Lose 10 pounds in February? You bet we can!!!!



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Well, I was gonna do my ab workout, but I did something to my left arm. I can barely even move it, let alone lift any weights with it! :(


    The bicep is all cramped up or something.

    sounds like your just trying to do too much...slow down and listen to your body...your pushing too hard, it will come
  • mayburcm
    Down 1 lb! Going to have to step it up if I'm going to meet my goal

    Start weight 155lb
    February 28th goal 137lb

    Feb 1: 145lb
    Feb 8: 144lb
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I think I'll have start my own group - 'Who's gonna gain 10lbs in Feb' - I'm in a such a funk just barely doing enough to scape by - hopefully I'll maintain this week but I really need to blast some fat !!!!!
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Will we have a new challenge this week? I really enjoyed that part. Its great to add a little change into the work out routine! Happy Monday everyone! Let's start this week off strong!
  • Nadyasmom
    So glad the official weigh in isn't until tomorrow. I woke up this morning SO bloated. Not sure why, but it's definitely an uncomfortable feeling to say the least.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I think I'll have start my own group - 'Who's gonna gain 10lbs in Feb' - I'm in a such a funk just barely doing enough to scape by - hopefully I'll maintain this week but I really need to blast some fat !!!!!

    ha ha ha...I think I would qualify for that thread
  • mayburcm
    Apparently I don't even know what the date is...whoops...
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    I thought that I was going to do great this week with the weigh-in because I started off so motivated this week. I was finding a good balance between excercise, healthy eating, and limited splurges. Then this weekend came and I completely lost it. I ate out and drank and didn't excercise. I'm back on track today and hoping that my good days will compensate for this weekend and I'll still have lost a little bit.

    Good luck to everyone at weigh-in tomorrow! :happy:
  • linemansgirl
    Don't give up if you are struggling!!!! You CAN do it!!!!!!!!

    This challenge has helped me to get my motivation back. I had made it to within five pounds of goal in October 2009, then I got pregnant with my seven month old son. I lost some weight pretty quickly after he was born, but since October-November I have been losing the same five pounds during the week and gaining them back on the weekend. :blushing: I AM going to push through and get to goal though!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    This weekend went well for me. My God made/Man made plan is really helping me a lot. It helps to know that if I really want that cookie I can have it in a couple days instead of NEVER!!! :laugh: I have completed the challenge every day except for Sunday, my off day. My regular workouts are going great too. I just want to keep myself pumped and my motivation high so I can push through to finally get back into the 160's! :happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Weekends are hard but for me knowing I have a weigh in on Tuesday helps me keep myself in check. Saturday was not good for me but I got back on track Sunday. I will see what the damage is in the morning.

    Is anyone going to do a last chance workout tonight? I may do another 20 min 1 mile DVD. Depends on how I am feeling when I get in. Do you think you gained, maintained or loss? Well you still have time to burn a few more calories!

    Regardless--last week I clocked 377 min total minutes of activity with HRM and I burned 4,068 calories! So I am starting with a fresh 360 min today! Let's rock it and I will see you at the weigh in tomorrow.....:flowerforyou:
  • Nadyasmom
    Weekends are hard but for me knowing I have a weigh in on Tuesday helps me keep myself in check. Saturday was not good for me but I got back on track Sunday. I will see what the damage is in the morning.

    Is anyone going to do a last chance workout tonight? I may do another 20 min 1 mile DVD. Depends on how I am feeling when I get in. Do you think you gained, maintained or loss? Well you still have time to burn a few more calories!

    Regardless--last week I clocked 377 min total minutes of activity with HRM and I burned 4,068 calories! So I am starting with a fresh 360 min today! Let's rock it and I will see you at the weigh in tomorrow.....:flowerforyou:

    WAY TO GO!!!

    And yes, I'm definitely planning on doing a last chance workout tonight. ;)

    I think I maintained. I just can't seem to break this plateau--no matter what I try. A friend on here suggested that I do 3 days of high protein, low carb to break the cycle. I might try that this week depending on what I see tomorrow.

    It's just so frustrating because no matter what I do, I stay at this weight. I can quit exercising all together and eat sensibly without logging calories (I can't make myself binge--too much guilt), and I don't gain. Or, I can log EVERYTHING, exercise 6 days a week, and not lose.

    It sucks.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Weekends are hard but for me knowing I have a weigh in on Tuesday helps me keep myself in check. Saturday was not good for me but I got back on track Sunday. I will see what the damage is in the morning.

    Is anyone going to do a last chance workout tonight? I may do another 20 min 1 mile DVD. Depends on how I am feeling when I get in. Do you think you gained, maintained or loss? Well you still have time to burn a few more calories!

    Regardless--last week I clocked 377 min total minutes of activity with HRM and I burned 4,068 calories! So I am starting with a fresh 360 min today! Let's rock it and I will see you at the weigh in tomorrow.....:flowerforyou:

    WAY TO GO!!!

    And yes, I'm definitely planning on doing a last chance workout tonight. ;)

    I think I maintained. I just can't seem to break this plateau--no matter what I try. A friend on here suggested that I do 3 days of high protein, low carb to break the cycle. I might try that this week depending on what I see tomorrow.

    It's just so frustrating because no matter what I do, I stay at this weight. I can quit exercising all together and eat sensibly without logging calories (I can't make myself binge--too much guilt), and I don't gain. Or, I can log EVERYTHING, exercise 6 days a week, and not lose.

    It sucks.

    It does suck Brenda! The high protien is good for breaking stalls. I am on a high protien regiem anyways most days. Whenever I stick to high protien, veggies and fruits and very low carbs, I will lose weight faster. It is very hard eliminating those beastly carbs....:-) I am trying to get 5 days in of high protien myself. You can do it, just don't give up. Success is never giving up.
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    I don't normally do a last chance workout but I think this week I might. Mainly because I have a little extra energy tonight and I'm feeling guilty for my lack of workouts this weekend. I think that despite my bad weekend I will have lost a little this week, but not as much as I should have.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    It's just so frustrating because no matter what I do, I stay at this weight. I can quit exercising all together and eat sensibly without logging calories (I can't make myself binge--too much guilt), and I don't gain. Or, I can log EVERYTHING, exercise 6 days a week, and not lose.
    It sucks.

    Brenda, I know exactly how you feel...& getting little to no results is all the more frustrating whether you exercise or not. I recently discussed this same situation with a personal trainer that I respect, and he explained that unless I concentrate on "quick intervals w/short recoveries" that I may continue seeing poor results.

    He stressed good protein w/in 30 minutes after a good workout.

    So I'm trying to focus on 15 - 20 minutes of intervals. For 1 minute: 25 seconds rapid strides, then 35 seconds recovery....do this set several times over. Follow up with 20 minutes of weights, then back to the intervals.

    I was finally FINALLY able to break thru that wall....the same old treadmill doesn't work anymore, for me. I did wonders for those first 20lbs, but my body has figured out what's going on! :noway: :noway: :noway:
    :explode: Intervals are so very tough for me to do, esp at the gym. Fortunately, seeing the scale drop provides that little extra push....not that I don't need more than just a little push :grumble:

    Hope you have a good support system, with ya so far from home! Don't give up :tongue:
  • Danoodle
    It's just so frustrating because no matter what I do, I stay at this weight. I can quit exercising all together and eat sensibly without logging calories (I can't make myself binge--too much guilt), and I don't gain. Or, I can log EVERYTHING, exercise 6 days a week, and not lose.
    It sucks.

    Brenda, I know exactly how you feel...& getting little to no results is all the more frustrating whether you exercise or not. I recently discussed this same situation with a personal trainer that I respect, and he explained that unless I concentrate on "quick intervals w/short recoveries" that I may continue seeing poor results.

    He stressed good protein w/in 30 minutes after a good workout.

    So I'm trying to focus on 15 - 20 minutes of intervals. For 1 minute: 25 seconds rapid strides, then 35 seconds recovery....do this set several times over. Follow up with 20 minutes of weights, then back to the intervals.

    I was finally FINALLY able to break thru that wall....the same old treadmill doesn't work anymore, for me. I did wonders for those first 20lbs, but my body has figured out what's going on! :noway: :noway: :noway:
    :explode: Intervals are so very tough for me to do, esp at the gym. Fortunately, seeing the scale drop provides that little extra push....not that I don't need more than just a little push :grumble:

    Hope you have a good support system, with ya so far from home! Don't give up :tongue:

    I agree! When I do intense interval training it really feels like I work harder over all and am much more hungry/ tired after. I do 5-10 mins of jogging/ running to get my heart rate up ...then weights. Try to get as many sets in as you can. push yourself so you are maxing out at 3 sets of 15 reps then on to the next exercise.

    Like 5-10 mins cardio--
    then 3 sets 15 reps leg extension machine--
    then 3 sets of 15 reps biceps curl with dumbbells--
    then back to HARD cardio for 3 mins (really pushing yourself)

    repeat but next time do sets of lunges while holding dumbbells or shoulder press pr abs

    I love this routine because you keep your heart rate up the whole time, whether it is 20 mins or 60 mins.

    it really helped me break a plateau in the last two weeks
  • kkerlley
    kkerlley Posts: 2 Member
    goal for feb 28th: 68k
    feb 1st: 72k
    feb 8th: 71.8
    feb 22nd:
    feb 28th:
  • Whirligig
    Whirligig Posts: 10 Member
  • Whirligig
    Whirligig Posts: 10 Member
    Hello All,

    Hope everyone is doing OK,

    Re: The Tuesday weigh in ~ I've had a good week ~ surprised myself I think!

    I managed to lose 2.5lb since last week (1st of February), so I'm on track. So far so good! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Screen name: Whirligig
    Goal for February 28th: 152lb
    February 1st (starting weight): 159lb
    February 8th: 156.5lb
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hello ladies and gents!
    Looks like half of us are having a very hard time and half of us are getting the weight off.
    No matter whether you are a loser this week or a gainer or a "stay the same-er", you need to keep going on this - even when the going gets tough. What's the alternative? Go back to eating all that junk? Sitting on the couch? Hating what you see in the mirror? No, we are different people now and that is not an option. We left those lives behind us for good. So yes it might get difficult but you cannot give up.
    This month you might have committed to losing 10 pounds but if you lose 5 or 2 or whatever, that is ok. Or if you don't lose at all or even gain - that's ok too. I have thought hard about saying that on here but I reckon that we will all do better just by being here and having more accountability.
    I honestly believe we are in it for the long term. So if you are thinking about not weighing in today (crossed my mind) or fudging the numbers (I'm ashamed to say that this also crossed my mind too) then stick with it, weigh in and take support from the group.
    If you do stick with it you might just find next that the numbers are kinder to you.

    So on to my stats for the week:

    Screen name: 2Young4This
    Goal for February 28th: 138
    February 1st (starting weight): 147.8
    February 8th: 148
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    I may have plateaued, I definitely was not always wise with my food choices and my gym membership expired. Am also expecting TOM any second. BUT I WILL STICK WITH IT AND NEXT WEEK WILL BE BETTER.

    CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK: Add a mile a day to your normal activity. Run, swim, walk, bike etc an extra mile a day (total 7 miles for the week). If you already fun 3 miles then add a mile walk at the end or get of the bus a couple of stops early. You can get an extra mile in!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I lost 2 pounds!!:heart::heart:

    Screen name: Mollie1037
    Goal for February 28th:343
    February 1st: 353
    February 8th: 351
    February 15th:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th: