Marijuana and weight loss?



  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    I eat EVERYTHING when I smoke. I can't go near that stuff while I'm on a diet.

    Sad but I agree
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Oh you're going to like my answer! No. Absolutely not. I smoke herb daily. (pals, please don't disown me for outting myself!) I have lost 65 pounds and smoking has not hindered my success. I agree with the others who said the munchies would obviously create a bit of a problem. I was able to keep those over-eating moments under control. It's all about being accountable and logging those calories. Of course alcohol makes you gain if not just for the calories in it alone.. weed doesn't have calories! That is definitely one of it's perks. If you have any other thoughts or questions.. feel free to send me a message!
    Editing to say.. best of luck to you!!
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.

  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    I have heard that Marijuana raises your heart, to me this would mean that you are actually burning more calories at rest. Food for thought, I do agree about the munchies though....the only way I ever beat the munchies was by going to bed...
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    Oh you're going to like my answer! No. Absolutely not. I smoke herb daily. (pals, please don't disown me for outting myself!) I have lost 65 pounds and smoking has not hindered my success. I agree with the others who said the munchies would obviously create a bit of a problem. I was able to keep those over-eating moments under control. It's all about being accountable and logging those calories. Of course alcohol makes you gain if not just for the calories in it alone.. weed doesn't have calories! That is definitely one of it's perks. If you have any other thoughts or questions.. feel free to send me a message!
    Editing to say.. best of luck to you!!

    It never hindered my weight loss either, I'm down 91lbs and used to use the herbs daily. I actually haven't smoked in almost a month now though due to money shortages....LOL
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Basically, if you don't eat when you get high, the high lasts longer. So if your friend is really into the getting and staying high part of it, (s)he may be intentionally not eating when the munchies strike. And if they're smoking almost all the time, then they may be not eating all the time to stay high.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: ... So sad, yet true..
  • jadery24
    Oh you're going to like my answer! No. Absolutely not. I smoke herb daily. (pals, please don't disown me for outting myself!) I have lost 65 pounds and smoking has not hindered my success. I agree with the others who said the munchies would obviously create a bit of a problem. I was able to keep those over-eating moments under control. It's all about being accountable and logging those calories. Of course alcohol makes you gain if not just for the calories in it alone.. weed doesn't have calories! That is definitely one of it's perks. If you have any other thoughts or questions.. feel free to send me a message!
    Editing to say.. best of luck to you!!

    It never hindered my weight loss either, I'm down 91lbs and used to use the herbs daily. I actually haven't smoked in almost a month now though due to money shortages....LOL

    I smoke, too, and while the munchies can be a problem, I just combat them by drinking a lot of water, and keeping things like gum and carrots around! I would definitely say weed is less harmful than alcohol when trying to lose weight. Just be smart about it!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'm a BC girl so, needless to say, I've been around my share of weed.

    The last time I smoked I came up with a 'brilliant' idea for girls who smoke but don't want to gain weight from the munchies: Salty Crunchy Gum.

    I explained to my husband (through a mouthful of potato chips) that part of the reason I got 'the munchies' is because I just liked the feeling of chewing- especially if I was chewing something salty and crunchy. So if they made a salty, crunchy gum.... stoner girls could ease the munchies in a low-cal way.

    Needless to say, my husband decided I was a complete and utter lunatic. That's the problem- he smokes regularly (he has SEVERE ADHD, and it actually slows his brain down to the point where he functions better after having a puff) and I don't. So on the rare occassions I would partake, I became a babbling moron.

    Also, now that it's been mentioned...... most of the people I know who smoke pot habitually are very thin. I think I only have one over-weight pot-smoking friend. My hubby is very thin and muscular, actually.

    (Though, I don't smoke it at all anymore. I'm not anti-pot, but I don't think it's good to be breathing smoke into my lungs all the time. I maintain that I think it's no worse for a person than alcohol- but I don't drink anymore, either...)
  • Prettyme924
    Prettyme924 Posts: 86 Member
    the way to lose weight with marijuana is when u have the munches dont eat...n u will def lose the weight
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Depends where you are getting your weed. If your buying in down neck newark like some crazy kids I use to know then your getting weed laced with all kind of chemicals. If your growing your own then thats the only way to know for sure.

    Seems to me that pot and health/fitness contradicts one another.
    thats my 0.2. it might be just worth exactly that
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    the harmful chemicals can always be countered with the good old vapourizer!
    (that's if you're willing to drop like 500$)
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Well, I am not afraid to share my story one bit!!!!

    I have fibromyalgia, deformed discs in my back, and severe muscle spasms. Was diagnosed at 18, and am almost 26 now. I have been put thru the ringer of anti depressants, pain killers, and muscle relaxers, any drug on the market in about the last 10 years 'designed' to treat fibro, I've been on it...

    Now, lets get to what you all want to hear...

    I am a medical marijuana patient and since I have been, I have been taken off of all anti depressants, and cut my pain killers by over half and I'm sitting at about 70 total pounds lost...

    But for me, without it I wont eat, and as far as the munchies go... It's the same exact thing as training yourself not to graze all day or to just being on a diet at all... It's all about self control!!

    So, I know it is NOT for everybody, but I honestly have to say that it has helped me change my life for the better!!!!!!!!
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    :heart: this topic.
    I have a section in my food log dedicated to the munchies!! If I plan out what I'm "allowed" to eat in advance, I find that I don't go overboard... mostly... :laugh:

    As far as the question of whether pot has any chemical effects on weightloss (besides giving you the inclination to eat your face off), I really doubt it.

    In a way, it's very similar to smoking cigarettes- cigarettes curb your craving to eat, but it doesn't physically make you burn fat. Marijuana will make you want to munch, but the herb itself won't pack on the pounds. You've just got to have intense willpower!!
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    Im actaully an addictions counselor.... and I know a lot of my clients started doing various drugs and alcohol as a weight loss solution.
    i do not recomend it at all.
    any drug or alcohol can aid or hinder your weight loss... but its a quick fix, and after you become addicted its a harder battle and not worth it at all.
    I do not recomend anyone take drugs as a means to lose weight.

    In my working experience (and Ive never used drugs so I cant talk on a personal level)
    Marijunia gives you the munchies and you eat and eat and eat when smoking
    untill you become addicted.. and then marijunia stops giving you the effects you want, so you switch to a harder drug.. and thats when the weight loss comes in
    but so does the decrease of health and motivation.. along with the loss of almost everything you have.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Im actaully an addictions counselor.... and I know a lot of my clients started doing various drugs and alcohol as a weight loss solution.
    i do not recomend it at all.
    any drug or alcohol can aid or hinder your weight loss... but its a quick fix, and after you become addicted its a harder battle and not worth it at all.
    I do not recomend anyone take drugs as a means to lose weight.

    In my working experience (and Ive never used drugs so I cant talk on a personal level)
    Marijunia gives you the munchies and you eat and eat and eat when smoking
    untill you become addicted.. and then marijunia stops giving you the effects you want, so you switch to a harder drug.. and thats when the weight loss comes in
    but so does the decrease of health and motivation.. along with the loss of almost everything you have.


    I'm under the impression that you are telling us that marijuana is chemically addictive. y/n?

    "the loss of almost everything you have"? That sounds awfully derogatory. I know plenty of pot smokers (myself included) who are extremely high functioning, very intelligent, and successful in their lives.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    ive never liked weed.It always made me twitchy and put me in a really bad mood.icky.anyways I was always busy f'n up my body with worse things.
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    Im actaully an addictions counselor.... and I know a lot of my clients started doing various drugs and alcohol as a weight loss solution.
    i do not recomend it at all.
    any drug or alcohol can aid or hinder your weight loss... but its a quick fix, and after you become addicted its a harder battle and not worth it at all.
    I do not recomend anyone take drugs as a means to lose weight.

    In my working experience (and Ive never used drugs so I cant talk on a personal level)
    Marijunia gives you the munchies and you eat and eat and eat when smoking
    untill you become addicted.. and then marijunia stops giving you the effects you want, so you switch to a harder drug.. and thats when the weight loss comes in
    but so does the decrease of health and motivation.. along with the loss of almost everything you have.


    I'm under the impression that you are telling us that marijuana is chemically addictive. y/n?

    "the loss of almost everything you have"? That sounds awfully derogatory. I know plenty of pot smokers (myself included) who are extremely high functioning, very intelligent, and successful in their lives.

    Im saying its a gateway drug.. and in a lot of cases leads to harder drug useage.

    however, not everyone has the addictive personality.
    its like drinking, I can go out and drink all night, and wake up in the morning and not need to drink again
    or I can have one drink and stop.

    somepeople can smoke MJ and its fine, and they dont need more.
    some people cant... the ones that can, often the MJ effects arent enough anymore.. and then move one to harder things.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    it sure as hell wasnt my gateway drug the first drug i ever did was lsd lol i just jumped right in with the hard stuff
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Im saying its a gateway drug.. and in a lot of cases leads to harder drug useage.

    however, not everyone has the addictive personality.
    its like drinking, I can go out and drink all night, and wake up in the morning and not need to drink again
    or I can have one drink and stop.

    somepeople can smoke MJ and its fine, and they dont need more.
    some people cant... the ones that can, often the MJ effects arent enough anymore.. and then move one to harder things.

    And I'm saying that's a lot of generalizations right there.

    Marijuana is not chemically addictive.
    Alcohol is.

    I'm not trying to defend pot as a choice weight-loss regime because that's completely stupid. But I would like to stand up for weed because it gets a very bad, and undeserved reputation.
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