Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Wow, it is still summer here in NZ so we don't need to deal with snow days. It doesn't really get cold enough for snow in the winter here unless you're in the South Island.

    Anyway CD8 today.

    And thanks for all the welcomes, ladies.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Welcome Newbies!

    Heather - I'm sorry AF is back, that is a bummer. Hopefully this will be your cycle...didn't the psychic say you'd conceive in your February cycle? :-)

    To chime in on the Nutella comments...I had to stop buying it...grilled peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches are AH-mazing!!

    Drinking wine and eating steaks with the hubs as our last family dinner....tomorrow will be pretty difficult....
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Sorry for all the snow everyone is all can come visit me in Tampa. I do miss the seasons sometimes. It was 78 degrees today but tomorrow the temp will drop again. I think this is wy we are all getting sick...stupid Mother Nature needs to make up her mind.

    Erica – Hopefully you will get some answers on the 15th. Sometimes an U/S can tell so much.

    Pam – Sorry that you are under the weather. DH is sick for the 2nd time in 3 weeks and he is never sick.

    Alisa – I also think your pain sounds a lot like a cyst. I had one rupture a couple of years ago, luckily there was no damage but it hurt like someone was stabbing me from the inside with a knife. I can't imagine having to say goodbye to your husband for that long, I have a hard time when it is just an overnight trip. You military wives are amazing.

    Andrea – You better get to BDing

    Heather – Sorry AF showed up. You are right, tomorrow is another day.

    Abeare – I had an HSG a couple of months ago and everything was clear but it was pretty painful. The doctor said that I had a twisted cervix so he had to get a special type of catheter. The worst part was that when the dye was leaking out, it felt like I was peeing on myself…I know, TMI!

    Kah78 – My first round of clomid resulted in a low level like yours. It is amazing that just by doubling the dose, how much it went up. I also like the idea of adding the margaritas to the mix

    Historysmissinglady – I had a glimpse of summer today but tomorrow it is back to the chill

    AFM – The past week was crazy. AF showed up last Monday and she was not happy. I was a little bummed that I was starting cycle 24 but a little excited that AF showed up. That is the first time she has come on her own since my very first visit at 24. Maybe my body is finally on track. I had an U/S on Wednesday and everything looked great so I started the Clomid and I will being going back Friday for another U/S and then I will give myself a shot of the Ovidrel if my follicles are ready.

    Other news would be that I turned in my notice on Monday and next Thursday will be my last day. I was a little sad but excited. I think that by eliminating the stress the baby making chances might increase. It will also give me time and energy to get back into the gym!

    On the weight loss side, I finally got back down to where I was before my 2 trips. Hopefully when I get back into the gym, the weight will start coming off again. I have been really good with my calories. Lean Cuisines have become my best friend at work. Tomorrow is my long day, so I usually eat a late breakfast and then something small at like 4 and then a small snack when I get home. Tomorrow, Chick fil a is having free biscuits for Groundhogs day. It will be a third of my calories but then I will just have to be good for the rest of the day.

    Sorry for the novel, before long, I will be able to keep up daily.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    20 plus inches of snow and AF has shown up with a vengeance! Ugh... Tomorrow is a new day.

    Boo :brokenheart:

    You have a great attitude about it! Tomorrow is a new day and February is a new month!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member

    Drinking wine and eating steaks with the hubs as our last family dinner....tomorrow will be pretty difficult....

    Enjoy these last moments... I don't know how you can do it, Alisa. You are so strong!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--I'm not usually a poster to individuals, but I just had to say Alisa: hugs--I'm so thinking about you as you send off your hubby, and Heather-so sorry AF showed up. We all had our fingers crossed. Sigh.

    As for me, I'd love a little extra whatever sent my way for one of my kitties, Merlin. She (yes, it's a she...) has been throwing up sick so we took her to the vet, and she's got some liver enzyme issues and some other stuff they don't have figured out yet. They kept her last night and will have to do more tests today. Money is literally flying out the window, and I just want to eat everything in sight. Didn't sleep well last night either,and my other cat is like "What's going on?". I know it's a CAT, but what can I say..,she had my heart at "meow."
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I wish we had snow days here! We’re getting the snow today and because I’m in Quebec, we never get snow days! I think the last time anything got closed down due to winter weather would have been the Ice Storm of ’98! So instead I stood outside this morning for 20minutes in the blizzard waiting for a bus that never showed and was late for work!

    Kah – Don’t worry about the scale too much, it’s so normal to fluctuate throughout the day, stick with your regular Friday weigh ins. I hope this change in mg for your Clomid is what was needed to make this the month for you!
    Sorry to hear about your cat, hope she recovers soon!

    Kcurtis – Sorry to hear about the BFN, I hope AF comes for you soon so that you can start a new cycle! I also wanted to ask you what type of dance did you do? You said you don’t do much anymore besides Zumba, but what type of dance did you used to take? I use to take swing (Lindy hop, Charleston, etc...) and was thinking of getting back into it this spring.

    Andrea – Happy BD’ing!

    Pam – Thanks for confirming that they were able to look at the tubes too in the sonohistogram, I was getting worried! Not to mention that money is tight right now, and I didn’t want to spend $250 on a test that won’t even tell me if my tubes are blocked.

    Heather – I’m sorry to hear about AF, I know that disappointment. My thoughts are with you and I’m sending you and everyone here baby dust for this cycle!

    History – I’m still froze from this morning, so I’m beyond jealous that you’re enjoying the summer weather :tongue: At CD8 you should be starting to BD soon too, so happy BD’ing to you too!

    Alisa – Enjoy your time with your man before he goes, we’ll all be here later, take time to be with him and don’t worry about TC or us!

    Kt4au – Wtg on seeing the bright side of AF! And thanks for the FYI about the leakage of the dye, I’d rather know to expect it than freak out while it’s happening! I also know now to bring a panty liner with me :smile:

    AFM – Not much to report here other than I’ve managed to be good with my eating, especially considering AF is here! I haven’t been to the gym yet, I was supposed to go last nigh but it took me forever to get home because of the weather and by the time I got home I was already late for my Taebo class so I skipped it altogether! I wish I could say that I’d go tonight but the weather’s worse than yesterday and so I may just force myself to do a video at home.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies; I'm stopping in to say hello!

    So I have a luteal phase defect and start Clomid again today (took it in June). Here we go....
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Jalara is the Clomid supposed to help with the LPD?

    Looks like I'm starting Clomid as of tomorrow. Just frustrated that I was just handed a prescription and sent on my way. You ladies get to have blood draws and ultrasounds while I just pop a pill and wait a month to see if it works....

    I guess I need to get off the couch and burn some of those calories I consumed at my pity party yesterday and shovel some snow! We got almost 2 feet of snow and our roads aren't even anywhere near being plowed.

    My goals for today are to drink lots of water (to flush out the crap I ate yesterday) and to do at least 45 minutes of cardio (not including shoveling snow) and do my Tracy Anderson dvd.

    Hope you all are having a good day. How was your testing Alisa?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Here's what my day looks like from by work window!


    lets see if it'll work
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Getting ready to take hubby out to work...(He's packing so being on here is just helping distract me from the inevidable)

    BFN again this morning and I think AF is on her way...My temp dropped this morning, but i'm not sure how accurate it is bc it was FREEZING in our bedroom this morning and when i took it again an hour later (after going back to sleep) it was a full degree higher...not sure which temp to log...Grr...I have one more test and i'm saving it for Monday (CD18) if AF hasn't shown up by then. I plan to have a complete girls weekend with lots of wine and junk food and then back on the straight and narrow first thing Monday morning! I'm kind of excited to get back into it! I found out my gym has a heated pool....woooo!

    Jalara- glad to see you drop in, and that they have figured it out...but sad that you have to get on Clomid...

    What exactly is Clomid for? The dr mentioned putting me on that if my cycle was still weird when the hubs got back and we were actively trying again.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies - it's nice to see you again too!

    Clomid is used to help women ovulate and also helps extend the luteal phase. I've already tried B6 for the luteal phase so this is next. I ovulate already, so we have a high chance of more than 1 if we conceive (how awesome would that be).

    Heather - I'm in Nova Scotia (Canada) and here they don't monitor us at all. I have an appt in 3 months to go in and see the doc if I'm not pregnant. It's scary because a lot can go wrong with Clomid, but that's the way it's done here. Someone from the bump asked me if I could pay for extra monitoring, but we don't pay for health care here, so that's not an option.

    Fingers are crossed!

    Also, I started jogging today - in the storm! DH and I walked up the street and I jogged back, It wasn't too far, but I need to start somewhere. So here it is!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just dropping in....I woke up this morning feeling like crap. The aches and pains I've had in my thighs, then my lower back then my shoulders, then my neck ended up in my head today (figure that's a great sign) it's got no where else to go but out. Actually this afternoon I felt way better and my throats not even as bad either - it could be the tylenol I broke down and started taking though. It certainly made me hungry again.....LOL

    I do have to run through everyone's weeks and take my notes, but just off the top of my head and what I can see when I scroll down while reading this message.

    Kah - sorry about your cat - I dread the day my fur-kids need any kind of serious medical treatment. They aren't just pets and it's tough to have to make any kind of serious decisions.

    Abeare - it's funny how the provinces are all different. My sonos were covered, but a lot of the other stuff won't be. I know you guys have better coverage for all the other stuff though.

    Heather & Alisa - I was so rooting for you both to see that P at the end of BF....... :( I really hate the hag and all the emotions she puts us through right before she comes knocking at the door.

    Jalara - :) Glad you dropped in :) They don't do much monitoring here in Ontario either, not like some people on here have suggested they have. Multiples are awesome if you're having trouble and want more than one. It's way more expensive and a whole different set of problems, but I'm convinced that's what is going to happen for us.

    DH and I haven't been outside yet coworkers in the US had to contend with ice storms today and apparently the state decided that rolling brownouts were the answer. I'll take my snow any day. We've actually gotten more than they originally said we would, but it's still snowing. Downtown Toronto had thundersnow, which is really rare for us. He's heading out now to shovel, but I'm thinking with my head still fuzzy, I should give myself one more day to recover (illnesses can really be well timed...LOL) I still haven't seen any sign that I've o'd yet......sigh.....oh well, guess this wasn't our month.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies. Sorry for not commenting on any of the things going on with you. Combining hormones with my pity party and add in several days of cabin fever I'm just "blah". I'd like to say that it will be better, but I'm starting Clomid tomorrow and I just know how it affects me....Gonna try and stay positive though. Another month to get closer to my weight loss goal.

    Pam sorry you haven't been feeling well. Trust me...shoveling snow is so overrated. I say stay inside and stay warm until you feel better! :)

    kah I'm so sorry you are having problems with your four legged child. It is so hard because they can never tell you what is wrong. All you can do is shell out the cash and hope that the vet isn't ripping you off on account of your vulnerability. Hopefully all will turn out just fine.

    jalara so glad to see you are doing good and dropping in to say hello. From all the other ladies it just sounded like I was the only other one who was thrown a script and sent away. Not that I would wish this on anyone but they really should be monitoring us much closer. And I can't believe you decided to start jogging in a storm! lol! Well I guess if you are gonna do it, you mine as well start now! Its as good a time as any. :)

    alisa I'm sorry for your negative as well. You sound like you are taking it better than me and not to mention your hubby is leaving. I've got this month and half of next before my hubby leaves again. I hope you are doing as well as you sound. I was definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you and keeping you in my prayers that you got your positive.... On a side note, I really like your new pic! :)

    abeare I bet your view is absolutely beautiful when it isn't gray and covered in snow! :)

    I spent over 2 hours shoveling snow today. The plow just came by and got the 4 1/2 ft wall of snow at the end of my driveway and made it jam packed but at least the street is clear of snow now. I'm still searching for motivation to get on the spinning bike and doing my tracy anderson dvd. In spite of being stuck in my house today, I decided to order a heart rate monitor. I got the Polar F11. It got really high reviews. I'm looking forward to getting a better calorie count of my workouts. I also ordered more Preseed for Round 2 on Clomid. It really was a life saver round 1. So basically getting stuck inside today has resulted in shopping online. Well it wasn't a total bust of a day! :)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Man you guys are really good about following each others posts. I feel bad because at this point I don't have much to contribute. This is really our first month kinda trying. We aren't really tracking anything yet. We are just doing a lot of baby dancing:wink: . We have a ski trip in VT next month so I'm not sure I want to be pregnant for it even if it would be early in. Plus we will be seeing a lot of friends we haven't seen in awhile so drinking will definitely be involved. We will see. If it happens it happens.

    Baby dust to all in need!:heart:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Hello all!

    I am new here and although we are not quite officially trying we are not NOT trying.
    I have 2 children and neither came easy. I know we have a very long road ahead of us as I have some fertility issues. I just want to try and stick to calorie counting as best as I can if and when I do become pregnant. I need to lose 12lbs more to get to my goal weight and then I can pack it back on with baby weight :wink: I tend to use pregnancy as an excuse to eat poorly and I do not want to do it this time.

    For those TTC are you on maintenance? Still losing?
    I look forward to being a part of this group and hopefully my stay won't be as long as I think:happy:
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    is this a group on MFP?? If so, can I join you guys? Im new to "groups" on here...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - that's what I'm asking for my birthday - let me know what you think and I'll drop subtle hints for my hubby (aka giant notes on the fridge saying Pam wants a HRM, with a review)....LOL Maybe this cycle on the Clomid won't be so bad.

    Nkster - you can always contribute :) It's not all about the crazy crazy world of TTC.....LOL We just make it sound like another language sometimes. Definitely speak up when you have something to say :)

    Kickrz & Laina & any other newbies I missed in my illness - Welcome!

    I had a crappy eating day today everyone. I will be better tomorrow. I haven't entered it all in yet, but I'm sure it's not good....I'm still going to try and make swim class tomorrow, but if I don't and I'm feeling better than I did today, I'll come home after my fancy dinner out and work out for an hour to make up for it. Had a thoroughly enjoyable (if you discount the clammy skin and the head that felt like a water balloon) snow day today even though I worked through it, I was in my jammies....LOL Looking forward to having a better day tomorrow. Heading to bed now so I can make sure to get my 5 hours of sleep as promised to myself.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Jalara – So nice to hear from you! Congrats on the run, running in a snowstorm is never easy! Hope everything works out for you with the Clomid!

    Pam – Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. As for whether the Sono is covered or not, I still need to check with my insurance if they’ll pay me back. I can only change my insurance coverage every three years and had taken the lowest coverage they had three years ago when I got it not anticipating TTC. Thankfully it’s coming up for renewal in April and so I’ll change it to be sure I can get the most out of it.

    Heather – I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you last month, hopefully this new round of Clomid will be just what you needed for this to be your month!
    And yes downtown Montreal in general is beautiful in the summer, people are so happy to not have it grey outside that there are festivals all throughout the summer. But yesterday was grey!

    Kickrz & lainakerr – Welcome, you’ll notice that this group varies from people trying to loose weight before TTC, to maintaining while TTC, to trying to loose and TTC. Best of luck to you with both aspects and feel free to just jump right into the conversations!

    Last night wasn’t such a great night food wise for me, being trapped at home without DH (he went to stay at his mom’s because she lives 10 minutes from his job whereas we live an hour away) I decided to eat peanut butter toast and chocolate milk. This wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t had so many!
    Today’s another day!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Man you guys are really good about following each others posts. I feel bad because at this point I don't have much to contribute. This is really our first month kinda trying. We aren't really tracking anything yet. We are just doing a lot of baby dancing:wink: . We have a ski trip in VT next month so I'm not sure I want to be pregnant for it even if it would be early in. Plus we will be seeing a lot of friends we haven't seen in awhile so drinking will definitely be involved. We will see. If it happens it happens.

    Baby dust to all in need!:heart:

    I'm kind of in your boat, NK. I'm just listening and learning from these ladies. It's been super helpful and I'm sending love everyone's way.