Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Stuartme- great job finishing week 1 of your c25k. I just printed off the workout schedule for it, and I'm going to try and start next week.

    lostalykat- great job on your loss! You've been working hard and you deserve it.

    Megan- Awesome job running 2 miles! You should be so proud of yourself and enjoy this great milestone you reached!

    Kandace- I know how it feels to gain weight. When I increased my fiber I gained 2lbs. I have lost those 2lbs, but not anymore yet. So far my weight goal for the month has not been met. :( But I have to think positively. I tend to put on muscle like it's my job, and since I started doing the 30 day shred the scale has not gone down, but my body has. I feel better/healthier, my pants are getting looser, and people keep complimenting me on my weight loss. A sarcastic part of me wants to say what weight loss??? My husband just informed me we are going shopping this weekend to buy me new pants because mine are sagging off my back side. I thought he was saying it just to make me feel better, but he said, "No, really, your pants look huge on you. We are going to get some that fit." I still think he is pushing it a little bit especially since it's my TOM and I feel bloated, but we shall see. I just keep reminding myself. I joined this to get healthier, take better care of myself, and be a better role model for my family. Since keeping track of my food, my blood sugar has only gotten low one time in the last 47 days. I don't get headaches after working 2 twelve hour shifts in a row, and I'm helping my family eat healthier, and being a better role model for my daughter. So, Kandace, just as a reminder to yourself, what changes have you made for the better? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? This is a journey and you know your on the right track so stay positive!

    So this morning I did a walk/run with my dog. Somewhere around 4 miles on our country block. Now off to pack some bags for a much needed get away with my husband. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Looks great, Nicola! Welcome to the group :flowerforyou: Keep us updated on how you are doing whenever you feel like it! Can't wait to hear about your progress or anything else you feel like posting. It's like a little family here, so feel free to discuss whatever you want.

    Thanks a lot, you're all making me feel welcome already! :smile:
  • ~brittfam & NicNac86..... Welcome to our little corner of MFP!~!~! This is the best thing that has every happend to my health goals. I just joined in January and I already consider these guys as BFFs!~!~! Alot of the women here are VERY inteligent and experienced with weightloss and healthy living. I take their advice whenever I can. We are also all very close and share a lot of things about our daily lives (becuase EVERYTHING matters when it comes to a healthy life.) Take some advice though and don't wait til March to try to jump in, DO IT NOW!~! We talk about so much that this thread moves VERY fast and some times its hard to keep but its lots and lots of fun! I hope to see you both soon.

    Thank you for the welcome! I am sorta new to MFP . I found this hand dandy app on my phone and started tracking my calories right away. I am hooked, I even got my co-worker into it. I exercise daily. I love doing cardio but now I need to focus more toning .Its like pulling teeth for me to devote a workout to shoulders and arms.
    Im def looking forward to getting to know everyone  HAPPY FRIDAY ! :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-I know that you have heard this all before...but with all of the working out that you are doing...I'd be willing to bet that a lot of that 2.5lbs was water retention in your sure that you are keeping your sodium in check and drinking your water...that may help for next week :) don't give up, you are doing great!!

    Megan-great job on your 2 miles!! that is AWESOME!!

    Nicole and Britt-welcome to the group! glad to have you both :)

    Meredith-way to be back on track and you still have 10 days to drop that superbowl/vday weight so NO WORRIES!

    Meag-I truly hope that you aren't stressin bout the cheat day today?! you definately deserve one on occassion...just like everyone else! great job on maintaining this week :)

    AFM-no real updates...just got done working out and eating breakfast (egg beaters, fat free cheese, and english muffin sandwich and a vanilla yogart)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!!

    This is going to be a selfish post for me so bare with me and hopefully we all make it through it...

    So yesterday was a horrible food day for me. Perhaps its my body's TOM. Due to BC, I don't have an actual TOM but I think my body still emotionally goes through it. So I was eating just about every sweet that I could set my eyes on. I guess I had woke up in a bad mood yesterday too since I didn't get to talk to the bf the night before. Yes...I know that sounds childish but I am not used to him working his 2nd job so I usually get to talk to him every night. So that kinda got my day started on the wrong foot which led to bad eating habits all day long. Then I got home and was informed that my stepdad got the job in Arizona and would be leaving within the next couple of weeks. Which means that my parent's plan to move to Arizona is playing out for them. But I have no idea where I am going to live once they go. I can't afford a place of my own. I struggle as it is. So my immediate fear was that my daughter and I would be living out of my car. I know I am being dramatic but without any options, I am freaking out. And without anyone to really talk to about the situation last night, I cried as I combed my daughter's hair and then once I put the kids to bed, I curled up with a bowl of ice cream. I know that resorting to my old habits will not make the situation better or even give me the level of comfort that I need. I am hoping that today will go better. I got to bed early last night and missed the bf's call after he got off work cause I fell asleep but I am feeling well rested and ready to face the day. I am off at 4 today which will give me time to hit up the gym before I have to get the kids from daycare. Then the kids and I are gonna make flat out pizzas and watch Monsters, Inc.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately- the boy is moving which other than having a vested interest in his happyness, we are also looking at maybe getting an apt that me and my roomie can move into with him- thus cutting our rents down to something resembling affordibility. But my work has a courtesy phone and understanding boss/coworkers, which his is seriously lacking, so I've been making a lot of the calls. Much busyness.

    BUT glad to see some excited new faces, Good to see everyone checking in and even when not doing perfect, holding their own. :bigsmile: Everyone is doing so great!

    AFM: This weekend I plan to take pics and try to set up a place for clothes swap pics in general. Some workign fun, apt viewing and hopefully a run or two. WI tomorrow and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

    Meag- question for you about gains (since I did last week a bit). Do you remember when you gained (i think you said every 3/4 week) if that weight generally stuck around? I'm just wondering if I should be mentally considering it "temporary/water weight" and can expect things to go back to normal after this (so I would be expecting to see 143ish) or if I should prep myself to be losing from 145 again (thus expecting the scale to be 144 this week)

    okies ladies, sorry for the short post but i need to bounce - gotta be done all my work before 430 so i can get out to see apts tonight!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Gonks - I tried to look back over my progress reports to give you specifics but the reports feature here is so incredibly sh*tty and the graph is miniscule, I can't really tell with any degree of accuracy.

    From the looks of things and what I can remember... I'd gain somewhere between 0.5lb and 1.5lbs and then by the next week I'd had lost that and usually another 0.5-1lb or so - Nothing remarkable but it never stuck around.

    Ex. from my "Check-In" Entries thing (reverse chronological order):
    Weight 11/01/10 134.7
    Weight 10/26/10 136.5
    Weight 10/18/10 135.8
    Weight 10/11/10 138
    Weight 10/04/10 142
    Weight 09/30/10 139.8
    Weight 09/27/10 140.7
    Weight 09/20/10 142.2
    Weight 09/17/10 141.8

    Hope that helps! You can see that my weight was fluctuating alllll over the place! But steadily declining for 1 1/2 months at a healthy rate. Obviously everyone is different, but that gives you a good idea of the roller-coaster MY body is on :tongue:

    -Meag :heart:
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    I believe I finally figured out what has been stopping me from losing, my eating habits :[ I was getting so busy I was not counting calories, but I was getting in my workouts. The thing is, I was eating good food, just too much. I am not trying to lose fast, quiet the opposite. I want to go slow and steady especially because I want to understand how to control everything and to keep it off forever. But I feel there might be a small lose this week, probably nothing big, but I am very happy with that. I enjoy small loses. So I hope everyone is have a good day. Tomorrow is my day off so YAY!! Also got to see my family from up north, its been a while, so it was a happy reunion

    Bethany- That is definitely a hard situation. But open up your options and look into possible places you could live. Maybe you could live with roommates, I know thats probably not ideal, but any close friends or siblings that could possibly be roommates? Also talk to your mom and see if she might know of other options to live, maybe if you move to a cheaper place in Los Angeles, you might be able to afford rent (I know thats probably not your ideal idea you would want to do either) But good job for identifying that you are going back to your bad habits and fighting back!! Tonight sounds like fun with the kids!

    gonks- good luck looking for apts! I hope you guys find a good one!

    britt and nicole- Welcome!!!!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~meag... Thank you, advice from you is always daully noted. (sorry I cant spell). I apreciate everything you say to me. I hope your foot gets better. Have you ever tried an Epsom Salt bath? It is suposed to relax your muscles. When I was younger I had REALLY horrible growing pains in my legs. Turns out that my hips are rotated inward so my knees were taking alot of extra pressure. Anyway, my grandmother would put me in a bath with Epsom Salt and it ususally felt better. I know you can soak a rag and put the rag on certain muscles or just put warm water and epsom salt in a container and put your feet in it. GIve it a shot. As for a bad nights sleep. I totally understand!~!~! I have stress out the yang! and I can NEVER sleep. I try to drink some sleepy time tea, before I go to bed but sometimes I take benadryl. I didnt like doing that cuz I dont like pills so I found an herbal route. I started taking Valerian Root. Ever heard of it?? It is suposed to help with mood disorders, IBS and insomnia (among others). I started taking 900mg a night on monday. By wed I was sleeping like a baby!~! It treats ppl differently, some ppl it hits right away, others it takes a few days.

    ~gonks.... good luck apt shopping, thats very exciting!~!! I hope your WI goes well!~!~!

    ~guamgrl.... uhh, i dont even know what to say. I will let you live with me!~! but unfortunatly I live in germany right now. i am soo sorry that you have this stress on you shoulders right now. I honestly believe that everything happens for a reason, so keep your head up. Something will happen to make things work out the way they are suposed to. If I can do anything to help, please let me know. Good Luck.

    ~Britt... Im glad your here, your gonna love it!~!~!

    AFM...Had a great date night even though I cryed my face off before we left. I just cant deal with the 28th of this month. its too hard.... but date night was good. I can elaborate later.. I am still a little sad now, I miss my mom. :brokenheart:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Kandace - so glad to hear that your date night went well!! And I :heart: the new pic!! Your dress is beautiful! And sorry to hear about the 28th. I hope that you are able to cope that day. My dad passed away 15 years ago last month and not a day goes by that I don't wish he was here. And thank you so much for offering to let me live with you. I have always wanted to see Germany but I don't think my son's dad would appreciate that.:blushing:

    Alexis - thank you for your kind words and thoughts!! :blushing: I'm just in a state of panic right now because I don't know my options and I'm a planner. Without a plan, I feel lost. Deep down, I feel that all will work out but for now, I am just panicking. Moving to LA would put me too far from my job so it wouldn't be worth it. And jobs are so scarce in Cali right now that I kinda need to stay where I'm at. Although I am checking my options around my location for a new job too.
  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Sarah. I am new to MFP. I have tried to count calories on my own but I decided I needed something more reliable. I am having trouble keeping my mood up and I don't want to binge eat because of that.So I was just curious.. How do you keep yourself motivated, even at the low points?
  • Holy *kitten* Batman I just ran 2 miles!!!!

    That's right- read it and weep ladies I totally rocked my W5D3 of C25K workout which means I have successfully jogged for 2 miles without stopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so pumped right now it's not even funny. The last .5 mile was hard but thanks to Carrie Underwood and Undo It which I listened to three times in a row I was able to power through. The other thing that helped, I used my towel to cover up the treadmill once I got to my speed and just ran. Then I occassionally checked my HRM purely for time purposes. I knew that I did around a 5 minute warm up and at my 5 mph pace I would need to run for 24 minutes to hit my 2 miles. When I first looked at my watch it said 11 minutes, i.e. I had only been running for 6 minutes or about .5 miles. And instead of saying to myself well this sucks, I said look at that already 1/4 of the way done!

    Then I peeked again around 20 minutes and knew I had 9 minutes to go, which meant less then 1 mile left. Cue Carrie Underwood on my iPod. Felt pumped up and ready to go so I played her song again. I could really feel how hard the run was now so I tried her one more time and the song totally delivered on keeping me pumped up and motivated to finish. The other thing- I was so close why give up now.

    So before I knew it I had run 2 miles in 24 minutes without stopping and wanted to tell everyone in the entire gym! YEAH!

    So now that I know I can do it its just a matter of repeating. I am resting tomorrow and then I will do some sort of run again on Sunday. I'm on cloud nine.



    So excited for your Megan!! I can't wait to start C25K!!! Your story is very inspriring!! I can imagine wanting to tell EVERYONE at the gym!!! Yahoo for you :bigsmile:
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    goal for myself - gonna try to learn everyone's names here! tell me if i get it wrong!!! my name is rachel, people call me rachel or chel, a few friends call me lola as a nickname. i don't like being called rach, i don't know why though!

    @shelsab - yay for figuring out what's been stopping the weight loss! wishing you a slow and steady weight loss from now on!

    @GuamGrly/Bethany - i hope something will work out regarding your living situation. we definitely won't let you live out of the car.. go kick butt at the gym today after work!

    @Rachellynch83/Rachel - good job on losing inches! it's not all about the scale. i'd rather be 150lbs and look/feel 120lbs than weigh 120lbs but look 150lbs.

    @meagalayne/Meag - did you go to the doctor to get those pains checked out yet? i wouldn't put too much pressure on your body right now, especially your foot. hope you get better soon!

    @lostalykat - congratulations on making it to the 160s!

    @mkingraham/Megan - i've always wanted to tell you that i love your profile picture! i love animals.. dolphins are way smart. way to go on powering through those 2 miles. i haven't ran like that in a loooooonggg time!

    @meggonkgonk/Gonks & jbars11 - sometimes i can't even accurately log my binges because i literally don't even know how much i had. the past couple days were especially bad. but i still try to get it into my diary if i can.

    @stuartme123/Meredith - i actually tried to cut sugar out of my diet as much as i could, but my sugar addiction recently bounced back with a vengeance! i haven't been doing fantastic today either, but i am going to try to cut it down again. i find that eating just one sugary item makes me crave even more! even fruits :\

    QOTD - i only like the rain if i am at home and have nowhere to go. preferably with a hot drink in hand. i do love it when i can sleep in or be lazy and watch tv while it's pouring outside. it's gonna be rainy this week in LA!!! hopefully it won't rain too hard tonight as i'll be going out!

    AFM - still in a binging cycle.. at first i couldn't figure what was triggering me but i think it might be related to guy i have been dating. he is on a quest to lose weight and be all sculpted but some times he worries me. he works out 3 times a day (which is ok) but he hardly eats and skips lots of meals. sometimes he even tells me he feels faint and stuff. which is ridiculous. i've tried telling that it's not healthy and stuff but he doesn't listen. i have disordered eating for years now, and for some reason it REALLY FRUSTRATES me when someone doesn't eat. and then i end up eating all these crap. very strange i know.. trying to put an end to it. it may sound kind of mean but i said, "if it's your choice to not eat, then don't complain to me about feeling faint. also i think it's not cute when guys don't eat." i've also been skipping my workouts. ah i just don't know, i just don't have healthy feelings towards food and exercise right now.

    a couple of questions:

    1. i have one of those digital weighing scales that also measure body fat & water weight. does anyone know how it actually takes these measurements and how accurate the methods are?

    2. do you guys have a gym membership? where and how much does it cost a month?

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Sarah- Welcome!! If you go back only a page or two you will find the most recent list of our feb goals. Even though feb is just about over feel free to add yours to the end so that we can help encourage you!!

    Jbars- Thanks :) You will totally be able to do it before you know it and you will feel just as amazing!!

    chel- my picture is from a trip to discovery cove at sea world in orlando last march and it was sooo much fun!! you get a week admission to sea world to go along with your ticket to discovery cove. I would 100% recommend saving up some $$ and making it a vacation. Most fun ever!!

    guam- hang in there girlfriend! I can imagine its really hard being unsure of what you are going to do with the next step but I am sure you will figure it out and everything will work for the best!

    Welcome to all the new peeps! I am so glad to see our troop expanding! Keep kicking *kitten*!!!!!!!!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Guam- so sorry, I hope things start looking up for you.

    Meag- Glad you are happy with your weight. I can't even imagine being at a point where you are struggling to make sure you don't lose anymore but stay around the same weight. Maintenance sounds hard, and is something I will hopefully soon understand hehe.

    Sorry I didn't respond to everyone it has been crazy here at work and I am super tired for some reason, maybe since I woke up early today or something.

    AFM- I am supposed to do a 40 minute run tonight then a bike run bike tomorrow morning, and a swim run on sunday. I am feeling really tired and yesterday I felt I was on the verge of getting sick and I have been so cold. I might take the night off and just relax at home and get ready for this wild weekend. Maybe I will just do some yoga on my own at home from my ipod.. that is really hard for me but worth a shot. I am so happy to be in the 160's again, it felt like it took forever to get there. I think the cleanse I did really helped flush out my toxins and lose extra stomach bloating. I will def do a cleanse like this more and maybe move from 3 days to 5 eventually. I have been lagging on my blog and just super busy. We shall see how things go this weekend. I am not drinking until Hawaii so that will be the challenge I face the next 6 weeks. I have done it before and I can do it again. Bring on the weight loss peeps!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bethany-I am sorry to hear about your situation right now :( Is there a possibility of you being able to relocate to AZ with your parents? or have you and your bf talked about moving in togethor yet? I am sure that you will figure something the meantime...try not to get too down about the situation...everything happens for a reason :)

    Gonks-I have my WI for another thread that I am in tomorrow also and am extremely nervous for it!! I normally weigh myself everyday but decided to go from Wed WI til Sat WI without weighing in and I am afraid to say that I have now gone over on my calories 2 days in a row (which I never do!!) I think that I will stick with what works for me and WI every day!! Good luck to you though tomorrow!!

    Kandace-First of all...that is a great pic!! you look awesome in that dress :) Second of thoughts will be with you on the 28th and I hope you make it through that day ok...we will all be here for support if you need it :)

    Sarah-welcome to mfp!! all that I can say about staying motivated, in the beginning, until you see some results, is to "engulf" yourself in mfp! keep us all posted on your ups and downs and try to look at some of the threads about motivation and support as well as the before and after pics...that is what really helped me in the beginning. Good Luck!

    Chel-I am sorry to hear about your boy's eating issues...I know that you have said things to him about it already...but maybe if you SHOW him the right way to be healthy by doing it yourself he will follow suit?? Good luck with far as the gym membership...I don't have one now cuz its cheaper and more convenient to workout at home, but when I did it was at 24 hr fitness and I think that I paid $24 per month??

    AFM-well like I said ^^^, I was trying to not be so OCD about my weighing in and so I haven't since Wednesday morning's WI and all it has done for me is get me off track!! Starting tomorrow I will weigh myself everyday again!! I do NOT know what my eating issues are this week...but with only 10 days left to the month, they have got to stop!! sorry...I guess that was y "vent" paragraph!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Just wanted to say Happy Saturday to everyone. I got in a good cry last night and when I woke up I felt better, less stress bottled up I think. I would like you all to know that you all are a HUGE support for me. I wish there was a way I could repay you all for how much help you guys give me.

    Kudos to you guys!~! You make my heart smile.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Ok so quick update from me-

    WI this morning was on the disappointing side- the exact same as last week (which was a gain from the week previous). I'm not stressing about it too much (or at least trying not to!) but last night I weighed in at 144.4 (last NIGHT!), so I'm not 100% sure how I gained .8lbs back again. And my hip measurement is up .5 inch *deep breath* It's ok- I've logged it and am moving on

    In other news, have a bajillion places to see with the boy tonight, who is freaking out cuz he's finding something wrong with every apt that he just can't cope with- which I had expected, because it is his way. Maybe he's finding stuff wrong cuz he's stressing out, but either way I have a pouty boy on my hands. AND now a roommie who is puking her guts out every 20 min since 6:30 and a real estate agent who should be showing my apt in 10 min who I cannot get ahold of to cancel despite repeated calls and emails. *Sigh* this is going to be a looong weekend - and im not referring to the holiday!

    Hoping to get my run in tonight, maybe some relaxing movie time (or even pleasure reading?) And pics of my swappable clothes (but that may wait until tomorrow. We'll see- right now its go with the flow time)

    Sorry to miss you all a bit! Will catch up better later.

  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Just a quick question. I was running with my new heart rate monitor today and my heart rate was staying around 180. Towards the end of my time I wanted to speed up for the last mile. Is it safe to increase my heart rate above that? If so what number should I keep it under?
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Holy *kitten* Batman I just ran 2 miles!!!!

    That's right- read it and weep ladies I totally rocked my W5D3 of C25K workout which means I have successfully jogged for 2 miles without stopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so pumped right now it's not even funny. The last .5 mile was hard but thanks to Carrie Underwood and Undo It which I listened to three times in a row I was able to power through. The other thing that helped, I used my towel to cover up the treadmill once I got to my speed and just ran. Then I occassionally checked my HRM purely for time purposes. I knew that I did around a 5 minute warm up and at my 5 mph pace I would need to run for 24 minutes to hit my 2 miles. When I first looked at my watch it said 11 minutes, i.e. I had only been running for 6 minutes or about .5 miles. And instead of saying to myself well this sucks, I said look at that already 1/4 of the way done!

    Then I peeked again around 20 minutes and knew I had 9 minutes to go, which meant less then 1 mile left. Cue Carrie Underwood on my iPod. Felt pumped up and ready to go so I played her song again. I could really feel how hard the run was now so I tried her one more time and the song totally delivered on keeping me pumped up and motivated to finish. The other thing- I was so close why give up now.

    So before I knew it I had run 2 miles in 24 minutes without stopping and wanted to tell everyone in the entire gym! YEAH!

    So now that I know I can do it its just a matter of repeating. I am resting tomorrow and then I will do some sort of run again on Sunday. I'm on cloud nine.



    Nice job Megan!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: cheers to you on such a great accomplishment!!!!
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