*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion: Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Good morning!

    I did not weight in yet... I know I have lost but not much... will see later...

    I started the week like a lion but I over did it... I have 3 blisters on my right foot and 1 on my left... OUCH... I have a hard time walking! I had my mind set on a nice pair of Nike when I would have lost 50 lbs total but I might have to buy a new pair before that! :S

    I was good at keeping my calories at the right level and drink 12 to 20 glasses of water per day...

    My mother was gone to Quebec for New Years... She brought me back a present... The flu:sick: !!! Since wednesday I feel like a tractor ran over me! I have a hard time sleeping at night:yawn: ... I hope next week will be better!

    Good job everyone on your weight lost! Keep it coming down, down, down....!!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Hello All,

    We I actually was able to maintain this week despite a 3 days of poor eating. I was up and I worked really hard starting Tuesday. I exercised everyday and did pretty good eating wise also. Yesterday was the 1st day this month I stayed under my calories.

    Next week I am determined to lose at least 3 or more pounds. I will do that by staying within my calorie range 6 days.

    Congrats to all those who have lost weight or maintained. For the gainers just stick with it the weight will come off!

    Have a good weekend everyone!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Well-I had a gain this week-so I can't post what worked!

    I will try harder and get back on track. I started the 30DS, but missed two days due to being sick. Oh well-I was able to get it in this morning-and am determined to take this one day at a time-and lose this weight!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    sw: 189
    cw: 186.2

    Things that worked for me:
    Drinking plenty of water. Drinking less sodium.
    Eating more fruits and veggies, eating less bread.
    No late night snacking, avoided eating empty calories.
    I kicked up my intensity at the gym and started "shredding" in the afternoon to keep metab. revved up.

    I really hope I can keep up this momentum throughout the weekend and the rest of the month and beyond! I'm so glad to be apart of this group!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I tried to watch my eating more this week, but I'm not logging my food. I haven't logged much since last summer (when I had time). I logged so much that I kind of know where my calorie limit is, though.

    As for me, I went to the gym yesterday for the first time, and did an intense dance/cardio class. The day before that I moved ALL the Christmas stuff out of the house. And the rest of the week I did nothing. :indifferent: But now that I've broken in the land of gym, I'm hoping to be there more often next week.
    I'm a little discouraged because I've been sick all week. Like I said before, it's hard to get motivated to exercise when you're hacking up a lung or going in and out of a fever :( Oh well, I did a good job at keeping my calories in check while I couldn't work out. So we'll see if that did anything, and I'm hoping I can kick this this weekend and get right back into it next week. We will see!
    honeybee... Think healthy thoughts. I swear it works. I've gotten over a cold in less than a week because I told myself that I wasn't going on tour/vacation with a cold, so I kept telling myself that I was healthy, and it was gone the morning that I left!

    *** AND THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE THAT'S SICK! Think healthy thoughts. :happy: Eat some oranges, get some sleep, wash your hands.
  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 81
    I am very discouraged this week. I really expected bigger numbers with it being my first week. I worked out, ate well, did not snacking at night and stayed under my calorie intake all week.

    This week I am going to kick it up a notch. I am going to work out before and after work with my Walk Away the Pounds and 30 day shred dvds, M,W,F and on Tues and Thurs I am going to hit the gym for at least an hour. Over the weekend I am going to keep active and not snack all day like usual. I am going to really watch everything I put in my mouth too. If it is not good for me I am not going to eat it.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    I am really feeling good about my 2lb loss this week. For week 2, I know I need to improve on my snack choices. That is my biggest downfall I believe. I'm also going to continue to push hard in my workouts! I'm aiming for a 3lb loss next weigh-in! I think I can do it. :)

    Congrats to all losers this week! If you didn't lose, try to understand why. Man up to your mistakes & fight to make next weigh-in successful! You can do it! We all can! Keep it up everyone!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    I am down 1.8 lbs this week. I'll take this and be happy with my hard work.

    What worked ~ Logging food!!! Keeping under calories!! Water and better food choices. Worked out 5 days this week.

    Hoping for another great week!! Congrats to all who have worked so hard to stay on track!! There are so many temptations out there and we all fight it. Remember, it is worth it!!

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning StS groupies!
    I forgot to weight myself first thing in the morning, but I did do it after drinking 4 cups of water and a cup of black coffee.
    LW: 205
    CW: 206

    I will weight myself tomorrow to see what my actual weight.

    I feel great, this morning! I can feel my body getting stronger, do to all the exercise I have been doing. I haven’t felt like this in a long time…

    As far as my weigh in, I think I lost weight, I will let everyone know tomorrow, but I won’t add it until next week…

    What worked? Eating dinner early ( around 5ish) drinking lots of water (for me it’s 104 oz), staying within my calorie range ( 1200ish calories), and exercising 45 – 60 minutes 6 times a week. Pretty simple.

    What didn’t work? Eating dinner late @ nite and not staying within calorie range…

    Improve(ments) this week: Stay @ 1200 (I ate some of my exercise calories last week), and push my body a little harder to see a two-pound loss.

    Happy weigh in!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am very discouraged this week. I really expected bigger numbers with it being my first week. I worked out, ate well, did not snacking at night and stayed under my calorie intake all week.

    This week I am going to kick it up a notch. I am going to work out before and after work with my Walk Away the Pounds and 30 day shred dvds, M,W,F and on Tues and Thurs I am going to hit the gym for at least an hour. Over the weekend I am going to keep active and not snack all day like usual. I am going to really watch everything I put in my mouth too. If it is not good for me I am not going to eat it.

    DO NOT be discouraged 2lbs is great! Think of it this way...2lbs a week is a healthy weight loss AND it still puts you on track to lose the 40 by June! Don't stress...kick it up a notch (but dont kill yourself) and you will be fine!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! I had a 2.8 loss this week and I am happy about that!!!! I will be happy if I consistently lose 2lbs a week!!! :)) If theres mroe then that is just an added bonus!!!

    This week I worked hard at the gym and in my classes and did soo much better on the food choices I just need to keep it up!!! It is easy to do it for one week!!! but other weeks it will be harder!! For example I am going out of town next week so I need to take that into consideration when planning rest days and food etc!!! It will be harder to exercise but I am going to do my best!!! My goal is to continue to eat the same way (for the most part) and just overall make better choices!!!! and on the days that I can work out hard and longer then I most certaintly do that!!!! so on the days that I am strapped for time I can do shorter ones and its okay!!! This is a lifestyle change and I and WE can do it!!!

    my plans for this upcoming week!!!
    Friday, 1/7/2011: Gym time!!! Cardio/Abs/Legs
    Saturday, 1/8/2011: 5K Race in the AM and possible gym time with my fiance later on (thats IFY)
    Sunday, 1/9/2011: Rest Day (I cannot go to the gym when its opened) BUT I will do some free weights and play on Wii some in the evening
    Monday, 1/10/2011: Gym Time!!! Cardio/Abs/Arms
    Tuesday, 1/11/2011: Zumba
    Wednesday, 1/12/2011: Gym Time!! Cardio/Abs/Legs
    Thursday, 1/12/2011: Zumba/Treadmill (before)
    Friday, 1/13/2011: Weigh In Day:Rest Day (traveling)

    soo lets all hope for great and successfull Week #2's!!! We can do this!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Well i have to say it was pleasant to see a 1lb loss this week!! however I know i worked harder than 1lb!! I am planning to up my calories this week to see if that helps!! I have posted a couple of threads asking ppls opinions and almost everyone said I wasnt eating enough for the amount that I am burning!! I am down with eating more but i am terrified that I will gain during this little experiment!! Great Job Ladies and congrats on all the losses!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Well i have to say it was pleasant to see a 1lb loss this week!! however I know i worked harder than 1lb!! I am planning to up my calories this week to see if that helps!! I have posted a couple of threads asking ppls opinions and almost everyone said I wasnt eating enough for the amount that I am burning!! I am down with eating more but i am terrified that I will gain during this little experiment!! Great Job Ladies and congrats on all the losses!!!

    I checked out your Food Diary & the amount of Calories your doing is Fantastic! I would stay where your at. You only went over on Fri & Sat. But the rest of last week was GREAT!!!! The most important thing for me is logging everything I eat correctly.
    If your a tall girl 5"5 or taller then I can see maybe upping your calories a little more.
    As long as you don't go under 1200 calories you should be fine, unless your very tall.

  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member

    Krys, I log-in yesterday's weight since I did think I would not make it today for weight-in at the clinic...but I'm glad I did because it's better than yesterday!!! So I will use that weight instead. 310.4 lbs:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Sorry, I know you have enough work with the regular weight-in. You don't need to do correction on top of all.

    Thank you!

  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    Krys, I log-in yesterday's weight since I did think I would not make it today for weight-in at the clinic...but I'm glad I did because it's better than yesterday!!! So I will use that weight instead. 310.4 lbs:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Sorry, I know you have enough work with the regular weight-in. You don't need to do correction on top of all.

    Thank you!


    You should be able to resubmit your weight on the website link and it will update in the spread sheet
  • forgiven4life
    Well i have to say it was pleasant to see a 1lb loss this week!! however I know i worked harder than 1lb!! I am planning to up my calories this week to see if that helps!! I have posted a couple of threads asking ppls opinions and almost everyone said I wasnt eating enough for the amount that I am burning!! I am down with eating more but i am terrified that I will gain during this little experiment!! Great Job Ladies and congrats on all the losses!!!

    I checked out your Food Diary & the amount of Calories your doing is Fantastic! I would stay where your at. You only went over on Fri & Sat. But the rest of last week was GREAT!!!! The most important thing for me is logging everything I eat correctly.
    If your a tall girl 5"5 or taller then I can see maybe upping your calories a little more.
    As long as you don't go under 1200 calories you should be fine, unless your very tall.


    Just my opinion, but I do think you are having a bit too many calories left over for the day. Unless your exercise calories are off. How are you guaging your calories burned? Do you a HRM you're using? I would try adding in a few more calories to refuel your body.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    so I am feeling awesome because this week i lost 8.5 lbs!!! so I am about half way to my Jan. goal!!! I have been using my HRM all week and getting in 500 calorie plus burns at all of my workouts, and I guess it paid off!! I don't have a lot of time to post right now, but I was just really excited and wanted to share!
  • sheridyz
    sheridyz Posts: 7 Member
    I'm feeling a bit disappointed in myself today. I didn't log food for the first couple days and I'm sure I was over my calorie limit. I did increase my water intake which is about the only positive thing I did this week. I only lost .2 lbs but trying to be positive atleast I didn't gain. Next week will be better - I'm determined to begin my workout routine!
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    I am down to 176 so that is 3 pounds. I worked out pretty good and ate well except the days I have been sick. Seems a lot of us were sick this week.