Vent Page



  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    I just got my degree in criminal justice and am applying for police academies. This typically comes up in conversations, but most people don't seem to approve. They all think I should be going to law school because I'll make more money that way. If I wanted to be a lawyer, I would! I would make an AWFUL lawyer. They don't listen to me when I say that, however, because they spend the rest of the conversation trying to convince me to change my mind. I think I have a better idea of what I want for my life than a complete stranger!

    Thats awesome! My good friend just graduated with the same degree and is pursuing a career in law enforcement. She's had about three interviews and now all she needs to do is pass the physical part. Good luck and hopefully people with be more understanding.
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    Sometimes I want to punch my step-mother-in-law. Shes mean and verbally abusive. She tells me to quit eating and that I shouldnt wear shorts. Well FU B OTCh! You shouldn't wear a bikini in your nasty skin and bone, tanned leather skin with nicotine stains and a figure of a 12 year old boy... I may be fat but at least I have boobs!
  • xquiz8
    xquiz8 Posts: 97 Member
    I would like to slap my client. When working on a project, if I ask a question like "Should I do ABC or XYZ?", "Yes" is NOT an appropriate answer!! Jeez. And then they ***** about their people not getting paid "in a timely manner". Well, if you answered my questions and gave me the information that I need to pay your people, rather than giving me some dumb-*kitten*, off the cuff, didn't feel like reading your email answer, your people would have their money already.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    We allow our son to see his egg-donar because he loves going out to nanna and poppa's house...they do the supervised visitations, and she's not allowed at their house anymore (her own parents won't allow her in the house!) so he sleeps there. We can't take her for child support, she doesn't make any money. We use to see $200 a month, but that's because her boyfriend paid us. We miss her boyfried...he was an awesome, well put together guy. But once he realized that she was psycho, he son misses her, she is very indulgent so of course he misses her. I generally have nothing to do with the visitations, I'm not even allowed out of the truck when we drop him off...nanna and poppa (the ex's parents) love me though, they're always talking up a storm and telling me all the funny things my kid's sad that such nice people have such a crappy daughter. I thank you for the compliment, I have taken on someone else's kid like he was fact I'm a single fiance works out of town so it's just the child and me for a week...of course the minute my fiance is home the child is all his lol...I still make the lunches and do the laundry, but playing and homework is totally up to dad. I shouldn't b!tch, the egg-donar could be worse. She could know where we live, or want to see him all the time...but it's in the court order that it's at the father's discretion, she has no say. So she has absolutely no legal right to this kid...we can forbid her to see her child at any time...if we felt he was in any harm or unsafe in anyway then of course we'd stop the visitations. And we've done it the kid just eats to much and stays up to late, we really can't prevent her from doing that...and she keeps the pills away from everyone. she's sneaky like that, but you can tell in her face that her liver is failing due to the drug use, her skin is a gross yellow. All in all it could be way fact my best friend is going through way worse with the egg-donar to his child, so I really shouldn't complain, but sometimes it does suck to have to share a child with someone that crappy.
  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    :mad: there much better.
  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    What annoys me the most is the lack of common courtesy. It shows it’s ugly head everywhere, in the grocery store, people just stop in the middle of the isle, or at the end of the isle and either stand there talking to someone or leave their cart in the way while they stand and stare at the shelves like they have no idea what the heck it is they want. The next place is on the highway,,,,, did someone mention earlier they hate people riding their tail,,,,,, well get the heck out of the fast lane if you want to drive slow. I hate people that get in the left hand lanes (for this side of the pond) then drive at or below the speed limit. Like no one else is on the dang road and they have nothing better to do then back up traffic,,,,,,,, GET OVER.

    Oh and how can I forget people that have no control over their rug rats,,,,,, REALLY? It’s not ok to let them run thru the restaurant, or store. And it’s not ok to let them throw a fit in the restaurant of store either, and if you happen to be at a Whole Foods type store where they have bulk seeds, flour, etc, IT IS NOT OK FOR THEM TO RUN THEIR HANDS THRU IT.

    This is the one I was trying to agree with sorry I screwed that up. But this would be exactly what my fiance would say perfect vent!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.

    Refuse to buy them unless they are on sale. Diet Pepsi fiend hubby over here. I tried a 3 a day limit on him but it often goes to 4. Considering we eat so healthy I spend a maximum of $150 a month on groceries & essentials ($40 of which is Diet Pepsi on sale) on average $80-110 a month its no big deal. There are worse habits to have but its $3 a 12 pack or NO POP FOR YOU!! (If you got the Soup Nazi Seinfeld reference there, thanks!

    Here’s the mini fridge we put into our theatre room (4th bedroom) but don’t show your hubby, he’ll get ideas LOL!


    I see a lock on that fridge. how about just lock it on him after his 3? LoL! :devil:
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    Hate being asked if I'm anorexic which I am not!
  • xelapw
    xelapw Posts: 12
    Walking is better for you than running but you have to do it for longer!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I have a little weight lifting vent, well two.

    1. If you are going to use the dumbbells, please move away from the rack so that I can put away my dumbbells.

    and along those lines.

    2. When you're done with your dumbbells, please re-rack them. Also please re-rack if you are going to another part of the gym and not returning for another 5 minutes.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Headaches. Mine needs to go away so I'll feel better.
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    The way I've been treated for being over weight! I have emotional scars from this and had an eating disorder (I was not overweight at the time) as a teen. I just want to be accepted as I am, just as I am.
  • BrendaBlis
    BrendaBlis Posts: 165 Member
    JUST happened...WHY when you're in the public bathroom alone with five stalls, someone comes in and goes in the stall right next to you!?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I feel like I snored really loud and hard for 10 hours...the roof of my mouth hurts and my face feels swollen...FML
  • wagn27
    wagn27 Posts: 65
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.

    My boyfriend does this! I suggested maybe trying to drink a glass of water in between instead of grabbing another soda. He agrees, says "at least it's diet", then tells me that I shouldn't make chili for dinner because it isn't healthy. But drinking 5-6 cans of soda every day is?? Very frustrating having to by soda all the time when water is free at home too.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Not seeing the results I want, toning up wise. However, I've lost about 5 pounds since starting over in January.
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    This ***** from the management team of my apartments really just put a warning in my mailbox threatening a $50 fine because my 3 yr olds bike is out front on my patio. Are you f*ing serious??? I was sitting right in my window, she could clearly see me and my daughter, who was putting on her shoes to go outside and ride it, and had been riding it most of the morning before I called her in to eat lunch. What, am I supposed to drag the thing in the house every time her *kitten* is off of it for more than 5 minutes? She's a toddler, her attention span is short. She'll ride it for a few minutes, come inside and play for a bit, go back out and ride some more all day! What the hell is this woman's problem! I'll give her the $50 bucks and shove it right up her *kitten*! Oh, wait, there's no room, somebody else already shoved her f*ing broomstick up there. Maybe that's why she's so pissy about my kids bike, she just lost her mode of transportation!
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    So today I spent 20 minutes of my lunch on a stationary bike in our company exercise room. A co-worker comes in and gets on the treadmill beside me. "You look nice, how much weight have you lost?" she asks. I tell her about 45 lbs and that I am really struggling to hit that 50lb mark. "So what was your motivating factor to lose weight?" she asks....

    All seems innocent enough, if another co-worker/friend had not confided to me that this same woman has been making comments that I went and lost all that weight and then divoriced my husband - like his prescription drug habit had nothing to do with that decision. What a *kitten*!

    I should have told her that I thought I could do better so wanted to ditch my husband and needed to get back to my 'snagging weight". That would have set her off!