Vent Page



  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok, so I"ve read through all of these (over a couple days lol) and can really relate to A LOT of them! Especially the lose/loose. their/there/they're, man that frustrates me lol!

    Tater, I really really feel for you. I can tell by your posts that you are really hurting and upset, I hope you can find a solution and that everything works out for you :flowerforyou:

    Anyway, here is my vent!

    I've lost 55.5 pounds over the last 13 months, which has been really really hard because I have PCOS so everything I eat has to be perfect, and my exercise has to be high intensity or the weight doesn't go anywhere. So here I am 14 pounds from my goal (where I will reasses to see if I need to lose more or not) and I'm having MAJOR back issues! I can't even finish a day at work let alone exercise, the Dr says all I can do is walk :explode: which does nothing for me! AND it's so bloody icy out there that if I go walk I risk falling and causing my herniated discs to blow. So I sit and pout! So I'm forced to continue focusing on my diet and hoping for the best until further notice, I'm not even 30 yet, man it make me so mad!!! :devil:
  • I am so sorry about your back and not being able to exercise. I hope you are all better soon.

    Here is my vent: Rude customers

    So this lady walks in and from the second she walked in I could tell she was in a bad mood. She comes up to the counter and asked for a pregnancy test ( which are locked in a cabinet because they are high theft items). So I proceed to tell she will have to wait just a few minutes because my manager went to go smoke. So not even a minute goes by and she goes outside looking for her. She comes back in Yelling at me I don't see anyone out there and I tell her it because she is sitting in her car because its to could to just stand out side (mind you the wind is blowing 30 or 40 mph). So she starts going off on me telling me she shouldn't have to wait there should be another manager on Duty ( I work at a Family Dollor we only have 5 people working at this store) But she was yelling as loud as she could instead of just being patientce and waiting for 5 minutes. But I yelled back at her I told her if she didn't like it she could go someone else and the she yelled at me for that. So I told her if she had a problem not to yell at me about it it's not my fault you came in all B****y.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Rebecca :bigsmile:

    I have another vent: Seen vs. Saw

    It drives me insane when people say 'I seen that" that is not proper english people, did you not pay attention in school at all? It should be "I saw that" or "I have seen that"....Drives me nuts, it takes everything I have not to correct someone when they say to my face "I seen you the other day" Grrrr!!! :devil:
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    A marathon is 26.2 other distance. You cannot call a 10K a marathon because while it might the farthest you have run it is not 26.2 miles.....please do not diminish the effort, committment, time and accomplishment of completing a marathon by calling every race a marathon. Call it a race or a fun run or a running event but unless it is 26.2 miles it is not a marathon.

    Oh I suppose you can call a 10K a marathon but you will be wrong and you will make yourself look like a silly competitive fool to people who run....
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Going out to eat used to be fun, but now it's a chore.

    I went to Red Robin the other day and asked the waitress for nutritional information. She looked at me like I was an idiot, then said it was only available online.


    So I used my Droid 2 to look up menu items. This takes forever, scrolling through page after page of calorie information that may or may not be accurate.

    I finally find two items, order them, and then the waitress informs me those items aren't available. So I ended up ordering grilled chicken on wheat buns. At this point in time, while everyone else is enjoying hamburgers and fries that smell delicious, I get to "enjoy" my plain grilled chicken (no mayo, no nothing).

    I hate restaurants that don't have calorie info.

    I hate restaurants that aren't creative enough to cook a meal that isn't 1000 calories or more.

    I'd rather cook my own food, so I know what's in it, know it's going to taste good, know it's NOT going to be plain, and know how many calories are included.

    Every once in awhile, you'll find a restaurant that's friendly to dieters. Most of the time, however, I stay away if at all possible. Until they give me what I want--creative, tasty, low-calorie options with easily accessible nutritional information--I'm not going to give them my money.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks Rebecca :bigsmile:

    I have another vent: Seen vs. Saw

    It drives me insane when people say 'I seen that" that is not proper english people, did you not pay attention in school at all? It should be "I saw that" or "I have seen that"....Drives me nuts, it takes everything I have not to correct someone when they say to my face "I seen you the other day" Grrrr!!! :devil:

    I cannot tell you how happy I am that someone finally said something about this. It drives me insane when people say that!! Thank you so much.
  • penne356
    penne356 Posts: 95
    It drives me crazy when people comment that I have lost weight - I have no problem with such comments - but then they continue on and add 'You're dieting very well' or 'you must be on a strict diet'. GRRRRRRRRRRR! I'm NOT dieting! I hate it! I try to eat healthy people and it's not called dieting. :/
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    My vent today is husband brining crap foods into the house when he knows I'm trying to lose weight! He's done this like twice this week. Yes, I know I need to say no and walk away but it's just so rude! That would be like me having a cigarette in front of him when he's trying to smoke.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Rebecca :bigsmile:

    I have another vent: Seen vs. Saw

    It drives me insane when people say 'I seen that" that is not proper english people, did you not pay attention in school at all? It should be "I saw that" or "I have seen that"....Drives me nuts, it takes everything I have not to correct someone when they say to my face "I seen you the other day" Grrrr!!! :devil:

    I cannot tell you how happy I am that someone finally said something about this. It drives me insane when people say that!! Thank you so much.

    Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Wannabfitmom, try exercising during commercials.
    Thanks for the advice! I have tried it out and love it! Even if I have gotten the chance to exercise that day, I find that getting up and doing jumping jacks or sit ups during the commercials keeps me from getting up to grab popcorn or sweets. So again, thanks a ton!
    You're welcome! :)
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    I know how you feel! One time i was in the grocery store getting lunch and i got about a 1/2 cup of macaroni salad and this lady who i've never met before leans over to me and says...we'll you're certainly not going to lose weight that way are you. i was really insulted and I didn't want to eat anymore after hearing that :(

    Some people can be so insensitive can't they?

    I hate it when I go through the checkout and the assistant feels they need to comment on every item I have bought. Like I give a damn about their opinion - I just want to get my stuff and get going.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Why do I want JD sausage egg and cheese biscuits of a night? I haven't had those in so so long, and there's none around. WHY am I wanting one? So I'm chewing a piece of gum now. :)
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    Do you know what makes me FURIOUS?!

    When people find out I'm a vegetarian and then joke about slipping meat into my food.

    O.M.G. I could make a sailor blush with the rant that I want to go off on.

    How incredibly rude can one person be? Would you slip pork into a Jewish persons meal? Or beef into a Hindu persons dinner? My being a vegetarian is a personal choice, one which I do not force on you - at all. If you want to suck on a steak while I eat tofu, go for it. But kiss my shiny white @$$, to the rest of you guys!

    Ugh makes me so so so so so so furious. I could go on for days.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    mjd0109, I can relate. Except people joke about me being a vegetarian, when I'm not. I eat meat, people! It's just chicken and fish mostly, but that's meat. Grrr.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Do you know what makes me FURIOUS?!

    When people find out I'm a vegetarian and then joke about slipping meat into my food.

    O.M.G. I could make a sailor blush with the rant that I want to go off on.

    How incredibly rude can one person be? Would you slip pork into a Jewish persons meal? Or beef into a Hindu persons dinner? My being a vegetarian is a personal choice, one which I do not force on you - at all. If you want to suck on a steak while I eat tofu, go for it. But kiss my shiny white @$$, to the rest of you guys!

    Ugh makes me so so so so so so furious. I could go on for days.

    How moronic of those peope. I get quite tired of hearing if I just ate one of their steaks or barbeque's etc they could make me like you can't moron
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am so tired of posts and blogs that call others SKINNY BI%CHES.......I would get kicked off MFP if I refered to the blubbery people at the gym or whatever...again...I have posted this before...I would never do that as I actually respect all people not just the ones I ASSume are just like me....I had to work to be skinny...I have to work very hard to maintain...I have to train very hard to be able to do what I do in my running and judo. I wear the workout clothes that I do...while not revealing sometimes tight for comfort and to reduce chaffing while I am running for 10 miles.....I hate the ASSumption that I must be gawking at you if you are heavier than me. I hate the ASSumption that I am skinny just by sheer luck...not by the same efforts you are putting in right now to get yourself healthier. I hate the empowered go girl attitude ladies seem to get when they call people who have worked their tails off should no more allowed than calling those who are just beginning their journeys nasty names that make them sound like bad people....
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    So, I don't know about you guys, but people just get on my nerves sometimes. Lately, it's just been building up inside me and I know it's not healthy. So I thought it would be a good idea to create a 'vent page' where we can all vent our feelings. Any kind of feelings, I guess. It doesn't just have to be about weight.

    My rant right now is:
    I was walking today and it's pretty cold outside. Walking seemed the easiest way to go. Then someone tells me that I should run instead and it would work better. Can't people just mind their own business? I mean, it's good when they offer support, but it's just annoying when they critisize (sp).

    Thanks for listening!

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh I have a b!'s my son's egg-donar...she only calls every 3 months, so we feel obligated to allow OUR son (i'm the step-mom) to go see his mother. We are the ones that are pushing for OUR son to have a relationship with this junkie wh0re. Anyways, she lives 2 hours out of town, so usually her parents meet us half way so it's only an hour there and an hour on our way to get OUR child yesterday, we get a phone call from him.

    First of all the kid never phones us, he hates phones, but he called and asked if he could stay longer. We said no because he had school the next day and it was already getting late. So off we go to pick up the bouncing baby boy...and we get a phone call...they're running behind, going to be an hour what do we do? instead of sitting in the gas station parking lot for an hour waiting for the pill popper to show up, we just drove 2 hours to get the kid. Show up on their doorstep...I have no problems with the grandparents, they're decent, god fearing people...but the fact that I just filled up my gas tank, and lord knows how expensive that is lately, and that I had to use the entire tank of gas to get my kid because his mother is stupid and irresponsible really chaps my @ss...

    she doesn't pay a dime in child support, she doesn't spend a dime on him when they're together, she doesn't show up to events or concerts...she's just the most useless waste of skin that has ever been created...she is the reason why I believe in sterilization, so crack b!tches like her don't continue to make babies...

    mine isn't the only one she lost in a custody battle...there's another boy (half brother) that lives in Kelowna with his dad now, who we never see. And guess what the egg-donar is doing for a living? she's a nanny for a 13 year old boy...obviously the parent's didn't do a background check on her, and see that she's a drug addict, or that she got two kids taken away from her. But she doesn't get paid, she just gets room and board and food, so we don't see a dime!

    it's so unfair! I get crapped on because I feel it's important that my son has a relationship with his mother and her family...And because only 7% of the population are single fathers, there are no legislation for them...if this was a woman, she could take her man for child support, get subisidized in child care, get an increase in child tax every month, go to school for free, but because the single parent isn't a woman we get squat! I pay out my butt for child care, sports are expensive, not to mention keeping the little heathen clothed. It's just insane...yet the minute mom calls we drop everything and run the little angel to his mommy because it's important to have her in his life!!! F THAT! I hope she disappears soon...I don't want her dead, that would totally ruin my karma, I just want her to forget who we are, move somewhere with some gross old man and live off him until he dies...preferably far far away from here.
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    lilRicki, I feel your pain, as I am also a "co-parent" with a no good crackhead who never pays support or does jack for his child. I understand why you think the system works better for mom's than dad's, but it doesn't always. I cannot get his visitational rights revoked, even though he admitted in court that he is still abusing crack cocaine while on probation. I cannot get his probation officer to do anything about the fact that he is violating his probation. He started working under the table when his paychecks started being garnished, so still pays no support. He is not allowed unsupervised visitation, and hardly ever calls to see my baby girl anyway. But since he is such a bad influence, and has been physically abusive to me, and threatened abuse to my child and my parents (who supervise visits), and had my daughter in tears & having nightmares after her last visit, I have refused to allow him to see her for the last year.
    I know it is important for a child to have both their parents in thier life. But my husband takes great care of my daughter, fathers her better than her "real" father ever could, and she is perfectly happy with him as "Daddy." I can't really see any benefits to my daughter's well-being allowing her to be around such a low-life. I can only see harm coming to her from being allowed to see him. Basically, if the situation is that bad, you should really sit down and weigh out the pros and cons of visitations with 'mom' and stop the visits until the pros outweight the cons.
    I am not saying that you should stop visits forever. Once my daughter is older, if she really wants to see her bio-father, I won't stop her, but I will still make sure she is safe & will also make sure she knows why she hasn't been seeing him. And if on the really odd chance he gets his life together and cleans up, I have no problem allowing visitations to resume. But as things are, it can only cause more damage than good for him to be in her life.
    I think the same thing applies to your situation. You sound like you are really involved in your son's life, enough to think of him as YOURS. To me, that makes YOU his mom, not that other woman. And that means that he does have his mommy in his life. Why push for him to have a relationship with her? Is it really healthy for any of you?
    i do want to commend you for being such a great person to take someone else's child and raise them, financially support them, and love them as your own; for being willing to put up with all the b/s that goes along with the situation you're in; for being a loving mother who just wants to do the best for your kid, no matter how much it pisses you off. :flowerforyou:
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    Oh I have a b!'s my son's egg-donar...she only calls every 3 months, so we feel obligated to allow OUR son (i'm the step-mom) to go see his mother. We are the ones that are pushing for OUR son to have a relationship with this junkie wh0re. Anyways, she lives 2 hours out of town, so usually her parents meet us half way so it's only an hour there and an hour on our way to get OUR child yesterday, we get a phone call from him.

    First of all the kid never phones us, he hates phones, but he called and asked if he could stay longer. We said no because he had school the next day and it was already getting late. So off we go to pick up the bouncing baby boy...and we get a phone call...they're running behind, going to be an hour what do we do? instead of sitting in the gas station parking lot for an hour waiting for the pill popper to show up, we just drove 2 hours to get the kid. Show up on their doorstep...I have no problems with the grandparents, they're decent, god fearing people...but the fact that I just filled up my gas tank, and lord knows how expensive that is lately, and that I had to use the entire tank of gas to get my kid because his mother is stupid and irresponsible really chaps my @ss...

    she doesn't pay a dime in child support, she doesn't spend a dime on him when they're together, she doesn't show up to events or concerts...she's just the most useless waste of skin that has ever been created...she is the reason why I believe in sterilization, so crack b!tches like her don't continue to make babies...

    mine isn't the only one she lost in a custody battle...there's another boy (half brother) that lives in Kelowna with his dad now, who we never see. And guess what the egg-donar is doing for a living? she's a nanny for a 13 year old boy...obviously the parent's didn't do a background check on her, and see that she's a drug addict, or that she got two kids taken away from her. But she doesn't get paid, she just gets room and board and food, so we don't see a dime!

    it's so unfair! I get crapped on because I feel it's important that my son has a relationship with his mother and her family...And because only 7% of the population are single fathers, there are no legislation for them...if this was a woman, she could take her man for child support, get subisidized in child care, get an increase in child tax every month, go to school for free, but because the single parent isn't a woman we get squat! I pay out my butt for child care, sports are expensive, not to mention keeping the little heathen clothed. It's just insane...yet the minute mom calls we drop everything and run the little angel to his mommy because it's important to have her in his life!!! F THAT! I hope she disappears soon...I don't want her dead, that would totally ruin my karma, I just want her to forget who we are, move somewhere with some gross old man and live off him until he dies...preferably far far away from here.

    K I have a son and share custody with his father which he is worthless but any way. You husband can take her to court and get child support. For my sisters exboyfriend had the exact same prob. as you guys and he just kept taking her to court until the judge said it's not fair you laid down had that kid and think your going to get visitation and not pay child support. so now the lady has to pay like back child support and what she owes now. You just got to keep pushing and find the right lawyer that won't give up and get you what you want. The only thing its very expencive. And now a days money is tight. And make her drive half way thats what my ex and I do and its in the court order that we drive half way. I feel for you ex's suck. good luck.
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