

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hi gang!!!

    Last night I had a dream that I was drinking Diet pepsi!!!! I am at day 18 of my no diet pepsi challange so I was very happy to wake up and know that I didn't cheat. In fact in my dream, it was not tasting as nice as I remember LOL.

    Good luck everyone
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    Is it Friday yet? LOL! started week 3 of the fast yesterday, and determined that I am probably going to be vegetarian 5 of 7 days after I am through the fast is over on Sunday, and may only do red meat once a month, if that.
    Today is going to be another no exercise day, have had little or no energy since starting on this diet, that is the only drawback to it.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Is it Friday yet? LOL! started week 3 of the fast yesterday, and determined that I am probably going to be vegetarian 5 of 7 days after I am through the fast is over on Sunday, and may only do red meat once a month, if that.
    Today is going to be another no exercise day, have had little or no energy since starting on this diet, that is the only drawback to it.

    I wish it was Sunday! I am going to take the kids to the rodeo!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEE HAH!!! :-)
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    busted out a pilates DVD I bought several years ago - since it's been a while I just did one of the "basics" workouts. pretty darn easy. will be trying a "beginner" workout tomorrow.

    You will sooooooooooooooooooooooo kcik butt!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    okay, I'm in again.
    I love these weekly challenges. Worked pretty good for me last week.

    Hope all had a great weekend.
    Let's make this an awesome week. We can do it!

    Welcoem back!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Hi gang, so happy that everyone is doing ok.
    This morning a saw a lost of 0.8 Yes!!!!
    Went swiming at lunch, will run my W4D3 of C25K tonight.

    Good luck everyone!!!

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey Ed and Lou ...
    You know what, you would think training for this half marathon I would lose weight...I mean heck my long runs I burn over 2 thousand calories... and instead every time I run 10 or more... I gain weight for a couple of days.

    This morning I was up 2.5 pounds... so upset.
    Today was my husbands birthday ... we went out to Chilis and I did NOT make good choices. I did exercise portion control, but when they brought him a PB Molten Choc Cake for free...and sat it in front of me with two spoons... well I just couldnt do it.

    Im sooo bummed out about the weight right now...... seems like I have been stuck at 249 forever!!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Hey Ed and Lou ...
    You know what, you would think training for this half marathon I would lose weight...I mean heck my long runs I burn over 2 thousand calories... and instead every time I run 10 or more... I gain weight for a couple of days.

    This morning I was up 2.5 pounds... so upset.
    Today was my husbands birthday ... we went out to Chilis and I did NOT make good choices. I did exercise portion control, but when they brought him a PB Molten Choc Cake for free...and sat it in front of me with two spoons... well I just couldnt do it.

    Im sooo bummed out about the weight right now...... seems like I have been stuck at 249 forever!!

    I can understand your frustration. I am not sure why you are gaining unless it is all water retention. Are you watching your sodium? Is it TOM? Overall you are getting fitter so that is moving in the right direction. As for today... It's your hubbies bday! Do not stress, just have fun! I am proud of you and you can pm if you need any help.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey Ed and Lou ...
    You know what, you would think training for this half marathon I would lose weight...I mean heck my long runs I burn over 2 thousand calories... and instead every time I run 10 or more... I gain weight for a couple of days.

    This morning I was up 2.5 pounds... so upset.
    Today was my husbands birthday ... we went out to Chilis and I did NOT make good choices. I did exercise portion control, but when they brought him a PB Molten Choc Cake for free...and sat it in front of me with two spoons... well I just couldnt do it.

    Im sooo bummed out about the weight right now...... seems like I have been stuck at 249 forever!!

    I can understand your frustration. I am not sure why you are gaining unless it is all water retention. Are you watching your sodium? Is it TOM? Overall you are getting fitter so that is moving in the right direction. As for today... It's your hubbies bday! Do not stress, just have fun! I am proud of you and you can pm if you need any help.

    Its almost definately water retention. I have been showing signs of mild dehydration since Sunday night, and no matter how much I drink... I am just not peeing like I should... so its water retention. And I know that ... but it still bums me out. Seems to me that if you train for a half marathon, god should grant you a ten pound loss just for trying LOL!

    With just more than a week to go before I leave... its really hard not to just "let it all go" you know.... start over when I come back etc.....

    I havent changed my diet ... and not TOM thats for sure..... and Iknow I am getting fitter... my legs are all muscle (under the fat) LOL but no seriously mylegs are like rocks from the mid thigh down!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Last night was awesome...60 minutes on the bike with 3x8 minutes of moderate-hard intervals and then to stop the begging I jumped right into P90X Chest & Back, Ab ripper X with my 2 girls. They so wanted to do it...and the 5 yr old got bored (who'd have guessed) but she did do a lot of exercises. All that gymnastics does amazing things. Now the 9 yr old (a team level 4 gymnast) was killing the exercises. I'm proud to say that she smoked me on every single exercise...granted she didn't just do an hour of cardio, but I also don't do 12 hours of gymnastics every week...:) Man here is still a long way to go on this journey...:P
    Great work by everyone so far...GO TEAM ED!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Ed and Lou ...
    You know what, you would think training for this half marathon I would lose weight...I mean heck my long runs I burn over 2 thousand calories... and instead every time I run 10 or more... I gain weight for a couple of days.

    This morning I was up 2.5 pounds... so upset.
    Today was my husbands birthday ... we went out to Chilis and I did NOT make good choices. I did exercise portion control, but when they brought him a PB Molten Choc Cake for free...and sat it in front of me with two spoons... well I just couldnt do it.

    Im sooo bummed out about the weight right now...... seems like I have been stuck at 249 forever!!

    I can understand your frustration. I am not sure why you are gaining unless it is all water retention. Are you watching your sodium? Is it TOM? Overall you are getting fitter so that is moving in the right direction. As for today... It's your hubbies bday! Do not stress, just have fun! I am proud of you and you can pm if you need any help.

    Its almost definately water retention. I have been showing signs of mild dehydration since Sunday night, and no matter how much I drink... I am just not peeing like I should... so its water retention. And I know that ... but it still bums me out. Seems to me that if you train for a half marathon, god should grant you a ten pound loss just for trying LOL!

    With just more than a week to go before I leave... its really hard not to just "let it all go" you know.... start over when I come back etc.....

    I havent changed my diet ... and not TOM thats for sure..... and Iknow I am getting fitter... my legs are all muscle (under the fat) LOL but no seriously mylegs are like rocks from the mid thigh down!

    Make sure you're brutally honest with your diet assesment and try to stay away from white flour items (pasta the night before the race would be fine, but sub in veggies for most of the rest). Make sure you're not replacing the majority of those calories you burn on the run (again be brutal and double/triple check the calories burned) by drinking tons of sports drinks on your run. From my personal experience with half/full marathon training I was overestimating my burn, and underestimating my intake. when I went back and did a brutally honest assesment, I was only gaining a net (burned while running - gels/drinks/recovery) of 200-400 calories. Which was still enough to lose 25lbs over a year...but 2lbs a month vice 2 lbs a week???
    Second, remember that anytime you do a hard or long exercise session that all of the damage you cause during the session will cause you body to rush fluids to the site of the damage (nuscles, joints, etc) to sooth and protect the area. So if you're positive that you're burning more than you're eating (and I think it'd be hard to eat 7,000 extra calories in one day) it's most likely going to be water weight.
    Lastly, you've done the training so you'll be great in your race! When you get to the starting line know that you've already done the hard part...the race is the reward for your hard work and dedication in your training...:D
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Oh Captain, my Captain! Thanks for always having the right words to lift a friend when we're down. 30 minutes hard on the bike trainer down, and 30 minutes of weights scheduled for later. Always start the week off with a BANG! Hope you're little family is doing well.

    We are awesome! Tonight is scouts. How are you and yours? And great job!

    Busy, busy, busy...but you know that song. Gymnastics, Girl Scouts, poopy diapers, work, workouts, walk the dog, do the dishes...hey why aren't there any clean clothes? Oh yeah...someone actually has to do the laundry too...more poopy diapers, laughter, hugs, stories, bed...and alarm clock to start it all over again...*insert bad words here at 4AM*...:D
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Tomorrow I get to go home yea I miss my hubby so much. But while I have been at my parents place I have workout every day ( expect my rest day) stayed with in my calories, pretty much clean and reorganize there there whole house. Have a bit to go but will need to work on that next time I come back up hear. I hope all the rest of team Ed is doing good.
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    We've had Ella (puppy) since Monday night which is why I haven't been posting much. She is wearing me out but I love her to death! I'm still trying to keep up with my calories but I have been bad about logging also. Trying to get back on track. Going to have to wait until Ella is a little bigger to start exercising. Right now I spend my time chasing her in the house and telling her "No". Cheers all.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    still here, still running, still doing some weight training, still drinking my water, still watching my sodium, still watching the scale not move :(
    But still here..
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    still here, still running, still doing some weight training, still drinking my water, still watching my sodium, still watching the scale not move :(
    But still here..

    What if you drop the weight training for a week or two and try mixing up the cardio?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    REALLY struggling with motivation ..... knowing I am about to go on vacation ... motivation is just waning. I get to run tomorrow, but then I really cant run the rest of the week ... Packer party on Sunday...
  • DRager68
    DRager68 Posts: 28 Member
    I only lost 2.1 pounds last week and I'm mad about it. I have to come to grips with my weight loss slowing down I guess. I have lost a lot of weight in a short time (120 pounds). I still have at least another 50 to go. I feel bad about being mad at myself about losing a couple of pounds. I guess I have gotten use to popping high numbers. The funny part is that I have started working out more and my weight loss has slowed. I know that I maybe adding muscle but I really don't want to be muscular again. That's how I got in this condition in the first place. Because if you stop working out it all turns to fat and that's what happened. I just want to be fit. Not sure what I need to do, I haven't changed anything. I'm still averaging 1200 calories in food a day with averaging the last couple of weeks around 1000/week calories burned in excercise. Any ideas how I can get back to my 4.5-7 pounds a week loss? I know it may sound crazy to some for feeling this way but I thought I would ask.