive in the new year, I have a feeling lots of weight will be lost in this challenge :D

    End of last challenge I was 156
    one week later
    SW159 :(
    GW 152
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    This sounds like a great group. I like the spiritual as well as physical ways to work on yourself, since weight issues have many reasons beyond just eating too much.

    The three faults that I find with myself lately are the general laziness that has taken over my being since the middle of December, my over-critical nature when it comes to myself, and my habit of expecting the good things in my life to go away or end, it's a constant waiting for the anvil to drop.

    The one bad thing I am cutting out for the next six weeks is the amount of alcohol I drink. Going to limit myself to 2 glasses of wine a week :blushing: . I know that is definitely one of the things that is limiting my weightloss at the moment. I'm looking forward to the pampering as well. Breakfast shouldn't be a problem, I get super cranky if I don't eat in the morning so I almost always have something. I definitely need to jump back on the exercise train, going to start tonight. Meditation should be interesting, I've tried it in the past but can't seem to shut off my mind enough to really get any benefit from it. We'll see. :laugh:

    Starting weight: 172
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Just an idea...


    Love the graphic!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK I'm in!

    SW: 203.0

    Breakfast is not a challenge for me....gotta have it to start my day no matter what. I started my new Wii yesterday & Wii fit, so there is my dvd/workout challenge. As for meditation, well I would consider that as my mind relaxing time, so I'm going to READ. I am a summer reader, not winter - so YES that is a challenge for me! :bigsmile:
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Forgot my starting weight :)

    SW: 148.2 Up 2lbs since end of last challenge grr.
    GW: 140
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I just went for a run. Okay, I walked some, and ran some....either way, I got up, got out, and did it.

    I'm so happy I actually pushed myself to run more, and run at a faster pace. I felt like toppling over at the end. I'm still trying to detox from all the crap I managed to consume over the holidays. I'm not even that hungry today. I'll try and eat a salad with some denser foods like hard boiled egg and avocado on it to up the calories. I think it's because I just went overboard, and now I'm trying to get back to normal.

    Now it's time to relax with a nice cup of dandelion root tea :)

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have done day two of my just dance 2. Gonna do it everyday this week, for an hour or so. Well I say this but I am having a 24hr heart monitor fitted tomorrow and not sure if I am allowed to exercise with that on :S

    Breakfast is hard for me as I dont get up until 4 in the afternoon :( The joys of being ill.

    Other than that I am feeling positive despite the 3lb gain, TOM showed up today so maybe next week the 3lb will be gone, I hope so.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Oh I just figured out what I need to stop doing....overeating.

    Far too many times I will keep eating even though I'm not hungry...then I feel way too full after.

    So yes, no more overeating!

  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Pickles, a good thing to try is portioning your meal before it goes on your plate. I know with me, if I put more than a serving on my plate, I'm going to eat it. If I portion it out before, I'm not hungry enough to go back for more.
    Portion control is also important because those times when you DO go on a bender, or on vacation, your are physically unable to eat the amount you previously could, limiting your calories to less than what they would have been prior. I found that helpful during the holidays especially. Doesn't matter HOW good it tasted, I could not eat any more.
  • kattungen
    I had about half a gallon (two litres) of onion soup throughout the day yesterday, I figured it was low-cal and great to keep my snacking-monster under control, but can you spell water retention people? :p I'm so stupid! I've actually GAINED 3.5 lbs (!!!!) since yesterday. No more onion-soup for me! :p
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    Yaaay we're back!!

    I gained 1lb over the holidays so -
    SW 153 lbs
    GW 146 lbs

    The challenges are great. I'm still thinking on the 3 faults but .....
    Pampering wise, I have really dry skin that I don't moisturise enough. I have all the lotions and potions available, I just don't use them. This week I am going to take 5 minutes out every day and actually apply them!
    I am cutting out snacks. If I need to eat between meals it will be fruit.

    I have no problems with breakfast, in fact I usually have 2 small breakfasts since I started mfp so challenge 1 is no problem.
    I'm hoping to get back to the gym this week. I usually go 5 days a week so this will be my program. I hurt my leg though so I need to get the ok to start training again.
    I'm not going to meditate if that is ok. I have a stretching program that I should do every day but very often don't find the time. I need to find the time because I was given the program for a very good reason - I ache lots if I don't stretch!!!

    @ Pinky - my family are exactly the same as yours!!! I met up with a friend on Sunday, first thing she noticed was that I had lost weight. I went straight on to meet my family, and nothing!!! They know I am working really hard at being fit and healthy and losing weight yet there's absolutely no encouragement from them at all!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Breakfast yesterday was oatmeal, today is oatmeal as well. I just don't wake up early enough to have anything at home, so I keep oatmeal in my desk at work. As long as I eat something, right? :laugh:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I just realized that I forgot to post my SW yesterday. It's 178.5. My GW is 170 by Valentine's Day. I figure baby steps is good. The exercise program I'm doing is EA Sports Active 2 (the 9 Week Program). My first day was yesterday and it was TOUGH!

    I had oatmeal this morning too, Kityngirl (as well as a hard boiled egg for protein)! I actually love oatmeal in the winter. I'm going to buy some of the Kashi oatmeal packets tonight. Not too many calories and loads of fiber and whole grains. It's tastes really good too!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Ive managed to lose 4 pounds while Ive been sick.. So Im back out of the 300's again.. :) Yay!

    SW: 299
    GW: 290

    Still sick.. So havent tried too hard.. Last night I felt like someone was standing on my chest..
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm all congestion and crap too..I've been taking what I can and nothing seems to be working. Hopefully it will pass soon.. I'm not really 'sick', just sinus issues I'm assuming. I was up in the 200's again for a week, I won't 'officially' weigh in til Friday, but I checked this morning and was at 199.5...hoping I can get back to my preholiday weight, which, shouldn't take too long as I have no more parties to go to. Back to eating better and no alcohol (with the exception of the occassional red wine), more veggies again, working on more fruits, and trying to get away from a lot of processed foods. We did get a few gift cards at Christmas we need to use up, Applebee's and a local place that we've never had...using one this week and then trying to save the other for Valentine's Day. :) I hope you all are doing well, 'see' ya again on Friday when I weigh in.

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm so glad to get in on this challenge on week 1 this time, instead of week 3 like the Christmas one.

    If I aim to lose 7.5lbs by Valentine's Day, I will officially be out of the 130s! EEK! That would be seriously exciting.

    SW: 237.4
    GW: 229

    I just got over a horrendus cold and only worked out Monday and Tuesday last week. I have re-vamped my eating, though, and things seem to be going well.Now that I am feeling better, I did an hour of exercising yesterday and today so far, and my goal is to workout every day the rest of the week at least 30 mins.

    For the goals, I would LOVE to start P90x or something like that. Right now, I am just doing workouts off FitTV that I have recorded and trying to get a run in once a week. I'm going to ask my brother in law, who just finished P90x, to make me a copy so I can do it too! I would really like to see the same results he and my sister in law have achieved.

    I hope everyone has a good week! What day are we officially weighing in? Friday?

    Edited to add: I already eat breakfast every day, so score one for doing a challenge! :smile: I LOVE breakfast, but it doesn't always love me back. Been making better choices the last few months, including egg whites and lots of veggies. Gone are the days of French toast and peanut butter bagels.
  • jessica_A
    I'm very new here and this challenge is just what I need.

    SW:249lbs // 113kgs
    GW: 239lbs// 108kgs

    Hopefully I will wake up in time to actually have breakfast.
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Yaaay so happy to have us up and running again!

    Something I'm going to cut out...laziness. It has really creeped back into my life since the end of December and I need it to not become my norm.

    A fault I need to work on is self confidence. I've never been one to think highly of myself and while I take pride in my victories of seeing the scale go down, when I don't get confirmation from others of my hard work, my happy goes right down the pooper. Like at a Christmas party I hadn't seen a person in a year and she said she didn't recognize me, I'd lost so much weight. That was a big time :bigsmile: moment. But then I see my family for Christmas, and nobody says a damn word. Only thing mentioned was my uncle..."you darkened your hair". Yup. That's all that's different. And when my hubby complimented my figure in front of my sister, she half-heartedly congratulated me, and then went on to say how she's been a size 10 for years and is OK as long as she doesn't get any bigger. This comment after I'd just said how happy I was to be wearing a 12. :grumble:

    Looks like I need to do a little meditation and papering time right now, I'm all kinds of pissy! :laugh:

    Summer, you know I'd love to be a part of the traveling companion. And it BETTER be Disney related! :tongue: I'll PM you.

    I'm so excited to work on the water bottle design! I haven't gotten to work with my paint pens in what feels like forever. Yay, doodling time!

    I'm going to use my ending weight for the last challenge as my starting weight for this one for now, as my battery scale conveniently died on NYE. :huh:

    SW: 173.4
    GW: 166.4

    I can very much relate to the family issues. I just spent over a week home, and only a few noticed... but the ones that really did see a change weren't my family. I think (in my case) my family are a big part of why I got big in the first place. So one of my challenges is to learn to not seek the approval of my family, and to be happy with my weight loss for myself. It's one of my faults. As long as I seek their approval, then I'll never feel like I've done good enough. Hang in there! We all know you're doing AWESOME, and we know how hard you've worked.
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm not quite off the road from traveling yet, so I don't have a starting weight... but I have my goals! I'm SO READY to start fresh again!

    Faults I need to work on:
    1) Be confident in myself
    2) Not allow my family's approval be a sign of success - instead feel successful in myself.
    3) Giving up too easy... don't do it!

    The one bad habit I'm going to try and change is my soda habit. I drink mostly diet sodas because they are 0 cal, but I just need to replace it completely with water. I bought a new water bottle yesterday for a "treat" and to try and motivate me.

    I tried the 30 day shred with the last challenge, but didn't get very far... so my workout challenge this time is to work up to doing the whole video.

    I already do a pretty good job os mediation, and I'm a church-going person, but I can always use more of it. It helps to center yourself for sure! I'm also pretty good about eating breakfast, but I'm going to try and make them healthier.

    Here's to the new year!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Just an idea...


    I like it!