*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion: Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Ha1ley11
    What works for me this week: tracking my food on myfitnesspal! This was about all I did to stay on track since I hurt my back.
    But on the flip side - I walked this morning and stretched so hopefully the kinks are worked out of my back.

    Goal this week: workout 4 times; stretch goal would be 5 times.
    2 pound weight loss
  • Ha1ley11
    Also, I am using the spreadhsheet link with the drop down menu, however does any one know if we can see the spreasheet yet and see our progress?

    Also, what is the deadline to weigh ourselves this week?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Also, I am using the spreadhsheet link with the drop down menu, however does any one know if we can see the spreasheet yet and see our progress?

    Also, what is the deadline to weigh ourselves this week?

    We are weighing in every Friday...
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Also, I am using the spreadhsheet link with the drop down menu, however does any one know if we can see the spreasheet yet and see our progress?

    Also, what is the deadline to weigh ourselves this week?

    Spreadsheet to see our progress: (Will stay the same)


  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    ATTN: Steph_135---I love your Snowflakes to Sunshine pics!! Mind if I use them on my profile?
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    I had a pretty rough week last week, stresswise so I didn't do so well at the weigh in. Today seems to be more of the same stress! ugh.. BUT i went to the library and borrowed a hungry girl cookbook... 200 recipes under 200 calories.. I'm so exicted to make something from it :)
  • bhonniered
    bump :bigsmile:
  • eff8710
    eff8710 Posts: 14 Member
    Well...last week I felt good about getting my daily eating goals in every day, as far as calories go. It was really good to track EVERYTHING I eat, because I saw that I do still need to cut down on fat and carbs, and kick up my protein.

    I was so inspired by those of you who lost 2+ pounds, I made myself extend my workout tonight; instead of just doing 30 minutes of Get Fit with Mel B I did 45 minutes of the combat. It was awesome! I finally worked myself hard enough to feel that "high" from working out! wooo endorphines! I haven't felt that feeling in a long time!

    Here's a couple things I know I'm going to struggle with this week...1. My husband and I are double dating tomorrow night with his best friend and his new girlfriend, we're going out to eat. and 2. I'm going to get my period (sorry if that's tmi!) and that usually tends to get me down!!

    A few weeks ago I would have let those 2 things ruin my week. Instead....I'm going to look at the menu online ahead of time and pick out the healthiest choice I can, and 2. Work out or read these posts when I start to feel down (instead of shoving my face with junk!!)

    love.this.group. :)
  • glittersoul
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    i totally would not be surprised if i gained this week. this weekend i was celebrating my friend's birthday with a trip to ottawa (about 6 hours from where i live), and we ate poorly all weekend and drank both nights and barely any water, just like my old self. getting on the scale this morning i was up 4 lbs! i think at this point it's clear that i cannot make good choices in the face of fast food options. going into the weekend i told myself that i had been good all week and was even under on my calories so it would be a good idea to eat over my calories to keep my body guessing but i just went overboard. i really need to just keep a water bottle with me all weekend cause that's when it all goes downhill...so if it happens again at least i'll have my water!

    i guess what i'm trying to say is that i feel really guilty (and i usually NEVER feel guilty about eating), and i really don't like it. BUT i guess feeling guilty is a good thing these days, because never feeling guilty about what i ate in the past has gotten me to where i am now.

    i've been drinking a lot of water today, at the end of the night i'll have a cup of slimming tea. i still have 500 cals BEFORE my workout which i'm going to do shortly, i'll try to load up afterwards with a protein shake and see where that takes me with my cals, but i think i'm going to keep them on the low end this week.

    not looking forward to the weigh-in this week :\
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm feeling good about this week! We got a lot of snow over the past 24 hours, so I've already been out to shovel our driveway twice and burned over 400 calories doing it, in addition to my regular workouts! I'm back in school again, but I think I've mastered being able to balance my need to study pretty much all the time (I'm a first year medical student) with my desire to make myself a priority! That is my number one goal right now and I'm still going strong.

    I'm hoping for a better weigh in this week, but it's my TOM right now, so hopefully the extra water I'm drinking will help with any bloating! :smile:

    Keep going strong everyone! This is week 2. Just think where we'll be at week 22!! :smile:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    welll first day of back to reality is done with....i must say I am exhausted....got up at 6m 80 minute workout, shower, class,making lunch, cleaning up lunch,giving baby a bath, running errands, making dinner, giving baby another bath,cleaning up dinner and the rest of the house,laundry, and i didnt even touch homework....ahhhh!!! this going back to school thing is going to be harder than i thought....even if it is just two classes.....its killer with a baby!!! Now I am just waiting for baby to get sleepy enough to put her in bed, then I'm pretty sure i will collapse with clothes, makeup and all.....On a brighter note I am wearing a pair of jeans that were a little snug the last time i wore them and today they are LOOSE!! woo hoo!!! I was planning on doing some pilates tonight but I am far too tired and 5am is going to come very early (ugh if 6am makes me this tired...who knows what 5am will do!)
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Thinking about you Amanda!! Just think how great you are going to feel when you have achieved your goals weight wise and school wise!! You can do it, keep up the great work Momma!!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    I had a pretty rough week last week, stresswise so I didn't do so well at the weigh in. Today seems to be more of the same stress! ugh.. BUT i went to the library and borrowed a hungry girl cookbook... 200 recipes under 200 calories.. I'm so exicted to make something from it :)

    I did see someone's food diary that had some hungry girl items on it...let us know how you like them. Do you plan your snacks and meals out ahead of time? I tend to do better when I go to work because I plan out my meals and snacks. So, the stress can't really get to me food-wise.
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Last week I was happy with weigh in but not satisfied with total amount work minutes. Thought I would press in on that this week ....... And wouldnt you know, day one of the week, NO EXERCISE for me!! Well, I'm not going to let that stop me, tomorrow starts another day, I am going to do extra tomorrow to make up for today!! Hope everyone else is doing good and focusing on their short term goals!!

    <a href="http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/nextgensmileys/sports/exercise/images/smexercise1.gif&quot; alt="Glitter Graphics | http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/&quot; border="0" /></a><br />
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Mirah, don't feel guilty. You got back to it and it takes time to make such a lifestyle change. If it were easy, we all would be at our goal weight already. You didn't get this way on one weekend, so it will take us some time to REALLY make a change. I am proud of you for getting back to focus for the week. :-)
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Well...last week I felt good about getting my daily eating goals in every day, as far as calories go. It was really good to track EVERYTHING I eat, because I saw that I do still need to cut down on fat and carbs, and kick up my protein.

    I was so inspired by those of you who lost 2+ pounds, I made myself extend my workout tonight; instead of just doing 30 minutes of Get Fit with Mel B I did 45 minutes of the combat. It was awesome! I finally worked myself hard enough to feel that "high" from working out! wooo endorphines! I haven't felt that feeling in a long time!

    Here's a couple things I know I'm going to struggle with this week...1. My husband and I are double dating tomorrow night with his best friend and his new girlfriend, we're going out to eat. and 2. I'm going to get my period (sorry if that's tmi!) and that usually tends to get me down!!

    A few weeks ago I would have let those 2 things ruin my week. Instead....I'm going to look at the menu online ahead of time and pick out the healthiest choice I can, and 2. Work out or read these posts when I start to feel down (instead of shoving my face with junk!!)

    love.this.group. :)

    If you know where you are going out to eat, look up their menu online. It was so comforting to know what I was going to eat ahead of time when we decided to go out to eat this past weekend.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    forgive me for asking... what is bump?:happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    A bump will bump a topic up so more people see it, if it hasn't been viewed in a while.
    A lot of people also use it (by posting "bump") to add the topic to their "My Topics" list, so they can return to it later.
  • gethealthygetfit
    Bump is to bring the topic up on the top of the "Motivation and Support" forum. Whenever you make a post it brings it back to the top, so someone just saying bump is just a way to bring it to the top.

    I am hoping to lose more weight this week than I did last week. I love the way you broke it down, that is awesome. I am so jealous of the people who have lost over 6 pounds, that is so amazing!

    I have a feeling I would have lost more weight if I wasn't on my period. Hopefully this week I will lose more and my total will be 4 pounds. I really want to lose 40 pounds. I have been overweight for so long. I mean 4 years. Before that I was always thin. I hate that I have become this way. It started with getting married and just got worse as my ex got meaner. After than I just was scared to lose weight because my mind was not in the right place. Then one my mind was in the right place, I was on a medicine that makes everyone gain so much weight.

    It's always something. I am so happy to be getting off the medicine and I hope this is the start of my new life. I don't want to struggle with my weight the rest of my life. I just want to get back to normal. I want to be thinner again. I like my body, I have a very hippy body regardless of my weight. I like that. Finally, I have always had a problem with my hips, but now I am fine with it. I don't look my weight and that's awesome. Now I just want to get to a healthy weight. I want to be thinner. I want to be healthier. I don't want to have health problems. I want to be happy and healthy and fit.