how different are you offline than online



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Yeah I'm not the same...I have a hard time formulating my thoughts in real life...I'm the type of person that likes to think before I speak, but in person you don't have time to do that. I like to write things down to organize my thoughts and edit what I'm saying so I can get the point across without misunderstanding. When I just blurt things out in life, someone usually gets mad, I'm just being honest but it hurts people's feelings. I don't have tough enough skin to open my mouth anymore. I just listen and watch people make the same idiot decisions over and over. Online I can let you have it, you want to b!tch, well I'll give you something to b!tch about lol...I still blush, and I still get offended, but my confrontational skills are way better online.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I would say that I'm still fairly outgoing... I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor but I'm much more caring and sharing. When I was younger I was right out there (dancin on bars and being the life of the party)... but when I got overweight I lost some of the confidence. I can talk and talk and talk... I can also listen. I would say my on & offline personalities are fairly similar. Perhaps slightly more confident on here but not too different.
  • The same 100% of the time. I'm just me!
  • life is easier lived light-heartedly and as an open book :flowerforyou:

    ok, maybe with a touch of mystery thrown in for good measure! :glasses:
  • Let me put it this way. If I had an online persona, I really hope I could come up with something better than a pudgy hawaiian computer nerd.

    ^^ lol ^^
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I'm the same person online as offline...I have friends/family that are on here so jusk them!

    I have a potty mouth and try really hard to clean it up online and a really dirty mind so I find myself laughing all the time over the small things! LOL
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    Sounds like a lot of us are 'dirtier' in person! LOL
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I am the same both online and offline. I love to have a good time... and I usually have fun no matter what I'm doing or who it's with. I'm outgoing pretty much everywhere and only reserved to the degree that I need to be. LOL
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    you'd have to ask my boyfriend. i think i'm the same...once you get to know me. i can be kinda (deceivingly) quiet at first...unless i'm drinking :drinker:

    Binary is exactly the same except you should see his muscles IRL :love:
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    Let me put it this way. If I had an online persona, I really hope I could come up with something better than a pudgy hawaiian computer nerd.
    ha! didn't see you respond.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    In real life I am a Jedi. But my x-wing is damaged and this funky earth atmosphere interfers with my use of the force.


    I'm sarcastic as hell online and in person. :tongue:
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    I used to be painfully shy IRL. The computer gave me the confidence to say whatever I wanted and gave me the protection of my happy little screen to hide behind. Since having a computer, (about 10 years) I have opened up a lot, especially in the past two years and find I have a lot more courage to speak my mind and tell people what I think...good or bad. I am typically quick witted and just (to steal feetypajamas adjective) a big goofball. I love to have fun and play practical jokes. I am also an encourager. I have a lot of empathy for those around me online and off, and just want to hug everyone (who wants a hug that is). I hope that comes across when I am online as well as offline.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm not much different in person than I am online, but I think I'm perceived differently. I'm concise when I speak, and I'm often sarcastic, which sometimes doesn't come across well in type. It's why I overuse smileys -- I want people to understand my tone and not take me the wrong way. It's annoying, but I don't know how else to get my point across.
  • What is this "offline" you speak of? :)
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    i think i'm myself online and offline.

    funny, sarcastic, sometimes cynical, and probably the coolest person ever.

  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member

    Me too. I use much more conservative language online than in person. I love, love, love to swear. I was actually just thinking this morning about how much I love to drop the F-bomb.
  • I don't really like to think about offline and online being something totally different. I love technology as it allows me to meet all of you wonderful people that otherwise I wouldn't have ever met in real life as we say. :flowerforyou: In person, I've always been shy, quiet spirited....I'm a great listener as I've been told. I take my time becoming close friends with people in life, but online it seems to go a little faster (probably because you can drop them if they get too weird or creepy). :laugh: I stay at home alot now so my adult to adult communication ratio is low as I'm home with a 5 yr old everyday all day. :smile: I like to laugh and have a good time. So with all that said, I feel like I try to be myself as much as possible online or off. :happy:
  • I'm way better looking it real life lol. Honestly though, it really depends on the situation. I write articles for a few websites and typically my writing persona is pretty over the top. I am also way more chatty online. I'm not really all that talkative in person, but I love typing / writing. Another big difference is that most people online know me as Todd based on my user-name, but my actual name is Warren ...
  • I'm the same online and off.
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    LMAO!!!! :laugh:
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