Marijuana and weight loss?



  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    OK guys, here are a couple links to pubmed abstracts dealing with the QUESTION AT HAND, if it was ever really "at hand".
    jo's summary: rats received injections of cannabidiol every day for two weeks. This produced a significant decrease in body weight gain.
    jo's summary: the activation of cannabinoid receptors in the brain has a hand in regulating feeding behaviour, especially in regards to tasty food. Your brain tells you to eat when you smoke.
    "early Phase III results have recently demonstrated significant reductions in body weight, waist circumference and improvement of lipid and glucose metabolism in overweight and obese humans. Accordingly, the cannabinoid system appears to have an important role in the regulation of ingestive behaviour in man and animals."

    In effect, it is possible that you may be less likely to gain wait from the food you eat regularly when smoking daily, but your behaviour will also be modified to make it more likely that you will eat. You will be ravenous, but you will be less likely to gain weight.

  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member

    Now excuse me.. :smokin:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I hear being Paranoid burns calories lol......Running from window to window burns lots of calories. I tried it once myself but I didn't exhale oooooops I meant inhale:smokin: :laugh:
  • Your not likely to lose any weight. Whether you smoke it, eat it or vaporize it.

    In the last two choices you are not putting any toxins into your body besides the THC and CBD that is in Marijuana.

    If you need to gain weight, marijuana is a better plan for that, hence why it is prescribed to cancer patients....

    Good luck!
  • gustogurl
    gustogurl Posts: 12 Member
    I don't know about all of you guys, but back in my bar star days, when I smoked a joint, I would clean my but off!!!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I don't know about all of you guys, but back in my bar star days, when I smoked a joint, I would clean my but off!!!

    I was the same way.....Too bad its not legal I would have a clean house now lol. PS this thread has made me laugh so hard. Awwwww memories!!!
  • Well.... I lost 5 pounds this month. Smoke maybe a few times a week. I make sure I exercise way before and for my munchies I munch on a frozen dark chocolate bar. Takes longer to eat since its so hard and it's good for you! Most of the time I don't even make it through the whole bar.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I have no idea how it could affect weight loss... but I'm willing to give one up for the team and volunteer to be the test subject!!!!
  • medical marajuiana is actually perscribed for people with an eating disorder to help them gain the weight back.....that being said i know a lot of the people that used to smoke weed at my high school said they stopped getting the munchies after a certain point... i wouldnt reccomend it though
  • Oh you're going to like my answer! No. Absolutely not. I smoke herb daily. (pals, please don't disown me for outting myself!) I have lost 65 pounds and smoking has not hindered my success. I agree with the others who said the munchies would obviously create a bit of a problem. I was able to keep those over-eating moments under control. It's all about being accountable and logging those calories. Of course alcohol makes you gain if not just for the calories in it alone.. weed doesn't have calories! That is definitely one of it's perks. If you have any other thoughts or questions.. feel free to send me a message!
    Editing to say.. best of luck to you!!

    It never hindered my weight loss either, I'm down 91lbs and used to use the herbs daily. I actually haven't smoked in almost a month now though due to money shortages....LOL

    I am down 115lbs and I can say it never hindered my weightloss either.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Dear god. I'm so sick of the responses to this thread which amount to "i don't know y u would wont to youse meriwanna 4 waitloose, it gives u munchies omfg, lol!"

    Seriously. Read the thread. I mean. Right? Com'on. Read the thread. Do it.


    NO ONE CARES. I mean ... right?
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I think this is one of those things that depend on the person - some people can smoke and go out and exercise and eat healthy and not give in to the munchies. Other people can't. Figure out which kind of person you are and then act accordingly. Our bodies and minds respond to things differently - what works for me might not work for someone else. This seems like the "eat/don't eat your exercise calories" debate.
  • Are you for real Halobender? If a thread was winding me up this much I'd just not read it :laugh:

    Re the research re the mice.... perhaps they were just so stoned they couldn't drag themselves across the cage to eat, which may be the key, get so out of it you physically can't make the trip to the fridge :tongue:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Are you for real Halobender? If a thread was winding me up this much I'd just not read it :laugh:
    No no no nonononononono I'm just sick of people responding with something that is totally off topic. Seriously, everyone knows that marijuana is stereotyped as causing munchies. They're simply responding to the thread title. It just annoys me. No one in the world is trying to use marijuana as a weight loss supplement, are they? And yet they're responding as though the thread were actually about that at all.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Good heavens, I decide to take a party weekend and my thread explodes! Haha :laugh:

    Juuuust to clarify a couple things...
    - "munchies" rarely ever affect me - willpower wins usually
    - by "smoking" I mean an average of about once a month, tops.

    I was just curious about how it might alter metabolism in someone who ALREADY smokes, and is recently trying to lose weight. That's all!! I definitely don't suggest anyone take up smoking/drinking to lose weight.

    To all the nay-sayers... just shush. See my above mentioned points please. Alcoholism runs in my family AND is unhealthy - I was merely pondering which of my vices is more unhealthy, with the intent of dropping it from my life. :smile:

    Given that you're talking about smoking once a month I don't see how marijuana would have any effect on your weight loss at all. It just doesn't work like that. People that are prescribed marijuana smoke or ingest it every single day to get any sort of benefit. There's just absolutely no way that smoking pot once a month will hurt or help you. It would be like getting on the treadmill once a month to lose weight. That being said, if you have will power the one day a month that you do smoke, then you have even less to worry about.

    Alcoholism is unhealthy. Addictions in general are unhealthy. I know you understand this because you are already aware of its effects on your family. If you are able to smoke just once a month and have been doing that for a while then I doubt you have to worry about getting addicted to pot.
  • Asking whether weed causes weight loss or gain is like asking whether watching tv causes weight loss or gain. It depends.

    If you smoke weed and run a marathon you'll get one answer; if you watch American Idol while scooping sour cream into you mug you'll get another.

    And vice/versa.

    The "munchies" are a myth and abstraction, perpetuated by those who hate weed and want to pin weight gain on those who smoke. It's just not that simple. Accusing someone of weight because of their weed smoking is just lame.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    The "munchies" are a myth and abstraction, perpetuated by those who hate weed and want to pin weight gain on those who smoke.

    I don't know that 'the munchies' are a myth- just about everyone I know who smokes gets the munchies.

    For me, I quite literally like to 'munch' things after I've smoked weed. I like to eat things that are crunchy and salty. In fact, crunchy is a MUST for me. Chips, crackers and popcorn are probably my favorite 'smoking food'. Ooooh! And tacos.

    That said, I agree- it's all about what you're eating and how much. I can't remember the last time I smoked pot because, when I do, I literally cannot stop eating. I think I ate eight or nine tacos in a sitting once. It wasn't pretty.

    Weed affects everyone differently, though. My mother-in-law would get super-paranoid, to the point where she was hiding under kitchen tables and freaking out (needless to say, she doesn't smoke pot because of this). She weight more than 200 pounds, and eats like crazy....

    My husband smokes weed.... and gets more 'normal'. It slows down his ADHD brain to the point where he can organize his thoughts. He's also tall and very fit- and doesn't really get 'the munchies' at all.
  • LOL @ this topic...oh if I had smoked a joint before I read it I'd be laughing even harder.
    Ok I could see no reason why maryjane can help with weight loss considering it's used as an appetite stimulator for people that are wasting away or suffering from wasting during chemotherapy. So, it's a NO on weight loss.

    Alcohol? Empty happy calories, if you're a happy drunk that is. But you should know that we women keep on getting the rotten end of the deal with alcohol. It's worse for us than men, we can drink far far less per day and be considered drinking within healthy standards (you know, for your liver and cancer and heart issues) and it causes health issues with us a lot sooner. I swear, some days I could say it sucks to be a woman.
  • OH yeah, weed always made me clean like a psycho. Too bad it was the same spot over and over again LOL..just kidding, but very nearly so. I had tunnel vision haha.
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