"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day Week 2



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well I lost 1lb again, suppose its better than nothing, but seems a bit low compared to the amount of work I have put in.

    SW 159
    W1 158
    W2 157

    -2lb five more to go
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Challenge SW = 241.8

    Week 1 EW = 234.6 (-7.2lbs)
    Week 2 EW = 237.2 (+2.6lbs)

    Yikes!!! It is TOM for me, but I also had a horrible day yesterday foodwise and a workout that I'm still feeling. I'm hoping I'm retaining a lot of water, but then again, I'm also right where I should be for 2 weeks into the challenge about 4.6lbs down, so I shouldn't be beating myself up.

    For my weekly challenges, I made homemade spaghetti one night this week - pretty basic, but I put in carrot, celery, onion, fennel, garlic and peppers. Cook em until they are softened. Remove them from the pan. Brown off ground beef. Add them all to the slow cooker with stewed tomatoes (or this week, I just used Ragu) and tomato paste. Let it cook off for about 4 hours. Add 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar and ground black pepper to taste. We also did the pasta from scratch though - and making it whole wheat is easy too (just use whole wheat flour). The pasta is just 3 eggs and 2 cups of flour, water until pulled together. It makes 4 servings. As soon as it's a dough, start working it through the pasta roller at the highest setting. When it's nice and smooth, run it through the next setting and so on until you're at your desired thickness (I always take it down to the lowest so the pasta is nice and thin and I can eat more pieces). Choose your shape and run the pieces through the attachment to make your spaghetti, fettucini, etc.

    My homemade workout was really more of a combination of the Wii, my new stability ball and shovelling snow. LOL It was the Wii BoxFit from the Biggest Loser that hurt the heck out of my today.

    I had a lovely hot bubble bath a few times this week and got a chance to shave my legs. I'm planning on painting the nails today. This probably doesn't count since it's not homemade, but we bought ourselves brand new pillows yesterday so I slept on a cloud (love em when they're brand new)
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 177.0 lbs.
    Ending weight for week 1: 171.2 lbs (5.8 lbs lost due to illness) but some of this came back throughout the week
    Ending weight for week 2: 171.2 lbs (0 lbs lost) but this time it's REAL weight loss :)
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    ps: NO SODA FOR SECOND WEEK IN A ROW!!! Yay! That bad habit is going well!

    GREAT JOB!!! Keep it up!

    Thanks! Now I've got to zero in on another bad habit... sweet and sugary snacks...
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    ps: NO SODA FOR SECOND WEEK IN A ROW!!! Yay! That bad habit is going well!

    GREAT JOB!!! Keep it up!

    Thanks! Now I've got to zero in on another bad habit... sweet and sugary snacks...
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    jsecret, I am sorry you were sick but GREAT JOB keeping it off! That's a nice loss! Congrats!
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    Challenge 1 - Week 2
    (01/10) - Make ATLEAST one homemade meal this week. (Homemade Pizza, Spaghetti, Tacos, Lasagna, ect..) Feel free to share your ideas and recipes with the group.. =)

    I made Ham, Broccoli and Cheese Quiche. It turned out really yummy!

    I used a pilsbury pre-rolled pie crust
    For the filling I used 1.5 cups of cubed ham (i used left over ham I had from a baked spiral ham. You know the end bit where they stopped the spiral. I just cut off the hard skin on the outside and cubed it up taking off all the fat a could in the process) You could use pre-cubed ham from the store if you want.
    1-2 cups of broccoli
    1 cup Sharp cheddar cheese shredded.
    Put all these items in the pie shell

    For the egg mixture I used:
    1 cup Milk
    4 large eggs
    1 tbs of salt free seasoning blend and pepper (i didn't add salt because ham is pretty salty by itself. It turned out perfect)

    Whisk together then Pour the egg mixture over the ingredients in the pie shell. use a fork to kind of mix it to get the egg between everything and let the air out. Pour to just before the edge of the pan. (there might be some left over egg mixture just discard it or use it for scrambled eggs the next morning)

    Bake at 400 degrees F for about 40-50 min or until the middle comes out clean when poked. Enjoy. Its about 400 calories for 1/6 of a pie.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I ran my 2nd official 5k today, 40:32..better than my first time and that's all I wanted to do was break my first time! :drinker:

    Gotta get some more exercise in before tonight though, hubby and the guys want to play Xbox all night, so I plan on burning off what I can now to make up for later. I'll have plenty of water though :)
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    I ran my 2nd official 5k today, 40:32..better than my first time and that's all I wanted to do was break my first time! :drinker:

    Yay, well done!!!!

    I'm down a pound again this week. Slowly but surely ..........!!

    SW 153
    CW 151
    GW 146

    I've changed my goals. I don't want to harp on(!) but I hurt my leg and haven't been able to run and I really struggle keeping under my calorie allowance. So I'm now aiming for half a pound a week until I'm back on track, and hopefully that will be very soon:smile:
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Making home made stew right now! Instead of frying the meat like they tell you too I roasted it! Super excited for Stew and Cornbread tonight!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA.. :( Been dealing with some bull ****.. Hoping its finally cleared up.. Tomorrow is a new day. Gonna do a fresh start.. I gotta.. :) Im here I promise.. Tomorrow gonna try to get the new week together for Monday.. :) Hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful weekend.

    NEWS: I stepped down from my position at work, waiting for them to replace me, so I have less stress. I want to start a family, so I HAVE to start somewhere.. Then getting passed the issues with the guy who tried to get me to sleep with him.. His wife found out and tried ruining my marriage.. And threatened to do her best to get me fired.. lol.. well neither happened. Its kind of funny he threw himself under the bus.. haha.. Jack *kitten*! :)

    Hoping to get thru this and do alot better.. :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Good for you April..put the bad stuff behind you. You have goals. Don't let negativity and other people's issues bring you away from that. You are a strong woman who can handle anything...just believe in yourself!
    Glad to see you jumping on the bus again...miss ya!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    April - letting the stress walk on out of our lives is a great first step to starting a family :) I'm glad everything is sorted now :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thank ladies.. i <3 the support.. :) Makes me feel better.. Im trying to stay positive.. The first few days it had me almost in tears over the entire deal.. but now.. I dont care. HE cant do anything to me.. He did the damage to himself. haha.. Glad he didnt get ahold of me.. :)

    Cant wait until they remove me from my job at work, and put me in a lower position.. Not worth the extra 1500 a year to be stressed out daily.. I REALLY want a baby.. So trying to eliminate the bad..
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    hello ladies <3
    new weigh in is up 331.6
    am strangely okay with that.Back on track and begun a new HRT which seems to help(I was getting down and a bit depressed)
    Today I noticed I stay with certain foods.going to make a few changes.and dusted off my stationary bike and will give it a run-lol.
    A ***BIG thank you ** to all.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    SW: 195.8
    CW: 194.0
    Loss: 1.8

    Pretty happy with this, considering I haven't worked out these past two weeks. Starting the couch to 5k program tomorrow, I got some Vibram FiveFingers, and am hopeful those will help with the lower leg/foot issues I've had with running all of my life. I've gone the super supportive route, and that hasn't helped a bit, and I noticed that my feet don't hurt when I'm barefoot, so I'm giving the no support, natural option a try. Here's to hoping!!

    Hey Pinky, I updated my loss in the spreadhseet, but the Total Weight column didn't update. I didn't want to mess with your formula, but wanted ot let you know. :) Thanks for making that, BTW, I always forget what my start weight was!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Gonna get WEEK 3 together.. :) Half way there.. :) I did some researching.. I want to have a baby this year, so Im gonna do what I can to get to that.. :) I read about yoyo dieting and weight loss.. I gotta get myself on a schedule.. or somewhat schedule and stick to it.. I cant keep doing this.. Not good for me for my health.. or for trying to lose weight.. Im hoping I can do this.. Gonna try not to set very big weight loss goals.. My goal is to lose weight, get pregnant, and remain healthy thru my pregnancy.. :) I REALLY want this.. Im ready to be a Mommy.. :)
  • aree2525
    aree2525 Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to join! -I am starting late but none the less...
    Challenge 1 -Home Made meal - achieved (green bean casserole)
    Challenge 2 -walk 2.5 miles, elliptical, yoga
    Challenge 3 -manicure my own nails, soak in tub with fragrance and candle lit
    Challenge 4 -meditation -achieved 1x (I spent my time in prayer. Between God and I in my living room)
  • aree2525
    aree2525 Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to join! -I am starting late but none the less...
    Challenge 1 -Home Made meal - achieved (green bean casserole)
    Challenge 2 -walk 2.5 miles, walk 4.4 miles, yoga -achieved 4.4 mile walk today
    Challenge 3 -manicure my own nails, soak in tub with fragrance and candle lit
    Challenge 4 -meditation -achieved 1x (I spent my time in prayer. Between God and I in my living room)