Marijuana and weight loss?



  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    All I know is it can't help lol, might not hurt tho. I used to do it in my teens. Haven't smoked in probably around 5 years. I had to get a real job. To be completely honest tho, most people I know who still do it are lazy. (It may not be true for all, or even the majority) but the ones I knew and used to do it with have not taken steps to better their health. But if you enjoy it and get your workout in, and it doesn't hurt anyone, then more power to you. Lol.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    forget weed if you want to lose weight smoke crack.

    This is my new rule for life.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I have had this conversation many times. I use to smoke. It effected me differently. I never got the munchies and it actually suppressed my appetite. If I didn't have my children to worry about, I would be as thin as a rail. :P
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Hemp oil has also done absolute wonders curing my eczema.

    Do you mean you are applying the oil externally? I know someone who's looking for alternatives for eczema and would be very interested in trying this.
  • FrauStorm
    FrauStorm Posts: 23 Member
    Some people's appetite actually get supressed when they're high. I am fine either way, I can take or leave food when I smoke but it does pass the time and you could stack up on fruits and eat those if you get the munchies c:
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    What it comes down to is you.
    I've been smoking for awhile now and its the reason i joined MFP.I gained 40lbs in the past two years from making bad choices while smoking marijuana.I still smoke now just not as often.I used to smoke several times everyday,now its down to twice a month.Its all about your choices when you have the munchies,grab a giant water bottle,and some fruit instead of taco bell.When you're high you're not really hungry you just wanna taste ****.I'm really glad this topic showed up on here because this is something that was extremely damaging to my health.I'm trying to kick this habit,but for now twice a month will do:]

    I used to make bad choices too. I can't say that I blame the herb because I still smoke, and now I make better choices. It's all about your frame of mind. Cannabis can't *make* you do anything that you didn't already want to do!

    EXACTLY. I've been smoking daily for years, and I've been losing consistently and just choosing healthy stuff if I want to snack, because I WANT to! =]]
  • bub_snig
    I've smoked pot before not all the timebut i've had the odd cone or two. I haven't touched it for years but I think it would probably harm your weight loss because of the "munchies" factor.

    I used to eat so much crap food after.... and it was always crap food like pizza, ice cream, chips, chocolate, what ever i had in the house. Nothing healthy at all. I can't see how it would promote weight loss to be honest because you crave greasy sugary food to make you feel full.

    Alcohol is full of sugar and even though it may seem to have a weight loss effect for a bit, the sugar in it will make you fatter and unhealthy (i'm not even touching the liver damage). Alcohol is made by fermented sugar I think??? so conmsidering that sugar is not great for weight loss....being logical alcohol would not be good for weight loss either.

    In short I believe neither pot or alcohol is good for weight loss

  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I know alcohol can halt loss for 24 hours

    Actually, alcohol dehydrates you.. so when i weigh in the morning, after my night of 18 beers tonight.. i will weigh about 2 pounds less than i will if i had not drank those.

    So your "fact" about alcohol is not true at all...
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    What it comes down to is you.
    I've been smoking for awhile now and its the reason i joined MFP.I gained 40lbs in the past two years from making bad choices while smoking marijuana.I still smoke now just not as often.I used to smoke several times everyday,now its down to twice a month.Its all about your choices when you have the munchies,grab a giant water bottle,and some fruit instead of taco bell.When you're high you're not really hungry you just wanna taste ****.I'm really glad this topic showed up on here because this is something that was extremely damaging to my health.I'm trying to kick this habit,but for now twice a month will do:]

    I used to make bad choices too. I can't say that I blame the herb because I still smoke, and now I make better choices. It's all about your frame of mind. Cannabis can't *make* you do anything that you didn't already want to do!

    EXACTLY. I've been smoking daily for years, and I've been losing consistently and just choosing healthy stuff if I want to snack, because I WANT to! =]]

    ^^ i agree with this. I hear SO many peoplesay "Medicine made me fat." That is SO NOT TRUE! Medicine may make you WANT to eat more, but the fact of the matter is.. "weight gain" being a side effect is simply that the medicine tells your brain you need to eat..

    My doctor made it very clear that while a medication CAN infact make your brain say "EAT MORE!" it cannot make your hands shove food into your throat!!

    People need to learn that YOU CONTROL what food goes into your body. PERIOD!
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    I absoutely LOVE that no one is bashing this thread!!!

    I havent smoked in forever because honestly...Im too scared about what other people think.

    I got the munchies occasionally.. I would be fridge, cupboard,nothing...freezer, nothing...cupboard again, nothing....and repeat a few times....

    The worst thing being high did to me was make me extreamly lazy and crazy paranoid!
  • ladyinmt
    ladyinmt Posts: 3 Member
    My understanding is that there is research showing marijuana higher in CBD content may actually suppress the appetite.
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I'd ask Snoop if he were a close friend of mine, but besides the munchies that are associated with THC ingestion [along with the lung function, fat solubility, and other toxins from inhaling lit greens you mentioned], I'm not too sure what other effects on weight loss that herb has.

    But between the 2, I'd say alcohol is a little more detrimental. I used to do both, and then some.

    You know, Snoop's pretty fit. Maybe there's something to this thread... We might be on to something... I volunteer to be a study subject lmao
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I thought they closed this thread for "violating the rules"?

    Well, glad to see it back. BelievetoAchieve would be proud/perturbed.
  • dizzimamma
    As a medical user ( California) advances in strain reasearch and specialized strains have created marijuana for specific needs. If you can not sleep- makes you sleep. Can not eat - gives you munchies. Have pain issues... you get the picture. I use daily for pain, wpuld not be able to work out without it. The strain i smoke relieves pain and gives me an energetic high with no munchies. Just my two cents.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    ^ This is very true. Not all weed is created equal!

    I started smoking a lot when I was 14. Did almost every day until my early/ mid 20s. I was very active & in great shape. I never really got the munchies. Marijuana IMO is one of the least narcotics to worry about - I rate it safer than most legal things like cigs, alcohol, & even generic OTC pain meds.
  • pawsable
    pawsable Posts: 1 Member
    Try using a vaporizer instead of smoking it, it's far healthier and you don't get as lazy as there's no tobacco or nasty stuff like excess tar or toxins due to no burning. Made it easier for me to give up smoking tobacco and my breathing and energy are tip top. So comparing to alcohol its a no brainer.
    Alcohol = calories
    Vaping weed = no calories or addiction to tobacco. Lol
  • Anill42
    Anill42 Posts: 11 Member
    Love this subject. I smoke at least twice a day, and don't find the munchies that hard to overcome as long as you have the mindset that you WANT to lose weight, that you ARE TRYING, and not just lounging around WISHING you had energy. I smoke after exercises, and before AND after yoga classes. It motivates me to relax and to concentrate on my breathing before, during and after yoga. Though I wouldn't recommend a new smoker to tie exercising and doing the herbal together, because it is a practice. You have to know how to be, feel, act, breathe, think. Its a combination. Its a lifestyle.
  • lemuel1969
    I have smoked marijauna intermittenly over the years. I have found that when I begin smoking after a long break, I will have an increased appetite for several weeks. but after that, these muchies will go away, and I will begin to lose weight, despite my best to intentions to gain weight. I know for a fact that this is the marijuana causing this. This is why I always quit smoking after a while. I'm just too skinny. after several weeks of non- use, my appeatite will begin to increase again. I believe the canabanoids in marijuana are just like any pharmaceutical. you must continue to increase your dosage to have the same effect as you had when you first started taking it. this is how the munchies go away. One can simply not afford to constanly increase their marijuana intake. besides that, the residual soot (phegm) from the non- canabanoids will build up in the lungs and in your blood. this, I believe causes your body to absorb less of the nutrients you eat. which in turn, causes you to lose weight.
  • Young_Prince
    Munchies are a bi-product of me not having control of myself while i got my wings on, only been smoking a year now, i find my weight dropped immensely after i had picked up that first jay, i was up at 220 pounds, and not to mention going through alot in the back ground being a high school student who had just lost his father. I never thought about my weight untill i dropped below 200 back last august. Now im down to around 180 and im focusing more on muscle growth to shed off my last pounds of fat

    But I digress, in my opinion, the reason you have munchies, is because you bodies trying to keep up with your soaring heart rate, stimulating you appetite, i like to smoke weed before i eat one of my meals, because it tastes so much better, and feels much better in my stomach. However eating disorderly because you got the munchies is just a lack of temperance. when youre high you forget about what you just ate as quickly as you choked it down, instead of being a fridge cleaner, take advantage of that metabolic boost, there will be people that can contradict me of course, but i finish this statement off with the fact that it worked for me, and I just love it

    Now im off to smoke a round with my homie Michael Phelps!
  • austinmclark
    austinmclark Posts: 40 Member
    Alcohol naturally occurs in the environment...
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