Vent Page



  • elfie9863
    People who ask questions in the forums that have been asked over and over and over again:mad: ...specifically the questions about the stupid HCG diet. :explode: For God's sake people! There is a search function in the forums so that you can look up topics that have been discussed, instead of asking stupid questions that have been asked over and over and over again. :angry: Also, READ THE RECOMMENDED READINGS FROM EACH FORUM BEFORE POSTING QUESTIONS!!! :grumble: Many of your questions can be answered if you just look! Drives me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And don't get me started on Loose/Lose, To/Too, Their/There/They're, etc. Drives me BONKERS! :noway:

    All caps people...:sad:

    There are more, but I've been grouchy enough!:devil:

    OK>..this is just plain nasty, but I am admitting it....I SO HATE IT when new people come on and you see: "A BRAND NEW ME..LET"S GET STARTED".....and other stuff like that...Hey, I have been on here a year...I have already started...and am in a slumpie stuck place right now. I am also done with seeing..."EXERCISE CALORIES..EAT 'EM OR LEAVE 'EM" ... geesh...just try and see what works. As long as I am in *****ie Poo mode...the HCG thing just makes wanna vomit.

    OK OK....thank you for this venting experience....

  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    MY VENT:

    In an IM : "'ve lost a lot of weight? Are you being healthy about it? I hope you're not being obsessive."

    This, coming from a fat acquaintance of mine. Really? She has the nerve to hope I'm being healthy? I'd probably die from a heart attack if I ate the lunches she did!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    People should clean up after themselves.
  • fitmom4ever
    Ok, so I am really only slightly frustrated about this, but it has been 5 days and no vents, and I totally love this thread, so I had to add to it & get it going again, lol.
    The baby woke up the entire house as 5:30 a.m. and has been miserably needing a nap since 9 a.m., yet here I am and it is 4:30 p.m. and she STILL has not taken a nap, which means I still have not gotten a workout. My husband will be returning home from work shortly, dinner needs to be started, after dinner there are baths and bedtime stories and then American Idol is on (I haven't missed more than 2 episodes since the season premiere of season 1). I don't know where I am going to find the time to exercise today, and I really need to release the pent up frustration from dealing with a miserably tired baby all day.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Wannabfitmom, try exercising during commercials.
    My vent is that I'm so frustrated with myself! It seems like everything I want to do just doesn't work, at least over extended periods of time. It's quite annoying.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Okay so my latest vent is people YELLING on the message boards. I'm not even talking about one or two words capitalized for emphasis. But when people write their entire thing in all caps it really makes me mad. :explode: THERE IS NO NEED TO WRITE LIKE THIS!!! Then they wonder why people think they are being aggressive!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Okay so my latest vent is people YELLING on the message boards. I'm not even talking about one or two words capitalized for emphasis. But when people write their entire thing in all caps it really makes me mad. :explode: THERE IS NO NEED TO WRITE LIKE THIS!!! Then they wonder why people think they are being aggressive!
    OMG! Thank you!!! I can't stand reading the all caps posts. Don't people realize that it's rude? Not to mention hard to read! Another thing that drives me bonkers is when people ask questions that have been asked thousands of times... like HCG diet, eating exercise calories, etc. How about you use the search function and check out previous posts before starting yet another topic on a question that has been asked so often.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My vent is when somebody says they have noticed I've lost weight. When I respond yes or thank you, they come back with "Why bother? You will just gain it all back anyway." WHAT???? How about that for encouragement?

    Another pet peeve of mine is people who are mean, just to be mean. No reason. Just makes them feel better about themselves. I mean, I'm no shrinking violet, but I NEVER attack people - especially over petty crap.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    "Anyway, when he comes home after being gone all week, he walks in to the kitchen and starts washing dishes. I think he must feel as if he is helping, but REALLY! It would be nice to get a "hello" first!"

    In my household if my husband came home and did this he would probably be getting some that night:)

    Right now my vent is being knee deep in snot noses.....but its still early I'm sure something new will pop up!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I learned all those DH, DD, DS and all sorts of more abreviations from being on the ww boards.
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    Wannabfitmom, try exercising during commercials.
    Thanks for the advice! I have tried it out and love it! Even if I have gotten the chance to exercise that day, I find that getting up and doing jumping jacks or sit ups during the commercials keeps me from getting up to grab popcorn or sweets. So again, thanks a ton!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My vent is when somebody says they have noticed I've lost weight. When I respond yes or thank you, they come back with "Why bother? You will just gain it all back anyway." WHAT???? How about that for encouragement?

    If anyone ever said that to me, I would look at them straight in the eye and say with determination, "No, I won't." This will tell them that you are set on your path and also build your own self confidence and motivation.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Exercising during commercials would be a great HIIT workout. Go as hard as you can during the commercials and then slowly pace while watching the show (don't sit down!).
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616

    I love you dearly, but really really want put put a foot up your rear right now! I wrote out your budget, even broke it up bi monthly (as the bills come out) and showed you what you would have left over if you bought a new car. You decided you could handle it. So why 4 days later are you calling me at work whining that your broke and I need to help you pay the JCP bill. Honey, Sweetie... You pay $165 a month in "our bills" (not including rent, utilities, and car payments) I pay $ 487 or more to cover the extra bills you don't. How is it even fair for you to ask me to HELP you pay the JCP bill. We make the same paycheck, as we are both military and same rank. Oh, and I didn't even include what I spend on grocieris, and dinner for us and your friends that eat over on a regular basis. Oh, and wtf about freeking that you have no money left for gas, I budgeted $150 for gas for you. And your bills have not yet changed at all cause the financing hasn't finalized on your trade in. How can you not afford your d***ed car payment when none of the bills you have been paying for the last 6 months or more have changed? Seriously, either your throwing money away somewhere I need to know about or your really dumb. Shut up and listen to me, I told you when your half of the bills were due and how much was due.. Baby, your an adult-- Grow the F up and act like it. I do want a kid, but I did not mary one! AAAAHHHH!!!!

    Furious Wife
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I really hate being lied to. Even more being lied to by an ignorant a$% who can't even cover his tracks. I can't say I'm suprised, but I thought things were going well, until I found out he was going behind my back and flat lied to my face. I'm just, i dunno... don't know what to do/where to go from here. I'm seriously hurt and now questioning a lot more things I once thought as innocent. I really hate to lose my trust in someone I deemed worthy of it. Why do men have to be that way. I can't trust a single man in my life. And they wonder why I try so hard to be independant, cause I can't depend on any of them!!!:sad: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :noway: :cry: :cry: :sad: :frown:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    tater8589, I'm sorry about what you're going through. Being lied to is the worst. I've recently had to deal with a situation like that when I helped out one of my friends. As for the money, I was watching Good Morning America this morning, and they had something about girls being stronger than men or something like that. Money was one of the issues. We're better at handling things like that than they are. Sit down and talk it out with your husband, I'm sure it'll help. *hugs*
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    chickadee2010 Thank you.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    tater, I hate to be the one to inform you, but men are idiots. They cannot be trusted and it will be like taking care of a 5 year old the rest of your life. Truthfully, I don't know why women put up with us. I wish you luck with yours.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    [/quote] Why do men have to be that way. I can't trust a single man in my life. And they wonder why I try so hard to be independant, cause I can't depend on any of them!!!:sad: :angry: :mad: :grumble: :noway: :cry: :cry: :sad: :frown:

    EXACTLY!!!! Can totally relate!
    I'm sorry you're struggling right now.. :sad:
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member

    sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch right now. military life can be more stressful than civilian life, and financial conflicts are one of the most common things that cause couples to fight. sucks that you're getting hit with all these things at once.

    i can't say i agree with hroush that "men are idiots" and "like 5-year-olds", although i'd definitely agree that there are times when we channel our inner 5-year-old.

    it almost never ends up good to make decisions while you're in the middle of big-time emotions -- "not knowing what to do from here" is ok for now... it's not a permanent solution, but give yourself time to vent and to relax before trying to sort things through...

    sending good thoughts and prayers your way...!!!