Sexy Sixers New Day Challenge--Week 6!



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Datenshi don't forget to add your name to the list tomorrow when the new challenge begins.

    well, now my meeting is moved to my house. this is my landlord's realtor coming. ran the vacuum, turned on my scentsy warmer, cleaned off the counters, now if son (who isn't suppose to be living here with us) would get up and dressed. the dogs will be going in his room. he should be here in 45 mins.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Cathy I too am sorry to hear about your puppydog. I know how I feel about my girl. I sure hope the meds work. Sounds like you are back on board with the workouts and food. Good job.
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I sometimes don't like posting on Mondays, because I feel like it might get lost in the shuffle of the new thread, but I am here any ways. This weekend was pretty good! I expressed to DH all my feelings that I had been bottling up since his layoff. I feel a lot better! Even though for some reason I was craving chocolate chip cookies all weekend. So yesterday after church DD and I bought some and can home and made them. Right now its all about the quality time we spend with the kids. It was nice to eat in Saturday and play Monopoly for a few hours. I didn't work out at all this weekend, but got a lot of cleaning done, so at least I was some what active.

    So sorry Cathy to hear about your dog, I would be extremely sad if that were to happen with our dog. At least you know now, and how to help out.

    Good luck to everyone with a new weighin and challenge tomorrow!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    thanks everyone for the well wishes for boomer. he is so much better today. i had to yell at him for barking and carrying on with the neighbor dog. so good to see him up and around now.

    well, meeting went ok. didn't hear what i wanted to hear. but, heard what he was saying. i am just not sure if i want to go back into real estate again. will need a few more treadmill therapy sessions to think this through. LOL.
