Marijuana and weight loss?



  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I haven't had any in decades, but most stoners I've known over the years were stringbeans.

    agreed. I have no idea how or why since it does stimulate your appetite. the person I know has no apetite without it though so it probably is a good thing they smoke because they are TINY.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    ***The more I am on MFP the more I am turned off of it*** I thought I had seen it all on this site in the past few weeks but now even illegal drugs are promoted as weight loss aids.......sigh.....
    This makes me want to go into a thread entitled "New mothers and weight loss" and, without reading a single response, reply "Sigh, now having a baby is being promoted as a weight loss aid ..."

    Although I do hear that having a baby is a great way to lose 6-14 pounds in (hopefully) one day.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I've talked to a few people that swear you will lose weight if you smoke herb and not give in to the munchies. My take is the reason they were overweight int he first place was BECAUSE of the munchies. They weren't losing weight because they were smoking, they were losing because they were eating a normal amount again they were getting back to their normal weight.

    I do also hear that smoking will increase your metabolism. I don't think this will have much effect on someone unless they smoke all day long every day. But for the occasional smoker it will have very little effect. I wouldn't use it as a weight loss tool.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    No it's not a weight loss's what I use after I work my *kitten* off in the gym, and I feel like I'm dying...couple hoots and I'm ready to hit the showers
  • jonyewest
    jonyewest Posts: 3
    It all comes down to self-control. If you're enjoying the perks of smoking weed and you're trying to watch your weight, don't go nuts on snacks, or smoke before a meal when you already have portions set. I always have healthier snack options available if I smoke and I count my calories. Getting blazed then eating a whole pizza? Nah. I reach for fruit. Just because you're high doesn't mean you have to eat.

    I smoke almost every day, but I always work out almost every day and use MyFitnessPal everyday and make sure I get healthy foods, so I would argue for myself that smoking is of no consequence because I have a healthy degree of control over what I'm eating and how much I'm eating.

    Either way, the debate rages on.
  • profetik
    profetik Posts: 2
    Weed is not nearly as harmful to your system as alchohol. you can't overdose and its also cleaner than cigarettes. weed however does stay in your system for long periods of time. But to directly answer your question, no, smoking weed does NOT delay weightloss or have any negative effects on it.
  • gothicprophet
    makes guys get more estrogen makes girls get more testosterone....oh and the munchies!

    Source on this statement or is it just out of your nether regions? Honestly.

    I guess this is the perfect topic to out myself as an actual Cannabis advocate. While I don't endorse anyone to do anything illegal, I do follow the science behind Cannabis and its myriad of uses and Hemp could save the world.

    First off, let's start with some debunking, in no particular order:

    "amotivational syndrome" - aka: Lazy stoner. This can happen to some Cannabis consumers, but not all. And in my personal experience, anyone who does actually suffer from it can usually be motivated off the couch by something they do enjoy doing while "high".

    The "Munchies" - ok, these could be a problem for someone looking to lose weight and get fit but ONLY if they eat poor food choices during a bout of these hunger-cravings. Eating low calorie snacks that are still tasty could actually go a long way to improving the smoker's diet. So don't stock up on crap, instead get healthy(ier) choices and the munchies won't necessarily be your nemesis.

    Smoking puts [carcinogens] into your lungs! - True. But that's true of inhaling ANY combusted vegetable matter. Fortunately for the Cannabis consumer here in the 21st century we have a couple of options instead of 'rollin a doob.' First is edibles. You make an infusion of Cannabis oils and add it to your foods. The typical "pot brownie" falls into this category. Like with any food, you will want to be careful with Cannabis edibles for the same reasons you're careful about non-Cannabis edibles. The second, and much more technological, is vaporization. What this method does is basically uses heat to warm the compounds in the Cannabis plant material that you would want (THC, CBD, etc - there are over 60 Cannabinoids in the Cannabis plant, by the way.) but it does not actually burn the plant material. Instead the good compounds are vaporized off and inhaled without any of the carcinogenic effects.

    Smoking pot lowers your metabolism! - Now I've never heard this one before, but I will definitely be checking in with some of my resources on it to get a clearer answer. However, that being said, there is a high (no pun-intended) concentration of Cannabinoid receptors all along the G.I. tract so it could go either way. Again, I'll check around for a more definitive answer.

    Now, as I said at the beginning of my post, I am a Cannabis advocate; that is to say I support science-based drug policies and would encourage the use of many products that come from the Cannabis sativa plant, including but not limited to:

    Hemp seed (no THC so no psychoactive effects) - most nutritionally complete seed out there. Don't believe me? Google it yourself.

    Hemp oils - There are a variety of different hemp oils, some containing THC and other cannabinoids, and others that would be more like sesame oil, and even some that can be used to make bio-plastics or bio-fuels. The ones without active compounds are the only ones I currently endorse due to the wrongful scheduling of Cannabis as a Schedule 1 narcotic*

    Hemp textiles - Again, no THC in these clothes or other goods so smoking it would be really stupid, but these fibers are incredibly durable and will take a beating.

    * Incidentally, while Cannabis is placed as Schedule 1, the most restrictive classification here in the US, methamphetamine is Schedule 2, as is Opium in a variety of forms. And located on Schedule 3 we have "Dronabinol", which is synthetic THC in sesame oil in a gel cap.
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    well now i'm just gonna say it- i definitely smoke on a daily basis (and have been since before i decided to lose weight).
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    ive lost nearly 30 lbs while smoking daily, although t i also gained about 40 in college while smoking daily as well.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    If you smoke long enough and frequently, you'll be dependent on it for hunger.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    If you smoke long enough and frequently, you'll be dependent on it for hunger.

    I havnt and ive been a daily smoker for almost 10 years now
  • shinybluestar
    I smoke weed everyday. And I have for years. It makes me laugh and artistic :)

    I will say from my experience it does make it a lil hard for me to lose weight. The munhies are pretty strong for me & and I always get glued to the tv,bed,couch,lawn chair. (I dont really feel like being active when I'm baked :p)

    BUT! It can be done!! Now that I am trying to be healthier instead of giving into the munchies and chewing down, I chug lemon water& and have veggies like carrots, broccoli, or celery. Very filling! & they taste SO good when I'm high so that's a plus+ :D

    At the same time, I hardly ever drink. I don't like the heaviness of it and also weed never makes me puke,get dizzy, do/say things I don't mean. But I have been avoiding it Alot more now that I'm trying to lose weight. Soley bc of the calorie count!

    My favorite alchoholic drinks are mike hard & they have like 220 cals in one bottle!! A jay ha zero cals... Jus sayin :p

    Haha so yeah that's my input MFP :)
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I think it really just comes down to your willpower. I know a friend *cough cough lol* who consistently lost a pound a week while smoking once or twice a week. But the munchies were killer. She once ate upwards of a thousand calories between eleven PM and two AM. :sad: After this she got a hold of herself and prepared snacks (healthy ones) in advance...but she now finds it easier to just stay away from the stuff, at least for the time being. Haha.

    Think it also depends on what stuff you're smoking...some of it gives you some SERIOUS couch lock. Like whoa. More likely to eat then. But if it's an active one, then you move about a lot more and that's good for you. :laugh:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I never thought this thread had five months worth of momentum. I might actually be pleased if more of the posts (on either side) were more well thought out.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    idk, I'm high 24/7 and my BMI is 18.9
  • girlontheseesaw
    bump to read later (when I used to smoke I was VERY skinny)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Let's stop throwing around the term "natural". Snake venom is natural and you wouldn't put it in your body. It's a misnomer.

    i would if it got me high ;)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.

  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    My OH is an occasional smoker (he doesn't drink but sometimes smokes weed at the weekend). He has never had a problem with his weight...... in fact he is incredibly fit... That is down to his job more than his smoking habit though!!

    Personally I haven't touched weed since I was a teenager - I'd have half a spliff and all I would want to do is eat!!!

    I still drink in moderation though!
  • hellosquirtle
    I can just feel the eating everything in this kitchen with this post.
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