Brides on a Mission: Week 2



  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks so much to gainskb for letting me know about this board!

    I'm a newbie so here's my info:
    Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post. I will post this each week for new comers.)
    1.Name: Mandy
    2.Age: 31
    3.City: Baltimore, MD
    4.Occupation: Finance gal
    5.Wedding date: August 27, 2011
    6.Fiancés name: Matthew
    7.How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8.Heaviest weight: 142
    9.Goal weight and date: 125 by May 17th (my bday :) )
    10.Favorite type of exercise: Running/bikram yoga
    11.Favorite healthy food:

    Brides on a Mission: week 2 (Please copy and paste this section into your post)
    1.Weight loss/inches lost: 1 lb
    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): re-commiting to MFP
    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): feeling bad for myself and overeating
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I already bought the WToo Mimi but I'm having second thoughts so I'm trying on more this weekend (especially the Watters Austin)
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: I'll have to get back to you on that
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: Bikram Yoga
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): n/a
    8.Weekly wrap up: Excited to join y'all!

    you're welcome! glad you could join!!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    UGH. I dont know if i miss this somewhere, but how do you put a picture in. thanks guys!

    How to post images... upload them to (its free to create an account) and then once there in there, go to the album and select the picture. Under "share" or something like that you'll find a link that starts and ends with IMG. Paste that into your forum post but change the IMG to lowercase "img" and voila!
  • redruthie
    Brides on a Mission: week 2 (Please copy and paste this section into your post)

    1.Weight loss/inches lost: Starting weight: 270. Current weight: 266.5

    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got to spend a whole day with my niece who is 1yr. old. She's walking and crawling and such a delight to be around :) I miss her already :(

    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I work full time and I started school full time. I went over my calorie intake the first day of school. I need to plan my meals better. It's just tough when fast and convenient is so appealing.
    Also, I struggle with knee pain and haven't been able to work out this week because of the pain. It's hard to find exercises that don't cause pain to my knees.

    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I like the wedding dress on my profile picture, also the wedding dress that is on my ticker. I am going to have a beach wedding and I think the shorter dress would be great for a beach wedding.

    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: I pay myself before I pay/spend money on other things. It is withdrawn from my account and goes into a savings account that is not linked with any other account.

    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: Bike ride as fast as I can. I pretend that someone is chasing me and I need to pedal as fast I can to save my dear life! :D It sounds silly, but it makes me sweat like you wouldn't believe! HAHA

    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): I struggled with drinking at least 8 cups. I drink 6 or 7 cups and I am constantly peeing. Do any of you have this problem?

    8.Weekly wrap up: I am going to push myself to drink 8 cups of water. I started school on Monday which means I will have to be more dedicated to preparing my meals in advance so that I eat healthy on the go.
  • NurseNatalie2011

    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: Bike ride as fast as I can. I pretend that someone is chasing me and I need to pedal as fast I can to save my dear life! :D It sounds silly, but it makes me sweat like you wouldn't believe! HAHA

    OMG! Too funny! I will for sure think of you when I am on the bike next time at the gym!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 2 (Please copy and paste this section into your post)

    1.Weight loss/inches lost: (Don't know... three more weeks until my monthly weigh in!)
    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Squeezing in an exercise bike workout at home when we had snow... usually I use this as an excuse to be lazy!:-P
    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Missing a workout day because of a headache (I suffer from these a lot and I get frustrated! It's so dehabilitating and it keeps me from meeting my fitness goals sometimes).
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I purchased a David's Bridal A-line, strapless dress in champagne/ivory with a chapel train and split front. It's satin with a bit of embroidery on it. Here is a link that shows other gals that wore the same dress and who wrote a review on it:
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: Don't be intimidated by do it yourself projects. I'm going to do my own invitations (I designed them myself and bought the paper products to create them at Staples). Also, use wedding websites to find vendors. I found the Wedding Channel's website to be very helpful for that! Lastly,when in doubt, ask friends, family, and colleagues for ideas. I found a local wedding cake maker that way. No internet listing, but she came with several word of mouth recommendations that really sold me on her!
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: I take a step aerobics class at the gym... the ladies who teach it are like drill sergents!*LOL*
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): Met it 5/7 days that week! It's tough for me because I dislike plain water. I have to find ways to jazz it up.
    8.Weekly wrap up: Although I missed one day this week, I was pretty good about working out. I even eeked out extra veggie servings by making my own dip and veggie tray. Anyone try the Knorr's Spinach Dip, found on the back of their dried Vegetable Soup? Made with lowfat sour cream and mayo, it's a dream and doesn't have a ton of calories... mmm!!

  • NurseNatalie2011
    so I just ordered my wedding favors and I was wondering what other people are doing for wedding favors or if you're doing them? We were originally thinking about doing mini cupcakes made by the same lady as the cake but opted for the easier and much cheaper option of mini jam/jelly jars from Mrs. Miller's Noodles... they were only $1.05 each and we plan to add a tag and a ribbon of some sort to dress them up! what is everyone else doing for favors?

    Sounds great! Put a cute little tag on there with a cute saying. Here are my dorkey ideas! "How sweet it is to be loved!" "Thanks for jamin' all night with us!" "Pucker up!" (only if its a tart jam)

    We are still a way away from our weddings but there are a few differnt ideas on the line: mini honey jars that say "thanks for BEEing here", mini heart shaped shortbread cookies from a local couples shortbread company, or mini bottles of wine (depending on cost) from the wine cellar in the background of where Greg propsed to me (and we had to rush off there right after be proposed for our wine cellar

    I like the "Thanks for jamin all night with us!" one!! That's really cute! Thanks for the ideas!

    And he proposed at a vineyard... thats adorable!

    You're welcome! Glad we have this board to share ideas and such!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I purchased a David's Bridal A-line, strapless dress in champagne/ivory with a chapel train and split front. It's satin with a bit of embroidery on it. Here is a link that shows other gals that wore the same dress and who wrote a review on it:

    8.Weekly wrap up: Although I missed one day this week, I was pretty good about working out. I even eeked out extra veggie servings by making my own dip and veggie tray. Anyone try the Knorr's Spinach Dip, found on the back of their dried Vegetable Soup? Made with lowfat sour cream and mayo, it's a dream and doesn't have a ton of calories... mmm!!


    I really like the dress! I have been looking at some online and I am starting to like lace around the top/mid section.

    My fiance and I have made the dip before. He is a huge spinach dip freak! lol It is pretty good....I used non-fat plain yogurt and some light mayo when I made it last....and I used veggies to dip to cut more cals (the fiance I am sure ate a ton of hawiaan sweet bread with it! lol)

  • NurseNatalie2011
    Weigh in day: Since last Thursday I have lost 1.6lbs! I have been weighing in on Monday's and Thursday's. Since Monday I have only lost .4lbs. I think that I want to only wiegh in on Thursdays from now on. I would rather wait till Thursdays and have a bigger number all at once. It will boost my ego! lol

    I really have increased my exercise this week. I have worked out at least 45 min a day (except Tue was only 30) since Sunday and I have really been giving it my all. I didnt get my period this week (no im not pregnant, they did a pregnancy test before my CT scan last week, thank god! lol). I remember in high school that it would skip when I worked out a lot with sports. Hopefully I will get it next month just to ease my anxiety! :tongue:

    I have been eating a ton of veggies and fruit too. When I want a snack I always go first for some veggies and hummus or some fruit. I also have been trying to eat 2 veggies with dinner or a salad and veggie.

    Really working on my water intake as well. I think the big this is eating a little bit of a craving. I really wanted some chocolate this week...we have a box of tutles sitting on the coffee table ( I grew up with candy always on the table and I was able to take as I pleased without was a great learning experiance and I learned self control!). I only had about 1/3 of the candy (they are huge!) and I was satisfied with only about 30 calories!

    I am so excited to see so many new members!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    OMG i worked my *kitten* off last night...and taped a fat picture of myself to the pantry door lol...My fiance thought I was just being sentimental because he's in it too...he said he thought I posted it because we look so happy in it...and we do...but I'm huge! I did have one lemon merangue pudding cup though...I don't eat dairy so dairy free pudding cups don't exist except in that flavor, and it's damn good! I don't normally drink my calories either...but last night I had to, I wasn't hungry after my work out so I had 2 cups of almond milk...I was below my calorie budget, but above 1200 so I guess that works...
  • fireheada
    I think I am going to jump on the bankd wagon of weighing in on Thursdays!

    Heaviest weight 240 (1997)
    MFP starting 152
    Current weight 144.8
    Goal Weight 120 (by 06/03/2011 wedding date)
  • clarenashgibbons
    Hello! I am new to myfitnesspal and really need some help motivating myself to lose weight for my wedding in April! So glad I have found a group like this!

    1.Name: My name is Clare
    2.Age: 26
    4.Occupation: work for a charity
    5.Wedding date: 29th April 2011
    6.Fiancés name: Aidan
    7.How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years
    8.Heaviest weight: 10 st

    I have quite a small frame and need to lose about half a stone- i know to some it may not seem a lot but I am finding it sooo difficult to lose this half stone- not matter how little I eat I can't get it shifted! And i hate exercise with a passion :( HELP!
    9.Goal weight and date:
    10.Favorite type of exercise:
    11.Favorite healthy food:
  • fireheada
    Can someone tell me how to get my little weight tickler to show up on the bottom of my posts?
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    Can someone tell me how to get my little weight tickler to show up on the bottom of my posts?

    When you go to make your ticker at the end it will have the code for your signature. I just copied and pasted it.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I'd like to join yo uall if it's not too late! I have about 60 pounds to go to my goal weight of 160 and I would love to be there before the wedding!

    1.Name: Catherine
    2.Age: 31
    3.City: Halifax, NS
    4.Occupation: Coordinator
    5.Wedding date: December 23, 2011
    6.Fiancés name: Sean
    7.How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years
    8.Heaviest weight: 301pounds
    9.Goal weight and date: 160 December 21, 2011
    10.Favorite type of exercise: Yoga
    11.Favorite healthy food: Grapefruit

    1.Weight loss/inches lost: I actually GAINED a pound! UGH!
    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I booked a venue, a caterer, the cake, and the photographer this week!!
    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I had a small binge yesterday
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): Very simple, strapless, flor length A-line
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: Since we're doing a Christmas wedding, for our favors we're buying cookie cutters and making gift tags that have our names, the date of the wedding and they'll say "cut out for each other." They'll cost us less than $1 each!
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: Climb the stairs incessantly
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): I wasn't here last week, but I generally am pretty good at getting my water in!
    8.Weekly wrap up:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    8.Weekly wrap up: I have really enjoyed al of your support! Keep the pictures of the dresses coming and throw in some rings too!

    My fiance and I had actually talked about getting engaged for a while, so I had a neat design idea. Luckily, I have a modern man who didn't mind that I wanted to create my own engagement ring. We went for three appointments and designed this one together. It's a half carat heart shaped diamond, with two pale pink saphire triangles on either side. The band is white gold. I knew the proposal was coming.... but having the ring of my dreams really didn't steal any thunder!

    The picture of the ring and our proposal story is here, so please check it out:

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): I'm kinda a crazy hippie, so I'm leaning toward something bohemian style.

    You sound just like me. I love all things that are hippie-style. Even the high school students that I teach think of me as a big old hippie! To go with the era, I picked brown and purple paisley as the basis for my wedding theme. You can see it on my ticker below. It will be on all of my wedding invitations as well as the cake!*LOL*

  • karann15
    karann15 Posts: 12 Member
    1.Weight loss/inches lost: I went from 186 to 184. Two lbs down!

    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): We booked and completely paid the DJ! The photogs are completely paid, and our engagement prints that we ordered are close to being shipped!

    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I am going to be starting my class next week, and I am a little stressed about it. I also told my Aunt that I would do The Shamrock Shuffle with her, when I am really not a runner at all. I am such a people pleaser. meh.

    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!):

    I ordered this dress back in June, when it comes in it will be in diamond white, and without that darn bow. We are putting a brooch there instead. The back is a corset, which I actually loved. When we get married and when I get my actual dress in, I would like my arms to not be so HUGE, and my hips need to go down more than a few sizes.

    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: Some vendors give you a discount if you pay the entire amount at once. We had to do some down sizing. Not going out to eat as much, (good for your wallet and diet), cutting back on liquor consumption, we still go out with friends but only have one or two really good beers and not more than that on ****ty beer. We decided not to purchase cable, we have the good ole' antenna and netflix. We are not joining any gyms, we have a lot of great workout dvd's, the outdoors, but I did purchase 30 exercise classes from groupon for only $20!

    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: I think that any workout I do I can make intense, I try to focus, and when I am in an exercise class I try to work at hard or harder than the best person in the class.

    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): I think that I made it up to 6 glasses a day, I don't know why I thought this would be easier....I need to pay more attention!

    8.Weekly wrap up: Overall not a bad week at all, I did not do well on Thursday again. I think that I am going to make Thursdays my day of rest!
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member

    I ordered this dress back in June, when it comes in it will be in diamond white, and without that darn bow. We are putting a brooch there instead. The back is a corset, which I actually loved. When we get married and when I get my actual dress in, I would like my arms to not be so HUGE, and my hips need to go down more than a few sizes.
    Beautiful dress!

    I noticed after a few weeks of doing Jillian Michaels 30day shred (i do it 2-3 times a week) My arms were more defined and looked less flabby even if they are the same size... You should try it out if you are worried about your arms. :happy:
  • AmandaChaseChance11
    1.Name: Amanda
    2.Age: 21
    4.Occupation: stay at home mum
    5.Wedding date: october 2011...going to set a date up next week...trying for the 8th..
    6.Fiancés name: wayne
    7.How long you and your fiancé have been together: when i was 16 we went out for about a year. and now going on 3...i known him for 7years...
    8.Heaviest weight: 220
    9.Goal weight and date: i want to weigh 160...150 by april for the dress sizing.
    10.Favorite type of exercise: weight lifting...i hate treadmil...soooo boring!! i wanna try maybe a dvd?....
    11.Favorite healthy food: strawberries bananas, melon berries...

    Brides on a Mission: week 2 (Please copy and paste this section into your post)
    1.Weight loss/inches lost: 25 pounds... i gotta loose another 30....
    2.Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened):nothing just more excited that i am pushing my self to do these darn exersizes
    3.Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with):i have a sweet tooth....friggen hoooooorable...i love its my enemy. im going to start trying to eat healthier foods
    4.Style of wedding dress you want/already have (Since this was such a hot topic already last week!): Its all corsett on the top half with thick straps and at the hips is ball gown of just fabrics...its black and it is absolutly AMAZING
    5.Do you have any wedding money saving ideas to share: im only spending about 2500-3000 dollars walmarts michaels make it ur own!
    6.What do you do for a really intense work out: dvd would b fun jjust have to perchase one...
    7.How did you do with the week 1 challenge (drink at least 8 cups of H2O/day): hell no...i wish...its soooooo hard for me to drink...but i will...!
    8.Weekly wrap up: start pushing myself......damnit i can do it! and so cant all of u!!!!
  • AmandaChaseChance11
    I got these little heart shaped glass candles they fit in these little nylon red pouches that was 4.99 for 25... and the candles are about the size of a lime...small, and my aunt gave em to me...also i kno guys dont like that stuff, so i am getting valintines kisses red and silver. and filling a pouch for them....And one for me...hahahaha