

  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Hey all you insane people. I'm doing my first round of insanity and I'm in month 2 week 3. I have plateaued and am not losing weight but I have lost inches. I have had great benefits from the workout in energy and other ways. I know my diary has been terrible food wise last week, but even with the cleanest eating I still haven't lost (I suffer from hypothyroidism). My point is I love the program and want to keep doing it and am asking if anyone else has done one round to jump into another round right away.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I had a long ten day break in Hawaii and gained five pounds. I am going to start insanity starting today.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Hey all you insane people. I'm doing my first round of insanity and I'm in month 2 week 3. I have plateaued and am not losing weight but I have lost inches. I have had great benefits from the workout in energy and other ways. I know my diary has been terrible food wise last week, but even with the cleanest eating I still haven't lost (I suffer from hypothyroidism). My point is I love the program and want to keep doing it and am asking if anyone else has done one round to jump into another round right away.

    I'm hypo too. I swear the weight just sticks to me. I finished my first week and have already lost an inch on my waist...but my weight is the same. No one is going to see the numbers on our scales!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    I just started Insanity 4 days ago and definatley felt like I got a good workout. I bought the system to hopefully shake out of the plateau I have been in. I usually run 6-7 days per week and doing these exercises for only 40 minutes I feel like I am not getting a full workout in. I have a HRM and a bodymedia calorie burn monitor and at 5'8" and 162 pounds I am burning about 350 calories at most up to the this point, which is definately lower than my running where I can burn 600-700 calories in an hour. Course running wasnt helping me drop the last 10 pounds, so I am hoping this will. I can see that people are getting stronger and more fit, but is anyone losing weight????and if so, is it one of those programs where you gain weight initially and then lose weight? Thanks!

    I also ran prior to this and a main motivator with me to try Insanity was to improve my endurance. I have not lost weight and did go up a couple pounds. My measurements are the same (clothes fit the same). I had huge problems with my blood sugar halfway into month 1. I never had issues while running but the intervals seemed to bring them out as well as some exercise induced asthma. After a trip to the Dr. I've increased my protein and that seems to have brought everything back to normal. I'm at the last stubborn 5lbs and hoped this would help with that too. I've noticed a difference with my running and for me, that alone is worth it. My easy pace now is what my race pace was so I'm very happy about that. I don't think everyone looses with this so I think you should keep an eye on the measurements and endurance improvements. I'm training for my first half marathon and don't think I'll have the time or energy for month 2 and running. I'll be using Insanity for crosstraining and after the half will go another round. It's hard to put in the effort and not see the scale move but know I'm more fit than at the start. I noticed you did the Disney'd you like it? I've been thinking about that one...I'm sure my son would LOVE it if I did it :wink:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    First day down. Fit test results were eye-opening. Can't wait to compare today's results to the results in two weeks. Looking forward to the next 59 days!!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    First true workout down - Plyo Cardio Circuit. Not too bad. Burned over 400 calories. I admit that I didn't push as hard as he was yelling at me to do but I wanted to make sure I had the form right and not move at a speed where I would risk injuring myself.

    Anyone else out there?? Ms. Booty, where are you??
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm here!

    Still going at it. Today was Day 9 Pure Cardio. I can see changes in my waist already. If that's not a motivator to get up and stare at Shawn T's abs...I mean err...workout...I don't know what is.

    I'm getting better at it but there are a still quite a few times that I think "are you kidding me? you want me to do what?"
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    There you go!! I have a sneaking suspicion we may wind up talking amongst ourselves in here. :laugh:

    You know what's funny? He said something during the workout today and I actually laughed instead of cussed at him. Maybe that's all I needed to get motivated - a piece of eye candy to look at. I did tell him to shut up when he kept yelling UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN. The in & out abs were definitely much easier than the side abs. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning and get it on again!!

    I'm going to send you mail re: what you're eating. I need help trying to get this figured out.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    We'll just chat amongst ourselves then. LOL Are you sore yet? I'm not sore this week. arms a little but that's because I've done more push ups in the past two weeks than I've done in my life. When did I start being able to do push ups anyway? Don't get me wrong...I'm not keeping up with him the entire time but if I'm doing more than 4 multiple times and they aren't the girlie ones...something happened!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    You already know the answer to the soreness. It's not unbearable, I can't walk-type of sore though, which is good. I still can't do the push ups. I go down about halfway then come back up. If I try to get my chest to touch the ground, I get stuck. LOL
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We'll just chat amongst ourselves then. LOL Are you sore yet? I'm not sore this week. arms a little but that's because I've done more push ups in the past two weeks than I've done in my life. When did I start being able to do push ups anyway? Don't get me wrong...I'm not keeping up with him the entire time but if I'm doing more than 4 multiple times and they aren't the girlie ones...something happened!

    Sometimes Shaun T brings both my husband and myself to our knees. Overall performance can get better though.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Completed Day 3 - Cardio Power & Resistance. I liked this one a lot actually.

    The soreness finally showed up when I woke up this morning. Thankfully, I'm at work and moving so I'm not feeling anything right now but I'm afraid what's going to happen when I slow down. :laugh:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I just started Insanity 4 days ago and definatley felt like I got a good workout. I bought the system to hopefully shake out of the plateau I have been in. I usually run 6-7 days per week and doing these exercises for only 40 minutes I feel like I am not getting a full workout in. I have a HRM and a bodymedia calorie burn monitor and at 5'8" and 162 pounds I am burning about 350 calories at most up to the this point, which is definately lower than my running where I can burn 600-700 calories in an hour. Course running wasnt helping me drop the last 10 pounds, so I am hoping this will. I can see that people are getting stronger and more fit, but is anyone losing weight????and if so, is it one of those programs where you gain weight initially and then lose weight? Thanks!

    I also ran prior to this and a main motivator with me to try Insanity was to improve my endurance. I have not lost weight and did go up a couple pounds. My measurements are the same (clothes fit the same). I had huge problems with my blood sugar halfway into month 1. I never had issues while running but the intervals seemed to bring them out as well as some exercise induced asthma. After a trip to the Dr. I've increased my protein and that seems to have brought everything back to normal. I'm at the last stubborn 5lbs and hoped this would help with that too. I've noticed a difference with my running and for me, that alone is worth it. My easy pace now is what my race pace was so I'm very happy about that. I don't think everyone looses with this so I think you should keep an eye on the measurements and endurance improvements. I'm training for my first half marathon and don't think I'll have the time or energy for month 2 and running. I'll be using Insanity for crosstraining and after the half will go another round. It's hard to put in the effort and not see the scale move but know I'm more fit than at the start. I noticed you did the Disney'd you like it? I've been thinking about that one...I'm sure my son would LOVE it if I did it :wink:

    Thank you for the response. I am trying to lose the last 5-10 and it is not coming off!! I have heard from other runners that Insanity improved their times as well so that is why I am sticking with it.
    ALso I loved the Disnye Marathon!! I would highly recommend it. I have done Boston in the past and that was great, but nothing compared to Disney. I will definatley do it again!!!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cardio recovery day today. I could use a squat recovery day tomorrow. :laugh: I wonder if I will ever be able to maintain the squat position for the 7 hours those people do. Sheesh!

    Could someone please come here and press start on my HRM for me? I've forgotten to start it the last two days. My brain is mush...but my stomach is getting tighter!! LOL
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Aww!! That's too bad about your forgetting to press start on the HRM. You go through the trouble of putting the chest strap on and still forget. So silly! :laugh:

    I did the cardio recovery today too. I was able to hold the squats no problem. I think I've said it before in the EASA2 thread but I love squats! My quads are the :laugh:
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Could someone please come here and press start on my HRM for me? I've forgotten to start it the last two days. My brain is mush...but my stomach is getting tighter!! LOL

    Sooo glad I am not the only one that does this!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I was able to hold the squats no problem. I think I've said it before in the EASA2 thread but I love squats! My quads are the :laugh:

    Good thing it's St. Patty's day because now I'm green with envy. :tongue:

    Elzettel-Thanks! Now I don't feel so bad!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Trust me, I'm sure you kick my butt in every other category!! :laugh: My legs are the one body part that I absolutely love!
  • crashinblue
    I started the Insanity program about two weeks ago- finally making it through where i dont want the waterbreaks to be so long- i think the only move i have a problem with still is the jump with both legs to where your knees should be up by your elbows-

    still cant get that-


    I will feel like i climbed the mountain when i get actually jump like they do-
    Still need to take my before pictures- have you guys thougth about getting the free tshirt?
    It has to be earned!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I've been taking pics weekly since I started. I'm definitely sending in for my shirt.