Pregnancy 2011-February



  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I hate being up this late. I get so hungry. I already ate again at 10 and now it's 1:30 and I'm hungry again again. Up for at least another hour so I will have to eat something I think. I was doing so good today too. Oh well, I guess it's technically tomorrow so I can put this on tomorrow's. :)

    Ouch! Why were you up so late?

    Moving. We have only Sundays and weekdays after 8 to do it. I used to pull late nights back when I was young-un (seriously, in college, how did I run the max credit schedule, a 20+ hr internship, a part time waitressing job and a 30 hour between Sat/Sun job, plus driving back and forth to see the boyfriend usually starting at 9 or 10p?! Or first preg working 7 10 hour days a week until 8 1/2 months. Or before that working 7 days a week for almost a year straight. I don't feel I can function sleeping 11-6:30 in the last 2 yrs or so!!)

    Most everything is moved. We have to do the shed (BIG shed!, plus it leaked so everything's wet... and now it's snowing again.... next time we're moving in September or early June!) and a few little things here. Then we have to come back and replace mini blinds, clean floors, and counters and the yard and I'll be done.... except unpacking...and buying furniture... then it all just starts at the new place!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    OMG I can't believe I'm on the second to last box on my ticker...whoah!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I'm so sorry. It doesn't seem fair.

    Last week I had a dream that my grandmother passed away so I emailed my aunt the next day to see when I could come by to see her and found out she was very sick. They thought it was just a stomach bug but she was admitted into the hospital yesterday because not doing well at all and the docs aren't sure what's wrong. I sent her loads of ultrasound pictures last week and they thrilled her. My mom said all my grandmother talks about lately is being able to hold her great granddaughter. I really hope she's able to. My mom's grandmother died while she was pregnant with me. :frown:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    OMG I can't believe I'm on the second to last box on my ticker...whoah!

    We are getting super close! So sorry about grandma, she did hear him, I am sure of it. My grandparents both passed away when my mom was about 15 so I never met them. My father was basically a sperm donor who I met at 18 and found out that he was just a total ahole. I take my kids to the cemetary to visit their great grandparents and they love it. I remeber when I had my first son, I took him to their plot and introduced him to them. Niether my husband or I have a father in the picture so grandmas are all the kiddos know, the questions can be awkward from my 6 year old considering we try to teach them that you have to be married before you can have a baby.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Well, I got 5 miles in today. Unfortunately my HRM is not cooperating with me. One day last week and today it either doesn't pick up my HR or it is registering it super low (50) or super high. Ugh! Hopefully it is just because my belly is just getting too big and it isn't getting the skin contact it needs.

    Hope you are all having a good week so far.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I’m so sorry for you loss. My husband’s grandmother isn’t doing well either. She was the first person we told about the baby for that reason alone.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I am sorry to hear about your loss. What a fitting middle name for your LO.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I am so sorry for your loss. :( That is always hard.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Got a 17 week picture posted, too bad it cuts off my head here. Oh well, I am excited nontheless.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I’m sitting at my desk eating yummy sweet potato fries and talking to one of the pregnant women in my office. She said she loves sweet potato fries but can’t eat them until after she has the baby because they are too high in vitamin A and that can cause birth defects. What?????:noway: :noway: I couldn’t say anything because no one knows I’m pregnant yet, but at that point I had eaten pretty much all of them. I looked online and that is true but from everything I read it’s only a problem if I’m eating them every day, which I don't. The last time I had some was months ago. But now I’m freaking out a little bit.
  • bethanybodyart
    bethanybodyart Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join this thread! My boyfriend and I are planning to marry and concieve within the next year and a half. I already have two beautiful children that had two totally different pregnancies. I had been really successful losing weight right before I got pregnant with my daughter, was down to about 185, but was already at the end of my willpower rope when I discovered I was pregnant with her. My immediate thought was, "OMG, I can eat!" And I did....I gained a disgusting amount of weight during that pregnancy...I was about 260 when I delivered between what I ate and how much fluid my body retained. I was absolutely miserable at the end. Over the years since, I have actually gained enough weight (after my divorce and moving to a place where fast food was much more accessible) to top even that number. Nothing has been enough to give me the kick in the butt I needed, until my boyfriend and I decided to be serious. I knew a part of that decision was agreeing to have another child, as he has none of his own, so even though I thought I was done, here I am again! I know that at 30 (rather than 19 and 24) it's going to be harder, and I certainly can't see getting pregnant at this weight and topping 300 pounds when I deliver. I know I'd feel terrible. So, off with the weight it is! I'm making good progress here at the start, I've just gotta stay on the wagon. Wish me luck!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm not new to MFP, but just recently started to use it. On New years eve my husband and I found out that we are having another baby. :) This will be our 5th child. I'm 36 years old. It was not in our plans, but God knows whats best! I recently have lost alot of weight. (61 lbs) I wan't to remain healthy and fit through my pregnancy so I don't end up in the same position I was in with the last 4 children. This is my first time at a healthy weight while being pregnant so i'm kind of excited about that. :)

    Welcome! Glad you found us!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I'd love to join this thread! My boyfriend and I are planning to marry and concieve within the next year and a half. I already have two beautiful children that had two totally different pregnancies. I had been really successful losing weight right before I got pregnant with my daughter, was down to about 185, but was already at the end of my willpower rope when I discovered I was pregnant with her. My immediate thought was, "OMG, I can eat!" And I did....I gained a disgusting amount of weight during that pregnancy...I was about 260 when I delivered between what I ate and how much fluid my body retained. I was absolutely miserable at the end. Over the years since, I have actually gained enough weight (after my divorce and moving to a place where fast food was much more accessible) to top even that number. Nothing has been enough to give me the kick in the butt I needed, until my boyfriend and I decided to be serious. I knew a part of that decision was agreeing to have another child, as he has none of his own, so even though I thought I was done, here I am again! I know that at 30 (rather than 19 and 24) it's going to be harder, and I certainly can't see getting pregnant at this weight and topping 300 pounds when I deliver. I know I'd feel terrible. So, off with the weight it is! I'm making good progress here at the start, I've just gotta stay on the wagon. Wish me luck!

  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Got a 17 week picture posted, too bad it cuts off my head here. Oh well, I am excited nontheless.

    Cute belly :D
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I’m sitting at my desk eating yummy sweet potato fries and talking to one of the pregnant women in my office. She said she loves sweet potato fries but can’t eat them until after she has the baby because they are too high in vitamin A and that can cause birth defects. What?????:noway: :noway: I couldn’t say anything because no one knows I’m pregnant yet, but at that point I had eaten pretty much all of them. I looked online and that is true but from everything I read it’s only a problem if I’m eating them every day, which I don't. The last time I had some was months ago. But now I’m freaking out a little bit.

    I think you are probably okay. I wouldn't worry about it. hmm.. now I want them :smile:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    DH and I are still trying (cycle #2). AF has been wacky. I started using Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor this cycle and I am still waiting to see if I O. After being on the Depo shot for at least 5 years, i wouldn't be surprised if I am not Oing. (Stopped Depo Jan 2010) I guess we will just have to wait and see. :ohwell:
    I love to read up on how everyone is doing! Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Welcome new comers. I'll be out of here in less than 8 weeks, so welcome and enjoy the friendships.

    I'm having a hormonal day. Let's just say my DH is lucky he left his cell phone at home. I'm so aggrevated with him, UGH. But I'll get past it hopefully before he gets home.

    It's like he just doesn't realize how quickly these next few weeks are going to go by. HELLO, baby on the way and pregnant wife needs for stuff to be complete before it gets here. :sad: :devil: :grumble: :smile:

    I love all the faces you added at the end of that :laugh: I hope that your evening goes smoother and your DH realizes that you gotta act on things ASAP! :flowerforyou:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Last night my husband got a call that his Grandmother had passed away. It was expected to happen sometime soon, but it's still never easy. :cry: :brokenheart: It was his last living grandparent, and was very close to her. Tomorrow we'll be going to the visitation and Friday is the funeral (which also happens to be my birthday - should be a fun day...). Monday night we called to tell her the baby's name, because he told her she would be the first to know. She was non-responsive but his dad put the phone to her ear so he could tell her anyway. I know it kills him that he couldn't have told her sooner, to know that she heard him. I just have to believe that she heard it anyway. It's only fitting that we used her name as Anabelle's middle name :smile:

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy but your husband should take comfort in knowing you clearly picked that middle name for your baby girl for a reason and think of all the stories he can tell her and why she was given such a special name :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I’m sitting at my desk eating yummy sweet potato fries and talking to one of the pregnant women in my office. She said she loves sweet potato fries but can’t eat them until after she has the baby because they are too high in vitamin A and that can cause birth defects. What?????:noway: :noway: I couldn’t say anything because no one knows I’m pregnant yet, but at that point I had eaten pretty much all of them. I looked online and that is true but from everything I read it’s only a problem if I’m eating them every day, which I don't. The last time I had some was months ago. But now I’m freaking out a little bit.

    Please go ahead and enjoy your sweet potato fries. :flowerforyou: Pregnant women are effing crazy.

    I have read you should try to limit your **daily** intake of Vitamin A to 3000mcg. An entire sweet potato has about half that amount. For that matter, I see it written time and time again that it's the Vitamin A supplements you should avoid, not necessarily foods containing Vitamin A. So, as long as you're eating more than just soley sweet potatoes & carrots & spinach & pumpkin & squash (which also contain high amounts of Vit A) and you're not pumping Vitamin A supplements, you're going to be just fine!

    I understand a lot of people want to take some "better safe than sorry" type of approach to pregnancy and deprive themselves of all kinds of things they enjoy but that's total BS in my opinion. I'm already avoiding excessive amounts of caffeine (:heart:), alcohol (:heart:), and taking medicine that's actually effective when I have head, neck, and back pain (:heart:) among other things I enjoy. I'll be damned if I'm going to also stop eating peanut butter and sweet potatoes and spinach and carrots and tofu and stop washing my face and cleaning my house and (insert the rest of the neverending list that overly paranoid pregnant women have developed here). :grumble: