Marijuana and weight loss?



  • Mrs_McFadden
    I don't know about all of you guys, but back in my bar star days, when I smoked a joint, I would clean my but off!!!

    OH yeah, weed always made me clean like a psycho. Too bad it was the same spot over and over again LOL..just kidding, but very nearly so. I had tunnel vision haha.
  • pinkysaysboo
    mj affects everyone different. some ppl seriously can't keep from eating after they imbue. most ppl just have to use some self control... lol i think its ridiculous that anyone would use mj as a weight loss tool. and i'd like to add that i know a lot of ppl who smoke, and some of them eat a ton of horrible food and don't have a weight problem, but they are very active ppl. it really matters what kind of a person you are and the kind of lifestyle you live.

    also, just because mj is prescribed to ppl to make them eat, does not mean that everyone who uses it will eat.

    all in all, if u wanna use mj while your trying to loose weight, see how it affects YOU, and go from there.

    on the alcohol side of things, i recommend just not going there. empty calories. need i say more?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.

    I'm sorry, but i literally just laughed out loud!...GREAT advice, lol ;)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    The "munchies" are a myth and abstraction, perpetuated by those who hate weed and want to pin weight gain on those who smoke.

    Ah, the voice of INexperience.

    Gimme a break. I don't hate weed. I have no ulterior motive to say that smoking gives people the munchies other than to say the truth. Does that mean smokers are powerless in the face of the munchies to resist? Duh, no. It's just like birth control. It will give you the urge to eat more, but actual weight gain will depend on whether or not you do.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I would hardly call him the voice of inexperience simply for forming an idea off of what are presumably his own experiences. Even if he does make some radical statements.
  • kidtechnical
    Interesting old news story I stumbled across (from the 2002). Incidentally, Rimonabant, the weight loss drug they developed via this research has been withdrawn in 2010 as it is benefits outweighed the risks.

    "Scientists believe the hunger-inducing effects of cannabis can be used to tackle obesity.
    Smoking cannabis often triggers an urge to eat - what smokers sometimes refer to as "the munchies".

    But researchers at French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Synthelabo believe this chemical effect can be manipulated to curb hunger.

    They are currently testing a drug which uses the scientific knowledge about cannabis to suppress appetite.

    Early results from clinical trials on the experimental drug Rimonabant in the United States and Europe have been promising.

    Patients taking the drug lost up to four kilos over a 16 week period.

    Early theory

    Doctors originally thought that cannabis affected the brain in a fairly random manner and that one of those random effects was hunger.

    However, studies in the late 1980s showed that cannabis has a direct impact on appetite.

    It triggers a surge in the brain's own cannabis-like chemicals.

    These chemicals, called cannabinoids, play a role in regulating appetite.

    Scientists at Sanofi-Synthelabo then discovered a way of blocking off receptors in the brain to stop these cannabinoids from sending "hungry" messages.

    They have since developed a drug to perform this function. Successful results in animals have led to trials in humans.

    The company is now half way through a phase III clinical trial involving more than 6,000 patients.

    Human trials

    This includes one study in the US where 2,800 patients comparing the performance of Rimonabant with a dummy pill to see if it helps to reduce weight and prevent weight gain.

    A similar trial involving 1,400 patients in Europe is also underway. Both studies are due to end in August 2003.

    Dr Lewis Aronne, director of the comprehensive weight control programme at the Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, said early results were promising. His clinic is one of those involved in the trials.

    He said weight loss among patients was "in the same ballpark as medicines we've seen before".

    However, he added more research was needed to determine the long-term effects of the drug.

    If the clinical trials are successful, the pharmaceutical company could seek approval for the new drug in 2004."
    Original article at
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    ....okay, well thanks for the responses everyone, lol. I think I got the answers I was looking for (sorta!). :laugh:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    ....okay, well thanks for the responses everyone, lol. I think I got the answers I was looking for (sorta!). :laugh:
    I still don't think that you should use marijuana as a weight loss supplement ... :p
  • vraesgame
    vraesgame Posts: 129 Member
  • get_it_gone2012
    Weed is great. We got some good BC bud up here, and I gotta say, weed is great.
    However, munchies KILL ME! If I go out for a smoke, I have to plan at least an extra 1000 cals into my diary before hand (go gym go!)
    But while it's a good stress reliever, and gives you the greatest sleep EVER!, it is NOT good for weight loss. When my friend's mom was in chemo a couple of years ago, she got medical marijuana to help her gain weight - it a) makes you hungry and b) suppresses nausea :smile:
    In conclusion, if you're gonna blaze, do it for recreation, not for weight loss :bigsmile:
  • vraesgame
    vraesgame Posts: 129 Member
    In conclusion, if you're gonna blaze, do it for recreation, not for weight loss :bigsmile:

    Haha, exactly! The munchies kill me... I really have to have will power to say "no" to food LOL
  • enygmatic1
    enygmatic1 Posts: 44 Member
    You know if you are the occassional smoker just make sure that the foods you snack on are fuel not crap. If you're going to compare the two the Drink is chemical and the Green is plant. Baked not fried. It's the healthy choice....:happy: of course too much of anything is detrimental (not sure I spelled that right, moving on) but there are healthy ways to enjoy the budda...grind it up and bake it on some chex mix...or get a vaporizer, apparently it's the safest way to "smoke" all steam no bad tar stuff in the lungs...the key is moderation obviously something everyone could use a little more of...awesome topic!
  • PreparingforLaunch
    I haven't smoked in a few years, and I haven't drank since about a month before I began this process towards getting into shape and losing weight, but I must say this about smoke - obviously the munchies thing is very well documented anecdotally, but some friends of mine and I set a habit in school that I never broke. We would blaze and then go play frisbee golf. After that I loved playing basketball or running on the merry weed, it was great! Never had a problem with motivating off my sit bones, always enjoyed being active. What I found was that I'd be slightly clumsy or out of it at the very beginning, and after a few minutes I'd snap in and stay "in the zone," particularly with basketball, for the rest of the physical activity.

    I've actually never gotten the munchies on marijuana, I'd like proof that it isn't just a cultural meme that everyone (else) has copped to.

    Just wanted to point out that here, like most places, the habits we create have a larger influence than we generally take responsibility for.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Boy does it help when my back hurts, like right now! :)

    Hmph, too bad I'm working Wednesday.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Loving the responses here...
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Marijuana can actually make you GAIN weight. It can cause SERIOUS munchies and is known for it!

    I used it exactly for that reason on the recommendation of my oncologist after a round of chemotherapy. It worked wonderfully to get me to eat more.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I know a few people who use it quite often and get the munchies....

    I used to smoke it a few years ago and it brought on some severe panic attacks, so I steer well away just doesn't agree with me...I'm actually glad it's been raised up a class in the UK...

    In moderation it's fine and I know it's great for certain medical conditions...but I think it can take over some people's lives.

  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    with all of the added things they put in street level weed, folks are just DUMB to smoke it, IMO.... as far as it being better than alcohol.... I doubt it...unless you have medical grade or are growing your own, you have no idea what your buds are laced with. But hey, I suppose its cool to be a addict again.....
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Actually Marijuana speeds up your metabolism, that is why you get the munchies after you smoke it. If you can control the munchies ore eat healthy things, yes it can help you lose weight. I don't smoke it, but I know plenty of people who do and some of them have lost weight (the ones who don't eat a bunch of junk food).
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