Looking for other P90 Support



  • Impala007
    Impala007 Posts: 293 Member
    Checkin' on the kids!!! How we doing kids???

    I think this was day 15 for me.............

    Well I was feelin' frisky tonight so I went out to the barn and drug in the 12s and 15s. Was going to get the 20s too, but it's cold out and that would have meant another trip. Anyway.... I felt the urge to step up with the weights and all was well. Got the full 15 reps in everything even the dips. I thought my form was pretty tight also. Shoulder is also coming around. I'll give it a few more days before I try pushups from the toes. Trying to get the intensity up a little as I feel my HR is low. I'd be willing to hear of others avg HRs with both the Sweat and Sculpt routines.

    We are getting quite the group together here..wishing all an excellent week!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Doin' good here! Glad to see you steppin' it up. Just be careful, I hurt myself the first time out by using too much weight too soon. You've seen my HR numbers usually 450 for sculpt and 650 for sweat, keep in mind I'm doing 3-4. A bit longer and bit tougher.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Checkin' on the kids!!! How we doing kids???

    I think this was day 15 for me.............

    Well I was feelin' frisky tonight so I went out to the barn and drug in the 12s and 15s. Was going to get the 20s too, but it's cold out and that would have meant another trip. Anyway.... I felt the urge to step up with the weights and all was well. Got the full 15 reps in everything even the dips. I thought my form was pretty tight also. Shoulder is also coming around. I'll give it a few more days before I try pushups from the toes. Trying to get the intensity up a little as I feel my HR is low. I'd be willing to hear of others avg HRs with both the Sweat and Sculpt routines.

    We are getting quite the group together here..wishing all an excellent week!

    Checkin' on the kids!!! How we doing kids??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Heh, heh - this kid is doing ok.
    I'm usually burning around 280-300 cals for Sculpt, and 400-430 for Sweat (1-2 on both). My heart rate is usually in the zone, but jumps over 150 during jumping jacks and fast feet.

    It definitely gets easier as you go along (but not TOO easy).
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Great job Stephanie, but why don't you want to eat your exercise calories?

    Because by "exercise calories" I mean - Oh I can eat these 6 pieces of cheese, and this piece of candy, and extra glass of wine, and..... you get the drift :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Checkin' on the kids!!! How we doing kids???

    This made me laugh too :D
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Great job Stephanie, but why don't you want to eat your exercise calories?

    Because by "exercise calories" I mean - Oh I can eat these 6 pieces of cheese, and this piece of candy, and extra glass of wine, and..... you get the drift :)

    I do :) It's okay to use your exercise calories in a healthy way so you don't under fuel your body. Definitely stay away from the junk though.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Heh, heh - this kid is doing ok.
    I'm usually burning around 280-300 cals for Sculpt, and 400-430 for Sweat (1-2 on both). My heart rate is usually in the zone, but jumps over 150 during jumping jacks and fast feet.

    It definitely gets easier as you go along (but not TOO easy).

    Nigel...I'm on 3-4. My HR monitor beeps when I hit 153. When I do jumping jacks, running in place and the third one (can't think of the name...where you alternate feet and arms forward and backward), it does get into the high 150's, which is why I need to press pause. My HR comes down quickly (which I heard is good) and I restart the next series within 30 seconds.

    I haven't seen much talk on MFP about this. I'm older (51) than most on here, so I figured it's unique to me cause I'm older and will take a while to get better. I can go further now before it beeps, so I can see an improvement there.

    Those who use HRM....I'd be interested to know how far you get before you get into your max HR when doing jacks, running, leaps). What numbers are you seeing? Is it safe to stay in the high HR?
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Mine pretty much only beeps at me because I am too low. It's never beeped at me because of being too high. I really wish it would go higher actually but I just can't seem to sustain a hr above like 130-140.
    Went to bed earlier last night, but then was woke up at 4 am. So really no progress on getting more sleep. Ugh! Oh well, at least my workout is over and done and I can move onto the rest of my day.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Mine pretty much only beeps at me because I am too low. It's never beeped at me because of being too high. I really wish it would go higher actually but I just can't seem to sustain a hr above like 130-140.
    Went to bed earlier last night, but then was woke up at 4 am. So really no progress on getting more sleep. Ugh! Oh well, at least my workout is over and done and I can move onto the rest of my day.

    EXACTLY...Check it off the list!!!

    Do you do any form of working out in the evening????

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Morning all!

    Banged out my Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper this morning, and had much more energy than yesterday. I can feel my endurance getting better, and my heart rate is not getting quite as high during Sweat as it was when I started. Of course that also means slightly lower calorie burns too, but I'm getting stronger and more fit - and my pants are getting more loose!

    My left shoulder is a little sore... I had a minor rotator cuff injury a couple years ago, and it still gets a little irritated sometimes. Hope it feels better by tomorrow morning, or else I'll have to take it a little easy on the shoulder exercises.

    Anyway, have a great workout today everyone, and welcome to all the new folks!

  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317

    Do you do any form of working out in the evening????


    My routine is 6pm every night when I walk in the door from work.
    I need routine to stay consistent. On the weekends, I'll try to get it done earlier in the day.
  • boomdiggy02

    Do you do any form of working out in the evening????

    I don't do anything in the evenings except play with my son. Not much time in the evenings for working out. it's much easier for me to workout in the morning before anyone else gets up
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member

    Mine pretty much only beeps at me because I am too low. It's never beeped at me because of being too high. I really wish it would go higher actually but I just can't seem to sustain a hr above like 130-140.
    Went to bed earlier last night, but then was woke up at 4 am. So really no progress on getting more sleep. Ugh! Oh well, at least my workout is over and done and I can move onto the rest of my day.


    I was just about to research this HRM issue on MFP today! I can never seem to maintain a high HR. In fact, mine beeps at me for being too low - especially during sculpt! During sculpt, I am barely even reaching my max most of the workout.

    Am I not doing enough intensity? My max is around 179 (220-41 yrs), right?
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Hey all....My bday was this weekend so I was MIA on MFP but I still got my workout in...I lost a pound last week.

    I got Sculpt 3-4 out the way this morning. I bought 8 pound weights this weekend and they were too heavy for some of the moves but 5 pound is too light. I kind of switched the weights out.

    What day are you guys on?
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hey all....My bday was this weekend so I was MIA on MFP but I still got my workout in...I lost a pound last week.

    I got Sculpt 3-4 out the way this morning. I bought 8 pound weights this weekend and they were too heavy for some of the moves but 5 pound is too light. I kind of switched the weights out.

    What day are you guys on?

    Happy Birthday and Congrats on the pound you lost last week.
    Day 57 for me.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Hey all....My bday was this weekend so I was MIA on MFP but I still got my workout in...I lost a pound last week.

    I got Sculpt 3-4 out the way this morning. I bought 8 pound weights this weekend and they were too heavy for some of the moves but 5 pound is too light. I kind of switched the weights out.

    What day are you guys on?
    I just started using 8 lb weights last week. I am on Day 16. Did Sculpt 1-2 this morning. Good job losing 1 lb!!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    My husband and I will be on day 30 on Sunday!!! WOO HOO!!!

    Picture taking time!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Hi all. Sorry I disappeared! I've been really struggling with my consistency... I'm good for a few weeks, and then the littlest thing throws me off course. I'm mad at myself, I'm embarrassed... but I'm not giving up. Sadly, this has been a recurring pattern for the last 9 months or so. Little things that I could get away with in the beginning (skipping workouts, eating pizza, having sweets, having alcohol, etc.) are really hurting my progress now. I've been losing and gaining the same 5 lbs since June. And it's because I'm not being consistent, I'm allowing myself all these little exceptions that are slowly eating away at my progress. It has to stop, and it's going to stop.

    What would you do after a 2 week hiatus from P90? Start back at day 1, or count from the last missed day? I don't feel that I've lost so much progress that I'd need to start all the way back at the beginning (I've still been doing the ab work, up to 90/100!). I would think starting at day 15 or 20 would be alright, maybe?

    Starting this week I'm also doing the program 6 days, not 5. I can't let excuses keep me from doing what I need to do (like, oh it's Saturday, I want to sleep in and then hang out with the hubby all day. Well, too bad, self. You can take a lousy half hour out of your Saturday to exercise!)

    Thanks for listening, guys.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    My max HR is 156 according to my Polar. I don't pay too much attention to exactly when it goes above but it's usually in every portion of the workout. I can slow down a bit to avoid pausing and keep it on the upper edge most of the time but i do spend some time out of range on the upper end. I don't worry too much as long as I'm not "hitting the wall".

    For sculpt it goes high on the lunges and squats. 7-7-7 gets it up there too now that I'm on my toes for them all.

    I'm on day 35-ish, second round. I too work out in the evening around 6 come hell or high water.

    Mande- Welcome back, congrats on recognizing your challenges and getting back on board. try to make it a point to check in with us here every day to help stay on track. I leave MFP open on my computer all day so I'm reminded of my goals. You can do it :)