*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion: Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello Snowflakes...please add my real good friend Genie03 ! She is actually one of my best friends from high school. I told her about the challenge the other day and she is game! So please welcome her with open arms, as I know you will! Thanks all!

    On that note, glad everyone is figuring out what they can do to tweak their exercise or eating regimen. I didn't eat a whole lot today. I did have a decent breakfast, snack, and lunch...but had a late lunch, so I wasn't hungry tonight. So tomorrow will be back to normal. I have to definitely push it this week with exercise and keep strict with the eating, as I will be going out to celebrate my birthday on Saturday. We are going to a place called STRIP out here in Atlanta, that has a pretty decent variety of food. I don't want to overdo it, at the same time I'm not eating a salad! Lol But good thing is we are going out dancing after...so that should definitely burn some calories!

    So tomorrow back to the grind at 6am, going back to double workouts! Gotta push myself each week, because it is the best way for me look at this journey! ;) have a great day tomorrow all!
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    Mirah, don't feel guilty. You got back to it and it takes time to make such a lifestyle change. If it were easy, we all would be at our goal weight already. You didn't get this way on one weekend, so it will take us some time to REALLY make a change. I am proud of you for getting back to focus for the week. :-)

    thanks so much! i really appreciate your words <3

    i just finished a workout and i feel so much better! it's 11:30 and i've got 1000 cals left, i'm going to make a super protein shake and veg in front of the tv for the rest of the night!
  • rula39
    rula39 Posts: 26
    Went Ice Skating yesterday and fell on my knees Ouch!!!!! Now my left knee is bruised swollen and it hurts. Cant do no cardio for the next 2-3 days. Have to make sure I watch my food Intake very closely so I wont gain
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everybody!

    So far I am feeling pretty good about Friday's weigh-in. I did bootcamp yesterday burning 712 cals and spin this morning burning 536 cals and with bootcamp again on Thursday I should be doing pretty good! Also, this past weekend I tried really hard to be good and I ate under my calories!! Yippee!! So I am staying motivated! I know the second week is typically the hardest, but with so many people competing I just want to keep pushing myself because I know you all are pushing yourselves!

    Last night I was in a serious mood for mexican, so me and the hubs made turkey tacos and they were delicious! only 385 cals for 3 tacos, and then extra for cheese and salsa, bring me to just under 500 cals for the meal. It was exactly what I wanted and I was totally stuffed afterwards. And 500 cals for a meal is definitely do-able when we are working out.

    Any ways, just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone and a keep up the great the work!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
    Thought that I would step on the scale today just to take a sneek peek....oh crap!!!....up 1 pound!!! I am definately under or right on my cals for the week, so what the heck is going on??? Any suggestions before I raid the chocolate drawer and say ah the hell with it???
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Good morning snowflakes! So, I am not sure if I am eating enough. I did some research looking through my food log and weight log and I did way better eating 1300-1350 calories. MFP is telling my to eat 1200 now. I have been gaining and loosing the same 1-2lb since last weigh in. Friday will be TOM so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it but IDK. Very frustrated with myself. I don't eat my exercise calories so maybe that is the problem. Maybe I should stick to 1200 if I dont exercise and then eat 1350 when I do. I normally workout Monday through Thursday burning at least 250+ calories.

    In 2007 I joined WW and did Curves and lost 40lbs in about 4 months and maintained it for a while. Money got tight and I ended up not doing both and gained it back. I know I can do this just am so frustrated why isnt this working. The weekends I don't count calories but I watch what I eat mostly. Maybe I need to be a stickler those day too.

    just venting any input would be greatly appreciated
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Thought that I would step on the scale today just to take a sneek peek....oh crap!!!....up 1 pound!!! I am definately under or right on my cals for the week, so what the heck is going on??? Any suggestions before I raid the chocolate drawer and say ah the hell with it???

    it could be water retention... did you eat a lot of sodium? did you have a heavy workout recently? all of these things could lead to your body storing extra water. i wouldn't worry. just keep doing what you're doing, the lbs will come off. right now, i'm up 2lbs but i had a tough workout yesterday and it's my TOM. giving up will make you feel worse. just keep fighting!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Bad winter weather is prohibiting my attendance at cardio tonight... I must do something on my own!! :angry:
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
    Here's to hoping it is just water retention!!!! BAD SALT!!!!

    Thanks for the response...I have so far stayed away from my candy drawer!!!!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good morning snowflakes! So, I am not sure if I am eating enough. I did some research looking through my food log and weight log and I did way better eating 1300-1350 calories. MFP is telling my to eat 1200 now. I have been gaining and loosing the same 1-2lb since last weigh in. Friday will be TOM so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it but IDK. Very frustrated with myself. I don't eat my exercise calories so maybe that is the problem. Maybe I should stick to 1200 if I dont exercise and then eat 1350 when I do. I normally workout Monday through Thursday burning at least 250+ calories.

    In 2007 I joined WW and did Curves and lost 40lbs in about 4 months and maintained it for a while. Money got tight and I ended up not doing both and gained it back. I know I can do this just am so frustrated why isnt this working. The weekends I don't count calories but I watch what I eat mostly. Maybe I need to be a stickler those day too.

    just venting any input would be greatly appreciated

    Hi There! :flowerforyou:
    ( We all Work this differently) BUT for me, I'm sticking to 1200 calories or close to it, and I TRY not to eat the Calories that I burned. If I go over a little okay!! But I stay tightly to 1200 and Exercise, exercise & exercise. The Best advice I can say : This is every day of your life, you should be eating healthy and sticking with the calories 7 days a week. Do NOT STRAY!! for weekends. Yes I think its okay to eat a pizza or drink or have desert & etc. For a meal , BUT you can still count those calories until your goal weight is reached. AND THEN I think I'll still DO IT!! Count calories that is, unless I'm so good at it, I won't have too. :bigsmile:
    I went out to eat twice at 2 nice restuarants ( olive garden & Carrabba's ) and I ate great & still I counted the calories.
    I wish everyone a sucessful weight loss FAST !!!! good Luck!!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    well today has been too long already!! I woke up to a blizzard and they still didnt cancel classes!! so I am sitting on campus starving my *kitten* off because I had a half a sandwich and a cup of soup from McCallister's for lunch...over 300 cals and im still hungry!! I am totally getting spoiled with Hungry Girl....i can eat pretty much all day and eat a lot and still be under cals...today I spend over 300 cals on lunch like 2 hours ago and i am ready to eat again!!! I did workout this morning so i do feel good about that...I did have to stop about 10 mins earlier than what i usually do because I hit snooze too many times this morning LOL!! It is just so hard to wake up in a nice warm bed and leave my cozy bf in there so i can go sweat my butt off!! Since I didnt get to adding the pilates to my routine last night maybe i will do that tonight as long as I have the energy!!! I am wearing another pair of jeans that i havent worn since last week and they fit last week and today they are a little baggy!! I am really hoping for more than a one pound loss this week!! but atleast i know if im not losing weight i am losing inches!!

    On another note I went to my dreaded algebra class today(the class i have attempted this will be the 5th time) and I think i might actually get through it this time. The professor is an older spanish man but he goes really slow and gets into the small details that a lot of professors just skip over. It is nice to have someone take the time to cover EVERYTHING instead of assuming that we already know it! my professor last semester on the first day of class was basically like if you dont get this you need to drop the class....wasnt willing to help at all!! or slow down for that matter...so for me maybe the 5th time will be a charm! LOL
  • forgiven4life
    OMG, I am doing so bad this week. I always let the weekends throw me off, but this time we got around 8 inches of snow (which is very unusual for this area) and I have been snowed in for a couple of days and I just want to eat! I've had sausage biscuits a couple of times, pancakes, chocolate, coke, chips and queso. Bad, Bad, BAD! If I really chug the water from today on and watch what I eat the rest of the week, maybe I will come out staying the same. <Crossing my fingers no gain on Friday!>
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    It's Tuesday Snowflakes...let's keep it together, stay focused and do what we have to do for Friday. We got this all the way. Hey, I had a cheesburger and fries for lunch and I LOVED IT! LOL But I am also going home and working it out! And it is ok...The snow out here has made me want to just eat and eat...but I allowed myself one cheat meal. And then my mind is already on working it off tonight when I get home.

    So we can do it ladies one or 2 bad days is not going to completely damage all of our progress and our future progress!
  • bhonniered
    Yesterday was my 'rest day' and I managed to stay under my calories (barely :bigsmile: ), but did drink a lot of water. Was upset this morning - my 30 Day Shred DVD wouldn't work :angry: . So instead I broke out my Tae Bo and did the hour. The ab work was killing me - think I am going to use that one for the rest of the week!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Good morning snowflakes! So, I am not sure if I am eating enough. I did some research looking through my food log and weight log and I did way better eating 1300-1350 calories. MFP is telling my to eat 1200 now. I have been gaining and loosing the same 1-2lb since last weigh in. Friday will be TOM so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it but IDK. Very frustrated with myself. I don't eat my exercise calories so maybe that is the problem. Maybe I should stick to 1200 if I dont exercise and then eat 1350 when I do. I normally workout Monday through Thursday burning at least 250+ calories.

    In 2007 I joined WW and did Curves and lost 40lbs in about 4 months and maintained it for a while. Money got tight and I ended up not doing both and gained it back. I know I can do this just am so frustrated why isnt this working. The weekends I don't count calories but I watch what I eat mostly. Maybe I need to be a stickler those day too.

    just venting any input would be greatly appreciated

    Hi There! :flowerforyou:
    ( We all Work this differently) BUT for me, I'm sticking to 1200 calories or close to it, and I TRY not to eat the Calories that I burned. If I go over a little okay!! But I stay tightly to 1200 and Exercise, exercise & exercise. The Best advice I can say : This is every day of your life, you should be eating healthy and sticking with the calories 7 days a week. Do NOT STRAY!! for weekends. Yes I think its okay to eat a pizza or drink or have desert & etc. For a meal , BUT you can still count those calories until your goal weight is reached. AND THEN I think I'll still DO IT!! Count calories that is, unless I'm so good at it, I won't have too. :bigsmile:
    I went out to eat twice at 2 nice restuarants ( olive garden & Carrabba's ) and I ate great & still I counted the calories.
    I wish everyone a sucessful weight loss FAST !!!! good Luck!!!!

    Thank you for your kind words. :flowerforyou:
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Bad winter weather is prohibiting my attendance at cardio tonight... I must do something on my own!! :angry:
    Me too...do you have stairs? or OnDemand? There are some fitness videos for free at exerciseTV or fitnessTV...you could always do some strength excercises, too...I know they don't subtract calories, but I bet you will feel better!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    OMG, I am doing so bad this week. I always let the weekends throw me off, but this time we got around 8 inches of snow (which is very unusual for this area) and I have been snowed in for a couple of days and I just want to eat! I've had sausage biscuits a couple of times, pancakes, chocolate, coke, chips and queso. Bad, Bad, BAD! If I really chug the water from today on and watch what I eat the rest of the week, maybe I will come out staying the same. <Crossing my fingers no gain on Friday!>

    Forgiven...go read a book or go play with the kids (if you have any) or go look for a great movie that will totally distract you. Read through the message boards, or call somebody and talk for awhile! You can rebound!!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Yesterday was my 'rest day' and I managed to stay under my calories (barely :bigsmile: ), but did drink a lot of water. Was upset this morning - my 30 Day Shred DVD wouldn't work :angry: . So instead I broke out my Tae Bo and did the hour. The ab work was killing me - think I am going to use that one for the rest of the week!

    SUPER Job at finding an alternative instead of ditching the exercise!! :-)