Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 4 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm so proud to be in such a strong group of ladies who are working to change their lives. Got to sleep in this morning for the first time for a long time.. I think the hubby realized I was getting run down and he decided to take care of the baby until 11am!! I feel refreshed and energized. Already did 37 minutes of cardio dancing today and hopefully I'll be able to get in even more exercise. I feel so much better as I didn't get to work out for the past few days because of my back being out. Woo hoo for healing sleep!!

    Have a great day everyone and work it out!

    I need a good nights sleep! I'm glad to hear that your back is better!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm not feeling really good about this week's weigh in. Had too many snacks over the weekend. I can't wait until football season is over!! I hope I don't see a gain. I can't believe its wednesday already. Two more days before weigh in. How is everyone else feeling about this week's weigh in? There's still time for me to turn it around. I'm not going to call it quits this week, just try to reverse some of the damages over the next 2 days.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Well...somehow between yesterday and today-I gained two pounds. I am hoping that it is just because I had a heavier dinner. I stayed within calories-but most of them were at night-instead of spread out. Going to drink tons of water and hopefully go back down tomorrow:(

    I know-I am not supposed to weigh every day-but I *need* to know!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    So glad to have you all to share with, honestly!!! I have met several ladies at the fitness center where I work out but the truth is they talk very little about the struggles of staying on track with their eating. For some reason yesterday I was hungry all day. I am sure I ended up going over last night because I couldnt stop eating!!!!! I had a bowl of homemade soup, which was really good, but my family had one of my favorite meals!!! I kept feeling like I had been so neglected that literally, I kept going back getting a little something else and a little something else. Those can really add up. Yesterday was the first time I had felt that way, like I was missing out. I know that what I am gaining is some much better then that food. Already I am seeing a difference in the way I carry myself and how my jeans fit!! That feels amazing, yet I cant pretend that those feelings arent real. Any suggestions on what to do when I begin to feel that way? Thanks ladies for listening!!!! I count on you more then you will ever know!!:flowerforyou:
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Hey gals -
    Odd thing happened to me yesterday and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing...

    I woke up famished and after a big breakfast, decent dinner, and a big supper I was still starving. Not the starving where you know it is just your body adjusting, but actual stomach growling and feeling faint kind of hungry. I went over my calories by about 600 because I thought that maybe my body needed a little boost after beings sick for a week and all the cold weather we've been having.

    Today I'm still feeling hungry, but its not nearly as bad.

    Anyone else have this happen to them or have an ideas on what is going on here? :)
  • forgiven4life
    Hey gals -
    Odd thing happened to me yesterday and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing...

    I woke up famished and after a big breakfast, decent dinner, and a big supper I was still starving. Not the starving where you know it is just your body adjusting, but actual stomach growling and feeling faint kind of hungry. I went over my calories by about 600 because I thought that maybe my body needed a little boost after beings sick for a week and all the cold weather we've been having.

    Today I'm still feeling hungry, but its not nearly as bad.

    Anyone else have this happen to them or have an ideas on what is going on here? :)

    Yes!! Monday was that day for me. I was so hungry all day and I kept snacking and nothing was filling me up. And I was choosing snacks with lots of protein like Greek yogurt. Luckily yesterday I was not famished but I had an unknown calorie meal for dinner because of a work meeting and on the way home everyone stopped for snacks because the dinner was very small (good but small) and I caved and got a coke and a bag of chips. So even though I got home at 10:30pm, I did an hour of cardio and burned over 900 calories because I didn't know how many calories I ate at dinner!
  • forgiven4life
    Hello everyone. I'm so proud to be in such a strong group of ladies who are working to change their lives. Got to sleep in this morning for the first time for a long time.. I think the hubby realized I was getting run down and he decided to take care of the baby until 11am!! I feel refreshed and energized. Already did 37 minutes of cardio dancing today and hopefully I'll be able to get in even more exercise. I feel so much better as I didn't get to work out for the past few days because of my back being out. Woo hoo for healing sleep!!

    Have a great day everyone and work it out!

    That is so sweet your husband let you sleep in! It is amazing what a little good night's rest can do for the body! Glad you are feeling better now!
  • forgiven4life
    Good Morning everyone! I didn't wake up at 6am this morning to work out...but no worries! Just going to kick it into high gear when I get home tonight from work. On another note...

    I was planning on going to California at the end of February to visit all my family and friends. I have been really excited about this for months! However, in the past few days I have been thinking about waiting until my brother's graduation at the end of May. And I guess I am feeling this because since I have moved out to Atlanta, I have been focused on the weight loss. Although, I am not in love with this place...I think moving was the best thing that has ever happened to me! Sometimes you just need to be away from distractions and nay-sayers. And now that I have started this challege, I am even more focused. So I feel like in a month's time I won't be ready to stay completely focused on not wanting to eat the things that I miss from Cali (In N Out, Del Taco, Jamba Juice, Mexican Food, etc)

    I want to go back and my friends and family have the reaction of "WOW! She really worked for this!" I just need to concentrate on my goals right now and with working out and with looking for a better paying job. So I think I am going to hold off on the trip until May. I just feel like I am doing so well and I need to keep the momentum going. Thanks for letting me vent guys lol.

    Can't wait to go home and work out tonight...release some energy! Eveyone have a great day!

    Krys- I think you are absolutely doing the right thing by waiting to take a trip so you can continue to focus on getting yourself healthy. A lot of times we take a step back, not realizing we were not ready for what was coming and it can really throw us off. So it is good that you recognize you still need time to put your energy into you!

    As for me this week, I am so proud that I have done really well keeping my sodium in check. And, girls let me tell you come Friday, that scale is going to pay off!!!! I have been taking a peek here and there and I am super stoked.
    (Bear with me, this seems all over the place but I promise it will all come together by the end! LOL)
    This week has not been the greatest sleep-wise for me. My little boy still sleeps in the bed with us and he twists, turns, kicks, snores, and yells out in his sleep. Monday night I only got about 3 hrs of sleep and I swear Tuesday night I was awake ALL FREAKING night long. So yesterday I had a mandatory meeting to go to after work and it was in a city an hour from where I live. Dinner (catered & provided by company) was great but I had no idea how many calories I was consuming. Plus with an hour ride back home (everyone from my office carpooled together) some people wanted to stop for snacks and I caved and had a coke and small bag of chips. I got home at 10:30pm (my husband & kids were already in bed) and I just had to get some exercise in to burn off some of the unknown calories. My husband got up around 11:15pm and was surprised to see me in the living room doing exercise. He told me with my lack of sleep lately he figured I would be passed out asleep. I said "Nope, gotta exercise!" So all that just to say, I'm starting to feel the same way about needing to do some kind of exercise daily. I really feel for the first time like I just might go the distance this time. And it feels good!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So glad to have you all to share with, honestly!!! I have met several ladies at the fitness center where I work out but the truth is they talk very little about the struggles of staying on track with their eating. For some reason yesterday I was hungry all day. I am sure I ended up going over last night because I couldnt stop eating!!!!! I had a bowl of homemade soup, which was really good, but my family had one of my favorite meals!!! I kept feeling like I had been so neglected that literally, I kept going back getting a little something else and a little something else. Those can really add up. Yesterday was the first time I had felt that way, like I was missing out. I know that what I am gaining is some much better then that food. Already I am seeing a difference in the way I carry myself and how my jeans fit!! That feels amazing, yet I cant pretend that those feelings arent real. Any suggestions on what to do when I begin to feel that way? Thanks ladies for listening!!!! I count on you more then you will ever know!!:flowerforyou:

    Honestly, what I do when I feel that way is separate myself from the world! LOL...No, but honestly what I do is journal or write down how I am feelings at the time. Sometimes when people are saying that they went and ate at this place or that place...I say to myself..."It's ok Krystle, just wait until you get to your goal weight. That food is not going anywhere and when you are able to eat will know how to do it in moderation...or may not even want it altogether. So stay focused..." I know for me, I would much rather be the thin woman sitting at a restaurant eating a cheeseburger and knowing that it is a treat...than be the fat girl slumped over with my belly rolls chowing on the burger like it is the last thing I will ever eat...killing myself! (I know I am dramatic lol, but it's how I always feel when Im eating fatty food, like everyone is staring at me)

    So just stay strong girl...I know its hard to not have those feelings, but remember "This too shall pass!"
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hey gals -
    Odd thing happened to me yesterday and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing...

    I woke up famished and after a big breakfast, decent dinner, and a big supper I was still starving. Not the starving where you know it is just your body adjusting, but actual stomach growling and feeling faint kind of hungry. I went over my calories by about 600 because I thought that maybe my body needed a little boost after beings sick for a week and all the cold weather we've been having.

    Today I'm still feeling hungry, but its not nearly as bad.

    Anyone else have this happen to them or have an ideas on what is going on here? :)

    Try drinking water...sometimes your body reacts with hunger pains and growling tummy when you are actually thirsty..and not hungry. Even though you may be getting in your 64ounces in a day...depending on your weight and/or activity level, you may need to replenish your body with more.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Feeling very discouraged today :( last week I didnt exercise was sick so I just focused on my food. Lost 2lbs. I have worked out this week and ate well and have been the same weight. Sodium isnt high, not that time of the month, really I can't explain why. Just don't know if maybe I am working out too much? I guess we will see what happens Friday but its driving me crazy!
  • forgiven4life
    Feeling very discouraged today :( last week I didnt exercise was sick so I just focused on my food. Lost 2lbs. I have worked out this week and ate well and have been the same weight. Sodium isnt high, not that time of the month, really I can't explain why. Just don't know if maybe I am working out too much? I guess we will see what happens Friday but its driving me crazy!

    I would think because you didn't work out any last week and you have added it back in this week, your body is holding onto some water weight to repair your muscles as they are being worked out. As Krsytle said above, "this too shall pass". Once your body adjusts, you will drop it. Just keep going!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply!! And you are so right, I feel the same way about eating. I feel like if I sit down to eat what everyone else is I think "This is why your overweight and uncomfortable!!". I am going to try journeling!! Whether on here or on pen and paper, just voicing it and owning it has helped me already today!!Thanks again!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    Krys- I think you are absolutely doing the right thing by waiting to take a trip so you can continue to focus on getting yourself healthy. A lot of times we take a step back, not realizing we were not ready for what was coming and it can really throw us off. So it is good that you recognize you still need time to put your energy into you!
    As for me this week, I am so proud that I have done really well keeping my sodium in check. And, girls let me tell you come Friday, that scale is going to pay off!!!! I have been taking a peek here and there and I am super stoked.
    (Bear with me, this seems all over the place but I promise it will all come together by the end! LOL)
    This week has not been the greatest sleep-wise for me. My little boy still sleeps in the bed with us and he twists, turns, kicks, snores, and yells out in his sleep. Monday night I only got about 3 hrs of sleep and I swear Tuesday night I was awake ALL FREAKING night long. So yesterday I had a mandatory meeting to go to after work and it was in a city an hour from where I live. Dinner (catered & provided by company) was great but I had no idea how many calories I was consuming. Plus with an hour ride back home (everyone from my office carpooled together) some people wanted to stop for snacks and I caved and had a coke and small bag of chips. I got home at 10:30pm (my husband & kids were already in bed) and I just had to get some exercise in to burn off some of the unknown calories. My husband got up around 11:15pm and was surprised to see me in the living room doing exercise. He told me with my lack of sleep lately he figured I would be passed out asleep. I said "Nope, gotta exercise!" So all that just to say, I'm starting to feel the same way about needing to do some kind of exercise daily. I really feel for the first time like I just might go the distance this time. And it feels good!!

    That is so awesome...I definitely know the feeling of saying to yourself, "Wow, I kindof like this exercise and nutrition thing" Thats so great! I am really proud of you.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Feeling very discouraged today :( last week I didnt exercise was sick so I just focused on my food. Lost 2lbs. I have worked out this week and ate well and have been the same weight. Sodium isnt high, not that time of the month, really I can't explain why. Just don't know if maybe I am working out too much? I guess we will see what happens Friday but its driving me crazy!

    Dont be discouraged you know, I went through the same thing the past two weeks.. First bit of advice STAY OFF THE SCALE UNTIL FRIDAY lol, no but we always say on here...too many fluctuations in your body for that. Also, make sure you are giving your body adequate rest between workouts. I learned this all too well, I can't do Zumba and 30 Day Shred...every single day, back to back! It takes too much of a toll on my body and my muscles are way too tight and retaining water. So I will just end by saying, everything will be fine and will equal out. You have two day before weigh-in...just keep doing what you are doing and try some light cardio in the morning on Thursday...and just rest....No harm in that right :) Keep up the hard work!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Hump-Day snowflakes :happy:

    I have to tell you guys about my binge last night!!---ok so since i have been stuck at the same weight since the first weigh in i am assuming I am at another plateau!!---man these things are frustraiting and I tend to hit one about every two or three pounds....I have no idea why my body does this it just does. I dont do anything differently I dont cheat but i just stay the same every week. The only way I have figured out how to get the scale to move is to have a cheat day....more like a binge day---I ate over 2000 cals yesterday!! Steak n Shake is seriously one of the most fatty places to eat ever...hence the name bahahahah!!!:laugh:
    Well I am hoping that having a day like yesterday will trick my body into losing again, even if its just a pound i will be happy!! I'm not sure why I dont lose i just dont lose weight at a consistent rate....a pound here and there and then ill be stuck for a month....not fair but we get the body God gives us, all we can do is try to improve it!!

    I got up this morning and worked out, I tried to keep the calorie burn at a reasonable level so I will definately reach my 1200 net cals today!!! This week has been a lot different than the previous weeks for me so maybe, just maybe i will see a bit of a loss:smile: I am done being sad and depressed over my weight, I am just trying to stay positive and understand that my body just doesnt lose weight at a consistent rate like most people....i am actually considering going to the doctor to have my thyroid checked to see if maybe that is the reason....

    I hope you fine ladies have a wonderful wednesday!!! Stay strong and positive this week :happy:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've been eating terribly lately, and not working out much cause of my back. I've taken a few walks this week, which were nice, especially with a jump in the temperature, but the eating is getting to me. I have so many healthy things in the house and fridge, but I keep reaching for (the family's) cookies and leftover birthday cake instead of salad! :angry:

    I have to keep the goal in mind!! And drink more water when I want to reach for sweets!
    I have twice now allowed myself to have a "treat" like the reese's peanut butter cup last week and the cinnabon minibon today. I can't believe I will say this again, but I didn't really like them! They didn't taste the way I remember them tasting! So, I suppose that is a good thing.
    menorato... It's the same thing with me, and things that I haven't eaten in years, but I find that I'm kind of still eating them. I'm such a boredom eater!!! That's 1/2 the reason I'm looking for a job. I really need something to occupy my time...
    hey everyone! sorry i've been nonexistant lately! i swear i haven't given up (although i was losing motivation being gone from the boards here!). so my weight the past few weeks i was fluctuating the same 2-3lbs on the scale and i was getting so frustrated. i'm pretty sure i was on a mini-plateau. i decided to take it easy last week and did a few good workouts and ate a little more than normal and sure enough, i lost 2.8lbs this past week! i guess my body just needed a change to wake it up! i'm so happy. i've lost 4.8lbs so far in this challenge and i'm hoping to catch up to get me back on track to lose 40 by june 1st. i honestly will be happy to lose 30-35 in this time, but i'm going to fight and try to get to that 40! keep up the great work everyone! we are kickin some butt!! :)
    miss_amy... Keep up the good work, and get back here and be motivated! :wink:
    Just putting a couple of goals I have for myself out there!
    I plan to workout everyday this week and do something new. What I have planned is a class tonight and a personal training session for Wednesday. Wish me luck!
    I'm taking Jacki's lead and putting this out there too: I want to do 2 hours at the gym tomorrow evening, and go from there. They don't really offer any classes that I'm interested in on Fridays, but I'm sure I'll need the day to recover from those 2 hours anyway. :smile: I still need to book a sessions with a personal trainer too. Good luck Jacki!
    I am having trouble eating right today....I've been grazing, going from the fridge to the pantry....I feel like eating stuff that I shouldn't and I am thinking I might have to just go to bed to keep myself honest!! I guess theres always water, water, water! lol!:bigsmile:
    Stay hydrated Kaylasmom... :wink: I know the feeling all too well. Graze on healthy things. Try an apple! (Which reminds me, I just bought some the other day, and they are so good.)
    Hope everyone is having a great week so far. We can do this-and we are going to be so HOT for June!
    Right on yellowfairy!! (PS - Your cat looks a lot like mine!)
    I know-I am not supposed to weigh every day-but I *need* to know!
    Me too... :blushing: But I've only weighed twice this weeks so far. :indifferent: I feel lost. :blushing:
    This is so me! Everytime I say I am going to rest...I still end up exercising...because I feel like I HAVE to do it, in order not to lose sight of what I need to do and to not mess up my routine. body just loves it! LOL
    I need to get into THAT groove!!
    Feeling very discouraged today :( last week I didnt exercise was sick so I just focused on my food. Lost 2lbs. I have worked out this week and ate well and have been the same weight. Sodium isnt high, not that time of the month, really I can't explain why. Just don't know if maybe I am working out too much? I guess we will see what happens Friday but its driving me crazy!
    ttv2004... I'm sure we've all been there. Keep with it and your body will come around.
    i am actually considering going to the doctor to have my thyroid checked to see if maybe that is the reason....
    CuteMommy... I used to have those high-calorie days when I was eating really low-calorie (when I lost the first 55 lbs), and it always seemed to work to get my weight loss rolling again. If you do go to the doctor, I hope they can figure out a reason for your concerns, because when I go to mine, they never find anything wrong with me... That's why I like seeing a naturopathic doctor. They seem to take my complaints into consideration more.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Feeling very discouraged today :( last week I didnt exercise was sick so I just focused on my food. Lost 2lbs. I have worked out this week and ate well and have been the same weight. Sodium isnt high, not that time of the month, really I can't explain why. Just don't know if maybe I am working out too much? I guess we will see what happens Friday but its driving me crazy!

    You just to give you body time to catch up. Keep on Keeping on! You got this girl!