

  • Jrak1980
    Jrak1980 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm wrapping up my third week, it's INSANE, but I love it. I agree, try not eating before the video, I did almost vomit during one of them. ha ha.

    Good Luck!
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Recovery day today. It felt great, but I feel like I need to do something else just to get my calorie burn in. Thinking about a nice walk on the treadmill tonight
  • jchapa83
    jchapa83 Posts: 71 Member
    I will be starting it this afternoon for the first time!! Wish me luck =)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I will be starting it this afternoon for the first time!! Wish me luck =)

    Good luck!
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    I'm on day 11 and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Don't get me wrong, it's hard as hell, but its awesome. Man, I'm tired after those workouts, but it is a fantastic feeling knowing that you just finished a crazy workout and kicked some butt. Last night was Pure Cardio... brutal. :)

    I've figured out that eating a PB&J (reduced sugar J) is a great pre-workout fuel about an hour and a half before my workout.
  • angel3085
    I've noticed that everyone is writing great things about the workouts, however, I would I'd love to know what kind of results you all are seeing? I just received mine and will be starting tonight!
  • JohnHein
    I'm in Recovery Week (Week 5). My weight is flat from the start, but I've lost 1.5 inches off my core areas (chest, stomach, hips). To be fair, I had a 10 day business trip in the middle of the first month that set my diet back a little- even though I didn't miss a workout, I gained 2.5 lbs on the trip from bad eating/drinking and have since lost them again.

    Overall I feel like I'm at my best personal fitness level in about 20 years. I did a full 90 day P90X run prior to this Insanity program so I was in good shape when I started, but the Insanity workouts were tough out the gate during the first week and I had to take frequent breaks and pauses to keep up. But I made it through and with each successive workout I definitely feel stronger, faster and more powerful. By the end of Month 1 I was able to get almost all the way through Pure Cardio without pausing (one quick reset on the last set - curse you push-up jacks!) and I had bumped up the Ab workout from Cardio Abs to Insane Abs. My abs are peeking out- I have a four pack forming, my resting heart rate is down to 52 and my recovery time from max heart rate to aerobic heart rate has decreased considerably. Looking forward to seeing what Month 2 brings!
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Just starting week 2 today. My knees and ankles are very sore and tender, so I will make ice my new best friend. Weight is holding steady, but I feel great. I have decided to hide the scale until March 1st which will be recovery week for me.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm on week 4. I lost about 10 pounds in the two weeks before I started (lots of water weight after the holidays!) and since I started Insanity I am still just about that same weight. I actually just keep going up and down a couple of pounds. THAT SAID, I look completely different. I stupidly did not do measurements, but honestly I don't need the hard numbers. My abs are pretty nicely defined already and I can honestly say that I'm fitting into clothes comfortably that I don't usually fit into until I weigh about 10 pounds less than I am now.

    This has opened my eyes to the idea that the scale is not the end all, be all. I can't believe it's taken me so many years to get this concept. I think I am in the best shape of my life, and I've been a consistent exerciser for years (mostly just elliptical and some circuit training).

    I am ridiculously happy and will be rocking a bikini (I won't look perfect, but I will be proud!) in Hawaii in 2.5 weeks!!!

    Good luck to all!
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    I wanted to say one more thing. I've had three ACL reconstructions on my left knee, and never in my wildest dreams did I think Insanity would be possible. My knee hurts sometimes, but then again it pretty much hurts in general no matter what I do.

    So if you have knee issues, don't automatically count yourself out. I know not everyone would be able to do it with all the plyometrics, but you might want to give it a chance given my experience!
  • mindyloohu
    I will be starting soon but I have a hard time exercising by myself. so if anyone else feels the same way I do message me and we can sort of do it together! haha
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I love Insanity. I was 3 workouts away from finishing my 1st round when we ended up moving and things got hectic. Once I finish up with the 30 Day Shred with JM I'm going to start back up with Insanity.
  • bruklevell
    bruklevell Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on week 4.
  • AmeMahoney
    I did the first video, and then couldn't walk for two days. I'll be working up to it and then P90X hopefully starting this summer.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I will be starting soon but I have a hard time exercising by myself. so if anyone else feels the same way I do message me and we can sort of do it together! haha

    Has anyone told you about WOWY?
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I do it, but I was not following the calandar...will get back with it!...When I reach 130, I'm investing in Chalene Extreme!
  • Bekah84
    Bekah84 Posts: 5 Member
    I started Insanity on Monday and I've already lost 3 pounds! I am following the diet very strictly, not just working out. I can't wait to see results after the full 60 days! :)
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Congrats on starting Insanity. I actually did the fit test for the first time today had to write a blog about it as it was so tough. My wife and I are on day 20 of P90X and thinking of switching to a Hybrid of P90X and Insanity. I will probably start day 2 of Insanity tomorrow.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Congrats on starting Insanity. I actually did the fit test for the first time today had to write a blog about it as it was so tough. My wife and I are on day 20 of P90X and thinking of switching to a Hybrid of P90X and Insanity. I will probably start day 2 of Insanity tomorrow.

    My advice would be to finish P90X before you start Insanity. How will you know your resukts from the X unless you complete It?
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    My ankles are so sore that they hurt to touch. I am loving this workout but am a little worried about this. I have lost some flexibility in my ankles also. I notice this when walking down the stairs. They are a little swollen and very tender. Anyone else having problems? The rest of my body feels great and so much stronger which is awesome since this is only my second week. Still no weight loss which is frustrating, but I hope to take new measurments on my recovery week. Any Advice on the ankles would be great!