SAHM 1/31 to 2/6



  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    So I used to be on this thread ages ago! Rejoining again after a long hiatus. Long story short, my comp fried so we go an iPad and I was using some lame calorie counting app instead. During this time I got pregnant and gave birth to our third kiddo....this time a boy! we now have a 2 year old girl, a 4 year old girl, and a 2 month old boy. Since I had a c section I haven't been allowed to work out until last week, and the pregnancy was difficult so that last month I didn't work out either. so now we're getting back into our routine including getting back into shape. I started running last week to train for a half marathon in San Diego in June. so far only jogging 2 miles, but hoping to up the mileage every week. I w so excited this week when I discovered MFP finally made an ap! woohoo! I will catch up of reading everyone's posts for this week later today after I get my run in. the in laws are coming to stay with us next week, so been doing a ton of housework and gardening to get the house ready for company! Have a great day ladies!