Fit for Future Families - February 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Kim, I felt that way last year. My husband works retail and December is the absolute worst for him. He really wanted a December baby, though, so he could take paternity leave. :laugh: At this point, I will take any due date I can have. You'll find a way to make it work no matter what. People always do.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    OK, in an attempt to make myself accountable (and I know we typically do this on Monday, but I have a better shot of starting on the weekend) here are my goals for the week:

    Saturday: elliptical and short pilates
    Sunday: long pilates
    Monday: ellipitcal
    Tuesday: long pilates
    Wednesday: double elliptical and short pilates or walking cardio shape-up
    Thursday: long pilates
    Friday: rest or elliptical

    My elliptical programs are all 30 minutes. The short pilates video is 20 minutes. The long pilates video is 50 minutes. Plus, I'll end up stretching afterward for 10 minutes. That should be good...
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I need someone to tell me that the spotting and cramping isn’t me starting my period! It feels like AF, but she’s not due for another 4-5 days! I want to cry.:sad:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Eric That sounds like a great plan! You can do it! I only wish I could be right there with you! LOL

    DH and I are ripping out the carpet in our living room and hallway tonight and installing a very pretty dark cherry laminate floor. Needless to say, I really don't I'll be making it to Zumba this weekend. Even if DH told me to go I would feel bad leaving him there to do it on his own for an hour or two. Then we have an appointment to get our taxes done on Sunday. YAY! :ohwell: Fun filled weekend!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, Ashley... spotting doesn't necessarily mean AF is on her way. It could be implantation. Have they checked your progesterone levels?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ash. You're 7dpiui right? It could be implantation spotting..that usually happens between 6-10DPO (or in this case IUI).

    Kim. Love that you use the renovations towards your exercise. It makes sense that you get to see a change in yourself today as well as the change in your home :) If I had to choose, it would not be end of Dec - Jan. I'd like a summer baby, OBVIOUSLY that's not going to happen.....LOL Jan - Mar would be good too. We have 1 BD in Mar, 1 in April, 2 in May, 1 in Aug, 1 in Sept, 1 in Nov, 2 in Dec. The 3 birthdays within a month from Christmas is always tough. My siblings always had rough birthdays too with many people out of town with family. But I'll take anything really................anything at all....LOL

    All of my siblings and I were born in the fall (I was born in South Africa where the seasons are all mixed up) so I guess that means we were conceived in the late winter/early spring. That's in keeping with the provided timelines Erica.....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm with Erica--at this point, I'll take a baby whenever I can get one! BUT, I will say that we didn't start trying last year until after our due date would have gotten us through the holidays. If we get prego this month (unlikely) we are looking at a Dec due date. Like I said, I'll take it if it happens! All of our family "holidays" are in the are most of my husband's family. My birthday in September, anniversary in Oct, Josh bday in Nov, and hubby in Dec. You can just hear the gigantic sucking noise from our checking account starting in September, and just about every weekend it taken up by some cousin's party. There are worse problems, I know. A friend has a Christmas baby--so they acknowledge it at Christmas, but they do his "celebration" on his half-birthday--so they celebrate in the summer. I like that idea, too.

    Ash--!!!! Don't give up on yourself yet!! But it's okay to go ahead and cry if that helps. Sometimes it does.

    AFM: Last night was tough. I think the Dr's appt yesterday really served as a turning point for my husband. He is really struggling right now with the whole "we might not have any more kids" thing, and it is really hard on him. It's hard too because I'm his number one support person, and he acknowledges that sometimes he is just really angry at me for not "working right", even though he knows it's not my fault. I think this is really the first "crisis" he and I have had together...and we are having to figure out how to navigate this together without turning on each other. Not that either of us are worried about the strength of our relationship, but it is a real acknowledgment of just how difficult this is, and how much it is affecting us. We are having to figure out new ways of coping that we haven't before. I reached out to a friend of mine who had IVF twins last year--told her I was starting my third round of Clom-id and it doesn't' look promising. She's been there, done that. We are going out for coffee later this week to just talk about it. I think it will be good.

    I was up .8 lbs this Friday. My logging has been slipping, and my snacking is increasing, and I just started some pretty intense kettlebell lifting. As much as I would love to think that the increase is due to the kettlebell lifting (they said that can happen when you first start), I think it's probably more due to the munchies. Hubs says not to be so hard on myself. I said "Yeah, I know--but it really just feels like adding insult to injury." Small victory last night--my food porn turned into just two girl scout cookies. So, you all will have to just keep looking if you are wanting some really naughty food diary to read. Red Robin is a possibility for tonight though, so you never know....

    Good luck everyone. You all are in my thoughts and prayers whether you want to be or not.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Nichole I love that quote! So much so that I used it as my Facebook status! :) It is very fitting, that's for sure.

    Ash sounds like it is very likely that you've got implantation bleeding going on. Try and stay positive! 20-30% of women experience IB so it is totally a possibility! I will continue to pray that this is the case! KMFX! How are you feeling today?

    Karen I'm so very afraid that I'm right behind you in all of this. If this month doesn't happen for us, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. The sad thing is that I don't even have the experience of being a mom at all... I know your pain is still real. I think that when two people are put in situations of "crisis" it only brings them closer (if they allow that to be). So through this whole thing, at least I'm sure you and DH are able to get to the other side of the ocean a little wet and tired, but together and stronger (if that makes any sense). And .8 is nothing...we fluctuate daily 3-5lbs. Just don't let that .8 turn into 8 and you'll be good! :)

    Kim sounds like you and DH love home improvement! lol! I do love the change for the better that home improvement brings...the actual work itself is a different story! lol! I'm more of a decorator, than a home improver kinda girl! lol! I'm sure you are definitely getting in a good calorie burn though! :)

    Erica that is a great plan of attack! I always write down my workouts for the week on my calender so it is scheduled like an appointment. Makes me feel bad when I miss one then.

    Erica/Pam the thing us military wives talk about is the influx of new babies 9-12 months after they get back from a deployment (a trip to the sandbox aka the War). You can always tell around military bases when a large amount of troops got back by the amount of pregnant women waddling around walmart. lol!

    I had always imagined I'd have a Spring/Summer baby but after 7 years of trying for a baby...I think anytime would be a GREAT time! My birthday is 9 days before Christmas and my parents were always so broke/stressed by upcoming Christmas that my birthday was forgotten a lot. If we have a baby close to the holidays I will make sure that we still celebrate the same as if they were born in June. That's only fair.

    AFM I'm doing EVERYTHING in my power not to test right now. I know it will just be another BFN....but what if. Ugh. The bad thing is that on base the FRER tests for 3 are only $6 a box. So for me to test more often isn't quite the hit in the bank account as buying them at walmart for $18 for 2! My shopping trip with my friend and dinner last night was so much fun. Dinner was absolutely ahhh-mazing! I didn't even bother logging it because Cheddars is so unhealthy they don't publish their nutritional values! That's pretty bad. Oh is another day back on the wagon. I did workout yesterday for 2 hours and then did a lot of walking around shopping so that has to make up for at least a few bites of the meal. My DH is working again today. I haven't seen him since Monday (cause it was a holiday). I'm sure glad he likes his job, cause he is there more than he is here.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for the reassurance guys, but to be honest I’m still cramping and going on my third day with very light spotting. I wish I’d never had noticed it, it’s not on my undies, just when I wipe so I could have totally missed it if I wasn’t constantly stressing about it! If it felt different from my normal pre-menstrual cramps I’d probably allow myself to get exited but they’re so similar, the only difference is this feeling of a bloated uterus if that makes sense, but I had that same feeling the day of the IUI so I think it’s because of that. My eating has sucked too, DH and I went to this great Cajun restaurant last night and tomorrow nigh I’m supposed to go to a Mexican place with a friend that’s down just for the weekend. This weekend feels like a total failure, sorry that I’m so down!
    Erica, your workout sounds great! You made me want to set myself up a plan, so thanks for the motivation!
    Karen, I’m so sorry that this wasn’t your month, both DH and I always dreaded having to have that conversation. I’m so happy that you at least got to experience the whole thing once with your son and am sending you lots of baby dust in hopes that you get to have it again!
    Kim, I actually love DIY’s... well not so much with DH because we do things differently and we both have the knowhow. My father’s a carpenter and so I’ve been doing stuff like that since I was a kid, the first roof I ever helped with was when I was 12, actually most of our furniture (coffee table, hutch, even our cutting boards) I made in my father’s shop, there’s nothing like the feeling you get once it’s all done. The sense of accomplishment is so rewarding, you created, fixed or improved on something! Enjoy your new floors!
    Heather, I hope you’re having a better month than I, and not testing is so hard right now, DH and I just bought 2 pkgs of FRER(the one’s with two PT’s each box) last night. DH was so upset that i didn’t take one this morning, he’s even getting the pee on a stick syndrome:laugh: ! I hope your next test gives you a BFP so that you can be one of those pregnant women in Wal-Mart :wink:

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Options I couldn't help myself...Hi my name is Heather and I'm a peeonastick-aholic. It was my second morning urine and I literally had to make myself go...but sure enough...BFP!!!! It is the first time I've gotten a BFP on a FRER. I have one more test so I'm going to use it on Monday. But I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor first thing Monday morning. At least I know my Progesterone levels are good so far. I'm scared out of my mind to have another miscarriage but I'm going to do my best to stay positive. I would post a pic but I'm not sure how to post pics on here. It is faint...but it's there. We had decided that if I did get pregnant this month that we wouldn't tell anyone (besides my 2 closest gf's and then my online support of course!) but I just got off the phone with my parents and it took everything I had to not tell them. My husband leaves for army training in AZ on March 17th and won't get back until May 12th so I will be almost 15 weeks before we tell them. I'm not sure I can wait that long.... I just hope that it sticks.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Heather!!!!! So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    OMG Heather - I'm so happy for you.....but I completely understand the nerves. The fact though that you had your test and were so high is so reassuring. I'm hoping for a sticky one for POASA!!!! LOL

    Ash - I've heard that they are very similar with the difference of feeling heavy in the pelvic region (like a swollen uterus would, I imagine).

    I'm offline most of the day today - have the big retirement party today....Woo hoo
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Congrats, Heather! I hope this is a sticky bean!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Sticky bean! Sticky bean!!! YAYYYYY HEATHER!!!!!!! So.!!!!!!! I'm doing a little happy dance...happy dance....happy baby dance.....
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Oh Heather that's amazing! I'm so freaking happy for you. Stick baby stick!!!!! It is so hard not to tell those close to you. I'm doing a dance for you too:laugh:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    OMG Heather I’m so happy for you! Sending you lots of sticky vibes!!!!!!! This is going to be your take home baby I just know it!

    Pam, have fun at the party, and thanks for trying to reassure me it could be my month, but my temp has been down the past two days (granted I have been having a hard time sleeping a whole night through) but I also got another BFN this morning. I’ve lost most hope I had left, but thanks anyway!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thank you ladies so much!

    Ash I tested on CD25 and it was a BFN and then yesterday CD26 it was faintly positive so don't give up yet! I know you had your IUI after I O'ed so you aren't out till AF shows! Just remember that!

    I'm going to call first thing tomorrow morning to make an appt with the doc. I hope you don't mind me sticking around until it is confirmed.... I also had made appt's at the Chiro to do acupuncture which she said they do a special series of acupuncture for threatened pregnancies. With my progesterone levels being so good I'm hopeful yet still nervous of course. On another note, I still wanna log my meals. What should I set my goals for? I know you only need 300 extra calories when pregnant but what about my exercise calories? I thought I'd know all these answers...but evidently I don't and need help! :)

    Hope you ladies are having a great day!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I found this website. Evidently I need to be eating 2160 right now....Oh boy! I'm used to between 1200 to 1600 now. This should be interesting!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - that's interesting to know about the acupuncture....2160 calories actually sounds scary....LOL I'd be chewing all day!

    I was fairly good last night except I did have 3 pieces of dessert - 1 cake, 1 bar and 1 the chips before dinner. Hopefully the scale will still show good things tomorrow.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member

    I'm going to call first thing tomorrow morning to make an appt with the doc. I hope you don't mind me sticking around until it is confirmed....
    Of course you have to stick around! We all need your support and are so excited for you. You have waited way too long.:flowerforyou:

    Stick Baby Stick!!!!!!!!!!!