Marijuana and weight loss?



  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    It's now 4:20 p.m. Just in case anyone is interested.
  • Sorry, I was using the term in the sense that it comes from the ground without processing. Even prozac, etc. are natural in the sense they are derived from earthly ingredients. Let's not split hairs, weed and beer are about as natural as you're going to get. If you don't like beer drinking or weed smoking, attack it on its merits. Petty complaints on what "natural" means does nothing to advance the debate.
  • sweet bsox
  • sweet bsox
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    Wow, this got intense! :laugh: And also a sticky subject (ha, no pun intended) I'm no expert or doctor of any kind.. but my personal experience has been of course eating my face off after smoking but I've also not gained a pound since I started smoking again. I don't smoke every day by any means but some weeks its 3 or 4 times and some weeks its just once. And I have very little will power when I'm sober let alone when I smoke so I really eat A LOT. I'm gonna keep on while the goin's good. lol :smokin:

    To all those nay-sayers out there.. I'm guessing you've never smoked. :laugh: But as I've said to my friends who choose alcohol over weed, I don't have fun when I drink, I don't know when to say when, I make a fool out of myself and I get sick.. almost every time. Soo, WHY would I choose alcohol over weed? I can definitely keep myself in check with pot, I have fun no matter what, I sleep like a baby, and theres no hangover. Sounds like a common sense choice, and its also a personal choice. I don't hate on your alcohol so don't hate on those of us who happen to relax and have fun with something different than you. We all have our vices I suppose. :smile:
  • Perfectly said Jenna. I won't judge against people who hate weed or alcohol, and I won't judge against people that love it. I agree though with what you say. Most people I know who have done cigarettes or weed or alcohol know that weed is the healthy choice. Cigs are just dumb and poisonous. Alcohol makes you do stupid things and causes traffic grief. Weed makes you just stay at home and party. It's obvious what's the best choice.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Im actaully an addictions counselor.... and I know a lot of my clients started doing various drugs and alcohol as a weight loss solution.
    i do not recomend it at all.
    any drug or alcohol can aid or hinder your weight loss... but its a quick fix, and after you become addicted its a harder battle and not worth it at all.
    I do not recomend anyone take drugs as a means to lose weight.

    In my working experience (and Ive never used drugs so I cant talk on a personal level)
    Marijunia gives you the munchies and you eat and eat and eat when smoking
    untill you become addicted.. and then marijunia stops giving you the effects you want, so you switch to a harder drug.. and thats when the weight loss comes in
    but so does the decrease of health and motivation.. along with the loss of almost everything you have.


    I'm under the impression that you are telling us that marijuana is chemically addictive. y/n?

    "the loss of almost everything you have"? That sounds awfully derogatory. I know plenty of pot smokers (myself included) who are extremely high functioning, very intelligent, and successful in their lives.

    RIGHT!!?? Dont judge! From what I've seen, there are people including myself getting results!! And I've lowered my dependancy on prescription narcotics by over 50% and quite frankly I will take the side effect of marijuana all day every day compared to the never ending list of harmful potential side effects of every single prescription drug on the market!! Those side effects have included irreparable liver damage, constant digestive problems, and that's not even starting the warning labels printed on the bottle!

    So, if you dont agree with medical marijuana treatment, thats fine, but do not assume because you only see the negative side of it that there isnt a positive. I have held my job for over 5 years, been a homeowner for almost 3, always enjoyed the finer things in life, and have always been the most responsible people I know.
  • nwright270
    nwright270 Posts: 7 Member
    good luck though
  • I just took a bong hit. It made me rethink my thoughts of having cheese enchiladas for dinner. I'm going to have a nice salad instead. I figure I lost a pound in the process.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Willie Nelson doesn't appear to have a weight problem ... Just sayin...

  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    :laugh: So glad I joined MFP the people here are awesome!!! Maybe cause there stoned??? :smokin: I dunno there still awesome lol :drinker:
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    It's great to read the success stories people here are posting about medical marijuana. I'm so glad for you guys that your states allow you to use it!

    This has been an interesting thread to read.
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    Chemicals.... its a herb, a plant, just as natural as an apple off a tree : / better then cigs or alc but its not going to help a person diet
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    You can not be pyhsically addicted to pot, its not possible... if a person is addicted it is mentally, caffine is more addictive then pot
    Im actaully an addictions counselor.... and I know a lot of my clients started doing various drugs and alcohol as a weight loss solution.
    i do not recomend it at all.
    any drug or alcohol can aid or hinder your weight loss... but its a quick fix, and after you become addicted its a harder battle and not worth it at all.
    I do not recomend anyone take drugs as a means to lose weight.

    In my working experience (and Ive never used drugs so I cant talk on a personal level)
    Marijunia gives you the munchies and you eat and eat and eat when smoking
    untill you become addicted.. and then marijunia stops giving you the effects you want, so you switch to a harder drug.. and thats when the weight loss comes in
    but so does the decrease of health and motivation.. along with the loss of almost everything you have.


    I'm under the impression that you are telling us that marijuana is chemically addictive. y/n?

    "the loss of almost everything you have"? That sounds awfully derogatory. I know plenty of pot smokers (myself included) who are extremely high functioning, very intelligent, and successful in their lives.

    RIGHT!!?? Dont judge! From what I've seen, there are people including myself getting results!! And I've lowered my dependancy on prescription narcotics by over 50% and quite frankly I will take the side effect of marijuana all day every day compared to the never ending list of harmful potential side effects of every single prescription drug on the market!! Those side effects have included irreparable liver damage, constant digestive problems, and that's not even starting the warning labels printed on the bottle!

    So, if you dont agree with medical marijuana treatment, thats fine, but do not assume because you only see the negative side of it that there isnt a positive. I have held my job for over 5 years, been a homeowner for almost 3, always enjoyed the finer things in life, and have always been the most responsible people I know.
  • Actually, from my experience, heavy heavy pot smokers tend to lose weight after awhile.. At least at my high school they did. The guys who were really heavy pot smokers lost a lot of weight after a certain point. Even stepping outside of that group, one of my good friends (we don't really speak anymore) starting smoking weed heavily last year (and still does), and the last time I saw him I noticed he had majorly slimmed down much like the other guys at my school had.
    I have no idea if there is any science to back that up, but that's just what I've seen. I've never smoked pot, so that's all I know lol.

    I have to agree with her.. I was what you would call a pot head when i was in high school and i was rail thin.. I stopped about 8 years ago and thats when i started putting on my weight.. I also have friends who were the very same way. Its so weird how long ago that was. To think about how i was then and how i am not blows my mind.. :0)
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    actually they use that for cures :)
    Let's stop throwing around the term "natural". Snake venom is natural and you wouldn't put it in your body. It's a misnomer.
  • METH and weight loss not mj and weight loss lol. That's how it works.

    I know skinny people that smoke, and fat people. I think it depends on how you live your life.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I know skinny people that smoke, and fat people. I think it depends on how you live your life.
    Heh, go figure that whether you smoke pot or not wouldn't make a difference, but rather the calories that you intake vs the calories that you exert. eh? eh?

    Marijuana makes it a lot easier to be lazy. And if one is pre-disposed to laziness then it's really not gonna help. People can make all sorts of excuses for things. A lot of it comes down to the person that you are, though; drugs don't typically ACTUALLY make you a different person.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I have heard that Marijuana raises your heart rate....

    Since no one else said anything about this....

    Being a recovering addict(clean date - 09/27/97) and a former daily pot smoker, the one thing that got me to quit was learning that regular use has a negative effect on your heart. A long-time friend (daily pot smoker) died of a heart attack at 47. I got clean shortly after and haven't looked back. Not judgin'... just sayin'. Food for thought.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member

    In my working experience (and Ive never used drugs so I cant talk on a personal level)
    Marijunia gives you the munchies and you eat and eat and eat when smoking
    untill you become addicted.. and then marijunia stops giving you the effects you want, so you switch to a harder drug.. and thats when the weight loss comes in
    but so does the decrease of health and motivation.. along with the loss of almost everything you have.

    Ok- This post kind of bothered me. You said you are a addiction counselor- where did you get your facts? In countries where marijuana is actually legal has less of a drug rate and crime rate than in the United States!!
    And Marijuana leads to a harder drug?? No, I don't thinks so. The first drug that most people try is ALCOHOL!
    - and most people try harder drugs because they are drunk as **** and @ssholes talked them into it!
    Unlike you- I have smoked pot and I have done more stupid things drinking than I ever would partaking in a little smoke! (Which is calorie free and comes from a plant and not mixed in a lab)
    Statistically please tell me how many drunk driving incidents there are nightly compared to marijuana incidents?
    How about domestic abuse incidents? ALCOHOL!

    Another point I want to make about alcohol and marijuana vs the munchies.
    How many of you have gone out with a friend to have a few beers after work and they place down some nachos and wings, how many of you are going to resist with having alcohol in your system?? hmmm, then your having so much fun- you end up closing the bar... your not going to hit a drive thru on your way home?? Oh not to mention all the calories in alcohol you just consumed!!

    Trust me- I love to have a few drinks... but alcohol is the more evil of the two
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