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  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    Today is rest day for me - day 7. I feel guilty not doing anything though. How are you all using the fat burning express dvd? I haven't even looked at it. Maybe I should try that tonite?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Today is rest day for me - day 7. I feel guilty not doing anything though. How are you all using the fat burning express dvd? I haven't even looked at it. Maybe I should try that tonite?

    It's meant to be sort of a jump-start to get you going the week before you start Power 90. I did it the other day in place of Sweat so I could measure my calorie burn with it and came in about 100 or so less but felt like I worked harder.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Today is rest day for me - day 7. I feel guilty not doing anything though. How are you all using the fat burning express dvd? I haven't even looked at it. Maybe I should try that tonite?

    I too didn't even look at it until one day last week (week 7). I like Brent also did it instead of Sweat one night. I may swap it once a week but add Abs with it. I also try to use my rest day to do just that.
  • poorwayne
    Today is rest day for me - day 7. I feel guilty not doing anything though. How are you all using the fat burning express dvd? I haven't even looked at it. Maybe I should try that tonite?

    I tried that last Friday before I started P90. It was a killer on my knees, so I figured I'd wait a bit longer before I try it again.
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    Tonight I'm on day 9 of P90, and finally I was able to do most of the upward dog, plank, downward dog. Last week I struggled with 1 of them! Granted I still cant do them all because it wears me out.. but I'm improving! That makes me super excited. WOOOOO!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Tonight I'm on day 9 of P90, and finally I was able to do most of the upward dog, plank, downward dog. Last week I struggled with 1 of them! Granted I still cant do them all because it wears me out.. but I'm improving! That makes me super excited. WOOOOO!

    I was just saying the same thing, I can't wait to improve, because right now while doing the moves I resemble poor baby seal who can't manage to get back in the water. Sad (and funny for those if they could see me).
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Tonight I'm on day 9 of P90, and finally I was able to do most of the upward dog, plank, downward dog. Last week I struggled with 1 of them! Granted I still cant do them all because it wears me out.. but I'm improving! That makes me super excited. WOOOOO!

    That's what I like about Power 90 so much...the growth you see in yourself so quickly.
    Great job to everyone on here. It is so motivating to see the excitement from everyone!
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    Tonight I'm on day 9 of P90, and finally I was able to do most of the upward dog, plank, downward dog. Last week I struggled with 1 of them! Granted I still cant do them all because it wears me out.. but I'm improving! That makes me super excited. WOOOOO!

    I was just saying the same thing, I can't wait to improve, because right now while doing the moves I resemble poor baby seal who can't manage to get back in the water. Sad (and funny for those if they could see me).

    Yeah I feel about the same way with the seal comment.. it's definately something to see. :)

    It gets better, trust me.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Day 19, Sculpt 1-2 done. BUT I am kinda freaked out. My heart was racing the whole time. I could feel it just beating like crazy. And even though I have been just standing or sitting for the last several minutes, I can still feel it beating really fast in my chest. On the one hand, that was good because I burned a TON more calories than normal, but on the other hand, WTH is going on??!?! I am not sure what made today different. And my heart beating like this kind of feels like when I have a panic attack, except I am not having one right now. Should I be concerned?
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Tonight I'm on day 9 of P90, and finally I was able to do most of the upward dog, plank, downward dog. Last week I struggled with 1 of them! Granted I still cant do them all because it wears me out.. but I'm improving! That makes me super excited. WOOOOO!

    I was just saying the same thing, I can't wait to improve, because right now while doing the moves I resemble poor baby seal who can't manage to get back in the water. Sad (and funny for those if they could see me).

    Yeah I feel about the same way with the seal comment.. it's definately something to see. :)

    It gets better, trust me.

    So funny!!! You should see me (or not) trying to swing my leg through after downward dog. 6'5" with belly blocking it....it ain't pretty. LOL
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 19, Sculpt 1-2 done. BUT I am kinda freaked out. My heart was racing the whole time. I could feel it just beating like crazy. And even though I have been just standing or sitting for the last several minutes, I can still feel it beating really fast in my chest. On the one hand, that was good because I burned a TON more calories than normal, but on the other hand, WTH is going on??!?! I am not sure what made today different. And my heart beating like this kind of feels like when I have a panic attack, except I am not having one right now. Should I be concerned?

    I don't want to give any advice as I don't have a clue, except to keep an eye on it. I've had that at other times myself. Did you have any caffeine before feeling it?
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    LOL... I'm sure many of us look like a poor baby seal when we first start doing power yoga. It definitely gets easier though. I did my 5th Sweat 1-2/Ab Ripper this morning (Day 11 overall), and I definitely have better form in the Yoga than I did when I started. I'm having an easier time keeping up the pace through the knees-up/knees-out/crossovers/jumping jacks/run in place/run lunge. X-work is fun, and I LOVE the kicking/punching.

    My heart rate is not going off the charts like it was, and I feel great.

    Oh, I also did all 100 crunches today. My form is not perfect through all of them yet, and I paused the DVD for 20-30 seconds between each of the last 3 sets of 10, but I did them ALL. WOOOOOOT!

    It DOES get easier, folks... And the change starts to happen fairly quickly. I'm only in my 2nd week and I feel a big difference already.

    Have a great workout today everyone!!!

  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Well I talked to my boss this morning. She is like this super fitness lady. Teaches boot camp. Runs marathons. Is obsessed with working out and counting cals, etc. She said the reason my heart did that is because I didn't eat anything this morning. She gave me some longer explanation, but that was the jist of it. So from now on I will not get up late anymore. So 4:30 it is.
  • poorwayne
    One good thing about this exercise/ diet stuff guys is it's doing wonders for my blood sugar. I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic a few years back and although I'm on oral meds, my blood sugar levels were running so high my doctor had talked about putting me on insulin. The great news is now they are back under control.
  • poorwayne
    [I was just saying the same thing, I can't wait to improve, because right now while doing the moves I resemble poor baby seal who can't manage to get back in the water. Sad (and funny for those if they could see me).

    LOL, I can really sympathize, although I'm probably more of a overgrown Walrus who can't get out of his own way :smile:
  • poorwayne

    Oh, I also did all 100 crunches today. My form is not perfect through all of them yet, and I paused the DVD for 20-30 seconds between each of the last 3 sets of 10, but I did them ALL. WOOOOOOT!

    It DOES get easier, folks... And the change starts to happen fairly quickly. I'm only in my 2nd week and I feel a big difference already.

    Fantastic Mike. Keep it Up! I'm only on my 4th day but I can tell subtle differences already...for one, the pain in my lower back has subsided a bit.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    One good thing about this exercise/ diet stuff guys is it's doing wonders for my blood sugar. I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic a few years back and although I'm on oral meds, my blood sugar levels were running so high my doctor had talked about putting me on insulin. The great news is now they are back under control.

    That is fantastic news Wayne!
    I also was able to go off cholesterol meds and lower my BP since starting.
    Less of my money to the pharmaceuticals is motivation enough for me!
  • poorwayne
    I also was able to go off cholesterol meds and lower my BP since starting.
    Less of my money to the pharmaceuticals is motivation enough for me!

    Thanks, that's fantastic to hear! I'm still a long way from getting off any meds. But now at least there is some improvement.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm a stranded baby seal! I'm a stranded baby seal!

    I just completed Day 27 last night (missed a few nights last week so I should be starting my second 30 days but that's okay...life happens) which was a sculpt night for me. I moved up to 10lbs weights for the first third but then dropped back and just used my 3 and 5lbs together. Not quite ready to make the leap from 5 to 10 yet.

    Tonight is my sweat night. I actually look forward to my workouts but I absolutely DREAD the yoga portion of it. I'm okay with the downward dog, the upward dog stuff. But, my leg NEVER swings far enough forward to be in any kind of decent position for the runner's pose, warrior's pose, and pose-for-me can't remember the real name) pose. I am very discouraged because I thought that if I stuck with it, I would be better at it by now.

    Does anybody have any suggestions? What could I be doing wrong? Why do I have to scoot myself backwards once I swing the leg forward? Aaack! Help!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member