Wife upset I am losing weight



  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    My husband and I have an absolutely amazing relationship but it still irks me when he loses more weight than me. It's not about him, it's about me. But we talked about it and now we weigh ourselves in private and we strive to mention the positive aspects about each other when we see them. For example, just him saying how much he's noticed the curve of my waist now has kept me beaming for weeks! While talking things through with your wife is good advice, sometimes knowing when to keep quiet is the hardest skill to master. Are you constantly talking about your progress? Maybe she thinks every time you do that it's a hint to her. No one likes to feel constantly under scrutiny and it's the fastest way to get someone to start stress eating.
  • ShannonS921
    I would strongly suggest ASKING her what she would like you to do to help, what she would be comfortable with you commenting on and stating, and what her goals are. TALK to her about each of those areas. I will say, my bf tries to be supportive, but his good intentions are shot out of the window if he doesn't approach it right because women can be (or rather, anyone can be) very self concious about their weight and if she's in that mindset about it, you need to approach cautiously. That's why I suggest asking her those three questions above. Then listen to her answers and go accordingly.


    If you're approaching her in a way that you know all there is to know and that you can "fix" her, she is going to shut down. Reach out to her and let her tell her what it is she needs from you.
  • RaceB
    RaceB Posts: 18
    yeah, i get it. but it's a bit of a pile on. nothing like a public flogging, even if it's on the internet. when i want a beatdown i go to pirate4x4, not here!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    All I see is "me, me, me."

    You are WAY too focused on fitness. She's so upset that you are losing weight most likely because you rub it in her face (unintentionally or not). Kind of like how you bragged about how much weight you can lift for the first half of this post. Your wife clearly feels like she is chopped liver. Perhaps you should cut down on gym time and make more wife time. You've been treating her like she's your second lover (the gym being your #1). So no, she isn't going to act like everything is okay or lovey-dovey toward you right away. If you truly love her, you'll tone down the egocentrism and the bodybuilding. Or I hate to say it, you'll lose your wife.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    yeah, i get it. but it's a bit of a pile on. nothing like a public flogging, even if it's on the internet. when i want a beatdown i go to pirate4x4, not here!

    *points to the door*

    Have fun.

    This dude came trotting onto the internet asking for advice about why his big ol' ego is pissing off his wife... MFP is not exactly the place to come have sugar coated unicorn farts passed out to you.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    My first thought was "7 days a week a few hours a day?" More than likely she's not as upset about the weight loss as she is about the fact that you're never home with her. That would be how I would feel. This has taken over your life and has slowly pushed her out.

    My suggestion would be to cut back on the gym time and spend more one on one time with her (without talking about weight lifting or weight loss).
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Talk to your wife..its time for less gym, work, internet, cell phones...I say couples vacation time and focus on you and her and fix things ......
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Original poster is clearly into the gym, which is fine. You should hear me talk about my horse riding. Nothing wrong with being passionate about what you do, even if it's boring to others.

    It's incredibly hard when a partner projects their failing onto you. Same thing as when I lose weight and my mother makes b!tchy comments because she's been fat for 50 years. I lover her the way she is, and I'm indifferent to whether she loses weight, but she hates that I can do it and she "can't". And by "can't" I mean hasn't put the effort in required and is cranky she hasn't got the results.

    What can you do about it? I don't really know. I ignore my mother but it's hard to do that around your partner. I'd say only weight yourself at the gym and don't talk about it at home, but what is a relationship with taboo subjects? You should be able to be open about everything without resentment. Bottom line is mate, you are not responsible for her weight issues. If she doesn't eat well, and she doesn't want to exercise, or take you up on your offer to work out together, then she is going to remain unhappy with her body. If you are not pushing her to lose weight, and you love her how she is, then the issue is not yours. You can tell her frankly how you feel, you can stop talking about your success and weighing yourself in front of her. Short of getting a divorce there's little else I think you can do about HER issues with HER weight.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    So was this thread about your wife being upset, or how awesome you think you are??

    I'm sorry, really I am but.....

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Your wife sounds like just another hater. Just keep livin' and she'll eventually recognize how awesome you are.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    So was this thread about your wife being upset, or how awesome you think you are??
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    here is my question. do you bring it up or does she?

    is there a reason you got on the scale right after her when you know it makes her self conscious?

    i notice you asked her to go to the gym with you, but maybe she doesnt like the gym. maybe you guys could do something else that is just for the two of you, like bike riding or hiking or something more intimate, where she wont feel like it is her coming into your world, but that you think the two of you can be closer to each other with your shared goals.

    but most importantly, you will not be able to make her decide to stop blaming you and everything else. she will or wont come around. so dont push the subject, and maybe try not to rub it in her face. just make her an offer to spend some quality time with her outside of your gym world, in a relaxed but active way. maybe she will learn to love something. but if she doesnt or doesnt want to. maybe dont weigh yourself in front of her right after she looked down and saw no progress. it doesnt help.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I don't feel it's my fault she can't stick to a proper diet.

    She's unsupportive, shallow, insecure and probably evil.

    You should get out of that relationship ASAP and find someone supportive, like you deserve.
  • I wonder how many people calling OP obsessed for spending 2 hours a day at the gym spend 3-4 hours watching tv, facebook, or other time wasters.

    OP 2 hours a day isn't that much time. She feels insecure. She needs to address that insecurity. Having you stop going to the gym so that she won't be insecure about her body isn't cool. It's horribly selfish of her. Don't get flowers. Don't hug her and proclaim your love. She's acting like a child and needs to grow up.

    Also, you're not egotistic. Looking at your stats, you're a beast brah.
  • sweedee1218
    sweedee1218 Posts: 98 Member
    First I just want to commend you for being a loving committed husband I can tell you really want to make things right! We don't always go about doing that in the best way. Weight is a very sensitive issue so it can be hard. I would say have a good long heart to heart and ask her how she is feeling. She may be feeling insecure and not know how to deal with her feelings. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments just make sure to make time for her. I don't think she is really mad at you but more so mad at herself or feeling that she is doing something wrong or maybe feeling that she is not good enough because the weight is not coming off. I would ***** to my husband about how fat I am and how I don't feel sexy and then get mad when he suggested we exercise together. It was irrational because he was just trying to help me solve my problem but I wasn't ready to hear it. Now we are doing it together and am very happy for him when he loses even if I don't. She needs to support you as much as you need to support her so hopefully you can find a compromise that works for both of you.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm going to take a bit of a different tactic.

    You say you love her and I believe you do. The best thing you can do is let her decide what is best for her. Let her know when you are headed to the gym - she can come if she wants (assuming there aren't kids that she really needs to stay home and take care of); cook some of the meals - healthy ones; be supportive but don't nag.

    No one switches to a healthy lifestyle until they are really ready. She needs to be ready.

    Good luck!
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    I do agree with everyone but my husband and I took marriage classes at our church and I just want to throw this out there that it is not OUR job to make the other person happy..saying that as a FEMALE, its not my husbands job to make me happy. So she is mad, OK? She needs to deal with her junk(food that is) or it will deal with her…
    you do need to find out what it is she can deal with and both of you need to make some kind of compromise…she NEEDS and ought to meet you somewhere n the middle.
    If I want to be leaner why can I do that?????? You don't have to go to the gym to be leaner-but if she asking you to stop losing so much weight then WTH is wrong with her?????
    Im sorry you all but I'm not. You can and should cut back but if you start gaining weight because she is happy when you go to MCpukes every weekend then idk what to say-messed up…yeah you did sound conceded whatever but I'm trying to look past that. It seems she is becoming intimidated by "potential" competition is what I am seeing. I may be hey totally wrong AND THATS fine but its what I see and not everyone is going to see the same thing….take from this what you CAN idk but thats IMHO
  • fmclough444
    fmclough444 Posts: 1 Member
    Oh Race, You magnificent *kitten*. Flogging is never the right call. For one thing, it burns very few calories... you'd be surprised. Above all, on sites such as these, unlike twitter or other general comment sites, I like to take everybody at their word. Hopefully your many critics will also lighten up and recognize that everybody on this crazy site is on the same side... no fluoride in water, ever! (and fitness, yes, fitness...)
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Wife being upset but I don't feel bad about what I am doing. I love her and want things to not be like this.
    She's insecure about your success, so continue with your progress but let her know you love her.
    Good Luck!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    One, I don't think OP is self centered as much as he was just trying to display the difference in fitness attitudes between him and his wife.
    Two, we all know that what works for one person doesn't work for everyone. Maybe your wife would do better with having one cheat meal a week? Maybe she needs more encouragement to get in the weight room?

    I think it's great that you want to help and encourage her, I don't think you should have to sacrifice your fitness goals to do that. I don't think she would be happy with that either. I think you just need to humbly tell her that you want to help her reach her fitness goals in any way you can but only if she wants your help. You don't like the distance that is forming between you guys lately and would like to be an encouraging partner not a discouraging one. Tell her the things you miss, and that you love her just the way she is but want her to be happy with herself.
    Maybe write it out if you're afraid of it leading to an argument or being taken the wrong way.

    Good luck and hope this helps