Pregnancy 2011-February



  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I got recommended to this thread. I'm currently 4 weeks pregnant, and I just found out today! My predicted due date is October 14th. This is my first child, but I do have two stepchildren. I'm excited, and I also don't know what to expect! I've just upped my calories from 1300 to 2000, and I guess I'm going to continue doing my exercise program until my doctor tells me otherwise? I'm not sure!

    Depending on your height and muscle % at 160, 2000 is likely a little high. I would suggest around 1600 for the next couple months, more on exercise days. I started at 154, and am 161 now and even on an active day (though active for me is a lot less than it was a couple months ago since I have had back surgery 3 weeks ago) but even a day cleaning and preparing to move I only burn 1900-2200 calories total. Days I am inactive I am burning closer to 1700 or 1800. You don't need any extra calories yet - especially if you are any amt overweight to start. This can help, perhaps, avoid early weight gain when you don't necessarily need it. Then when you do up it, maybe after the first tri, you can up to about 1900 or 2000. Of course, figure out what works for you numberwise, but be careful upping too much too quickly in thoughts that the baby needs more food.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Came home from work last night, hubby had made me supper since he had a snow day. Well... his idea of supper was egg noodles mixed with cheese whiz, and salsa for extra "flavour". I didn't say anything, because he made an effort, but really??? lol!!

    That's hilarirous. One of my fav meals is similar.... but just A LITTLE different! Egg noodles, chicken, bag of frozen veggies of choice, can of diced tomatoes, topped wiht cheese of choice (but not cheese wiz - nasty!! :laugh:). Tasty! Cheap and filling and low cal and feeds 2 for like 3 meals each.
    I feel as though I am starting to show, but that it is too early to really show yet. I must just be gaining weight or something, lol! It is all in my stomach, between my belly button and boobs that is getting very rounded and sticking out.

    Above your bellybutton at this point is a little of your other organs starting to be being squished up and probably some bloating. I am just starting to show (though you have to be very brave or very stupid to risk asking me!) but the part I hate is the little 2nd bump above my BB since I know that that is not baby, it's just fat! :laugh:
    My boobs are getting huge too. I started this pregnancy in a C38 (because I was heavy) but normally I am in a B36 when in decent shape. I am outgrowing my D40 bras, I keep spilling out the top! I can't believe how big they are getting! lol

    I start out at an A and maybe make a B+ or a small C. Pretty sad. All my 28A or 28NB don't fit currently but I don't remember where the couple Cs I have from years ago are packed away. :grumble:
    Also noticing that I am hungry sooo much sooner! Like 1-2 hours after having a snack or meal I am hungry again.
    At that point or maybe just a couple weeks later all I could think about was food. I was obsessed. I just wanted to take a bite out of a cow if I could! :laugh: It only lasted a week or so.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    We finally decided on a name! :smile: Her name is Anabelle Katherine. This is one that we've been talking about for a few weeks but would never commit. Well we finally committed! Katherine is my husband's grandmother's name, so we knew we wanted to use that for the middle name for a while (the women in my family have terrible names). My cousin is having a baby and was going to name is Anna for a girl or Jack for a boy (she'd had these names picked out since she found out she was preggo - long before I thought of Anabelle) so I was waiting to find out the sex...didn't want to have an Anna and Anabelle. Needless to say she's having a boy! :smile: It feels nice to finally have that out of the way and be able to call her by name instead of just "baby girl." :heart:

    Beautiful name!!!! I can't wait to get to that point but, for now we're referring to whatever fruit/veggie of the week the baby size is to it hehe :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I would not go with a jogging stroller other than for walking, we had one with #2 and that sucker was so big and heavy I couldn't get it in and out of my Dodge Durango nor could I put the back seats up. I hated that sucker because I felt like I needed hubby in order to take the kids out anywhere.

    I definitely decided today I'm going with the jogging stroller travel system. There are 2 models I'm considering & I'll end up with whichever one ends up being easily available & cheapest. I saw one of the models I'm considering last night at Babies R Us lined up right next to all the 4 wheeled strollers and it's essentially the same size. I didn't whip out a measuring tape, but it wasn't noticeably bulkier at all. It was only slightly heavier (5 pounds?) than the lighter 4 wheelers and very close to the same weight as most of the other strollers (I'd say it weighs somewhere in the 25-30 pound range. Very very similar to most of the other 4 wheelers on display). I tried the floor model and had no problems getting it open, closed, and picked up several feet off the ground with one hand. If you drive a compact car or even a mid size car, customer reviews say you may have trouble getting a jogging stroller in your trunk (then again, I'm not sure how easily other strollers will fit in your trunk, either, so that's definitely something you'd want to consider no matter what stroller you're buying!). Not at all a problem for me & my Element but could definitely be a dealbreaker if I still had my old Civic.

    So, for anyone who's considering a jogger as their main stroller, there really are reasonable options available that aren't particularly big, heavy, or bulky. :smile: The jogging stroller I'm considering is far from top of the line, and if I were considering pushing my baby in a marathon, I'd probably go with something more heavy duty (and there fore more heavy and bulky). But I'm not (at least not right now). Pre-preg I was running about 10 miles a week so not an "avid" runner by any stretch. I *think* the strollers I'm consdiering will be able to keep up with that since it's a pretty modest distance & I run at a pretty modest (ie, embarrassingly slow :tongue:) pace. We probably won't make it 10 miles in a week for the first several months, anyway. I guess my point is that you should really look into what's available before kind of just automatically deciding it can't work.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    I had a really sad day today at school... nothing pregnancy related... just lost faith in some of my students today. We have this kid who is special needs (has many different problems), I had him in class last semester and he was AWESOME. Today we found out that these kids have been torturing him at school. They took a cookie to another class in the school and video taped it being kicked around the floor then gave it to him and told him to eat it... and put it on utube. They took tons of video of him at lunch and edited it to make fun of him and put it on utube. They also went so far that they knew he liked pokemon so they brought a magazine and filled it with notes saying things like Bob is dumb and put it on his chair. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I am so ashamed of those students... I had them in class last year and just never imagined they could do that. :cry:

    That is sooo unspeakably awful, I am litterally sick to my stomach reading this. I HATE hearing about stuff like this. Will these kids be punished by the school at all? Will the school intervene?

    yes, you can get up to 45 days suspension for your first bullying offense in my school. Depending on how severe. I saw them talking with our principal and SRO at the end of school so I am guessing they are going to have some consequences... I am assuming a large suspension.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    mwilson - that is so funny that the kids are in an uproar! I am sure police and dogs make the guilt show right on their faces! I LOVE the name you picked out. It is so cute.

    We had our first lamaze/baby basics class last night. Honestly, it was a huge waste of time and money. I am hoping that class 2-4 are better than class 1. We listened to the instructor tell about herself for about 45 minutes, watch a 2 minute video of her daughter breast feeding, and then broke up into groups (the women and the men) and brainstormed what we liked about pregnancy and what we didn't like. That was ok, but the guys just really don't get what it is like to be pregnant. They were complaining about the extra pillows in the bed and the fact that the women had to go to the bathroom all the time. I was like, you try it for a day and you wont be complaining about a few extra pillows in the bed:noway:

    Then we layed on the floor and went through a relaxation thing. I had such a stressful day at work, no matter what I did, all I could think about was what needed to get done, what time I needed to leave the house, etc. I guess I was just frustrated as I thought for $80, I would learn something, and I really didn't find out anything I didn't already know.

    That is very common, gobbledygook of hospital based birthing classes. I found the same thing 17 years ago when I took a similar type of class w/ y first pregnancy. You might request a refund and go w/ the bradley method, or hypobabies, or birthing w/in classes.

    I am currently taking Bradley classes and I LOVE THEM!! It is so informative and I actually feel like I'm going to use the information. However, I am planning on a natural birth. If you're not considering this it doesn't talk about any of the medications, interventions, etc that the hospital may use or how to cope with them, it focuses on how to do it naturally, working with your body, in order to keep from having the medicine, etc. One thing I REALLY like is that my instructor goes over exactly what is happening in your body, sign posts of labor, and things like that that make me feel much more prepared.

    I would hate to have to break up into groups and brainstorm! I know, I know, being a teacher I make students do this, just don't ask me to! LOL
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome and congrats to the new mamas on the thread. :flowerforyou:

    Annaelise: I've been having the same pains sneezing can be rough but
    i have noticed that my belly is showing more now since the pains started.
    I hope everyone responsible in the incident at your school is dealt with accordingly.

    Mama: Thanks for the bra info. I'm def gonna check out both you recommended.

    Hope everyone's day is better than mine....i just can't kick this headache and
    had a bout of nausea this morning which i thought was over but i guess not
    so much haha.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I had a really sad day today at school... nothing pregnancy related... just lost faith in some of my students today. We have this kid who is special needs (has many different problems), I had him in class last semester and he was AWESOME. Today we found out that these kids have been torturing him at school. They took a cookie to another class in the school and video taped it being kicked around the floor then gave it to him and told him to eat it... and put it on utube. They took tons of video of him at lunch and edited it to make fun of him and put it on utube. They also went so far that they knew he liked pokemon so they brought a magazine and filled it with notes saying things like Bob is dumb and put it on his chair. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I am so ashamed of those students... I had them in class last year and just never imagined they could do that. :cry:

    This makes me sooo sad.....

    My husband and I talked about this the other night. Of course I will be very upset if my kid is ever picked on, but I would be devastated if my kid were the bully. If I ever catch wind that my kid is picking on anyone for any reason.....oh man....I'm getting mad just thinking about it! :explode: Let's just say he will face every consequence allowed by law.....
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Welcome and congrats to the new mamas on the thread. :flowerforyou:

    Annaelise: I've been having the same pains sneezing can be rough but
    i have noticed that my belly is showing more now since the pains started.
    I hope everyone responsible in the incident at your school is dealt with accordingly.

    Mama: Thanks for the bra info. I'm def gonna check out both you recommended.

    Hope everyone's day is better than mine....i just can't kick this headache and
    had a bout of nausea this morning which i thought was over but i guess not
    so much haha.

    hmm! Maybe this means my belly is growing :D I think that they will be. My admin. is awesome.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I had a really sad day today at school... nothing pregnancy related... just lost faith in some of my students today. We have this kid who is special needs (has many different problems), I had him in class last semester and he was AWESOME. Today we found out that these kids have been torturing him at school. They took a cookie to another class in the school and video taped it being kicked around the floor then gave it to him and told him to eat it... and put it on utube. They took tons of video of him at lunch and edited it to make fun of him and put it on utube. They also went so far that they knew he liked pokemon so they brought a magazine and filled it with notes saying things like Bob is dumb and put it on his chair. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I am so ashamed of those students... I had them in class last year and just never imagined they could do that. :cry:

    This makes me sooo sad.....

    My husband and I talked about this the other night. Of course I will be very upset if my kid is ever picked on, but I would be devastated if my kid were the bully. If I ever catch wind that my kid is picking on anyone for any reason.....oh man....I'm getting mad just thinking about it! :explode: Let's just say he will face every consequence allowed by law.....

    I know :I
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am stopping my birth control today! I am super excited to ttc! The problem is...I had to take infertility meds (I don't ovulate as much) with the last child (I only have 1) but I went into that pregnancy weighing 205 lbs and ended up weighing 264 lbs before delivery! Now I weigh 161 lbs and I am HOPING that I don't have to go the medication route this time! Good luck too ladies!

  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ AnneElise- glad you're feeling better.

    @ LittleSpy- when looking @ jogging strollers, make sure the front wheel swivels. my sis got one that the front doesn't and she said it's REALLY hard to turn.

    @ new people joining the thread - Welcome!

    I'm traveling to NY to visit my sister this weekend. I might not be on every day and i'm sad b/c i've logged on almost 50 days straight! my sis has a computer and my dad is bringing his laptop but I might not have access to it every night. :(

    oh well. i hope you don't miss my extra long posts! LOL!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Is anyone else having issues with circulation in their hands?

    When I wake up in the morning my wrists/hands hurt, and all of my fingers are either tingly or sleeping. It gets better the longer I'm awake, but for the first hour I'm up anything I do (like putting on mascara) causes my fingertips to tingle.
    @ LynnW52
    apparently this is very common during pregnancy, due to water retention.

    I had the same thing. I actually already suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome b4 pregnancy, but it got worse and developed in other hand during my pregnancies. I got a prescription from my Dr. for a hand splint. it helps A LOT!!!! I don't know if you live in Canada or the U.S. or if it's the same.

    I live in Ontario, Canada. the splint wasn't covered by our provincial health care, but it was only $35. I eventually got the surgery in both hands and have only had good experiences since! i had it b4 pregnancy, that's why i got surgery, but most women don't suffer from it after they deliver.

    I'd mention you think you might have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to your Dr and if he confirms it, request a hand splint.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Welcome 911 girl.

    I love the name that you choose mwilson! Oh, and I teach in a high school too! We have those exact moments when we go into lockdown and the kids panic!!! Gosh, cell phones at school cause SO MUCH trouble. uhg. I don't even want to get started....

    I had a really sad day today at school... nothing pregnancy related... just lost faith in some of my students today. We have this kid who is special needs (has many different problems), I had him in class last semester and he was AWESOME. Today we found out that these kids have been torturing him at school. They took a cookie to another class in the school and video taped it being kicked around the floor then gave it to him and told him to eat it... and put it on utube. They took tons of video of him at lunch and edited it to make fun of him and put it on utube. They also went so far that they knew he liked pokemon so they brought a magazine and filled it with notes saying things like Bob is dumb and put it on his chair. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I am so ashamed of those students... I had them in class last year and just never imagined they could do that. :cry:

    Thanks for the advice on the sharp pain, I was just suprised this morning! I havn't had any spotting so I think its okay.

    This makes me ill. I mean just sick to my stomach. I was bullied in school and this just makes me angry. Kids are mean, now or back then, they are just plain cruel. I'm sorry you are having to witness that. It's really ashame.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    The cops just showed up at our school to do their search with the dogs for drugs, weapons, phones (they can't have cell phones at school), etc (I think they do it twice a year, maybe?) and all the kids are in an uproar. can totally tell the guilty ones!!!!

    I love the name. And I remember having these in high school 15 years ago. LOL. They locked all the classroom doors and would put a teacher at the exit doors so no one could leave or disturb the dogs.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Carina73 - cute profile pic!

    annelise- so glad to hear that there will be consequences for their actions!!
  • Lcm726
    Lcm726 Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome. I am losing weight to get healthy and then...have a 2nd kid. I don't know if that will happen in 2011, but I sure would like to know people who are on the same path!
  • Lcm726
    Lcm726 Posts: 19 Member
    During my first pregnancy I had problems with my wrists too. I had to open a WC claim! It was awful. They made me go to PT for it and it really didn't help at all. The best thing was when I stopped working and wore the braces (at night too)...otherwise my arms were a wreck.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    AnneElise – that story makes me so sad, but I’m glad there will be consequences for what they did. My husband was tortured all through HS and unfortunately he went to a school where nothing was done about it. I don’t know what would be worse, having my child being picked on or be the bully.

    Joonzgurl – that sounds like something my husband would do. He “cooked” one night last week, meaning he went to my mom’s and picked up food that she made. :laugh:

    Has anyone had any issues drinking water? I used to drink anywhere from 11 to 14 glasses day with no problem. I love water – it’s the only thing I drink, but now I have to fight to get in 5 glasses. It doesn’t make me nauseous I just have no desire for it. I look at the glass and think “ugh, nooooo.”
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Has anyone had any issues drinking water? I used to drink anywhere from 11 to 14 glasses day with no problem. I love water – it’s the only thing I drink, but now I have to fight to get in 5 glasses. It doesn’t make me nauseous I just have no desire for it. I look at the glass and think “ugh, nooooo.”

    I have actually been the exact opposite. I cannot get enough water and am thirsty all the time. I am having problems in the morning with being really swollen all of the sudden (past four days). My hands are swollen and I cannot get my rings off until I am up awhile. I can even see creases all over (including my face) from how I was sleeping. As the day goes by and I get my water in I feel much better but the same thing happens the next morning.