Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4

Here's your chart ladies...



  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    wow you put a LOT of effort in this!!! If you do this again when however many weeks you are doing this ends count me in!!
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I just posted my weight on the week 3 thread...sorry I didn't know you tried to put up the chart by 9.
  • dvlpup69
    Does anyone know about how many calories you burn doing the p90X Cardio workout?
  • HilarieXcore
    HilarieXcore Posts: 214 Member
    from like 166 to 167.8...

    I keep screwing up :(
    but next week will be better because I wanna look goood for a friend that's coming down this weekend.

    -AT LEAST one hour of working out a day.
    -Going to bed before midnight.
    -Actually counting & watching what I eat.
    -Studying :\

    My schedule is making working out at school difficult.
    I'm taking 17 hours this semester..
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Another great week ladies :O)

    My only goals this week are to keep up my water and get my tooth fixed.
  • rockonerin
    thanks rach! you = goddess :flowerforyou:

    keep it up everyone, we're going strong and DAMN sexy!!

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Rach, Thanks for keeping up with the spreadsheet!

    My goals for the week:
    ~Complete Couch to 5K program
    ~Start 200 squats Training Program
    ~Do Yoga (at least 1 time this week)
    ~2 days of strength training
    ~Stretch, cause Im going to need it. I started walking with my aunt today and her goal is to walk 8 miles, 5 days of the week. So, I'm going to be sore.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member

    Sorry I'm so late - I just got home! I didn't lose anything this week which I was super unhappy about . . . BUT I did a body composition measurement with a trainer and it turns out that since the last one I did (before the holidays) I have lost 4 lbs. of fat and gained 4 lbs of muscle, which is great! I was thinking I was going crazy because my clothes were fitting differently (in a good way!) but I wasn't losing weight at all.

    Still, I would like better progress! My goals this week are to do yoga once, run twice, and strength train three times. I usually get one spin class and one aerobics class in as well, so I hope to keep up with that.

    Thanks again for the fabulous spread sheet and sorry again for being late! Great job everyone!
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    I completely fell off the wagon the past 4 days, went on a junk food eating spree :explode: ... grrrrrr...... not gonna weigh in (for week 3) or I'll probably cry or get a heart attack. :sad:

    i'll be good this week and look forward to weigh in next monday! :bigsmile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Everyone is doing so great! My goals for this week:

    1) Do NOT give in to TOM cravings! DO NOT GIVE IN!!!
    2) Do NOT give in to TOM cravings!!!
    3) Drink 2 cups of green tea per day
    4) Stick with my P90X (on Week 4) and 10K training (also on Week 4 of an 8 week program)
    5) Do NOT give in to TOM cravings!!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Rach, thanks for the chart! Great job to all of us who - lost, maintained or just kept accountable!! Next week will be even better!!

    I'm going to steal Amy's goals & NOT GIVE IN TO TOM CRAVINGS!!!!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm officially back on the wagon! Like I said yesterday, there is no excuse not to do my best with what I have each day. Starting off today the right way!!


    Drink WATER
    Stay under my maintenance calories.
    Eat as many 'homemade' meals as possible.

    Hoping to lose about 2lbs this week.
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    Great jobs, Ladies!!!! You're all HOT! Great job to those who lost, and to those who maintained/gained-->Great job!!! Imagine how much worse it COULD'VE been! Lol! And we'll all get it this week!!!!!!

    Thanks, Rach!!!!!! You are a superwoman!! THANK YOU!!!!

    My goals this week:

    --Run 15 miles
    --3 weight training days
    --Start tracking water
    --AVOID THE JUNK!!!!!!!!!!!

    And that's about it--my whole family is SICK so I'll be lucky to complete those goals!!! (Maybe I should've put "don't get sick" as my #1 goal?!?)
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Woot Woot! Great job Pin-ups!

    Congrats to everyone for another great week.

    Remember not all our hard work shows up on the scale.

    Have a great week.

  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Rachel! Keep up the determination everyone, we can do this! :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay so I decided I needed to make a goal.

    I want to take my boyfriend back to my 'home' in MD, and I figured September would be perfect. We could roadtrip there for my birthday and escape the Texas heat for a bit. It's about 31 weeks away, and if I lose .88lbs a week, I can hit 140lbs by September 1st. That would put me at the very top of my healthy weight range and I'd be ecstatic!! I weighed about 160 in high school, if I remember right!

    Bring. It. On!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    weigh-in for this week is 169.8. Sorry it was late... completely forgot!! Great job ladies!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Great Job Girls!

    Dani :flowerforyou:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    awesome job ladies!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    So I weighed myself this morning on my home scale because I didn't get to do it yesterday. I'm up 5lbs to 165lb. I'm not really worried about it though. I know it isn't fat because I've been tracking my calories and working out. It would have been physically impossible for me to gain 5lbs of fat last week. I'm going to attribute it to new the lifting and running programs I just began. I know they can cause a temporary increase in weight due to increased glycogen stores. I'm hoping for a net loss next week.

    My goals this week are to continue my workouts, stay under my calories everyday even on Saturday when I am going out for Indian, and to rock my 12 mile hike on Sunday.